Come, Mr. Taliban....

And yet in spite of everything, support for this sociopathic knucklehead continues to dwell at somewhere between thirty-five and forty percent. What does that tell you about us? Two days ago an acquaintance of mine, a forty-three year old woman I've known for many years, said to me in my living room, "Donald Trump is the best president we've ever had. I like him because he speaks his mind". Her willful ignorance alarmed and angered me. It took every bit of self-restraint I could possibly muster to hold my tongue. No amount of persuasion could make her understand that perhaps sending this guy to the White House was not a very good idea. This woman is no backwoods hick from rural Mississippi, this is a supposedly mature person living in New York's Hudson Valley. The conversation so depressed me that after she left, I went back to bed. There are some days when consciousness is not a viable option. I'm serious.
This is going to end badly, but I repeat myself.
There are some talking heads who are reasonably speculating that The Donald called off the whole thing for no other reason than politics. He might have been advised that talks with the Taliban will surely fail, and that waiting until the eve of the 2020 election would be the better part of expediency. Whatever the case, he has surely made a dangerous situation in Afghanistan more perilous for the men and women who are stuck there wearing American military uniforms. It's a cinch that the longest war in American history won't be ending any time soon, and that the bloodshed will continue without pause.
Just when you thought that this disgusting administration could not possibly outdo itself in sheer incompetence, they lower the bar yet again. I want to say that the only good thing that will come of the Trump era will be the eternal eradication of conservatism in America, but that would be wishful thinking on my part. From where I sit on September 9, 2019, I give Trump's chances at re-election next year at about fifty-fifty. In addition to consciousness, optimism is also not much of an option during these dark days in the history of Idiot Nation. Think of what might have been, what we could have been. Look at what we have become.
Fuck it, I'm going back to bed.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

Get the fuck out of the way.
Funniest headline for a post ever.
How can a supposed enlightened,educated adult be that naive?
I just can't understand it. Am I the crazy one ?
The so called POTUS says he has the military, the police and the hells angel motorcycle gang on his side. I say I have one vote. What say you?
Looks like Tom is no longer in the minority, Most Americans Now Have an Unfavorable View of the Democratic Party, A Flip From 2018.
Tom, you were just ahead of your time.
Beto: Rich People Should ‘Be Forced’ To Live With Poor People...I think liberals should be forced to live with members of the Taliban or the homeless.
I would smile at the nice lady and mention, "Nazis, klansmen, white nationalists and racists agree with you and love Trump. I would be interested in learning what I am missing, that all of you seem to know?"
Their brains are wired differently from most of us. Their amygdala, the primitive fight or flight center, is more active and easily agitated.
Here's the bottom line.
Your visitor is a Trump fan because she is duped, and is very likely an authoritarian personality.
Bob Altemeyer explains:
"Your visitor is a Trump fan because she is duped, and is very likely an authoritarian personality."
I love how Dave knows everything about every body, even though he's never met them. What a clown.
Isn't it funny how JTF knows I'm a "clown" even though he's never met me? He must have a super power.
But you know what? I was the class clown in school. And we know enough about JTF to know he's a hateful racist and liar. Oh, and we also know he's a classic example of a Right Wing Authoritarian personality.
Reference here:
Bob Altemeyer explains:
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