The Ryan Factor
"What matters to me is that I do what I think is right....I'm a numbers guy, that's my attitude. I know we have a debt tsunami coming, we are bankrupting this country and I'm in a position where I can actually advance ideas to prevent that from happening. That's exactly what I should be doing."
- Paul Ryan
And what are the "ideas" that this tea-partying, Atlas shrugging clown wishes to advance? One of them would turn Medicare into a voucher program. Today the richest four-hundred people in this country have more cash than the poorest one-hundred-and-fifty million. If Paul Ryan has his way, that divide will grow even larger. Have a look at the so-called "Ryan Budget Plan" when you have the time. It's a scream.
One of the more stranger residuals I've received from writing this blog for the last six years is the fact that, the deeper this country sinks into the ideological and economic cesspool, the higher my stock rises.
Vote Republican in 2012, I'm begging you. But seriously, folks....
It was a struggle to
keep my eyes open. This was something I needed to see. Having been up most of the previous night (I keep weird hours, I know) I was nodding off toward Dreamland yesterday morning during Mitt Romney's coming out party for the GOP's brand-spanking-new (presumptive) vice-presidential nominee. But I was jolted back into consciousness the moment Romney introduced Paul Ryan as "the next president of the United States".
"Did I just hear that?" I said out loud to no one in particular. In fact I had indeed heard what I thought I had only dreamed. No big deal. In a gaffe-prone career yesterday's little slip-of-the-tongue was fairly low rent. I'm waiting for the heavy duty stuff. You know, like the juicy delights he provided us with during his recent jaunt overseas? That's what I love about the Mittster. He never fails to delight in that respect. All those gems of unintentional humor! We're talkin' Dan Quayle proportions here. Keep 'em coming, Mitt!
I was hoping that Romney would repeat the mistake that John McCain made four years ago by choosing a half-witted extremist so far to the right that he or she were in serious need of assisted living. That didn't happen this time I'm sorry to say. Oh, Paul Ryan is about as extreme as they come - no doubt about it - but unlike most Republican politicians these days, he's one of the very few who doesn't have little birdies flying out of his ears. Another thing that sets him apart from his contemporaries within the GOP is the fact that that he has an IQ above room temperature. President Obama's hope's for re-election got just a bit more difficult yesterday....Just a bit, mind you. Ye need not abandon all hope.
Strategically Ryan was a pretty good choice. He'll bring out the brain-dead base, and uninformed moderates will be wooed by his amiable qualities. By all accounts, the Wisconsin congressman is well liked by his colleagues on both sides of that contentious aisle. Also he is the youngest VP nominee since Dwight Eisenhower chose an obscure, thirty-nine year old congressman from California named Dick Nixon as his running mate in 1952. His youth might work to the Romney campaign's advantage. Think about this: Paul Ryan was born on January 29, 1970 - exactly twenty-five days after the Beatles made their last recording (George Harrison's "I Me Mine"). This fact alone makes me feel just a tad older than I felt yesterday. I'm dealing with it.
Likableness and amiability aside, anyone who has been paying even scant attention in the last six months should be alarmed at the idea of a Paul Ryan being even half-a-heartbeat away from the oval office. All one needs to do is have a gander at his so-called "Ryan Plan". Don't take my word for it. Look it up and see for yourself; right wing social engineering at its cruelest. Under his plan the uber rich will be doing quite nicely. Not so for the rest of us. "Blessed are the meek"? Think again.
If religion were a thing that money could buy
Then the rich would live and the poor would die
All my trials, Lord, soon be over....
If you cast your pre
cious ballot for the Romney/Ryan ticket on November sixth, don't be expecting the kind of enlightened moderation that was personified by Theodore Roosevelt - that last great Republican president. The working and the middle classes will be shouldering most of the the tax burden - and the rich? (excuse me, I meant the "job creators") They will be taxed at an even lower rate than they already are. Remember how well those Bush Tax Cuts worked out last time around? It sent the economy right into the abyss. If you're expecting a different result the next time these knuckleheads are in control of the White House, that's the very definition of insanity. Stay the hell away from sharp objects, okay?
Same Shit, Different Dog
Four years ago I was telling everyone who would listen that 2008 would be the most consequential election in history. What a difference four years makes, huh? We've been offered this lesson over and over and time and again: right wing form of governance DOES NOT WORK - PERIOD. The years following that "horrible" New Deal being "forced" on decent, hard working Americans also saw the greatest economy in the history of the universe. The Romney/Ryan vision is a recipe for catastrophe. Are we really going to be foolish enough to go down this road again? Don't be surprised. I sure won't be.
"I've been known to make a mistake every now and then. I did not make a mistake with this guy!"
-Mitt Romney
We shall see.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here is Charles Spencer Chaplin on the mountaintop. This is, in my humble opinion, the greatest political oration of the twentieth century, It is the final scene of his 1940 film, The Great Dictator. He is speaking to us from across the decades. Listen. Just listen....
The greatest speech in all recorded human history was not made by a politician. It was not made by a king. It was not made by a queen. It was not made by a prince or a princess. It was not made by a preacher. It was not made by a businessman or woman. It was not made by an old soldier or a young one. It was not made by a billionaire. It was not made by a potentate. It was not made by a senator or congressman. It was not made by a president....
The greatest speech in all recorded human history was made by a little tramp. Charlie Chaplin was the bravest man who ever lived.
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by....
My Autobiography
by Charles Chaplin
Chaplin's story in his own words. A fascinating book.
- Paul Ryan
And what are the "ideas" that this tea-partying, Atlas shrugging clown wishes to advance? One of them would turn Medicare into a voucher program. Today the richest four-hundred people in this country have more cash than the poorest one-hundred-and-fifty million. If Paul Ryan has his way, that divide will grow even larger. Have a look at the so-called "Ryan Budget Plan" when you have the time. It's a scream.
One of the more stranger residuals I've received from writing this blog for the last six years is the fact that, the deeper this country sinks into the ideological and economic cesspool, the higher my stock rises.
Vote Republican in 2012, I'm begging you. But seriously, folks....
It was a struggle to

"Did I just hear that?" I said out loud to no one in particular. In fact I had indeed heard what I thought I had only dreamed. No big deal. In a gaffe-prone career yesterday's little slip-of-the-tongue was fairly low rent. I'm waiting for the heavy duty stuff. You know, like the juicy delights he provided us with during his recent jaunt overseas? That's what I love about the Mittster. He never fails to delight in that respect. All those gems of unintentional humor! We're talkin' Dan Quayle proportions here. Keep 'em coming, Mitt!
I was hoping that Romney would repeat the mistake that John McCain made four years ago by choosing a half-witted extremist so far to the right that he or she were in serious need of assisted living. That didn't happen this time I'm sorry to say. Oh, Paul Ryan is about as extreme as they come - no doubt about it - but unlike most Republican politicians these days, he's one of the very few who doesn't have little birdies flying out of his ears. Another thing that sets him apart from his contemporaries within the GOP is the fact that that he has an IQ above room temperature. President Obama's hope's for re-election got just a bit more difficult yesterday....Just a bit, mind you. Ye need not abandon all hope.
