Dark Days Indeed
Let's work out a deal! You don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and I don't want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy - and I will.
Donald Trump, in a letter to the president of Turkey
When that letter was first released to the public yesterday, news outlets across the nation for White House confirmation of its authenticity. Many believed it to be a joke or some kind of satire from The Onion. It couldn't possibly be real. It was.

It is becoming more undeniable with the passing of each day that the president of the United States is a paid agent of a hostile foreign power. Abandoning the Kurds in Syria only benefits Vladimir Putin and his allies in the region. Even the Republicans (most of them anyway) realize what a monstrously stupid and reckless idea this is. Congress has voted overwhelmingly to condemn the move. The GOP is finally waking up to the idea that standing by this jackass will eventually prove to be political suicide. This is more-than-likely the dawn of the final and fatal decline. My prediction is that by Thanksgiving, this disgusting administration will no longer be sustainable. We shall see.

How can it be reasonable people could not see this disaster coming when they cast their votes for this unhinged sociopath on Election Day 2016? I'm not talking about the morons in Shit-For-Brains, Mississippi, I'm referring to otherwise intelligent people - neighbors and friends of mine! - who somehow, incredibly believed that sending Donald Trump to the White House would be a really neat idea. And, please, don't give me the argument that he lost the popular vote. This should have been a landslide.
I'll say it again: this is going to end very badly.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The latest from the incomparable Randy Rainbow:
The man is the perfect tonic for the troubling times we live in.
"How can it be reasonable people could not see this disaster coming when they cast their votes for this unhinged sociopath on Election Day 2016?"
Most of those people, roughly 40 percent of the voters, still can't see it. Okay, so maybe at the bitter end it will go down to 35 percent. But even if they spend the rest of their lives scavenging dumpsters and rag heaps, they'll be blaming it all on Hillary and Obama. Somehow I'm not surprised.
When I was a small boy, I used to read the letters of an aunt who served with the Red Cross in Italy, supporting the 88th Infantry Division during WWII. From time to time she would be in field hospitals, where German prisoners were being cared for as well as American prisoners. A few weeks before the end of the war, she wrote about one of the captured German prisoners she saw there. I'm paraphrasing a bit, but it went like this:
"He's been blinded by shrapnel. His legs and arms are gone. And he's still waving his stumps and yelling at the top of his lungs that the Germans are the master race and that Germany will rule the world."
What it boils down to is, you can cut off an fool's money. You can even cut off his arms and legs. But you can't necessarily amputate his delusions.
Yours very crankily,
The New York Crank
You Trump haters are so pathetic..President Barack Obama’s CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell condemned President Trump’s description of the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi for having a “locker room feel.” We’re not polite enough to ISIS, apparently.
"We’re not polite enough to ISIS, apparently." - JTF
No. We're used to our President having a little more gravitas and being more poetic in their use of our language. Calling the enemy a 'Loser' and a 'scared puppy' is childish. I'm glad our enemy has been dealt with, but I look forward to the day we have a President who can use words found outside of a Toddler's picture book.
Furthermore, all those "Right"-Wing sites you go to that parroted that talking point you just regurgitated? You clearly didn't get the context of what Morell said. Morell wasn't advocating politeness.
"You don't want a locker room kind of feel to this, right? And that was the one thing we worked really hard on after the bin Laden raid is don't make those kind of statements because it does inspire other people." - Mike Morell, Face the Nation 10-27-2019
He wasn't advocating politeness to our enemies, he was advocating the exercise of tact.
But, why would you know this? You let the Washington Examiner and Weaselzippers.net filter reality and form your opinion for you.
tb3, still full of hate for anything President Trump does. You're just like the German POW New Crank wrote about.
BTW, how do YOU know what Morell was advocating? Oh, I forgot, as a leftist you think you know what people REALLY mean. Must be your white privilege.
BTW, don't you think you should apologize to me for mocking my fathers service in WWII in 3 different theaters? That's what a real American would do. Oh, I forgot, you're a leftist, nothing is real about you.
"BTW, how do YOU know what Morell was advocating? Oh, I forgot, as a leftist you think you know what people REALLY mean. Must be your white privilege." - JTF
As the President is often advocating in recent days, JTF, I read the transcript of what the Washington Times or Examiner quoted you out of context. They took one sentence of what was said and misrepresented it. I think I what he REALLY meant because I can read and interpret words that are not my own and attribute meaning to them.
"BTW, don't you think you should apologize to me for mocking my fathers service in WWII in 3 different theaters? That's what a real American would do. Oh, I forgot, you're a leftist, nothing is real about you." - JTF
Wah, Wah, Wah.
Disbelieving you is not mocking your father. I am sorry you lack the mental or emotional capacity to not always pretend to act like you're under attack.
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