I've got to start this off by telling you that I think that Randy Rainbow is the best thing to happen to American comedy since Lenny Bruce. Fortunately he appears not to possess all of the personal, psychological torment and baggage that Lenny carried within him so we can happily expect him to be with us for a very long time.
How to describe the man: Randy is a musical satirist who performs reworked Broadway musical numbers that hold up a mirror to the current sick and dysfunctional American system of politics. To say that he takes no prisoners in his quest to hold accountable the most corrupt and vile of American politicians would be the understatement of the century. (Oh, and did I mention?) The guy is funny! The videos he posts periodically on his YouTube channel he writes and produces himself. I have written many song parodies in my time and I'm also a video artist; but I've got to tell you that I have nothing on Randy Rainbow. Here's another understatement: I'm jealous, dag nap it!
Also, if Randy Rainbow is not the poster boy for gay pride in America, he really should be.

I wish that he would team up with a composer and produce a very topical and original Broadway production for the simple reason that Randy is the best lyricist to come along since Lorenz Hart. At the bottom of this piece I will provide you with a few links to some of his videos. I don't have in me the adequate vocabulary to describe what he's all about, so you really need to experience him for yourself. Simply put: Randy Rainbow must be seen to be believed. He is a rib-tickling, hoot-and-a-half Laugh Riot. Don't take my word for it; see for yourself.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here are just a handful of Randy Rainbow's YouTube videos:
Gee, Anthony Fauci: A parody of Gee, Officer Krupke from West Side Story:
Sedition (Tradition from Fiddler on the Roof):
KAMALA! (Camelot):
There Is Nothing Like A Wall (South Pacific):
Welcome to DeSantis:
Rudy and The Beast:
I'M GAY! (Once Upon A Mattress)
Ted and Lindsay (Oklahoma):
Trump Trouble (The Music Man):
What did I tell you? These are only a handful of many. Look Randy Rainbow up on YouTube. Here is one more for the road:
RANDY RAINBOW FOR PRESIDENT! (yeah, that works for me).
He's a national treasure.
Tom…Very funny stuff. I’ve been aware of Randy for quite some time. The fact he’s unabashedly gay adds to the humor. It must really rile the non tolerant.
As an aside, I hope your health is good. Hang in there. I appreciate you and your blog.
Tom...being the Beatles fan that you are, Randy's "Donald In The John With Boxes" is a good one to check out.
I did see the "Lucy" parody. Very well done. Sometime last year he did a very good take on Yesterday.
Your thoughts about the movie Cruising. Has Randy did a parody on this movie?
Tom...that's definitely a treasure trove! Thanks for the links.
Watched “Ya Got Trump Trouble” again. A delve into the way back machine. Randy’s not only hysterical, he saw the future.
We can always count on nonsense from this guy.
The fact that Jack Smith is very confidently all ready to go to trial in the stolen documents case is scaring the crap out of Anon and his ilk. Tons of evidence and witnesses. Hence the constant deflection. Grasping at any straws they’re told to believe. They’re going to be doing a lot of silliness in the future with all that’s coming down on the man child they worship. Fake electors, insurrection, election interference, campaign finance shenanigans, and E Jean Carroll coming back for seconds. Yikes! Hopefully trump will continue to confess his crimes to whomever puts a microphone in front of him. The stable genius that he is.
Direct quote and yet it is clear that Milktoast can't handle facts...so sad
Looks like doctored audio or the camera jockey is saying, “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children”.
Another deep fake by the right.
Fully naked men expose their genitalia in front of children at Seattle pride parade pic.twitter.com/xxKh8m8vwC
Anon wants you to look here, there or anywhere else. All the distraction in the world is not going to help one little bit. He’ll keep trying though. There’s nothing else. Maybe it makes him feel better somehow.
Wonder what Randy would say about fully naked men expose their genitalia in front of children at Seattle pride parade pic.twitter.com/xxKh8m8vwC?
We all wonder what Milktoast will say?
I imagine there’s a point you’re trying to make here,Anon. Just what the hell is it? I am surprised, however, from some of your other comments, that you would be interested in watching a pride event or looking at pictures of naked men. Please explain.
Isn't it interesting how when a hetro male points out the wrong way the gay community is taking us, they accuse the the hetro male of being a closet homosexual. However, one is left with self evident proof that they (like Milktoast) the supporters of "Pride", are in fact the closet gays.
Herb: Can assume Miletogo's lack of response to fully naked men exposing their genitalia in front of children at Seattle pride parade is a indication of his support to do so?
Anon…Jump to conclusions much? Also goes to the old “ I know you are, but what am I?” line. Good one.
Milktoast, what's your answer? Are you afraid or ashamed to answer?
Anon...Nope, neither ashamed nor afraid to answer. If you are concerned that I support a few bad actors, the answer is no. Of course not.
Maybe you, if neither afraid or ashamed could answer a question. Were the bad actors the only thing that triggered you about the pride event?
Milktoast, so what's your answer?
Anon...Please read the post right above your last.
He's afraid.
Anon…Your reading and comprehension skills are terrible. Hopefully you’re enrolled in a good summer school program.
In light of this being "Pride Month" I would like to ask Milktoast to join me in honoring the homosexual pedophile who abused musician Carlos Santana when he a 5-6 year old child, as was reported in the LA Times.
Another deflection, but if you want, the honor can be all yours.
Deflection!!! LMAO
The topic is about Gay Pride month..what post of yours can you point to that is on Tom's subject.