Strategically Ryan was a pretty good choice. He'll bring out the brain-dead base, and uninformed moderates will be wooed by his amiable qualities. By all accounts, the Wisconsin congressman is well liked by his colleagues on both sides of that contentious aisle. Also he is the youngest VP nominee since Dwight Eisenhower chose an obscure, thirty-nine year old congressman from California named Dick Nixon as his running mate in 1952. His youth might work to the Romney campaign's advantage. Think about this: Paul Ryan was born on January 29, 1970 - exactly twenty-five days after the Beatles made their last recording (George Harrison's "I Me Mine"). This fact alone makes me feel just a tad older than I felt yesterday. I'm dealing with it.
Likableness and amiability aside, anyone who has been paying even scant attention in the last six months should be alarmed at the idea of a Paul Ryan being even half-a-heartbeat away from the oval office. All one needs to do is have a gander at his so-called "Ryan Plan". Don't take my word for it. Look it up and see for yourself; right wing social engineering at its cruelest. Under his plan the uber rich will be doing quite nicely. Not so for the rest of us. "Blessed are the meek"? Think again.
If religion were a thing that money could buy
Then the rich would live and the poor would die
All my trials, Lord, soon be over....
If you cast your pre

Same Shit, Different Dog
Four years ago I was telling everyone who would listen that 2008 would be the most consequential election in history. What a difference four years makes, huh? We've been offered this lesson over and over and time and again: right wing form of governance DOES NOT WORK - PERIOD. The years following that "horrible" New Deal being "forced" on decent, hard working Americans also saw the greatest economy in the history of the universe. The Romney/Ryan vision is a recipe for catastrophe. Are we really going to be foolish enough to go down this road again? Don't be surprised. I sure won't be.
"I've been known to make a mistake every now and then. I did not make a mistake with this guy!"
-Mitt Romney
We shall see.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here is Charles Spencer Chaplin on the mountaintop. This is, in my humble opinion, the greatest political oration of the twentieth century, It is the final scene of his 1940 film, The Great Dictator. He is speaking to us from across the decades. Listen. Just listen....
The greatest speech in all recorded human history was not made by a politician. It was not made by a king. It was not made by a queen. It was not made by a prince or a princess. It was not made by a preacher. It was not made by a businessman or woman. It was not made by an old soldier or a young one. It was not made by a billionaire. It was not made by a potentate. It was not made by a senator or congressman. It was not made by a president....
The greatest speech in all recorded human history was made by a little tramp. Charlie Chaplin was the bravest man who ever lived.
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by....
My Autobiography
by Charles Chaplin
Chaplin's story in his own words. A fascinating book.
I know one thing...the seniors...even those who went to the Tea Party Townhall meetings in their Hover Rounds...are going to be PISSED when they finally get the picture that Paul Ryan is trying to paint for their future!!!
hey everybody,
i want government run free health care, free college education (liberal arts degree preferably to support the progressive professors), food stamps, and free housing. i don't want to really work if somebody else can pay my way, a utopian village can coexist in harmony with workers and nonworkers.
i want my cannabis as cheap as possible which i know would only be higher priced if run by the government.
my math is real bad when it comes to accounting like those who spend other peoples money like drunken sailors.
we don't need somebody like paul ryan telling us that many of the government programs are unsustainable. if social security is insolvent we can always have Ben Bernake push a button on his computer to magically create billions of dollars to pay for all the government programs. heck why don't we have Ben put a million dollars in everybody's bank account? it won't be long for the hope and change to arrive from obama and we should all ignore the fiscal cliff that the right wing nazi goose stepping fascist tea baggers keep crying wolf about.
which party should i vote for? i may cast write-in votes for Ralph Nader as President and Michael Moore as Vice President.
Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part but I'm not so sure that the choice of Ryan will help Romney in the long haul - just as Palin didn't help McCain and Miller didn't help Goldwater. The noise from the fright-wing tends to overshadow the fact that there are still plenty of moderate sensible conservatives out there who aren't overly excited over Ryan.
Aside from his barbaric budget plan and his dark aged view of women and other social matters, the guy probably knows even less than Palin about the international scene. Oh yes, there's that little matter of the fright-wing always pointing out (erroneously) that Obama has never held a "real job." Can't wait till they get a load of Ryan's non-existent job history.
Paul Krugman calls the Ryan budget "simultaneously ridiculous and heartless. ..."
Obama owns the economy and not only he failed to cut the deficit in half , he triples the national deficit within less than 4 years. The GDP is at less than 1.5% growth with $16 trillion in national debt and Obama claimed the private sector was doing fine.
Rev Wright is correct, the chicken is coming home to roost. GD America. Thank you Rev. Wright for forewarning us.
Still waiting for a democrat to propose a viable deficit cutting budget. You clowns want me to pay for an oversized program that will not only burn a hole through our treasury, but it won't even be around when I'm old. I'm going with the Ryan plan as opposed to Obamas lack there of. Seriously you libs talk about Paul Ryan pushing Granny off a cliff. What about granny pushing the whole country off the fiscal cliff? Yeah dems and oldies are a match made in heaven. No really. im serious! Even when they're dead they still manage to vote democratic! Imagine that! I wonder if they recquire voter ID in the afterlife.....Anyway a campaign makes a tough and unpopular decision to get our country back to sanity and you guys slam them. Ok fine? Well have more politicians just interested in reelection. LIbs are just too nice to cut anything in the defecit!
From up here in Canada it seems that you have a very successful Bain Capital creator that takes struggling, dying companies, and turns 80% of them around, and you have a struggling dying country in need of a very big turnaround. So if it was my vote, I'd vote for the rich guy who knows a thing or two about success, and not some former on-his-knees government handout specialist with the expensive secret background and very shady friends.
All I expect Obama to do is stand by his words when he said he didn't deserve to be reelected if he didn't get the unemployment rate below 7% by 11/2012.
Is that asking too much?
Democrats and liberals overreached:
• They ignored the fact that the Ryan plan would not affect people currently in Medicare -- or even the people 55 to 65 who would join the program in the next 10 years.
• They used harsh terms such as "end" and "kill" when the program would still exist, although in a privatized system.
• They used pictures and video of elderly people who clearly were too old to be affected by the Ryan plan. The DCCC video that aired four days after the vote featured an elderly man who had to take a job as a stripper to pay his medical bills.
Joe Biden has made me laugh so much these few years. Laughter is good for the heart. I haven't been this healthy since Bill Clinton. But we probably do need to get serious in Washington now so Ryan was a good choice.
Anyway a campaign makes a tough and unpopular decision to get our country back to sanity and you guys slam them.
Yeah, we all want to go back to the market crash days of September '08. And into a future of privatized Medicare and Social Security to go down in the next crash.
I would think a "future of privatized Medicare and Social Security" would be a good thing Dave, after all look how good GM has done on the stock market since the Govt bailed them out! Why wouldn't you want your Medicare and S.S. tied to G.M stock, it's backed by the full faith of the US Govt.?
And don't forget what the President said on 8/7/12 "Let’s repeat auto industry bailouts with every manufacturing industry"! You should want privatized. If Obama gets his way, "every manufacturing industry" would have the Federal govt as part of not majority owner. It would be a perfect world for you Dave. Wake up man, smell the roses, it's more big govt in the long run, more powerful labor unions, how can you not support that?
President said on 8/7/12 "Let’s repeat auto industry bailouts with every manufacturing industry"!
Cult Lie. No point in further discussion.
judi M. "I know one thing...the seniors...even those who went to the Tea Party Townhall meetings in their Hover Rounds...are going to be PISSED when they finally get the picture that Paul Ryan is trying to paint for their future!!!"
