The Strangest Campaign in Memory
"We own this country."
-Clint Eastwood
Did you hap
pen to check out last night's conclusion of the 2012 Clown Car Race-to-the-Bottom? If this is the best the GOP can do for der Mittster's Coming Out party they're in worse shape than I thought. It was a dud and-a-half from beginning to end. And did you catch Clint Eastwood's pathetic Bob Newhart impersonation? Painful and embarrassing! What the hell were they thinking when they allowed him to go out there unscripted? The very sight of him debating that empty chair gave me the same kind of almost sympathetic feeling I got watching Michael Moore interviewing a feeble-minded Charlton Heston in the film Bowling for Columbine. As George Carlin might have said, it's time to "check his calender". Too sad for words.
That this bit of "theater" backfired on the Romney Show is already accepted wisdom. This morning almost everyone is talking about Clint's little routine. Mitt's acceptance speech has been relegated to the back burner of our national conversation. The headline above Jonathon Chait's article on New York Magazine's website this morning pretty much summed up the feeling:
"Mitt Romney: More Effective Than Clint Eastwood"
Well now! Who could disagree with that assessment? Honestly, this is turning out to be the strangest presidential contest in two centuries; since the Adams/Jefferson debacle of 1804 - and it's not even close to being over! As Al Jolson liked to say back in the day, "Folks, you ain't seen nothin' yet!" Indeed. All of this unintentional comedy is getting to be a bit much to digest. These sure are interesting times, are they not? I can't get enough of this stuff. Seriously.
I only got to focus clearly on the evening's festivities after the fact, in the wee small hours of the morning when the event was replayed on the cable news channels. During the live telecast I got too intoxicated to even describe, and by the time Mitt stepped up to the podium, I was very wasted and my memory of the night is a fog. I have found that it is easier to deal with the grim realities of America's political nightmare by having vast quantities of vodka at hand. Such was the case when Governor Romney accepted his party's nomination on Thursday night. Please don't try this at home, boys and girls.
Romney's spe
ech was quite interesting - not so much for the content - but for the audience's reaction to it. On every weird talking point the people reacted as expected, with wild and unrestrained applause. The only exception was when he suggested that the government had a responsibility to take care of the less fortunate. The only thing I could hear at that point were the crickets chirping. There must have been some kind of record set last night. Does anyone know of any other incident in history where so many sociopaths gathered in one place? Nuremberg 1936 perhaps? Someone get back to me on that one, okay?
The one
part of the night that I must admit moved me was when Mitt described the love his parents, George and Lenore, had for one another. If we can believe Mitt (and you'll forgive me if I'm inclined to doubt everything that comes out of his mouth) theirs was a storybook romance. Every morning as George was leaving for work, he would leave a single, red rose beside Lenore's nightstand. One morning when she awakened to find no rose, she instinctively knew that her husband must have died. He had. It is a touching story but so what? We're electing a president here - not the CEO of Harlequin Romance Novels Inc. I shudder to think how many people last night decided on Romney just on the sentimental appeal of that story. Let's get a hold of ourselves.
"The question now is whether voters will understand what’s really going on (which depends to a large extent on whether the news media do their jobs). Mr. Ryan and his party are betting that they can bluster their way through this, pretending that they are the real defenders of Medicare even as they work to kill it. Will they get away with it?"
-Paul Krugman, from this morning's New York Times
I've said this before and I'll go on saying it to my grave: we ignore Krugman to our own detriment.
When Paul Ry
an dragged his clueless mom to a campaign stop in Florida a couple of weeks ago, she assured the crowd that her baby would never do something so naughty as giving Medicare the ol' heave-ho. Perish the thought! This is the party that really cares about Medicare, they want us to believe, unlike those evil-doing libs who would love nothing better than throwing poor granny into the socialist meat-grinder. Beautiful! To refresh your memory, this is the party that tried everything possible to defeat Medicare when Lyndon Johnson signed it into existence almost fifty years ago. This is the same party that has been working overtime to kill it ever since. They now want us to swallow the fallacy that they are the saviors of Medicare. Isn't that a scream? They obviously don't have a very high opinion of the intelligence of the American people - with damned good reason I might add.
