The Awkward Man
Meanwhile, back at the implosion....
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what....These are people who pay no income tax."
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what....These are people who pay no income tax."
-Mitt Romney
It's time to wind up the masquerade
Just make your mind up; the piper must be paid
The party's over
It's all over, my friend....
If the Romney Campaign ever needs a requiem, that little ditty should do the trick.
Strike the stage. Fold up the tent. Close the doors. Turn out the lights. There will be no encore. There will be no final bows. There will be no curtain call. The reviews are in and they're all bad. This show died during the out-of-town tryouts. It won't be opening on Broadway. It won't be opening off Broadway. It won't be going on the road. It won't be going anywhere. This show is closing. It's all over. It's history. It's finished. Finis. Adios. Arrivederci. Auf wiedersehen. Au Revoir. Sayonara. Kaput. KABOOM!
Can I be any clearer?
MEMO TO THE PREZ: Don't waste your precious time on the campaign trail. Why bother? Mitt Romney lost the election yesterday. His fate is sealed. If - after all this - the American people decide to send him to the White House, our reputation as the international laughingstock will be sealed. There are forty-six days between now and the election. That is a lifetime in politics as they never tire of reminding us, but I just can't see how Romney is going to get out of this one. The only thing that may save him is a scandal in the Obama camp so vile that the electorate will flee en masse. That could very well happen. The Republicans are quite adept at creating scandals out of thin air - as Bill Clinton found out much to his eternal chagrin.
MEMO TO MITT: The little eight-year-old girl who skips over to the corner candy store to buy an Almond Joy candy bar pays taxes. Everyone pays taxes. Some pay too much. Others (like you, Mitt) not enough. That's your civics lesson for the day, Mitt. You could use a lot of them.
Here's the funny thing! When one contemplates the complete and utter devolution of the Republican party in the last fifty years. it is instructive to remember this: As hideously incompetent as Mitt Romney is, of all the nitwits and kooks who sought the nomination during the primaries - he was the best of the bunch; the cream of the crop! This is not merely a party that has found itself rotting at the bottom of the ideological sewer, this is a party that has lost its fucking mind. They should never again be trusted by reasonable and enlightened people with the governance of our nation. I'm just sayin'.
When the video surfaced of Mitt's little "chat" with a closed audience of plutocratic investors, I couldn't help but wonder if the man has been paying attention to the developments in video technology that have been going on in recent years. Fifty-two years ago during the campaign of 1960, when Jack Kennedy or Dick Nixon spoke at a private fundraiser, it's a pretty safe bet that they knew those events would be "closed" They would have easily been able to spot any recording device. Back in the day it was not possible to hide a television or film camera. Some of them weighed so much that they were nicknamed "the thousand pound pencils". Even an audio tape recorder was a bulky, cumbersome affair. Today a video camera can literally fit into one's shirt pocket. Mitt Romney has had nearly a decade to absorb this new reality. What is the matter with him? Is it ignorance? Is it arrogance? Yo, Mitt! What gives, baby?
FUN FACT: The video that has stirred up so much controversy and will probably, more than anything, end up costing Romney the presidency, was made public by David Corn of Mother Jones magazine. It was given to him by James Earl Carter IV - the grandson of Jimmy Carter. Ain't politics fun?
Here is the corner they've painted themselves into: In order to win the nomination, a Republican candidate has to say and do a lot of really stupid things. That's been the case for the last half century. The problem is the fact that the party has become so extreme during that period, once nominated, the candidate no longer has the luxury (as he once had) of veering back toward the center during the general election - or even the center-right for that matter. If he does, he loses the base. If he doesn't he's lost damned-near everyone else. The "party of Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln" has become, I believe, virtually unelectable. Isn't life beautiful?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
The Party's Over
by Nat King Cole
Such an apropos little tune for recent events. And a real toe-tapper as well! Nat Cole could (and can) do no wrong as far as I'm concerned.
This little gem by Maureen Dowd appeared in this morning's New York Times:
Let Them Eat Crab Cake
It's time to wind up the masquerade
Just make your mind up; the piper must be paid
The party's over
It's all over, my friend....