Apparently when people are told what the Ryan Budget contains, they don't believe it.
Anonymous Crusher ".....Anyway a campaign makes a tough and unpopular decision to get our country back to sanity and you guys slam them."
A Republican proposing cutting programs that effect the poor and tax cuts that effect the rich is "tough and unpopular"?
Crusher "Still waiting for a democrat to propose a viable deficit cutting budget."
The People's Budget looks interesting. Liberals proposed it, so of course it's not viable (I can't even find a CBO analysis). Simpson-Bowles = serious. Ryan = Serious. Liberals = hippies or something.
Obama: Let's repeat auto industry success
PUEBLO, Colo. – President Obama, while villifying Mitt Romney for opposing the auto industry bailout, bragged about the success of his decision to provide government assistance and said he now wants to see every manufacturing industry come roaring back.
“I said, I believe in American workers, I believe in this American industry, and now the American auto industry has come roaring back,” he said. “Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry." President Obama 8/9/12 2:18 PM EDT
Yup, just a cult lie.
President said on 8/7/12 "Let’s repeat auto industry bailouts with every manufacturing industry"!
Still a lie.
Just a lie like he didn't say "you didn't build "etc, "somebody else did"? Just like it was like it was a lie when he said he wouldn't deserve to to be reelected if he hadn't gotten the unemployment rate under 7% by 11/2012?
Dave D., the final word in truth detection, not.
My wife and I are age 78 so the Ryan Plan may not affect our Medicare. Well, actually we are in a Medicare Advantage Plan and I expect that will disappear.
Our oldest daughter is age 55, so apparently, she will still have "Medicare as we know it." Unfortunately (for them) we have four other children age 48 to 54, and grandchildren, who under the Ryan plan will receive vouchers for their medical insurance that will be available at "market" rates from insurance companies.
Now for some reality. My age 54 daughter is disabled and cannot work. I have been paying for her health insurance for years and currently it runs $18,886.32 a year plus hefty co-pays. The premium increases each year by 12 to 15%.
I am old enough to recall clearly the medical care for most seniors before Medicare. There was no "Free" medical care at Emergency Rooms. Essentially, seniors never visited a doctor for preventative medicine. When they were really sick, they just died. In those days I would have died twice since I first received Medicare. Once from cancer and once from a heart attack and a subsequent quadruple bypass.
By the way, Romney has proposed a tax rate of ZERO (as in none) on capital gains and dividends, which are capped currently at a 15% tax rate.
Yep, back to the good old days.
Well, Tom, you seriously did rile up the trolls with this one.
Ron Baldwin -
You hit on the primary issue in the whole debate that rarely, if ever, gets discussed (because there's nothing they can do about it). Regardless of political beliefs one way or the other, the social insurance model cannot be sustained based on our changing social morays (i.e. - we've stopped having kids).
- Baby boomers are a large generation and are living far longer
- Their kids and grandkids did not procreate at the same rates thanks to Sanger and the "sexual revolution".
- Their kids are grandkids aborted 40,000,000 babies to boot.
Check out the documentarty "Demographic Winter" - it's not a localized issue.
So much misinformation from your trolls, Tom.
Please refer them to Dean Baker (or Paul Krugman or Joe Stiglitz) to cure their belief in the silly idea that there's no way for U.S. citizens to afford the small increases needed to pay for our already too small safety net (and increase it!) for the next 100 years.
And the arguments that bringing back the Gilded Age will not be the troll heaven that they expect.
Love your reporting!
Paul krugman preferred that atrocious budget president Obama released you know, the one nobody voted for. The one that would leave us trillions more in. Debt in the next ten years.
I like John Doe's idea... if only we had other countries where those things were available... You know, to... like... see if it worked... Like, I don't know... maybe... Norway... orrrrrr... Sweden... (those hell holes).
In any case, I don't think it much matters. the effort by Republicans at voter suppression should be sufficient to propel Romney/Ryan into the White House. America's opinion doesn't matter much if America isn't allowed to vote.
You're comparison of Sweden and Norway is poor for several reasons. Sweden has a population roughly the same as New Jersey and Norway half of that. A socialist government is much less wasteful when operating at these levels. These are nations that would be considered small if they were In the union. When looking at the most wasteful governments; California, Illinois and The federal government, you see that a bureaucrat is much less able to control his area than one preceding over a smaller population. If the federal government wanted to usurp even more power from the states and go with a Norwegian model it just wouldn't work. Look at president obamas plan to raise federal taxes. If you make $250,000 in new York you still can't be considered wealthy because of the high cost of living and the high state and property taxes. An increase in taxes can be devastating to you. However someone with $250,000 a year in Kansas has a much better income and could afford a tax increase. I'm just saying when you leave it up to out of touch Washington bureaucrats the system breaks down.
Picard is correct.
I'm very happy with the Ryan selection. Maybe now, rather than stringing all this silliness along we can take on this conservative movement head on. The architech of the conservative playbook & budget is now on the ticket.
One assessment--and a very cool one at that--of Ryan's budget came from a GOP strategist, who referred to it as, "A very cerebral approach to the deficit problem." Not exactly a resounding endorsement, but what I hear in that is: "It'll work, but it's not a good idea."
One of the things powering this budget plan is the 'right's' campaign of pitting us all against one another. Look at "Crusher's" post above and this "compassionate conservative" seems to have no problem with the elderly just dying off because they're inconvenient.
What people like Crusher aren't understanding is that his "worth" too will eventually be questioned. The 'right' has already decided WHO is a 'taker' and who is a 'contributor.' I sincerely hope that Crusher never falls on hard times, as the same cause he's championing will be damn quick to ostracize him.
What is missing in the Ryan plan and in talk among the GOP is any cuts to our military. This was a distinction that Ron Paul made in one of the debates (defense vs. military spending) and was promplty "booed."
If we aren't going to help the sick, disadvantaged, or poor in our country; what exactly are we defending?
After all given the rise of shootings in our country, the gun nuts keep citing "militias" and the 2nd Amendment. They talk as if they're prepared to run to any coast to protect us to have their stupid guns. So why do we need a military?
Seriously...if we're going to do the "take care of myself" macho-mantra; let's get serious about it. One of the biggest expenses we have is the military and if the gun nuts want to cite 2nd Amendment and militias, let's stick their asses in the service.
Congrats Guber--You're in the Militia!
It will be VERY good for us to finally disect this Ryan Budget Plan and look at who are as a Nation and what we want for our future. Beware: You're going to be told ad nauseum how awful and lazy your neighbors are. You'll also be told how BAD government is.
You'll be told this by rich guys who have done nothing for years and have worked in government.
...and yet dumb fucks like Crusher will still buy into it.
"Ryan's budget came from a GOP strategist" Really? How about naming names or are you doing the dirty Harry smear game?
The truth is Ryan's budget plan, which you know so little about, was co-authored by Democrat Senator Ron Wyden, the senior senator from Orgeon.
"Look at "Crusher's" post above". Love to "Jay" but you for got to tell us where you cut and pasted your post from.
Oh, yes lets talk about stupid we Americans are.
David Shepardson
Detroit News
Washington Bureau
Washington -The Treasury Department says in a new report the government expects to lose more than $25 billion on the $85 billion auto bailout. That's 15 percent higher than its previous forecast.