By the way, watching Paul Ryan bring his mother out on the stage to do his lying for him had to be one of the most desperate acts that has been committed by an American politician since Dick Nixon's "Checkers Speech" on September 23, 1952 - that's damned near sixty years ago! Can you see why I love this job?
As I write these words, Republican governors in key swing states are in the process of denying the vote to the traditional Democratic constituency by means of the so-called "Voter ID" laws. Here's something you can take to the bank, kids: if the polls don't correspond to the results - in other words if Obama loses to Romney despite exit polls that have him clearly ahead - the proverbial shit is going to hit the very real fan. I've got an ominous feeling that most Americans won't look too kindly on a coup d'etat. Expect a mass, nationwide freak out if that happens. We can put this place out of business if we want to. Occupy Wall Street is merely a dry run.
"I wish President Obama had succeeded because I want America to succeed."
-Mitt Romney, Acceptance speech
-Jon Stewart, The Daily Show
So many of the pundits have been calling this campaign a huge disappointment, and as far as substance is concerned I'm inclined to agree. Campaign 2012 is symptomatic of the disintegration of America's political dialogue in the last thirty years. No doubt about it, it's been quite disappointing. Train wrecks are disappointing, too. No one likes to see them - BUT DAMN! - you just can't take your eyes off of them either. Mining comedy out of this fiasco is as easy as gathering snowflakes in a blizzard. It's the gift that keeps giving.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
This isn't the first time I've shared this song, and I assure you it won't be the last. Thank you, Leonard Cohen for nailing it:
amen, brother cohen.
-Clint Eastwood
Did you hap

That this bit of "theater" backfired on the Romney Show is already accepted wisdom. This morning almost everyone is talking about Clint's little routine. Mitt's acceptance speech has been relegated to the back burner of our national conversation. The headline above Jonathon Chait's article on New York Magazine's website this morning pretty much summed up the feeling:
"Mitt Romney: More Effective Than Clint Eastwood"
Well now! Who could disagree with that assessment? Honestly, this is turning out to be the strangest presidential contest in two centuries; since the Adams/Jefferson debacle of 1804 - and it's not even close to being over! As Al Jolson liked to say back in the day, "Folks, you ain't seen nothin' yet!" Indeed. All of this unintentional comedy is getting to be a bit much to digest. These sure are interesting times, are they not? I can't get enough of this stuff. Seriously.
I only got to focus clearly on the evening's festivities after the fact, in the wee small hours of the morning when the event was replayed on the cable news channels. During the live telecast I got too intoxicated to even describe, and by the time Mitt stepped up to the podium, I was very wasted and my memory of the night is a fog. I have found that it is easier to deal with the grim realities of America's political nightmare by having vast quantities of vodka at hand. Such was the case when Governor Romney accepted his party's nomination on Thursday night. Please don't try this at home, boys and girls.
Romney's spe

The one

"The question now is whether voters will understand what’s really going on (which depends to a large extent on whether the news media do their jobs). Mr. Ryan and his party are betting that they can bluster their way through this, pretending that they are the real defenders of Medicare even as they work to kill it. Will they get away with it?"
-Paul Krugman, from this morning's New York Times
I've said this before and I'll go on saying it to my grave: we ignore Krugman to our own detriment.
When Paul Ry

By the way, watching Paul Ryan bring his mother out on the stage to do his lying for him had to be one of the most desperate acts that has been committed by an American politician since Dick Nixon's "Checkers Speech" on September 23, 1952 - that's damned near sixty years ago! Can you see why I love this job?
As I write these words, Republican governors in key swing states are in the process of denying the vote to the traditional Democratic constituency by means of the so-called "Voter ID" laws. Here's something you can take to the bank, kids: if the polls don't correspond to the results - in other words if Obama loses to Romney despite exit polls that have him clearly ahead - the proverbial shit is going to hit the very real fan. I've got an ominous feeling that most Americans won't look too kindly on a coup d'etat. Expect a mass, nationwide freak out if that happens. We can put this place out of business if we want to. Occupy Wall Street is merely a dry run.
"I wish President Obama had succeeded because I want America to succeed."