If the Romney Campaign ever needs a requiem, that little ditty should do the trick.
Strike the stage. Fold up the tent. Close the doors. Turn out the lights. There will be no encore. There will be no final bows. There will be no curtain call. The reviews are in and they're all bad. This show died during the out-of-town tryouts. It won't be opening on Broadway. It won't be opening off Broadway. It won't be going on the road. It won't be going anywhere. This show is closing. It's all over. It's history. It's finished. Finis. Adios. Arrivederci. Auf wiedersehen. Au Revoir. Sayonara. Kaput. KABOOM!
Can I be any clearer?
MEMO TO THE PREZ: Don't waste your precious time on the campaign trail. Why bother? Mitt Romney lost the election yesterday. His fate is sealed. If - after all this - the American people decide to send him to the White House, our reputation as the international laughingstock will be sealed. There are forty-six days between now and the election. That is a lifetime in politics as they never tire of reminding us, but I just can't see how Romney is going to get out of this one. The only thing that may save him is a scandal in the Obama camp so vile that the electorate will flee en masse. That could very well happen. The Republicans are quite adept at creating scandals out of thin air - as Bill Clinton found out much to his eternal chagrin.
MEMO TO MITT: The little eight-year-old girl who skips over to the corner candy store to buy an Almond Joy candy bar pays taxes. Everyone pays taxes. Some pay too much. Others (like you, Mitt) not enough. That's your civics lesson for the day, Mitt. You could use a lot of them.
Here's the funny thing! When one contemplates the complete and utter devolution of the Republican party in the last fifty years. it is instructive to remember this: As hideously incompetent as Mitt Romney is, of all the nitwits and kooks who sought the nomination during the primaries - he was the best of the bunch; the cream of the crop! This is not merely a party that has found itself rotting at the bottom of the ideological sewer, this is a party that has lost its fucking mind. They should never again be trusted by reasonable and enlightened people with the governance of our nation. I'm just sayin'.

FUN FACT: The video that has stirred up so much controversy and will probably, more than anything, end up costing Romney the presidency, was made public by David Corn of Mother Jones magazine. It was given to him by James Earl Carter IV - the grandson of Jimmy Carter. Ain't politics fun?

Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

The Party's Over
by Nat King Cole
Such an apropos little tune for recent events. And a real toe-tapper as well! Nat Cole could (and can) do no wrong as far as I'm concerned.
This little gem by Maureen Dowd appeared in this morning's New York Times:
Let Them Eat Crab Cake
It's like paying 50 bucks for a Broadway show that gives away the plot and settles into mediocrity five minutes after it begins. I want my money back.
There will be no refunds at the box office, Mack. Have a nice day.
Talking about entitlement, I think that Romney feels that he is entitled to be president. As Lady Romney said, it is their turn. And increasingly I get the impression that he wants it, not for anything he can accomplish or do for the country, but simply to add another title to his engraved letterhead. Amazing as it seems, he is actually beginning to make Dubya look good.
Make (Dave)Dubya look good. No way in hell that could happen.
"MEMO TO THE PREZ: Don't waste your precious time on the campaign trail."
We cannot take anything for granted. The Republicans fight dirty and we have to double-down and work even harder. But I'm lovin' this. The more
Romney talks . . . .
And then Her Ladyship says her Lordship was taken out of context -- speaking of Republicans not catching up with modern technology.
I agree, Mr. President return all the millions of dollars you have gotten to run your campaign. Or give them to the poor and needy of pour nation as a way to ensure they vote for you. And don't waste your precious time campaigning, spend your time like you have since elected, on the golf course.
Oh, Anonymous, ain't you a cutie. Did you know that Eisenhower played 800 rounds during his first term? Just asking, asshole.
Ahh Leslie, so what Ike did in 1952-1956 was ok with you?
Lets see, while in his first term Ike managed to stop the Koren Conflict. Obama, I'm still waiting for him to do anything, like attend intelligence briefing like a commander in chief should if they had taken their oath of office seriously.