In a monthly report sent to Congress on Friday, the Obama administration boosted its forecast of expected losses by more than $3.3 billion to almost $25.1 billion, up from $21.7 billion in the last quarterly update.
The report may still underestimate the losses. The report covers predicted losses through May 31, when GM's stock price was $22.20 a share.
On Monday, GM stock fell $0.07, or 0.3 percent, to $20.47. At that price, the government would lose another $850 million on its GM bailout.
The government still holds 500 million shares of GM stock and needs to sell them for about $53 each to recover its entire $49.5 billion bailout. At the current price, the Treasury would lose more than $16 billion on its GM bailout.
Lets do this for all of our manufacturing companies!
Anonymous: Lets do this for all of our manufacturing companies!
Do we still have any -- in the United States, that is? Didn't the "job creators" move 'em all overseas?
"Do we still have any -- in the United States, that is? Didn't the "job creators" move 'em all overseas?"
If what you say is true, maybe it's due to the cost of staying in business here is much higher. Just ask the people at Gibson Guitar what they ending up having to pay our DOJ.
"Gibson paid $2.4M in legal fees, then cleared by DOJ but had to pay additional $350k settlement."
Thank you Mr. President!
Ryan's "plan" is nothing more than the same old Republican scam to funnel taxpayer dollars into insurance corporations. All that cash going into shareholder dividends and CEO pockets means less money for actual health care.
How stupid can people be to not see this?
Thanks in advance to the stupid troll response.
Dave, " How stupid can people be not to see this ? " Seriously ?? I think Amerikans have proven they lead the world in stupidity. The Amerikan dream has become the Amerikan nightmare and no one has noticed ?? Now THAT is stupidity.
Anonymous: "If what you say is true, [that 'job creators' moved the manufacturing jobs overseas]..."
Do you think it's true...or do you deny it?
That's a lie Dave and you know it. Not even worthy a response.
Can someone adequately explain to me why basic human needs such as food, shelter and healthcare must be administered by and through for profit capitalism ?? I mean I understand that greed is the driving force in Amerika, but wouldn't it make more sense to take care of all citizens' basic human needs FIRST and then let the capitalist pigs battle for who has the bigger house, bigger boat and bigger ego SECOND ?? Just saying !!
so instead of addressing WHY a business would go overseas to flee the current anti business administration, you chose to ask the obvious. Yes they have had to in order to stay in business. Ask the Coal Miners who are unemployed because of this President, ask the workers at Delpia after the auto bale out who lost their jobs, health care and peneions, ask the union light bulb workers at GE who lost their jobs to China because of our govt policys, ask the green energy workers who's companies went bankrupt under this President. Ask anyone who built their own business.
Anonymous: "Ask [all the workers] who are unemployed due to this president."
Correct me if I'm misunderstanding your statements, but am I to assume all (or most) of the manufacturing jobs that were relocated by the "job creators", were relocated in the last 3-1/2 years?
Is this what you're stating?
Ellis. You are a marxist.
Hey THANKS for the compliment !! We all know Marxism has gotten a bad rap as a result of the capitalist brainwashing of people who would otherwise be much more altruistic in their societal view. So Picard....answer the question !! I appreciate the flattery but I was hoping for an adequate answer to the question. I guess you don't have surprise there !!
"Can someone adequately explain to me why basic human needs such as food, shelter and healthcare must be administered by and through for profit capitalism ??"
Ellis, they don't have to be. No said they did have to be.
Name a nation where at least two of the three are not.
Furthermore, name a nation where any of the three are not ultimately funded by for-profit capitalism.
My question was answered as much as yours.
Re: All that cash going into shareholder dividends and CEO pockets means less money for actual health care.
Question 1:
"How stupid can people be to not see this?"
Question 2:
Can someone adequately explain to me why basic human needs such as food, shelter and healthcare must be administered by and through for profit capitalism?
Ellis. You are a marxist.
I could safely assume my question would meet the same judgment.
This is the ultimate answer from all the indoctrinated cult of the radical right.
No good Amerikaner can disagree with them. They must all be commies.
It's always a black and white world to cultists. Only their authoritarian leaders can speak truth. All others are evil and un-American "liberals media" and "marxists".
That's what it all boils down to.
Obama must be seen as a marxist "racist who hates white people", not the corporatist right-leaning moderate his actions have shown him to be.
They are really no different from a cult. It's all about the beliefs handed to them from Big Money interests and radical Right propagandists like Limbaugh and FOX(R).
Ok ellis
What happens when people decide they don't want to work anymore because 90% of their income goes to people not working. You know feeding them and building all there houses and paying there medical services for millions and millions of people. You gonna shoot them? Send them to a gulag? You're so altruistic Ellis!
Dave Dubya
I do disagree with her and I'm stating a fact. She wants to provide food and housing , a doctor to take care of them, for at cost only to the taxpayer. Not only is that fiscally impossible, it cannot be attained without discarding human rights. Cite Every other Marist regime in history.
Who's really been indoctrinated me are you Dave. nation, The Woodstock Nation !! Our people help one another in times of need. More of you folks should try it sometime !! Oh wait you are all too busy in your material world gathering material objects to feed your material egos. People with good in their hearts should find Romney and Ryan absolutely disgusting as candidates to lead Amerika. They make me want to puke but too bad I can't puke ON them !! If your point is that humans have not yet found a workable paradigm that implements my beliefs, that is probably true but only because the deck is stacked against altruistic behavior by greedy egoists. Ayn Rand ?? Is Ryan fucking serious ?? Wow talk about misguided !!
Forgive my grammatical errors
Ellis -
I'll take your question as seriously as you take mine.
The reason you don't have an answer is obvious - there is none.
The reason is also obvious. In an industrialized society (which Marx promoted in his humanist utopian ideal), free-market capitalism is clearly demonstrated as the best method for creating wealth. I trust Marx himself was intelligent enough to have changed his mind had he been privy to the 150 years of data at his disposal. Not so his modern devotees apparently.
By the way, Woodstock was organized as a for-profit venture. I'm sure it lost money though due to the "Woodstock nation". I do think it a good analogy and indicative of where your philosophy would have us end up...
Who's really been indoctrinated me are you Dave.
Like this?
"All that cash going into shareholder dividends and CEO pockets means less money for actual health care."
Or how about Romney/Ryan policies that strip from the poor and elderly and give even more tax cuts to the rich?
Are these what you believe to be sound, wise, and in our nation's best interest?
Calling someone a marxist as an answer suggests you do not have an understanding of the issues, or even Marxism.
Unregulated/de-regulated capitalism has proven again and again to be disastrous. Requiring Big Money to follow the rule of law is vital to economic stability and justice.
This is not Marxism. It is sanity.
You lie.
"All that cash going into shareholder dividends and CEO pockets means less money for actual health care." That is a lie. Where is all the money being raised now for Medicare going since its not into somebody's pockets? Why its going into govt employees pockets as wages, for what managing a fund of money. Why is that ok, but not when the money goes into business pockets for providing the same service? I'll tell you why, cause with the govt doing the work they can off set their internal cost increases (wages) with tax increases, and that's the way you like it. Higher taxes for move public workers and govt employees.
JG this may come a s shock to you, but businesses don't start because they want to hire people. They start cause they see a need, fill it and by doing so, try to make a profit, regardless of what our govt does to stop them from doing so. And when they can no longer make a profit here, they move over seas.
