POST #1024: Meditations on Mitch
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell indicated he will refuse to confirm a Supreme Court nominee picked by Biden in 2024 if the GOP wins back the Senate.
Mitch McConnell brings out the very worst in me. I don't believe there has been an American politician in my lifetime whom despise more than old Mitch. Just check out this choice sample that I wrote on April 9, 2013:
![]() |
Mitch: Plutocracy's bitch |
"So, Mitch is going to block legislation that might prevent the next mass murder of innocent children? Fine.
"Since extreme violence seems to be the order of the day, might I share with you this insatiable little fantasy of mine? It involves our boy Mitch. You see, I have this dream of beating the distinguished gentleman from Kentucky to a fucking, bleeding pulp. Confronting him in a dark alley somewhere in the District of You-Know-Where, I can visualize pounding his skull to the very edge of existence. Once he got the message, I might then be seriously tempted to set the decrepit old son-of-a-bitch on fire - just to keep things interesting, you understand. But that kind of treatment would be much too harsh and brutal - even for the likes of Mitch McConnell. Just stuff the bruised and bloodied little bastard into a dumpster behind some third-rate pizzeria on K Street, where he can think things over while he recuperates.
"Great Googley Moogley! I cannot believe I'm even thinking such horrible thoughts - and on so lovely a Spring morn! Inviting though the fantasy may surely be, violence on any level has never been my shtick. It's just that Mitch brings out the very worst in me, as that little tirade so clearly and horribly illustrates. It is merely a daydream, don't worry. I don't advocate violence against anyone - for any reason - not even a corrupt and reprehensible old bugger like Mitch McConnell. I know full well that the Prince of Peace admonishes us to be kind and gentle to one another. But isn't the scene described above a helluva lot more palatable to the senses than the random slaughter of innocent children? I ask you."
"Since extreme violence seems to be the order of the day, might I share with you this insatiable little fantasy of mine? It involves our boy Mitch. You see, I have this dream of beating the distinguished gentleman from Kentucky to a fucking, bleeding pulp. Confronting him in a dark alley somewhere in the District of You-Know-Where, I can visualize pounding his skull to the very edge of existence. Once he got the message, I might then be seriously tempted to set the decrepit old son-of-a-bitch on fire - just to keep things interesting, you understand. But that kind of treatment would be much too harsh and brutal - even for the likes of Mitch McConnell. Just stuff the bruised and bloodied little bastard into a dumpster behind some third-rate pizzeria on K Street, where he can think things over while he recuperates.
"Great Googley Moogley! I cannot believe I'm even thinking such horrible thoughts - and on so lovely a Spring morn! Inviting though the fantasy may surely be, violence on any level has never been my shtick. It's just that Mitch brings out the very worst in me, as that little tirade so clearly and horribly illustrates. It is merely a daydream, don't worry. I don't advocate violence against anyone - for any reason - not even a corrupt and reprehensible old bugger like Mitch McConnell. I know full well that the Prince of Peace admonishes us to be kind and gentle to one another. But isn't the scene described above a helluva lot more palatable to the senses than the random slaughter of innocent children? I ask you."
I am descended from many generations of folks who called Kentucky home. It doesn't fill me with a damned bit of pride that the people of that state would send this corrupt and contemptible hack back to Washington every six years since 1985. Is it his seniority that keeps getting the little thug re-elected? And to think that his pestilent presence will be felt in the senate for another five - LONG - years is really too depressing to even think about right now.
He turned 79 on February 20. Maybe bad health would force him to retire before he is up for re-election in 2026. It's not that I want Mitch McConnell to die - I really don't. I just want the hideous old bag-of-dirt to go away - permanently and forever. With the exception of Donald Trump and George W. Bush, there no one who has done more damage to the country that I love than Mitch McConnell.
Sorry, but I needed to vent.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Suffer Little Children
from The Rant, 4/9/13
Here is the full piece quoted above.
You are kinder than me. And little did we know of the pestilence growing in our country. Then trump took a large dump on our country to the glee of McConnell.
VIDEO: President Applesauce Brains Loses It All Over A Reporter From CNN In Unhinged Ranting…
Biden just yelled at CNN's @kaitlancollins:
"What the hell— what do you do all day?… If you don't understand that, you're in the wrong business."
I just want to see McConnell stroke out and end up drooling in a home somewhere.
The only problem is it could happen and no one could tell the difference.
As usual, Sybil posts something completely irrelevant.
Gotta love a guy who gets all his info from Twitter. LOL
As for "President Applesauce Brains"
McConnell is the epitome of antidemocratic neo-fascist corruption.
Unlike Sore Loser Trump, Biden had the common decency to apologize to the reporter.
Unlike Biden, Sore Loser Trump attacked s reporters and called them the "enemy of the people".
Biden just had his meeting with Putin today and yet he still needs a teleprompter to explain what happened? That’s incredible. That's scary.
One of the Presidents today is giving a press conference without notes or a teleprompter.