What story do you believe is true, the murder of our Ambassador came without warning and was only due to a movie? That this administration apologized for. Or, what Libyan officials have said, that they warned our govt 3 days in advance of the attack, and that it was planned and that it had nothing to do with a movie?
How do you feel about Obama's spending time on the Letterman show in order to a answer how much he weights, instead of having to time to meat with the leader of Israel?
You want to talk about the awkward man, you just need to open your eyes to what a mess we have leading our country before you worry about someone else taking over. I'm still looking for a reason to vote FOR Obama.
Oh I know all, the problems he promised to fix but didn't are the fault of Bush or the GOP. That excuse is more that just a little worn out and over used. Try something else for once.
Leslie, I wont stoop to calling you an asshole, I'd rather not lower my self to your low life, baby brained, ass licking, worthless, lazy, liberal useless level.
Since we are in mixed company, I'll simply call you a perfect rectum.
Obama care takes care of the poor by making them poorer.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly 6 million Americans — significantly more than first estimated— will face a tax penalty under President Barack Obama's health overhaul for not getting insurance, congressional analysts said Wednesday. Most would be in the middle class.
And the budget office analysis found that nearly 80 percent of those who'll face the penalty would be making up to or less than five times the federal poverty level.
The new estimate amounts to an inconvenient fact for the administration, a reminder of what critics see as broken promises.
The numbers from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office are 50 percent higher than a previous projection by the same office in 2010, shortly after the law passed. The earlier estimate found 4 million people would be affected in 2016, when the penalty is fully in effect.
That's still only a sliver of the population, given that more than 150 million people currently are covered by employer plans. Nonetheless, in his first campaign for the White House, Obama pledged not to raise taxes on individuals making less than $200,000 a year and couples making less than $250,000.
And the budget office analysis found that nearly 80 percent of those who'll face the penalty would be making up to or less than five times the federal poverty level. Currently that would work out to $55,850 or less for an individual and $115,250 or less for a family of four.
Anon -
I'm all for Obama spending his time on the golf course - best use of his time...
Mr. President, isn't your tee time soon?
( – Excluding January 2009, the month when Barack Obama was inaugurated, unemployment has stayed above 8 percent, which is longer than under any other administration since theBureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)started measuring the monthly jobless rate: Over 8 percent for 43 months during Obama compared to a total of 39 months above 8 percent between 1948 and 2008.
Over the course of 50 years, the unemployment rate in the United Stateswas above 8 percent for a total of 3 years and 3 months; under Obama alone, the rate has been above 8 percent for 3 years and 7 months.
Also, no other president presided over three consecutive years of average annual unemployment of more than 8 percent before Obama, according to the BLS data.
W.E.Payne quoted:
"Those who talk glibly about redistribution often act as if people are just inert objects that can be placed here and there, like pieces on a chess board, to carry out some grand design.
But if human beings have their own responses to government policies, then we cannot blithely assume that government policies will have the effect intended.
The history of the 20th century is full of examples of countries that set out to redistribute wealth and ended up redistributing poverty. The communist nations were a classic example, but by no means the only example.
In theory, confiscating the wealth of the more successful people ought to make the rest of the society more prosperous. But when the Soviet Union confiscated the wealth of successful farmers, food became scarce. As many people died of starvation under Stalin in the 1930s as died in Hitler's Holocaust in the 1940s.
How can that be? It is not complicated. You can only confiscate the wealth that exists at a given moment. You cannot confiscate future wealth — and that future wealth is less likely to be produced when people see that it is going to be confiscated."
Thomas Sowell
Mr. Anonymous: I'm more than happy to apologize for calling you an asshole. Maybe petty would be more accurate. Since when are presidents, regardless of party, not allowed to have some R&R? If you criticize Obama for his time on the links, it is only fair to look at time spent away from the White House by his predecessor.
Bush took 77 trips to visit Crawford to the tune of $56,000 to $68,000 an hour on Air Force One. I doubt very seriously that Obama's time on the links adds up to that.