Pretty simple, even for you.
I wasn't going to answer her BS question she's some burnt out hippie. And she is a Marxist! I proved it! Besides she called me a capitalist pig.
Tax on gains and dividens don't make sense when you have a corporate tax.
Less taxes = jobs.
Less spending = defecit reduced
Or at least the plutocracy brain washed me into thinking
Now I'm gonna go throw a couple old ladies off a cliff to reduce my tax burden
And yes I know what Marxism.
Kidding about the old ladies
"LABOR HITTING ROMNEY ON BLACK LUNG: In Ohio, the AFL-CIO’s Super PAC is sending a mail piece with President Richard Trumka hitting Romney and Republicans in Congress for letting miners die from black lung as Romney does a “coal event” there."
God in heaven, why isn't this man Romney in hell already?
He hates dogs, was a bully, his wife never worked, and she owns a horse, he hates women, doesn't pay taxes, killed a mans wife, he wants the poor to stay poor, he doesnt want any new rich, he loves dirty water and filthy air, he doesn't want anyone to go to college, and he wants the old to go with out Medicare! And then DIE!!! Now this!!!
Is there anything else the loony left will try to slim him with before election day in Nov?
I know, he has a 666 tattoo some where on his person. That's it for me, I'm voting for Obama, whose last 3.5 years in office have great for the economy, who has been so very transparent. Got me vote as many times as I can get away with here in Cook County, anyone care to bet how many times that will be?
Tax on gains and dividens don't make sense when you have a corporate tax.
Less taxes = jobs.
Less spending = defecit reduced
This is what makes no sense.
Take this part: Less taxes = jobs. They said that ten years ago. It didn't work out that way, did it?
Why should we think it will work?
Faith in your programming won't cut it. It failed. It will always fail.
Keep on believing. Never ask questions or do research. That's not what they want you to do.
Anonymous, you didn't answer my question. Here it is again:
"Correct me if I'm misunderstanding your statements, but am I to assume all (or most) of the manufacturing jobs that were relocated by the 'job creators', were relocated in the last 3-1/2 years?"
By the way, I have an extensive background, not to mention education, in "business", so please refrain from the "basics" of business. Just answer my question.
Thank you.
Hi Tom,
Tuning in from Milwaukee...We've got our share of right-wing nut jobs of Scott Walker's ilk here...and unfortunately there's more where they came from. Shame on us for producing not only a Walker but a Ryan to boot. I'm hoping that the president wins Wisconsin, but now that we've got a home-grown in the mix, who knows.
It's not lost on most of us here that the Ryan family made their fortune building the first Interstate Highways and you know what it takes to do that...big government loans...Oh yeah...They want to shrink the government, except of course when it works for them.
You're right, Ryan is one of those guys who is scary, because the demeanor and unfairness of his budget seems to come from such a likeable guy. He sort of balances the Romney "unlikeability factor." After all, Ryan did drive the Weinermobile! Looks like that clever joke the Romney people invented about "baloney" was thrown at the wrong guy. People in Wisconsin either love him or hate him. There's no in-between.
I'm hoping that the debates bring some stark facts to life, and we do still want to see Mitt's tax returns. Here's hoping this particular issue follows him all the way to the polls in November. He is the singular most arrogant out-right liar I can think of.
I think after his Massachusetts debacle of not really being a resident got out, proving he wasn't qualified to run for governor, and he was elected anyway, he believes he can tell the American public anything with the attitude of "Just trust me. I paid taxes and alot of them, because I said so." I often find myself wondering why he doesn't seem to understand this stuff follows him around. His handlers must be biting their nails 24/7. I'm sure at this point they don't allow him to say a word that's not scripted.
I think the pundits are right who've said that the Romney camp was betting the early Ryan VP announcement would take the heat off of their candidate...For now it does...for now.
Romney & Ryan...Remember when R&R stood for Rock & Roll? I hope we can put these nightmares behind us and go back to a saner time someday soon. Thanks for your twist on things. I always enjoy it.
Dave, why don't you defend Obama's economic record as a reason I should vote for him?
Jeff G
You are a liar.
Nuff said.
"unfairness of his (Ryan) budget"
It was co-sponsored by the senior Senator from Oregon, a DEMOCRAT!
Anonymous "That is a lie. Where is all the money being raised now for Medicare going since its not into somebody's pockets? Why its going into govt employees pockets as wages, for what managing a fund of money. Why is that ok, but not when the money goes into business pockets for providing the same service? I'll tell you why, cause with the govt doing the work they can off set their internal cost increases (wages) with tax increases, and that's the way you like it. Higher taxes for move public workers and govt employees."
That's weird. I say that because the GOP is fighting against bringing in an 80-20 medical loss ratio for private insurance companies. That's a lower ratio than Medicare's quasi-Single Payer. If Medicare's worse, why the fight against simple, objective standards for others that are lower than Medicare's?
About the worst legitimate criticism of Medicare I've heard is that, since it was originally built on the "honor system", it's bad at fighting fraud. This leads to two points:
1. Private insurance isn't good at fighting fraud, either.
2. The GOP's against efforts to actually fight fraud (haranguing anti-fraud programs' savings as "program cuts" and calling unsuccessful ones "government waste", meaning that it's bad whether the program works or not). So's the medical industry.
Dave Dubya "Take this part: Less taxes = jobs. They said that ten years ago. It didn't work out that way, did it?"
Now you're just being ridiculous. They've been saying that for thirty years.
I'm glad I could clear that up.
More the most transparent White House in history!!
A former Obama administration trade adviser accused of plotting to purchase $10 million in gold from a Congolese warlord refused to detail his role in the illegal plot, invoking the Fifth Amendment more than 100 times during confidential court testimony, according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
President Obama tapped oil mogul Kase Lawal, a prolific Democratic bundler and Clinton family confidante, to serve as a member of the White House’s Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations in 2010. Lawal’s name no longer appears on the website.
Soon after his appointment, court documents allege, Lawal became entangled in a plot to purchase nearly 2,500 pounds of Congolese gold from Gen. Bosco Ntaganda, a rebel commander who has been linked by the International Criminal Court to ethnic massacres and rapes.
The charges raised red flags among D.C. foreign policy observers, who questioned why the White House would associate with such a controversial figure."
That's an easy one to answer, even JG could answer that. It's because its the Chicago way of doing things your moron.
Anonymous "It was co-sponsored by the senior Senator from Oregon, a DEMOCRAT!"
Ron Wyden? Jesus. Reading his bio is like reading a list of things split between things I really agree with (bankruptcy law, civil rights, environment protections) and things I really disagree with or am leery of (NAFTA, Medicare D, TARP). Who says that the Dems are all commies, anyway? For that matter, he was also an Obama nominee for Sec. of HHS. How much of a socialist is Obama again?
And also, no. Wyden co-wrote the Medicare reform paper, turning it into a voucher, with Ryan. If memory serves, he didn't co-sponsor the budget bill. One would (and did) get him flak, while the other would get him primaried.
Anonymous "MO, You are a liar."
Is that an argument? Seriously, is that supposed to be an argument?
"Nuh uh!" isn't a counter. It's an admission that you have no argument, but want to stand in opposition anyway. At least put some work into it, man.
