Black Lives Matter in Goshen, NY - One Year Later
One year ago yesterday I was lucky enough to attend a Black Lives Matter demonstration in the town where I live, Goshen, NY. The following day I published a piece about the event on this site. I've decided to repeat it on the first anniversary of its posting - which is something I have never done before. I only do it now because I believe it to be one of the better things that I have written in the fifteen years (to the day) since I started The Rant.
Happy reading, Campers!
The day after Martin Luther King was murdered in April of 1968, I took part in a rally and march that commenced at the iconic Presbyterian church park in the center of the village. I was only nine-years-old at the time but I had a strong feeling that, by being there, somehow, I was taking part in history.
Exactly fifty-two years and two months later the people from Goshen and the surrounding community came together again to express their solidarity and dismay for the murder of George Floyd by some sadistic police officer in Minneapolis a week and a half earlier. For over an hour the people marched and cheered and talked and sang. Like the overwhelming majority of the rallies across America in the last week, this one was peaceful and beautiful. To the best of my knowledge, the village police weren't there, but they didn't need to be. They know the character of the people of the Hudson Valley all too well. They probably figured we'd be well behaved, and we were - HONEST!
The only ugly moment of the event came at the very beginning. The first speaker was a senior from my old alma mater, Goshen High School. She graduated with honors. I dropped out at the start of my junior year. My hat is tipped to her. As she was beginning her talk on what it's like being a young black woman in America today, an angry white man with a smug look of privilege splattered across his kisser, barged onto the podium. Sticking an iPhone into her face he demanded, "Read that!" The poor kid was shocked and confused. When one of the organizers gently informed her that she didn't have to read it if she felt it wasn't appropriate. She went on with her talk, and the angry white man stormed off muttering, "So you won't read it, huh?"
There are oodles of angry white men out there, have you ever noticed that? I have to confess to you that I am one of them - but at least I'm angry for all the right reasons, dag nap it!
It was a perfectly beautiful day to hold such a beautiful event. What struck me was the crowd. Most of them were very young - and a lot of them were quite white. You've got to give a standing ovation to the millennials of all sizes and colors. As I've written on this site before, I have nothing but awe and admiration for these kids. My generation was handed the strongest, economically sound nation in the history of the world. And what do we bequeath them? A socioeconomic and ideological cesspool. I have no doubt that it is the people who were born in the last decade of the twentieth and the first two decades of the twenty-first centuries who are going to turn this damaged planet around and shake it up in a way that it's never been shaken up before. I long ago stopped holding my breath waiting for my generation to get with the program. That ain't gonna happen, campers. I don't trust anyone over thirty. Sorry.
By mid-afternoon yesterday I was quite ready to hit the sack. I had been awake since before midnight the previous evening and, by the time I arrived for the festivities at just before 4 o'clock, I was having difficulty keeping my eyes open. That all changed the moment the event got under way. What happened yesterday charged me up in a way I haven't been charged in a very long time. Since I was old enough to form my own opinions on complicated matters, I've been a skeptic with regard to the future of the relation between the races in America. That defeatist attitude on my part is beginning to fade away. The cold-blooded-murder of George Floyd on the streets of Minneapolis on May 25 may very well prove to be the tipping point. People with dark skin (and most people whose skin is not-so-dark) are mad as hell and they're not gonna take it any more. So be it.
Yesterday, once again, I had the honor of being an eyewitness to history. Life is good.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
It's ironic. In the early years of the twentieth century, the newly formed NAACP conducted a survey on the best and worst places for "negroes" to live in New York State. My home town of Goshen placed at the dead-bottom of that list. The reason for this, I surmise, is due to the fact that, in those bad old days, Goshen was a seasonal trot racing town, many of whose residents were transplanted southerners who owned and raced trotting horses. If only the old bastards could have come back from the dead and gotten a good look at their beloved church park yesterday! Wouldn't that have been a hoot-and-a-half? In 1920, black lives didn't matter much in Goshen, NY. In 2020 they do matter - big time. You'd better believe it, Buster!

There are oodles of angry white men out there, have you ever noticed that? I have to confess to you that I am one of them - but at least I'm angry for all the right reasons, dag nap it!
It was a perfectly beautiful day to hold such a beautiful event. What struck me was the crowd. Most of them were very young - and a lot of them were quite white. You've got to give a standing ovation to the millennials of all sizes and colors. As I've written on this site before, I have nothing but awe and admiration for these kids. My generation was handed the strongest, economically sound nation in the history of the world. And what do we bequeath them? A socioeconomic and ideological cesspool. I have no doubt that it is the people who were born in the last decade of the twentieth and the first two decades of the twenty-first centuries who are going to turn this damaged planet around and shake it up in a way that it's never been shaken up before. I long ago stopped holding my breath waiting for my generation to get with the program. That ain't gonna happen, campers. I don't trust anyone over thirty. Sorry.

Yesterday, once again, I had the honor of being an eyewitness to history. Life is good.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