But hey, like I say, ALL presidents need some chill time to clear out the cobwebs.
Anonymous "Over 8 percent for 43 months during Obama compared to a total of 39 months above 8 percent between 1948 and 2008."
Weird how the years chosen start after the last worldwide Depression, hmmm?
Does he go golfing with the choom gang?
If you want to see an "awkward man" watch Obama's interview on the Univision presidential forum at the University of Miami. Not only was it "awkward", it was painful to watch Obama dodge tough questions and blame others for his failures and broken promises.
@Leslie Parsley,
What on earth does Eisenhower golf playing have anything to do with this election? Barack Obama does not take his job seriously, and his golfing is just one of many examples of that. 4 Americans murdered in Libya and that SAME day he is Las Vegas fundraising, even though, as he said "We obviously had a tough day." No, because if you have to say its obvious, then clearly it isn't.That one act alone should have lost him the presidency this novemeber, but it truly speaks to how far gone this country is in the myth of the Great O.
And don't worry Tom, Obama already has it worked out:
"Let Them Eat Condoms"
When will you have a rant called "The Bullshit Man" starring Baaaaaaaarack Hussein Obama?
Just when is the "Hope And Change" coming?
When will it stop being Bush's fault for unemployment to go below 8 percent?
Awkward math
top 1% of earners, earn 17% of all income and pay 37% of all Federal income taxes
2-5% of earners earn 15% of all income and pay 22% of all Federal taxes
5-10% of earners earn 11% of all income and pay 12% of all Federal income taxes
10-25% of earners earn 23% of all income and pay 17% of all Federal income taxes
25-50% of earners earn 21% of all income and pay 10% of all Federal income taxes
50% of earners earn 13% of all income and pay 2% of all Federal income taxes
When will every one pay their fair share to the IRS??
I want everybody here on Tom's blog to shout "YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!"
Under my watch, the private sector has been doing fine!, my Middle East foreign policy has been doing fine!,the national debt is doing fine, GM now operates like the Post Office!, and America's biggest monopoly, the public school system, is doing fine!
Although George Bush drove the car into the ditch and it is still stuck there almost 4 years later, vote for me Nov. 7th!
obama had announced that the war on terror is dead and al qaeda finished. now it has bitten him in the ass and he's squirming like a worm so the blame won't stick to him. no doubt he will try to blame it on bush but the people are seeing his excuses are like assholes, everybody has one. just like when a teenager smashes the family car and makes up a story to deflect blame. but chris matthews, rachel madcow, ed schultz, reverend sharptoon, eugene robinson, and the rest of the main stream obama brown nosers will back the chosen one and the ship of fools in the white house adminisration. god save our country from the most inept person ever in the whitehouse.
Anonymous "Awkward math…"
Exactly. The rich are too poor to tax, and the poor are too rich not to (38% of a lot leaves nothing behind, while 15% of hardly anything leaves too much left over, you see). And the Payroll tax hits the rich hardest (some of them have to pay up to $108,000!, or would if it applied to capital gains). And Federal taxes are the only taxes. And States taxes, if they existed (which they don't!) aren't regressive. Even Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, agrees with me (and also Jesus and Ayn Rand).
I mean, come on, people, the top 1% only own a full third of everything! When is someone (besides the media, Rightwing populists, the Republican party and, to a slightly lesser extent, the Democratic party) going to stand up and fight for them? Don't they deserve a break? Shouldn't the rest of us be willing to kick in more of the not-much that we have, by gutting Medicaid, Pell grants, the VA, Social Security and other luxuries like schools, roads, the future and the like, to make their hard lives just a little bit easier?
"obama had announced that the war on terror is dead and al qaeda finished."
He did?! Why didn't I hear of this? If true, this drone strike which the Liberal Media says took place today really happened in the distant past. Darn you, Liberal Media!
modusoperandi, you have had your head stuffed way up Obama's rear for too long! do you still get a tingle up your leg like chris mathews when obama speaks???
do you think last weeks terrorist attack on 9/11 was from an antimuslum video??? jay carney said so. he is funnier than art carney! are videos free speech in canada??? do you also think 9/11/01 was an insider job like george jeffersoon's guardian???