Medical loss ratio, for example, isn't that complicated. It's simple enough that Obamacare could do it. And did. And it's already resulted in refunds. And the GOP is against Obamacare, if memory serves, so...
Anonymous: "Jeff G You are a liar. Nuff said."
Please, refer to the lie you're claiming I made. All I did is repeat back to you what you stated on this blog comment section, and ask you a few questions, and now you accuse me of being "a liar".
Are my played-back statements (taken from your words) the lies? Or, are my questions lies?
Now, please answer my original question.
I don't answer liars.
Ano said... " He hates dogs, was a bully, his wife never worked, and she owns a horse, he hates women, doesn't pay taxes, killed a mans wife, he wants the poor to stay poor, he doesnt want any new rich, he loves dirty water and filthy air, he doesn't want anyone to go to college, and he wants the old to go with out Medicare! And then DIE!!!
I disagree with this statement. Romney does not hate dogs he just mistreats them
"I don't answer lairs."
Oh really? I try to stay out of these skirmishes. "Ignore the trolls" is my motto - but that one was irresistible! If you had an answer you would have gleefully provided it I'm sure.
That one was priceless.
@jeff g
Ill try to jump in on this. They were relocated years ago but ive read theres a prospect of some of them coming back if the president allows for more drilling, mining and fracking. So cheap energy might bring manufacturing
Also ken burns' thomas jefferson was excellent
To the marxists here Tom Degan, Dave Dubya, and Jefferson's Guardian and others (I have omitted the Canadian marxists since Canada is one big bloodsucking freeloader of the US):
We are actually two nations pretending to be one nation. Each of the two nations believes in something all right, and it is contrary to what the other believes in.
We are therefore headed toward a big decision - maybe we can stave it off until 2016 or 2020, but not much longer. Do we want to split apart, and how do we draw the lines?
The Right is ready to split - but you utopian marxists will resist, since you are all bloodsuckers feeding off the Right pulling the wagon.
Smokey Lagumski "The Right is ready to split - but you utopian marxists will resist, since you are all bloodsuckers feeding off the Right pulling the wagon."
Um, the states that send more to DC than they get back from it tend to be blue states. Even if RedUSA gets its wet dream of low taxes/no programs, that would still mean that most of its states would get back more than they send in, the amounts involved would just be smaller. If the red states won't put up with mostly blue ones holding them up, how long do you think they'd put up with Texas, a "have" state, propping them up? For that matter, how long do you think Texas would?
For curious readers unfamiliar with the “Red State Socialism” factor, here are some explanations.
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In
Even as Republicans gripe about deficit spending, their states get 30 cents more federal spending per tax dollar than their Democratic neighbors.
The red state ripoff
Over at the Fourth Branch, they've got a nice map showing the states that receive more than a dollar back for every dollar they pay in taxes (which they've coded red), and the states that receive less than a dollar back for every dollar they pay in taxes (which they've coded blue). Just to repeat: Red states are getting a good deal, and blue states a bad one.
For those not curious, it doesn’t matter, does it? They have their beliefs, and that’s all that matters.
Most in debt states, Connecticut, illinois, California, new York, get screwed by the authoritarian government in dc because the Feds take a majority of the taxable dollars in their incomes. Then the states are left with less money to tax on state income. So why would these states try to send someone to the white house who wants to increase federal taxes and decrease state revenue? This causes businesses to flock out of blue state. Lowering the federal income tax would be a great thing for these blue states and might bring them out of debt.
Especially if you're assertion that the blue states pay more in fed income tax than they receive in benefits is correct what would posses them to vote democratic?
If blue states want to keep their own money they'd vote for smaller federal government else wise this red state rip off is more like a blue state stupidity. No offense but it doesn't make any sense? You guys want your own healthcare system? Do it. With less fed taxes you'll have the money. I talked earlier about how states are more responsile with money than Feds. Democrats run the Capitol like Tammany hall and you guys send your votes to them to raise taxes.
So you're argument is that blue states get screwed by a federal government they're in favor of expanding? Where's the logic? I live in a blue state, new York. If I pay into the highest tax rate under Ryan's plan 25%. That means the state can say look an extra 10% in revenue for us to tax. How convenient. Were in debt and we can raise taxes without raising burden. I'd rather pay money to Albany than to Capitol hill. So should you!
V.P. Biden "'Folks, where's it written we cannot lead the world in the 20th century in making automobiles?,"?
I don't know Joe, but I'm sure the liberals on this blog will rush to your defense.
"Progressivism" is an oxymoronic term as it is the most regressive form of accomplishing virtually anything. Social Security? Going broke. Medicare? Going broke. Medicaid? Going broke, etc., etc. Progressivism = never having to learn from a mistake, and staying the course all the way to the gigantic glacier, full speed ahead!
To the marxists, with the Federal Government borrowing 40 cents for every dollar spent, to say red states are dependent on the blue states is a crock of shit!
I like how the stats are displayed as "proof" of their altruism. "thats right you lazy republicans, we're getting screwed by the federal government so we can support your states. Now raise my taxes! I wish to give more money to the red states! Damn illinois. Our cities and municipalities are crumbling with gang violence and our debt is skyrocketing but we must give more to the feds so they can misuse our money!"
Here's something the loony left will say didn't happen.
"A security guard at the Family Research Council headquarters in Washington, D.C., was shot in the arm by a gunman who sources said expressed disagreement with the conservative group’s policy positions.
The guard, who was not identified, was conscious after the shooting and was being treated. The shooting occurred in the Chinatown neighborhood Wednesday morning. The gunman was apprehended and was being questioned by the FBI, sources said.
The suspect “made statements regarding their policies, and then opened fire with a gun striking a security guard,” a source told Fox News.
Authorities were treating the attack as a case of "domestic terrorism".
“The police are investigating this incident,” Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said. “Our first concern is with our colleague who was shot today. Our concern is for him and his family.”
Picard "I like how the stats are displayed as 'proof' of their altruism."
We're all in this together.
Anonymous "Here's something the loony left will say didn't happen."
Here, have some crow (I assume that gay rights groups and social libertarians qualify in your mind as "loony left").
You are still a liar.
Anonymous, is that an argument? Seriously, is that supposed to be an argument?
Modusoperandi: "Anonymous, is that an argument? Seriously, is that supposed to be an argument?"
Actually, it's an incomplete argument. In its most complex form it goes like this:
Liar, liar, pants on fire...
More lies from JG and big MO. They cant tell the truth cause they don't know the truth.
You say they're lying but you offer no proof. Prove it.
ModusOperandi said:
Picard "I like how the stats are displayed as 'proof' of their altruism."
We're all in this together.
MO, sorry about being politically incorrect, but Canada is a socialist shitstain and freeloader of the US.
Don't have to prove they are liars. Using the standards set by Harry Reid, they have to disprove they are not liars.
Hey, it's the Liberal way of debate, live it, learn it, love it!
McReichstooge is also lying
Dave Dubya,
Do you have any links to Mother Jones articles about people pulling the wagon being dependent on those riding in the wagon?
“The Amateur,” a stinging portrayal of President Barack Obama’s leadership, ratcheted up to the New York Times No. 2 bestsellers slot, according to the NYT’s latest list released Wednesday, heading toward the top as Americans’ political convention reading begins in earnest this week.
“You didn’t build that . . .”