NONE!! You simply are afraid to post a critical statement about homosexuals. From naked men exposing themselves to minors, to Drag Queens yelling OUR kids are going to be theirs to sexual abusing 5-6 year old kids. You are afraid to watch the movie CRUISING, staring Al Pacino.
Something to really be PROUD of.
Anon…I’m getting concerned about you. You seem to be more unhinged than normal. You can see for yourself if you go back to the beginning of this topic and see where it went off topic with your “cruising “statement. Deflection and projection is your thing. Anything gay defiantly triggers you. Why would I ever say anything critical about gay people in general? Not a fan of gay bashing. It’s not the deviant thing in itself you want to make it. Maybe let us know how you think love and sex should be. I hope that you have love and sex in your life.
I can’t say I can blame your silliness and deflection. There’s going to be a lot of bad news coming down the pike for trump and his enablers. The fact that he just can’t stop confessing his crimes everywhere is just amazing. Did you ever have a comment about trump and his sexual abuse? Jim Jordan is going to be going through some things as well. The coach is going to have some explaining to do.
I stand by my comment about your lack of reading and comprehension skills. Best of luck in summer school.
Using same old tactic Milktoast, clearly you can't keep up with me.
Have you seen the movie Cruising? You may want to retrace your statement after watching it. What do you think about GAYs flaunting themselves to minors in a "pride" parade? What do you call a Gay adult male having sex with a male minor? Does pedophile sound right? And you are ok with that?
Your bringing up Trump is a deflection. Sorry but that's NOT the topic of Tom's post.
Maybe YOU should be concerned about Your unhinged lack of comprehension.
I will not subject myself to your pious, self centered posts any longer. I've had enough of your behavior in dealing with DAVE DUBYA and see zero reason to continue with you.
Triggered by a MOVIE!!! You know that's not real, right?
A clarifying summary of President Biden’s story to date regarding the Biden family business:
“He had absolutely nothing to do with the vast sums raked in by his son, brother, daughter-in-law and minor grandchildren. He knew nothing. He had no knowledge of the intricate web of shell companies his family used to move money around and hide its sources and recipients. He doesn’t know any honest business people who have used these covert methods. He did nothing to help his son, Hunter, his brother, James, or other family members. The president is completely ignorant of anything they did and did nothing to help them.”
Anon…Going off topic? Thought that was a no no. Just for others, I guess. Your standards are much higher. You would never do such a thing. See any good movies lately?
According to Newsweek:
A 2020 academic study with a sample size of 372 respondents found that 40 percent of transgender people had attempted suicide. It found that interpersonal microaggressions and emotional neglect by family members were the leading contributors to the attempts.
Similarly, in 2016, the National Transgender Discrimination Survey found that 41 percent of 6,450 respondents said they had previously attempted suicide. By comparison, the CDC found that in 2020, 0.36 percent of the population had attempted suicide.
According to a 2022 survey by The Trevor Project, an LGBTQ+ suicide prevention organization, nearly 1 in 5 young people who identified as transgender or non-binary have attempted suicide.
Anon @ 10:33 PM…This has to be a different Anonymous. You are right on. Intolerance, fear and hate make life horrible for these people. Driven to suicide. The inhumanity is deplorable.
Getting back to the comedian topic started here, Trae Crowder “The Liberal Redneck” is one to check out. His take on things are priceless. He’s been around for some time now. His videos are on YouTube. He covers all sorts of current topics.
“Pride Month Panic” & “Why The Obsession With Trans People” are a couple to see.
Makes you PROUD Milktoast?
Disturbing details in the arrest of the nation’s first elected transgender legislator and a Massachusetts preschool worker on child exploitation and pornography charges have been released by the United States Department of Homeland Security.
Former New Hampshire State Rep. Stacie-Marie Laughton, a Democrat from Nashua and Lindsay Groves, a caregiver at the Creative Minds Learning Center in Tyngsboro, were both arrested and charged last week with multiple counts of child exploitation and distribution of child pornography.
Anon... You talking to me? After you proclaimed yourself too high brow for such things? A man of your word, for sure. Off topic as well.
Anyway, not familiar with your topic, but if true, you seem to think I would approve of or be proud of such a thing. I've stated before that I would not. Who would? You can't seem to take no for an answer.
Is your fascination just about the wrong doing or just about gay people in general? It seems you have no tolerance for gays. Is it a religious thing? Just an intolerant person. What triggers you? I'd like to know. Something seems quite off. Especially when you get so triggered by a movie of all things.
Just trying to swim with you liberals. But the water is rather dirty.
Anon...step out of the pool and the filter will clean your mess.
Anon...Don't stay up too late watching your movies. You have summer school in the morning.
Not my mess, it's your's
Milktoast, WTF are you whining about now?
Anon uses the Pee Wee Herman defense, “ I know you are, but what am I?” Brilliant.
Just watched the "Ya Got TRUMP TROUBLE!" video in the suggested list. Some really great satire! How precient!
Milktoast continues to tilt with windmills in a futile attempt to be relevant.
Can more whining follow?
Just Musing...That was a particularly funny one. Really hits the nail on the head.
Anon...I avoid windmills at all cost since trump announced that they cause cancer. Try to stay on topic as you stated should be done.
I got introduced to Randy Rainbow when he was doing his Andrew Cuomo tributes during the days when Andrew was holding daily press conferences. They were absolutely hilarious (Randy, not Andrew ... lol).
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