-Mitt Romney, Acceptance speech
-Jon Stewart, The Daily Show
So many of the pundits have been calling this campaign a huge disappointment, and as far as substance is concerned I'm inclined to agree. Campaign 2012 is symptomatic of the disintegration of America's political dialogue in the last thirty years. No doubt about it, it's been quite disappointing. Train wrecks are disappointing, too. No one likes to see them - BUT DAMN! - you just can't take your eyes off of them either. Mining comedy out of this fiasco is as easy as gathering snowflakes in a blizzard. It's the gift that keeps giving.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
This isn't the first time I've shared this song, and I assure you it won't be the last. Thank you, Leonard Cohen for nailing it:
amen, brother cohen.
"When Paul Ryan dragged his clueless mom to a campaign stop in Florida"
Please provide proof that Ryan's mother is clueless. Or is that just your opinion?
She is clueless because she failed to abort the child of Satan she named Paul !!
It looks like Team Obama has failed and wasted a lot of campaign money trying to character assassinate Mitt Romney as a greedy impersonal human being. This was done out of desperation as Team Obama can't campaign on their record with the economy deep in the shitter. Team Obama is real good at wasting money.
Clint you made my day! Thanks for speaking out against the unvetted and inexperienced youngster whose only skill is giving good speeches from his teleprompter.
A House panel is calling on the U.S. Department of Labor to turn over all records involving a half-million dollar contract funded through President Obama’s $831 billion stimulus program that paid for more than 100 commercials on MSNBC touting a “green jobs” initiative.
The contract with McNeely Pigott & Fox Public Relations LLC in 2009 resulted in more than 100 commercials on cable shows hosted by Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman to raise awareness about the Job Corps program’s training in environmentally-friendly career areas.
But spending reports showed that no jobs were created through the contract. The Washington Times first reported on the contract earlier this month, quoting one taxpayer watchdog who questioned not only the lack of jobs but why the commercials aired only on MSNBC, considered the most liberal of the major cable news outlets.
Republican leaders on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, which oversees the Labor Department, are raising similar questions in a recent letter they sent to Labor Secretary Hilda Solis.
The letter, signed by Reps. John Kline of Minnesota, chairman of the committee, and Phil Roe of Tennessee, who chairs the panel’s subcommittee on health, employment, labor and pension issues, seeks all documents and communications concerning the public relations contract, as well as a list of dates, attendees and topics for any meetings between Labor officials and the public relations firm concerning the “public relations strategy.”
“We understand this contract used taxpayer dollars purchase advertisements on MSNBC during ‘Countdown with Keith Olbermann’ and ‘The Rachel Maddow Show,’” the lawmakers wrote.
“Despite the fact that these funds were made available as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act — legislation President Obama said was critical for immediate job creation — an examination of public records show that the contract that resulted in the advertisements on MSNBC created no jobs.”
A spokesman for the Labor Department, Stephen Barr, said officials have received the committee’s letter and will be responding.
"She is clueless because she failed to abort the child of Satan she named Paul !" Way to keep it classy Ellis. We have come to expect this from the liberals who are frothing at the mouth that under 30% of Americans polled call themselves liberals. Liberals, you are so out of touch with the rest of America it is frighting.
Ellis said "We don't want to speak for the majority of Amerikans. The majority of Amerikans are brainwashed and act against their own best interests."
This is code or dog whistle for only liberals are smart and know how to rule the dumb unwashed 70% of Americans who are not liberals. So do your self a favor and vote liberals in because they are only ones fit to rule.
"....only liberals are smart and know how to rule the dumb unwashed 70% of Americans who are not liberals."
I am almost inclined to agree.
We should boycott all movies produced by that Neo Nazi Clint Eastwood!
We will make it hurt in their wallets!
The good news is there are far more liberals than Tea Party extremists. The bad news is Kochs' and other Big Money fat cats are subsidizing the entire so-called "grass roots" fraud of an organization.
I would hope Americans wouldn't tolerate another stolen election, but we can't expect the spineless corpor-dems to do anything but baa like sheep, as they did the last time Republicans and Supreme Cronies stole the election.
To paraphrase Mark Twain, there are three kinds of liars: Liars, damned liars like Dave Dubya and JG and screaming, foamy-mouthed MSNBC hosts (like Chris Mathews who still gets a tingle up his leg and then pees his pants everytime Obama gives a speech) watching Paul Ryan speak.
