At one time in my life, the name "Jim Jordan" meant nothing more to me than the name of an old-time radio actor who was one half of Fibber Magee and Molly, one of radio's first situation comedies back in the thirties. The name never had any sick or negative connotations for me - until a perverted little pol from Ohio stepped into the national spotlight.
According to Jim Jordan, he never said that the election was stolen from Donald Trump - except when he did. "I don't know how you can ever convince me that President Trump didn't actually win this thing based on all the things you see," What exactly "all the things" are he has yet to make clear. On the day of the January 6 insurrection, Jordan forwarded a message he received from a State Department inspector general to Trump's chief-of-staff, Mark Meadows:
"On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all."
What he was implying was "all electoral votes that he says are unconstitutional". In other words, judge enough votes unconstitutional to put Trump over the top. Jordan has been bitching over fact that Nancy Pelosi wouldn't put him on the select committee that has been investigating the insurrection. The reason for this is the simple fact that Jordan was obviously going to be called as a witness. Imagine, if you will, Lee Harvey Oswald on the Warren Commission.

I've been following American politics since before my tenth birthday (I was born in 1958). I am able to honestly tell you that - beyond one tenth of a molecule of doubt - Jim Jordan is the most depressingly disgusting politician I've ever encountered. Think about this: If the GOP is able to recapture the House next year (and most pundits are predicting as much), this corrupt and vile little man is on track to become one of the most powerful people in Washington. The fact that, less than a year ago, he played a part in the coup that attempted to overthrow democracy in this country is too depressing to even think about. I've spent enough time studying this hideous punk to render a few sound conclusions. I've also spent enough time in the state of Ohio to be perplexed. It's not Mississippi. Are its mostly sensible citizens going to be stupid enough to send Jimmy back to Washington next year? Please, tell me no.
Jim Jordan is not the only right wing extremist who committed a blaring act of treason on January 6, 2021. It's almost a given that none of them will be prosecuted for their crimes against democracy - not with sleepy old Merrick Garland running the Department of Justice. But to think that most of them will be rewarded with reelection is unacceptable. What we have now in Washington is multi-layered web of political and financial corruption that, I am certain, is unparalleled in the history of the United States.
During his stint as a wrestling coach at some Ohio college a number of years ago, Jim Jordan turned a blind eye when the team's doctor was sexually abusing some of the kids. The victims of this abuse pleaded with Coach Jordan to have the man dismissed from the school, but Jim did nothing. This is the man whom the people of Ohio have foolishly chosen as their representative in Washington. Nice
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
CNN's Anderson Cooper had some choice comments on Jim Jordan last night. Here is a link to watch it on YouTube:
Gloria Vandebuilt, you raised that boy right.