April 23, 2012 - "The war on terror is over," one senior State Department official who works on Mideast issues told me. "Now that we have killed most of al Qaida, now that people have come to see legitimate means of expression, people who once might have gone into al Qaida see an opportunity for a legitimate Islamism."
If: "obama had announced that the war on terror is dead and al qaeda finished." (quote from you)
And: "'The war on terror is over,' one senior State Department official who works on Mideast issues told me.'" (fm your link)
Conclusion: Obama is an anonymous State Department official.
Also, "In a Tuesday night update to this post, White House spokesman Tommy Vietor clarified that while the 'war on terror' concept has been dropped, 'we absolutely have never said our war against al Qaida is over. We are prosecuting that war at an unprecedented pace.', (fm your link. Emphasis mine)
Lastly, [(again) links to drone strike, proving (again) that your assertion is, reasonably, false].
keep those hopey changey glasses on! yes we can, hope and change is coming soon, forward!
lol on obama and his administration first saying last weeks 9/11 was caused by an antimuslime video!!!
Rasmussen Polls Thursday, September 20, 2012
64% Think Too Many Americans Dependent on Government Financial Aid
Americans strongly believe that there is too much government dependency in the country today. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 64% of Adults think there are too many Americans dependent on the government for financial aid. Just 10% think not enough Americans are dependent on the government, while 16% say the level of dependency is about right.
answer the fucking questions you were asked?
Obama and first lady Michelle Obama gave 21.8 percent of their income to charitable organizations last year, donating $172,130 out of the $789,674 they made.
Biden and his wife, Jill, gave 1.5 percent of their income away in 2011, with charitable donations totaling $5,540 out of $379,035.
When the Obama campaign released past tax returns for Biden in 2008, it was revealed that the Bidens donated just $3,690 to charity over 10 years — an average of $369 a year.
Romney and his wife, Ann, gave 29.4 percent of their income to charity in 2011, donating $4,020,772 out of the $13,696,951 they took in.
ANO Said:
"Romney and his wife, Ann, gave 29.4 percent of their income to charity in 2011, donating $4,020,772 ..."
Most of Robme's donation go to the Morman church which uses that money for anti-American causes
can you back up your statement that mormons are anti-american??? are they nazis because they might not believe their tax money should be used to pay for a woman's abortion or birth control pills???
you progressives would have loved to character assasinate the mormons on polygamy. yet polygamy has not been practiced for over 100 years in the romney family, while obama's father and grandfather were polygamists!!! lol!!! lol!!! lol!!!
are anti-muslime videos free speech in oh canada, AmeriKa's biggest freeloading leech???
I enjoy reading your rants but the comments by anonymous and his soul-mate whitey mcklanman are baiting and insulting, and do not add anything to the discussion.
I understand that you believe in the first amendment and did not want to limit discourse but I'm not sure that the contributions of these two organisms add anything to the discussion other than indigestion.
I have a question for you: if anonymous and whitey were to come to your house in person and act the way they do in your comments section, would you let them come back to your house and invite them inside again?
ANO asked:"can you back up your statement that mormons are anti-american"
the church has been actively involved in the denial of LGBT human rights. So when Robme breaks-up a company, raids the pension fund , etc. and the tax payers pay the pensions under the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp , My tax $ are being used to destroy a group's human rights.
Robme gets a tax deduction and the Morman church pays no tax even though they are a political PAC.
YES !! very anti- American
edwin said:
"Robme gets a tax deduction and the Morman church pays no tax even though they are a political PAC.
YES !! very anti- American"
Is Tom Degan's Catholic Church, which pays no taxes and voices its opinions on life, abortion, and other issues, also anti-American???
are videos considered free speech in oh canada???
Regarding anonymous and whitey:
Not only would they never be invited back to my home, they would never get the first invitation to begin with.