We have now moved into what academics might call the “post-factual” portion of the Obama campaign. For example: Tuesday night Ann Romney gives a warm, charmingly earnest speech. Obama butt boy Robert Gibbs calls it an “angry” night “full of insults.” What “insults?” He doesn’t say. He just says “Republicans are angry!”
Why? Because he needs them to be.
The RNC features black Republicans like Condoleezza Rice, Rep. Artur Davis and Mia Love. CNN and MSNBC fill their panels with nuts like Toure and the Rev. Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharptoon decrying the GOP has blueberry all over their face committing “racism” in Tampa. Their proof? They don’t need “proof.” For Obama to win, they need Republicans to be “racist” — so the pundits say they are.
And in perhaps the most blatant example, DNC spokesflak Debbie Wasserman Schultz used a Los Angeles Times article to claim that Mitt Romney is responsible for the abortion plank of the GOP platform. CNN’s Anderson Cooper confronted her with the fact that the Times article she quoted said the exact opposite — that Romney did not support the plank as written.
Wasserman Schultz’s answer? “Anderson, it doesn’t matter.”
Wow. What a delusional bitch!
After their failure in convincing Americans of a “GOP War On Women,” Democrats have declared their own war: A war on truth itself.
Democrats, Obama's ship is sinking but keep those rose colored "hopey changy" glasses on!
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 43% consider themselves conservative when it comes to fiscal issues such as taxes, government spending and business regulation. That’s consistent with regular tracking since May of last year. Thirty-seven percent (37%) say they are fiscal moderates. Eighteen percent (18%) define themselves as liberal on fiscal matters, up four points from a month ago and the highest number of self-described fiscal liberals to date.
Bolshevik Bobby, are you a commie, socialistic pig? Just asking since you feel free to call the majority of Americans Nazis.
Tom, glad your coming clean and admitting that liberals are elitist, self promoting con men who feel those who do not agree with them are stupid and need to have liberals think for them, do for them, provide for them and take care of them.
Thanks for finally being honest, it's always good to know the enemy.
"I would hope Americans wouldn't tolerate another stolen election"
Sounds like the liberals are gearing up their excuse machine again to explain why their failed liberal policy's are been rejected again.
"We will make it hurt in their wallets!"
As if tax and spending wasn't enough.
I had no idea what a warm and caring man Mitt Romney was until I watched the GOP convention last night. The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for what they have been trying to do to characterize Mitt.
I cried for a long time listening to Pat Oparowski's story of how Mitt helped their 14 year old son who was terminally ill.
I just turned 81 on Aug 5th and have alway voted for the Democrats. I have decided to leave the Democratic plantation and will vote for Mitt Nov 6!
Ellis D.,Esq.
said about Tom Degan's mother,
"She is clueless because she failed to abort the child of Satan."
I guess Ellis, in his typical liberal classy way, is saying that her child was Tom unless he had siblings.
Wow what insight the only Esq. who posts here has. Must be result of smoking post in his earlier years, as that can effect a human's brain negatively.
Rainy Lagumski, Esq III
Romney represents his type. Obama represents the Romneys of the world.
My last RNC was at the Garden in '04 protesting the war in Iraq with a half a million other people in front of all the media of the nation. One of the biggest protest in decades. It was filmed by hundreds of news teams - yet was reduced to nothing by the corporate owned media. Kind of like your vote...
Sounds like the liberals are gearing up their excuse machine again to explain why their failed liberal policy's are been rejected again.
The strangest President in our history
CHICAGO (CBS) – A teenage boy was shot about a block from President Obama’s home, in the second such incident in the past week.
The 17-year-old boy was shot in the leg and buttock in the 5000 block of South Woodlawn Avenue about 4:20 a.m., police said.
The shooting scene is about a block east of the heavily guarded street where the Obamas have a home in the Kenwood neighborhood.
He was taken in “stable” condition to an unidentified hospital, according to police.
Last weekend, another shooting a few blocks from President Barack Obama’s Chicago home turned out to be fatal.
More of the strangest president in our history.
President Barack Obama was greeted with fleeting applause and extended periods of silence as he offered profuse praise to soldiers and their families during an Aug. 31 speech in Fort Bliss, Texas.