- President Obama
Dear Mr. Obama,
Normally when you utter something so colossally idiotic I tend to see what everyone else does and if its all been done I’m not going to throw out my opinion on the matter. The “Obama Depression” is about to claim the last bit of my 401K and I’m trying to get this new idea off the ground so I’m a bit busy. This little letter writing gig is a voluntary effort, with all due respect to those who seem to think I’m a some famous writer grand standing their true self, or some rich guy doing this because I need to vent. I’m none of that. If I did make that claim I would be as bad as you. Because through out these reactions to that utterance I realized something.
You, Sir, did not build you. Please allow me to explain. Every step of your life has been prepared for you. Every moment you were pampered and buffed for the next phase like some kind of imaginary character in a television program. From your mother to your girlfriends to your job history and your lack of real world skills. It’s frankly miraculous that you kept the facade up for so long. To repeat; you did not build you, someone else did that.
Well, us common folk “Joe Doakes’s” out in the hinterland don’t have that option. We don’t have the safety net of a group of rich socialist friends that are going to protect us at every turn. We are on our own. And for every improvement we make in our lives there is someone out there, thanks to all of your class rhetoric, that thinks they have a legitimate claim on my labor or my dwindling wealth.
You never felt blame. You never had to stare back at your wife and explain why that second mortgage isn’t getting paid. You never had to live with less so others could have more. You never had to sacrifice what you wanted so someone else could have a shot. You never built a life on merit and exposure to risk nor attempted to serve the public good in the vain of politicians like Henry Clay. You never did that.
There’s this guy running for office. His name is Mitt Romney. He has done nothing but that. No one told him when to “zig” or “zag.” No one told him to do what when. He just did it. Mr. Romney is a “Do the right thing” machine. That’s what he does. He’s like one of those perpetual motion machines that you could buy. You can just count on it. That’s what America needs, someone it can count on to relieve it from the madness that is Washington D.C. by any means necessary. Because if you haven't noticed you didn’t build that city.
We did.
Joe Doakes
Hey Joe, wasn't Romney's dad a tycoon?
>He’s like one of those perpetual motion machines that you could buy...
Uh Joe, I don't think you can get one of those either...
Hey John, is Romney's dad running?
Hey, John, wasn't Ted Kennedy's dad rich?
Hey John, wasn't Obama's dad a bigamist?
Hey John, didn't Carter have a drunk brother?
Anything else you want to bring up to avoid the awful economy we have under Obama?
Issues, man stick to the issues.
You cant make this shit up!
Bain Capital, the investment firm that Mitt Romney made famous, made a leveraged buyout that saved the site of Barack and Michelle Obamas’ first kiss.
In 2005, Bain and two other private equity firms purchased Dunkin’ Brands Incorporated for $2.425 billion, according to a 2006 company press release.
Dunkin’ Brands is the parent company of Baskin-Robbins, at whose Hyde Park, Chicago location the president and his future wife Michelle went on their first date — and shared their first lip lock.
Anonymous "Anything else you want to bring up to avoid the awful economy we have under Obama?
Issues, man stick to the issues."
It's all Obama's fault, because he won't compromise. Remember when Boehner only got 98% of what he wanted. 98%! Why couldn't Obama compromise more and give him 100%? Because he's so divisive, that's why.
Why isn't Obama focused on jobs? He doesn't even have a jobs plan! At least, not one that the GOP will pass. Worse, he stood in the way of his own other jobs plan, which I know is a jobs plan because its abbreviation has "JOBS" in it, digging in his heels by happily signing it, even though it doesn't create jobs and mostly just makes it easier for startups to commit fraud.
Meanwhile the GOP is, as they promised, focused laser-like on jobs. Their jobs plan makes negative jobs. You can't get any more focused than that. Obama thinks infrastructure promotes growth and trade. Everybody knows that so-called "roads" and "bridges" are roads to socialist slavery and bridges to Sharia law or something!
And day after day it's been just like this, with Obama either refusing to compromise with the Republicans by giving them everything they want, by him compromising 100% with them and having them walk away anyway, all the while the GOP is working hard to help the USA recover from the Obama's mismanagement, by passing jobs bills that have nothing to do with jobs or that make negative jobs!
Wups. That last link should here.
MO's back with more of his lies.
Can you say "Obama is two faced"?
"One of Obama’s favorite phrases comes right out of the Bible: “We are our brother’s keeper.” Yet he has not contributed a penny to help his own brother. And evidently George (Obama's 1/2 brother) does not believe, even in times of emergency, that he can turn to his brother in the White House for help.
So much for spreading the wealth around.
Obama’s refusal to help George is especially surprising because George doesn’t just live in American-style poverty but rather in Third World poverty. He lives in a shanty in the Huruma slum in Nairobi. He gets by on a few dollars a month. Obama also has an aunt named Hawa Auma, his father’s sister, who ekes out a living selling coal on the streets of a small village in Kenya. She says she would like to have her teeth fixed, but she cannot afford it. Obama hasn’t offered to help her either."
No wonder Obama want's us to focus on Mitt's income tax returns. The President's failed economic policy's are the last thing he wants anyone to talk about.
Gallup Poll 8/9-12/12
60% disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy.
58% disapprove of Obama's handling of creating jobs.
What is he running on, vote for me because I may be a complete failure but if you vote against me you're a racist?
MO's back with more of his lies.
Ha! You liberal marxist fools haff no chance against zis clearly superior argument.
As ve trolls haff proven:
Ve real Amerikaners don't need to argue or prove anything.
Ve alzo DO NOT answer qvestions.
Our only chob is to accuse all you liberals of being Marxist liars.
It is our tradition going back to our forefathers in 1930’s Germany and Italy. Our accusations alone are all that matter.
Vhy? Because it is who ve are.
Hail victory!
Unfunded liabilities are benefits promised by the federal government to individuals through entitlement programs like Medicare.
“Medicare as you know is a $38 trillion unfunded liability, it has to be reformed for younger generations because it won’t exist because it’s going bankrupt and the premise of our idea is look, why not give people the same kind of health-care plan we have in Congress? That kind of reform proposal for Medicare,” Ryan — recently selected as Mitt Romney’s running mate — then said to Obama.
“Right, right,” Obama responded. “As I’ve said before, this is an entirely legitimate proposal.”
My accusations of Marxism on this blog are spot on. Half the liberals here talk about the redistribution of wealth and land. Do you even know what a Marxist is stoog? We free market guys don't tolerate this socialism crap so we call it like we see it.
Do you even know what a Marxist is stoog?
Ja Wohl! Ein Marxist ist who ve SAY ist ein Marxist. All ze Democrats und liberals are Marxists.
Zey cannot fool uns.
Nicht Wahr?
Ach, so! Biden ist ein racist Marxist for sure. Und ja, any fool knows socialism ist exactly ze same as Marxism.
All ze democrats und liberals favor nationalizing Medicare und Social Security. If zat is not commie enough, zem vanting ze Bush tax cuts to expire for ze Chob Kreators means ve vould haff pure Communism. Nicht Wahr?
Republikaners Uber Alles!
No. socialism IS part of Marxism. Marx described it as lower stage communism that would eventually evolve into full blown Communism.
Und ist Marx correct...or is he wrong?
Marx described it as lower stage communism that would eventually evolve into full blown Communism.
So government provided Social Security und Medicare must be destroyed before zey evolve, und drag uns into communsim?
