Monumentally Unfit

“You’re stunned, amused, and embarrassed all at the same time. Only your uncle probably wouldn’t do it every single day, his words aren’t broadcast to the public, and he doesn’t have to lead the US government once he puts his pants on.”
I have decided to publish this anonymously because this debate is not about me,” the author writes. “It is about us. It is about how we want the presidency to reflect our country, and that is where the discussion should center. Some will call this ‘cowardice.’ My feelings are not hurt by the accusation. Nor am I unprepared to attach my name to criticism of President Trump. I may do so, in due course.”
“I was wrong about the ‘quiet resistance’ inside the Trump administration. Unelected bureaucrats and cabinet appointees were never going to steer Donald Trump the right direction in the long run, or refine his malignant management style. He is who he is.”
“It’s like showing up at the nursing home at daybreak to find your elderly uncle running pantsless across the courtyard and cursing loudly about the cafeteria food, as worried attendants tried to catch him,”
“I’ve sat and listened in uncomfortable silence as he talks about a woman’s appearance or performance, He comments on makeup. He makes jokes about weight. He critiques clothing. He questions the toughness of women in and around his orbit. He uses words like ‘sweetie’ and ‘honey’ to address accomplished professionals. This is precisely the way a boss shouldn’t act in the work environment.”
[Regarding the President's maniacal Twitter tweets]:
“It’s like showing up at the nursing home at daybreak to find your elderly uncle running pantsless across the courtyard and cursing loudly about the cafeteria food, as worried attendants tried to catch him. You’re stunned, amused, and embarrassed all at the same time. Only your uncle probably wouldn’t do it every single day, his words aren’t broadcast to the public, and he doesn’t have to lead the US government once he puts his pants on.”
This can't be allowed to go on for another VERY LONG fourteen months, folks. The sooner this unhinged lunatic is permanently sent a'packing (preferably to Leavenworth) the better. The only thing that could possibly come from this disgusting president staying in office would be the complete destruction of the party that has spent the last three years enabling him. But even that rosy little scenario is not worth the severe damage that has already been done to this country. Some Republican politicians have a golden chance to be honored in history as heroes - just as we honor Howard Baker and Barry Goldwater today for their behavior during the Watergate mess forty-five years ago. It's strange that none of their 2019 counterpart are stepping up to the plate. Strange and sad.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Rachel Maddow covered this in full last night. Here's a link to watch it on YouTube:
It really needs to be seen and shared by all.
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How courageous Anonymous is to take the time to tell the truth after being apart of a failing administration. Guilt must be plaguing him, yet, not enough to show his face.
The New York Times-Siena College poll confirms suspicions that popular Democratic presidential candidates like Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) do not have the same general election longevity as moderate Democrats, meaning their path to the White House is much more difficult.
The poll surveyed Democratic voters in six battleground states — Florida, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania — and found that Democrats prefer candidates who "promise to find common ground with Republicans" over candidates who "promise to fight for a bold progressive agenda," 62 percent to 33 percent.
Not only do Democratic voters prefer candidates willing to compromise with Republicans, but they prefer candidates "more moderate" than "more liberal," 55 percent to 39 percent, the poll found.
From the same poll....
The party’s voters are more evenly split on the scale of change they are seeking from their nominee: 49 percent said they preferred a candidate who would return politics in Washington to normal, while 45 percent hope for one who will bring fundamental change to American society.
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