But this is not my private home, this is a public forum. Besides, their idiotic ramblings are a source of great amusement to me - and the perfect advertizement of the right's basic lunacy.
My advice: Ignore them, and take their postings for what they are - absolute gems of unintentional comedy.
Also, we must never forget this: Once in a blue moon, a microscopic handful of them do make a relatively good point.
"But this is not my private home, this is a public forum. Besides, their idiotic ramblings are a source of great amusement to me - and the perfect advertizement of the right's basic lunacy.
My advice: Ignore them, and take their postings for what they are - absolute gems of unintentional comedy."
Thanks Tom,
I find the OWS crowd amusing as well and their recent anniversary was a small fart in the wind!
Tom, do you live with your mom?
Now you see what I mean? That little dandy just above is priceless!
Anonymous "MO, answer the fucking questions you were asked?"
Here we go…
"do you still get a tingle up your leg like chris mathews when obama speaks???"
No. And I didn't before. So, no then, too.
"do you think last weeks terrorist attack on 9/11 was from an antimuslum video???"
No. It was just an excuse.
"are videos free speech in canada???"
Pretty much, yes. A cursory googling shows both protests against it and screenings of it.
"do you also think 9/11/01 was an insider job…"
No. I do think the administration took advantage of it afterwards though.
" george jeffersoon's guardian???"
He's a Truther?
ANO Asked:Is Tom Degan's Catholic Church, which pays no taxes and voices its opinions on life, abortion, and other issues, also anti-American???
I tend to agree with Earl Butz when he refered to the pope:
"He no playa the game, he no maka the rules."
" george jeffersoon's guardian???"
He's a Truther?
Yup, JG believes 911 was an inside job and has posted same on this blog.
Now here's an awkward man,
"David Axelrod Blasts Romney For Paying More In Taxes Than He Was Required To Pay"
Didn't Ellis Esq. recently post that conservatives, capitalists and republicans are greedy for not paying their fair share? Now we have liberals blasting Mitt for paying more that he owes, claiming its a tactic to make it look like he's paying his fair share. Go figure!
Liberals are mentally unhinged.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous "Now here's an awkward man,"
"Last week, [Romney] said that on your own air anybody who didn’t take the tax deductions they were owed was not qualified to be president. Well, I guess he’s not qualified because that’s exactly what he did last week to try and get his number up from 9 or 10 percent to 14 percent." (via, emphasis mine)
Here's an awkward President, who told us he didn't deserve to be reelected if he didn't get the unemployment beneath 7% by Nov 2012.
I have found that people who like to use massive amounts of profanity and personal attacks when people disagree with them are invariably not terribly bright, hence the small vocabulary, and are not well read, preferring to stay with reading material which reasserts what they already believe. These are bullies, always have been but now, to their delight, they can post as Anonymous and this means they can say things which their mother would faint to hear...or in some cases would recognize from the family fights. It just seems so very sad that the best argument these twerps can come up with is a pointless diatribe sprinkled with obscenities and non-facts. Everybody with another opinion or set of facts must be not only wrong but evil, ignorant and traitorous. They should be treated with massive amounts of disrespect and vile, spittle flecked rage.
See, this is why I feel absolutely NO desire to understand these people, they just are NOT interesting, no more than a white faced hornet is interesting as it drives it's sting into your arm. It hurts, but we know hurting goes away. The trouble here is that Anonymous never goes away and never makes any sense. I waste too much time following up on the phony "facts" and other quotes to be sure I have not missed anything.