The other is Joe Biden, who will have notes and a teleprompter yet still somehow stumble over every single word.
"It’s a national security nightmare."
— Jarome Bell (@JaromeBellVA) June 16, 2021
Speaking of notes, Biden said during his press conference that they’d given him a list of people to call on:
JOE BIDEN: “As usual, folks, they gave me a list of the people I’m going to call on”
That way he won't have to answer any BAD QUESTIONS. RIGHT MOFART? Can't have that.
P.S. Trump is not our President, and speaking of sore losers, how about that B!tch Hillary for a cry baby sore loser? Mofart still thinks she won.
If idiot Mofart follows the link on twitter the will see with his own two eyes his president making the statement quoted here. Funny how liberals were all up in arms about President Trump's "mean" tweets but ignore any tweet now showing just how much dementia Biden has.
You got to love a poster who relies on YouTube for his news sources. But that's the standard, YouTube is now good for the news. You got it baby brains, you got it.
P.S. Trump is not president, in case you have forgotten already.
"What the hell— what do you do all day?… If you don't understand that, you're in the wrong business." Joe Biden's quote from Mofart's approved news source YouTube.
She must have asked a "BAD QUESTION".
Biden referred to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken as his “foreign minister.”
Oatmeal for brains.
Is it any wonder his staff limits his exposure to the press? He might get a "BAD QUESTION" and like Mofart, won't be able to answer it.
Hey Mofart, when are you going to define what a "BAD QUESTION" is?
Biden: "To be a good reporter you've got to be negative. You've gotta have a negative view of life, ok, it seems to me, the way you all… you never ask a positive question."
Since when is it the job of the press to ask "positive questions". I mean didn't the press ask him what kind of ice cream he like most?
From Mofart's official news source YOUTUBE reporting Biden (A.K.A. applesauce for brains) FLUB.
FACT CHECK: Biden Flubs Southwest Border Stat Test
But note, there are NO Bad questions, LOL
And there are Biden's Awkward Moments, courtesy of You Tube, Mofart's approved source of news.
P.S. Trump is not President.
Top 5 Biden achievements so far this year.
1) Women High School sport records are being set (by transgender men).
2) Fentanyl supply is increasing so cost will decrease.
3) Black farmer getting aide, but not white farmers.
4) KeyStone pipeline workers getting more time with their family.
5) Demonstrated the need for Alzheimer cure and for Elder abuse.
Biden meets Putin and JTF goes into deflect overdrive.
Putin's little maga-puppets have to do whatever they can to make Vlad look better than Biden.
"President Biden is an experienced statesman...He is very different from President Trump," Putin told reporters.
Huh? Biden Gave Putin List of 16 ‘Critical Infrastructure’ Targets NOT to Attack . . . So Everything Else is Kosher? Very different is an understatement.
Black father blasts teaching Critical Race Theory to children, says white people never kept him from getting two medical degrees.
It's official.
CRT's the Boogey Man-Du-Jour for the "conservatives".
It must be so draining having to find and contrive reasons to hate and be fearful. And y'all choose to live like that. Remarkable.
Including anti-CRT BLACK conservatives!
When the left take a key piece of their ideology and pretend it doesn’t exist or claim you “just don’t understand it,” that’s their way of trying to shame you into disengaging.
Well, yeah, sure.
It's because "conservatives" are taking a field of academic study and misconstruing and misrepresenting that into some weird ass Anti-White Bigotry nonsense. Your insincere whines and blatherings come off as insincere and blatherings because you do not know what you are whining and blathering about.
It's like the "conservative" denial of climate science. The climate changing is what it is, but you think because it snows you've got a gotcha against all the "leftists" who want to, for reasons unknown to everyone except the crazed, conspiratorial mind of a "conservative", wants to impose strange things/restrictions/limits on "conservatives". For "reasons".
People point out our wonderful fathers owned slaves and slavery was a horrible atrocity and rather than accepting reality, "conservatives" spin pointing it out and not focusing on the myths and legends of our country's founding as some sort of attack on our society. What happened to the 'Facts don't care about your feelings'? The 'You can't change history'? Cause "conservatives" are all about wah-wahing about their feelings and wanting to ignore, change or rewrite history the same way they are trying to redefine CRT as a vague catch all boogey-man phrase for feeling like there's Anti-White bias in whatever they don't like to see or hear.
So, sure, post article after article about BLACK "conservatives" or BLACK people in general or BLACK made up people speaking out against CRT. Just because they are BLACK doesn't lend them authority over an academic study.
Mcturtle's problem is; what is staring back in the mirror when he shaves in the morning.
See if you can find the great John Fogerty's rendition of "Blue Moon Of Kentucky"
on Youtube! Are the folks depicted Mitch supporters?
I prefer the McCartney "Unpugged" version of "Blue Moon of Kentucky".
I'm sure some in the video are conservative voters, others are not.
The question is, why is any of that relevant?
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