It's ironic. In the early years of the twentieth century, the newly formed NAACP conducted a survey on the best and worst places for "negroes" to live in New York State. My home town of Goshen placed at the dead-bottom of that list. The reason for this, I surmise, is due to the fact that, in those bad old days, Goshen was a seasonal trot racing town, many of whose residents were transplanted southerners who owned and raced trotting horses. If only the old bastards could have come back from the dead and gotten a good look at their beloved church park yesterday! Wouldn't that have been a hoot-and-a-half? In 1920, black lives didn't matter much in Goshen, NY. In 2020 they do matter - big time. You'd better believe it, Buster!
Amazon Delivery Brutally Beats Elderly Woman On Front Porch Over Her “White Privilege” Itzel Ramireza female Amazon driver has been arrested after brutally beating a customer, a 67-year-old woman who was standing on the front porch of her apartment complex during a recent delivery in San Fransisco, CA.
Sadly, Vice President Harris has not yet tweeted about starting a GoFundMe account for Ramirez to help pay her bail.
Sybil said...
Sadly, he always post this garbage with no source, and when it is unearthed it turns out he isn;t telling the whole story.
Here you go Baby Brains, not that you will retract your lie.
Fleeing a socialist paradise for a racist America. Imagine that.
Customs and Border Patrol, (CBP) reports that 10,864 Venezuelans have crossed the border this fiscal year, which began on October 1, 2020—in just the Del Rio sector. The Del Rio sector covers 47 counties and 245 miles of border along the Rio Grande in Southwest Texas. Last fiscal year the number of illegal immigrants from Venezuela was 135. If my calculator is accurate, that’s a 7947.71% increase.
P.S. CBP has a web site, look it up.
You got your own dogma twisted. Aren't they coming to "Socialist" Biden's America?
Florida Republicans support Biden's temporary protected status decree for Venezuelans. Even Trump allowed them an 18 month extension.
Corruption and US led economic embargoes have crippled their country. So much for the sacred "free market".
Hey Mofart, you want proof, you want sources?
Try this link, it includes the 2019 FBI Expanded Homicide Data.
Dave will call these facts demeaning to blacks. Just like he ignores the facts that under BIDEN 10,864 Venezuelans have crossed the border this fiscal year. Up from 135 in 2020 under Trump. BTW when does Trump's 18 month extension end?
Nice attempt to spin the blame of socialism's failure on capitalism, but that is SO typical of Dave. Face it Skippy, Venezuelans are living proof that without capitalism socialism would have nothing to redistribute.
"Corruption and US led economic embargoes have crippled their country". Put into place by Obama.
El Salvador President Says Dem Promises Of Free Healthcare Is An Incentive For Illegal Immigration…
We see the resident racist is still obsessing on white victims.
"Corruption and US led economic embargoes have crippled their country". Put into place by Obama.
Bush started punishing Venezuela for not helping the US wage its war on drugs. Obama, and then Trump added more sanctions.
Say, if Obama is a socialist, why did he continue BUSH's sanctions?
What sense does that make? When does JTF EVER make sense is the real question. What happened to the holy "free market"? It does not exist.
Here are the facts:
El Salvador President Says Dem Promises Of Free Healthcare Is An Incentive For Illegal Immigration…
Those were Vern's fellow white nationalist Tucker Carlson's words.
The Supreme Court unanimously ruled this morning that illegals, who are under the protection of Temporary Protected Status (TPS), are not eligible to get a green card and thus become permanent residents because if they first entered the country illegally. This is a major blow to Democrats who were trying to create a legal loophole in the immigration law which would have allowed hundreds of thousands of illegals to become permanent residents. And the unanimous opinion was written by none other than Elena Kagan herself!!!
"Those were Vern's fellow white nationalist Tucker Carlson's words." Another lie from Dave. The FACT is the President of El Salvador say of course that is the reason, try to tell the entire story SKIPPY. The clip speaks for itself.
"We see the resident racist is still obsessing on white victims." Well gee Skippy, since the majority of the victims are white, why aren't you obsessing on them? Unless of course you believe that white lives don't matter, that only black lives matter? Rather racist of you.
Amazing how Dave can dig up "facts" but he can't prove his claim that the number of blacks dying while in custody of the law enforcement is increasing. Why is that Dave? What else are you lying about?
"Those were Vern's fellow white nationalist Tucker Carlson's words." Not a lie. A fact.
See the video. His first sentence is a thinly veiled lie about offering free health care.
Even if Carlson's interviewee used the words "of course" in his elaboration, the fact is, Vern's fellow white nationalist Tucker Carlson LIED when HE said those words.
What could possibly be Vern's motive for deflecting to white victims in a thread about cops killing Black people?
What could possibly be Vern's motive for deflecting to attack asylum seeking immigrants?
Since racism isn't racism to racists, whitewashing isn't whitewashing to white whitewashers, amirite?
So are we looking at what’s happening in Venezuela to cause this?
You do realize that Carlson defense in the latest law suit against him is “ why would any reasonable person believe me”
Three issues are doing the most damage to Venezuela.
1. Venezuela has the misfortune of basing their economy on one industry. Oil. Falling oil prices meant a falling economy.
2. Venezuela also has the misfortune of enduring economic warfare through sanctions and embargoes orchestrated by the US. They were also punished for not enforcing America's war on drugs.
3. Venezuela has the misfortune of having corrupt leaders and a corrupt opposition. The US has supported any coup that came along, going so far as recognizing an unelected self-declared "president".
None of these misfortunes are due to "socialism".
Amazing how Dave can dig up "facts" but he can't prove his claim that the number of blacks dying while in custody of the law enforcement is increasing. Why is that Dave? What else are you lying about? Example? "None of these misfortunes are due to "socialism".
An elderly white man wearing a red hat was simply having a good time dancing at Venice Beach when he was brutally attacked by black man walking past him.
Below is the video:
Venice Beach Boardwalk – Sunday June 6, 2021 12:35pm – An elderly performer is assaulted in yet another random attack. The attacker was seen afterwards entering one of the tents that line the boardwalk and is currently still at large.
— Venice Beach Boardwalk (@BoardwalkVenice) June 6, 2021
Amazing how Sybil can WHINE about other people not addressing his IRRELEVANT nonsense, yet he himself has refused to answer several legitimate questions...
Hypocrite? He certainly is...prove me wrong.
Mofart, guess your ok with blacks beating up old white people and Asians .
Prove you aren't.
Of course I'm not. But I suppose you are OK with Whites doing the same...which they do.
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