Tom, I have decided that Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal continue to this day to scream obscenities and show an inability to understand the basic needs and desires of one another. There are two sub-species of human on the planet and they do not relate on anything after all these thousands of years. Compare, for instance, Ann Coulter to your average political junkie on the so-called "Left". A 12 year old child has more understanding of society and the needs of a nation! Even a child who believes in the tooth fairy shows more in-depth understanding of how the universe works. But we have this other animal out there, wearing similar clothes and speaking a form of our language but making damn little sense, certainly no logic whatsoever. We can breed with them, I understand, but the resulting offspring is usually eaten by the "conservative" parent. DNA research will someday show that the so-called Right is not the same animal as the so-called Left and that is why they can take a perfectly understandable situation and twist into a story of such crap and nonsense that you wonder if it's just a problem of serotonin uptake, a missing medication...surely no one could believe that crap? And they don't, not really, they just want to start a fight, to kill and to eat their enemies. This is important to remember: they will happily kill others to make a point which could have been made with calm, logical words. Remember to not be one of the "Others" when the Right is carrying a weapon.
Will, how can you say "I have found that people who like to use massive amounts of profanity and personal attacks when people disagree with them are invariably not terribly bright..." and then proceed to launch into a scathing personal attack?
I love anonymous bloggers
their witty ripostes
with such twisted acumen
the unflagging desire to deceive
either themselves or others
big brass balls
with the brains of a monkey!
ignore them if you must
but they are the spice
within the internet
the ants at the picnic
the flies on the beach
anonymous I salute you
the courage to divulge
such brazen and inane convictions
it is an honor to discourse
with the likes of you
our intrepid ever present
obscure, unknowable, skulking,
parasitic reminder
that their are other people
other perspectives
dangerous, evil, malignant,
Tom you are correct
anonymous bloggers are amusing
but should also be monitored
they have a tendency to go from
comedy to horror
remember Bush
comedy to horror
all in one humanoid shaped
piece of shit
anonymous keep up the work
tote that barge lift that bale
whether you be one lonesome
unlovable basement dweller
or an army of lobotomized dittoheads stroking the keyboard
we're watching' we're reading but mostly we're laughing thanks for the comic relief
their ideas go from comedy
to horror in the blink of an eye
Remember George Bush
Comedy and Horror all in one
piece of humanoid shit
I guess Harry Reid using anon sources to claim Romney hasn't aid income taxes s ok. I guess it's ok that anon sources claim Romney used broken makeup. Note that anon posting here provides sources or cuts and pastes when needed. So what's the real reason for wanting to reduce free speech liberals? Don't like facing facts that show liberalism to be a failure?
Wow are they gonna be some exploding REgressive heads on Nov 7.
Check this out
They've removed the oversampling of dems and weighted the polls correctly and Romney is up an average of 8 points.
They did the same thing with Obama's approval numbers and he's cruising at 40%.
Factor in a 5-8% undecided that ALWAYS go about 80-20 for the challenger and you can add another 3-5 points to that 8%.
As much as you REgressive try to burn the 2010s out of your mind, baby it's gonna be worse.
never never land
I just read somewhere that Mitt's first act as President of The United States of America will be to have the windows on Air Force One be able to be opened.
Another Liberal big centralized government FAILURE from the empty chair administration:
Complaints Mount Against Michelle Obama’s New Lunch Menu.
In Wisconsin, high school athletes are complaining about not getting enough to eat each day, due to the skimpy new school lunch menu MANDATED by the United States Department of Agriculture and First Lady Michelle Obama.
Students across the country are complaining about the new school lunch regulations.
One government official tried to put the blame on the students.
"One thing I think we need to keep in mind as kids say they're still hungry is that many children aren't used to eating fruits and vegetables at home, much less at school. So it's a change in what they are eating. If they are still hungry, it's that they are not eating all the food that's being offered," USDA Deputy Undersecretary Janey Thornton was quoted as saying.
Ms. Thornton just put her finger on the problem. The government is trying to impose a new diet that children are not accustomed to. It’s not reasonable to expect them to either eat what the government deems healthy or go hungry.
Many will opt to go hungry, and that’s the government’s fault.
And liberals have their shorts in a wad over Romney's income tax returns?
Anonymous "Complaints Mount Against Michelle Obama’s New Lunch Menu."
What? You do realize that what you're saying (or what your copy-n-paste is leading you to conclude) is that you're mad that schools feed your kids better than you do. And that, bafflingly, you're mad at the school for this.