Es ist sehr gut Republikaners vant to redirect our tax dollars to insurance companies. Zat ist our only salvation from Communism.
Heil Romney! Heil Ryan! Heil Ayn Rand!
Phil said
McReichstooge, that's not a yiddish name but why do you talk like you are?
Some trivia on one of Dave Dubya's heroes, Mother Jones:
The association of May Day with the Haymarket martyrs has remained strong in Mexico. Mary Harris "Mother" Jones was in Mexico on May 1, 1921, and wrote of the "day of 'fiestas'" that marked "the killing of the workers in Chicago for demanding the eight-hour day".
Anonymous McReichstooge is right:
The Tea Baggers and Ayn Rand who believe in limited government and the Constitution, like the founders of America, are Nazi Fascists!
The Tea Baggers and Ayn Rand who believe in limited government and the Constitution, like the founders of America, are Nazi Fascists!
Zis ist ein Marxist Lie!
Tea Baggers are "Good Amerikaners" who know Obama is a socialist Kenyan racist, und a Marxist, und a Communist, und even a Nazi if ve say so. Und Rand is an atheist who knows ze "Virtue of Selfishness".
Heil Rand! Heil teabaggers! Heil Selfishnes!
Picard: "Marx described it [socialism] as lower stage communism that would eventually evolve into full blown Communism."
But it's all really a mute point, because the simple truth is that the United States isn't anywhere close to socialism, much less communism. If anything, the country is on the verge of full-fledged fascism. (Say that three times, really fast.) It doesn't matter whose definition of fascism you choose, the signposts all point to a move toward right-wing extremism (i.e., fascism).
"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism — ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power." ---- Franklin D. Roosevelt, April 29, 1938. Message to congress
"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism — ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power."
So in essence, fascism in Nazi Germany was the evil private corporations controlling Hitler's National Socialist German Workers Party? That sure makes a lot of sense (NOT). Maybe McReichstooge can add some insight on this.
"the simple truth is that the United States isn't anywhere close to socialism, much less communism"
So in essence with the Federal Government wanting even more centralized control of close to 20% of the healthcare industry through Obamacare, thats not socialism. That sure makes a lot of sense (NOT).
Anonymous, does that mean you don't believe that private interests manipulate and control political and economic policy in this country?
If so, who does?
"the simple truth is that the United States isn't anywhere close to socialism, much less communism"
So in essence with the Federal Government wanting even more centralized control of close to 20% of the US economy, healthcare industry through Obamacare, thats not socialism. That sure makes a lot of sense (NOT).
Anonymous, you better be careful. It's a sign of dementia when you start repeating yourself over and over again.
What the matter? Have you run out of your redundant libertarian talking points again?
By the way, I'm still waiting for an answer to the question I asked you a few days ago on this thread.
Jefferson's Guardian,
So in essence, fascism in Nazi Germany was the evil private corporations controlling Hitler's National Socialist German Workers Party?
Do you think the evil corporations controlled Hitler's NAZI Party with "Bread and Circuses?" lol
"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism — ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power."
So in essence, zis ist ein Marxist Lie!
In late July, John Hynansky — a longtime friend of Vice President Joe Biden, and a major donor to Biden’s campaigns as well as President Barack Obama’s — was awarded a $20 million taxpayer loan to build a foreign-car dealership in UKRAINE.
Seriously jefferson dont quote fdr on liberty thats like quoting hitler about tolerance. Its fine he jailed citizens on thr hundreds of thousands because he gave us some neat programs. Or to you liberty isnt the right not to be jailed by our government without reason. Its a social security check in the mail. This progressive mindset is fascinating
Seriously jefferson dont quote fdr on liberty thats like quoting hitler about tolerance.
Ach, so! Danke. Ve all know FDR was a commie socialist und Hitler a fascist socialist. No difference at all. Perhaps Hitler vas more admirable since he invaded Russia and FDR helped ze commies. So in essence FDR was a commie. Ja?
As I haff shtated: All ze democrats und liberals favor nationalizing Medicare und Social Security. If zat is not commie enough, zem vanting ze Bush tax cuts to expire for ze Chob Kreators means ve vould haff pure Communism. Nicht Wahr?
Marx vas right...vhen he vasn’t wrong.
Republikaners Uber Alles! One party rule is ze answer! Never compromise! Our Fuhrer understood zese principles. Deutche corporations vorked togezer vit ze Nazis to build ze greatest Reich of all. Zis is ze glory of corporate/radical Right partnership.
Hail Victory!
"Our Fuhrer (OBAMA)understood zese principles."
"(OBAMA)understood zese principles."
Ach, nein! Zat Marxist has no principles, nor understanding of zem.
VE are se side zat has principles, like one party rule and no compromise.
You don't kompromise vit Marxists, do you?
Heil Republikaners!
Picard: "This progressive mindset is fascinating."
Picard, I'll ask the same question of you as I asked Anonymous earlier (and whom, by the way, has never, and will not, reply with a legitimate answer because he knows I'm right): Do you believe that private interests manipulate and control political and economic policy in this country?
If not, who do you think does?
By the way, the mindset of radical right-wing libertarianism is even more fascinating -- in a very scary way, I might add.
Yes i do. However your assertion that a bigger government would be immune to this is puzzling. As if its better to have a government large enough to control enterprise rather than the other way around. I mosty blame the financial crisis on fed monetary policy but it would seem that our deregulation of the banking sector was also a crooked bargain
if its better to have a government large enough to control enterprise rather than the other way around.
Some guys already addressed that issue in our Constitution:
Section 8
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;...
To borrow money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
That should settle it.
But it doesn’t, Big Money isn’t happy with that arrangement.
They’re working on it though; doing their best to undermine and eliminate regulation and take control of our government.
They already have one and a half of our two major parties in their pockets.
Do you refer to the general welfare clause as a justification of big entitlement Government? Seems like if that were the case the general welfare clause would encompass a very wide amount of Government powers.
Is this Mitt Romney
Picard: "...your assertion that a bigger government would be immune to this is puzzling."
Please, tell me where, and when, I asserted as much. Now that's puzzling!
"As if its better to have a government large enough to control enterprise rather than the other way around."
Well, yes, I want my government to be powerful enough to regulate private enterprise. Don't you? Or, do you favor complete laissez faire capitalism instead?
"I mosty blame the financial crisis on fed monetary policy but it would seem that our deregulation of the banking sector was also a crooked bargain."
The Federal Reserve and the unfortunate deregulation of the banking industry led to, as you phrased it, a "crooked bargain". Actually, there wasn't any bargain in the deal for the vast majority of citizens and consumers. It's been more aptly described as criminal activity, although this administration will not prosecute. But, neither would a Romney, or for that matter, any administration -- Democratic or Republican. Why is that? Because both major parties are collusive and protect their primary benefactors. In a word, both parties are corporatist.
Interestingly, conservatives such as yourself have never been willing to vilify the banking industry (until you did now, but then still you soften the accusation your phrase "it would seem") for the billions of dollars of stolen treasure from this country (which is now being reported to be more like trillions), but your side continuously bitches and moans about comparatively miniscule amounts (such as the case with Solyndra and the GM bailout) while the real heists are happening right under your collective nose.
And we haven't even touched upon the scandalous M-I-C, which your side is always quick to defend.
Now, that's fascinating!
Why should I cite for Obama?
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