Look in the mirror.
u don't get it! the schools are not feeding them better than their parents are, or the kids would be eating the meals provided. Doesn't matter how good the food for them is, there's not enough and the kids don't like the food being served, so they don't eat it. Imagine, a kid takes his lunch to school and a govt appointed lunch box monitor takes it away because it doesn't meet standards set by big brother in a city 500 miles away.
It's like the tax dollars the federal govt is wasting on the Chevy Volt, a car the people don't want.
Liberals who support the right of a woman to choose, have issues with a parents right to chose what their kids eat at school?
The major sticking point: a new federal rule that sets calorie maximums for school lunches — 650 calories for elementary-schoolers, 700 for middle-schoolers and 850 for high-schoolers.
Not only is the mandated food not popular and often wasted, there also is not enough of it, and students are protesting. Students in one district have released a YouTube video parodying their quest for enough to eat during the day. A Facebook page asks kids to send in pictures of their meager lunches.
According to, teenagers need between 2,000 and 3,000 calories per day to be healthy, and athletes can need as many as 5,000 calories. But the new regulations limit the intake to just 750-850 calories on the tray. Which, if the food is unpalatable, means the students may not be getting even that much.
Anonymous "Not only is the mandated food not popular.."
A 25c subsidized public school lunch, and it's not popular? I'm stunned. Stunned!
"...and often wasted..."
"Some are throwing away their vegetables…" (Via. Emphasis mine)
"According to, teenagers need between 2,000 and 3,000 calories per day to be healthy, and athletes can need as many as 5,000 calories. But the new regulations limit the intake to just 750-850 calories on the tray."
(Via same link. Emphasis mine, because the obvious is apparently not obvious enough)
MO you are missing the point, the students don't like what is being forced down their throats all in the name of compassion by big govt.
Lunch menu at Sidwell Friends school where Obama's daughters attend had Pepperoni Flatbread Pizza available.
What is good for the goose is NOT GOOD for the gander
Anonymous, let me get this straight...what you're telling me is that an expensive private school has higher quality lunches than the severely cost-controlled ones at typical public schools*? I'm shocked. Shocked!
* Which, if Jefferson county is any indication, aren't that bad.
No Mo that's not what I telling you. What I'm telling you is the big brother gov enforced lunch menu is not what the students want to eat and their freedom of choice to bring their own lunch has been taken away from them, under the smoke screen of liberals know what's best for you, not you or your parents.
The is the entire problem of liberalism in a nut shell, it wants to take choice away from it's victims.
We have such a big lead over Mitt Romney according to MSNBC who say that Obama has won that I have decided to not waste my time voting.
Anonymous "No Mo that's not what I telling you. What I'm telling you is the big brother gov enforced lunch menu is not what the students want to eat..."
The kids want to eat crap. It's not the State's job to promote that.
Flip it around, Anonymous. Say the State lunches were popular, but deliberately garbage. Or if they increased the quality, raising the price. Would you be pretending to be any less outraged than you are pretending to be now?
The answer, you darn well know, is "No" ("Why are my tax dollars going to feed our kids crap?! Why don't they stick to the Food Pyramid?" or "These new prices are out of control! It's lunch, not luxury!", respectively).
"...and their freedom of choice to bring their own lunch has been taken away from them, under the smoke screen of liberals know what's best for you, not you or your parents."
What? The standards for the cafeteria menu have changed. I haven't seen anything about banning brownbagging it.
"Say the State lunches were popular, but deliberately garbage."
But the truth is they are not popular, nor is it the States job to replace the kids parents.
Anonymous "But the truth is they are not popular..."
Again I say "A 25c subsidized public school lunch, and it's not popular? I'm stunned. Stunned!"
"...nor is it the States job to replace the kids parents."
What? The lunch lady is mom now? Who is dad, the gym coach?
It's the cafeteria, and when the State provides meals there it has a responsibility to serve healthy food (noting again that they have a ridiculously low amount of money to do it with). Again, pretend to be mad at the way they're doing it, knowing that you'd pretend to be mad if they did it the opposite way, too.
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