His praise for the soldiers — and for his own national-security policies — won cheers from only a small proportion of the soldiers and families in the cavernous aircraft-hanger.
The audience remains quiet even when the commander-in-chief thanked the soldiers’ families, and cited the 198 deaths of their comrades in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The audience’s reaction was so flat that the president tried twice to elicit a reaction from the crowd.
“Hey, I hear you,” he said amid silence.
The selected soldiers who were arrayed behind the president sat quietly throughout the speech.
CNN and MSNBC ended their coverage of the speech before it was half-over.
Smokey Lagumski: "It looks like Team Obama has failed and wasted a lot of campaign money trying to character assassinate Mitt Romney as a greedy impersonal human being."
Interesting in light of the fact that during the 2008 GOP primaries when all the players were still playing, not one of them - McCain, Huckabee, etc. - liked or respected Romney. They thought he was a flip-flopper and liar, but even more telling, they thought he was vicious. So, it ain't just Obama and the Democrats who think he's a sociopath. As far as the economy being in the "shitter," you can thank your do-nothing-but-obstruct GOP congressional members. But that's been part of their plan all along: kill any economic improvement and then blame it on the black guy.
" kill any economic improvement and then blame it on the black guy"
More big liberal LIES!!!
Prove how GOP killed any economic improvement.
Show where GOP blames Obama's failures because he is half black, instead of correctly blaming his failed liberal economic policy's.
Show me the "love" between the Clinton camp and the Obama camp during the 2008 primary.
Define "sociopath" and apply same to Biden and Wassermann.
"do-nothing-but-obstruct GOP congressional members" Prove this to be the truth in light of the budgets that the do nothing congress has sent to the wonderful Democrat Senate controlled by the No Compromise liar Harry Reid. Who has refused any budget to even be read, much less voted on.
Speaking of damned liars:
To paraphrase Mark Twain, there are three kinds of liars: Liars, damned liars like Dave Dubya and JG and screaming, foamy-mouthed MSNBC hosts (like Chris Mathews who still gets a tingle up his leg and then pees his pants everytime Obama gives a speech) watching Paul Ryan speak.
So that’s paraphrasing what Mark Twain said, eh?
No, but it is exactly what a hateful fascist liar would say.
For someone who hates labor he needs to "celebrate" Labor Day somehow.
I wonder what Smokey Anonymous will select for his weekend garb.
Swastika arm band or “Anonymous” robe and hood?
Courts in Ohio and other States are ruling against voter ID laws and other laws suppressing the vote.
"other laws suppressing the vote"
You mean those other laws like you have to be a USA citizen to vote, you can only vote once, you must have registered in order to vote?
Only a foaming at the mouth liberal would think it was suppressing the vote to require a person to vote only once, be a non felon, registered US citizen. Not surprising when you realize that less than 30% of those polled call themselves liberals, that liberals want voter laws to be struck down using the claim that the law suppress their voters.
Sounds like the liberals are gearing up their excuse machine again to explain why their failed liberal policy's are been rejected by the voters AGAIN!
Thanks for pointing that one out to me M.O. Corrections have been made and your proof reading abilities are truly appreciated.
I thought that, in between games of seeing who's pants are baggier and being disrespectful of their elders, it was some hip new slang that all the cool kids these days were using. Then I wondered why you were using it.*
* Zing!
"So, it ain't just Obama and the Democrats who think he's a sociopath. As far as the economy being in the "shitter," you can thank your do-nothing-but-obstruct GOP congressional members. But that's been part of their plan all along: kill any economic improvement and then blame it on the black guy."
The black guy had TOTAL control of the House and Senate for the first 2 years. He choose to ram obamacare through congress and up the arses of the AMERICAN people who DON'T want it. The economy was in the shitter when he talk office and is still in the shitter. To give this clown Obama 4 more years would be a disaster.
Leslie, still blaming Bush and the GOP for Obama's disastrous economic record?
Vote for Obama if you like free stuff from the fruits of the labor of others!
Just give me some of dat Obama money!
Smokey Lagumski "The black guy had TOTAL control of the House and Senate for the first 2 years."
July 8 - August 25 and September 25 - December 24, 2009 is two years? You do know how the Senate operates, right? For that matter, you do know how the Democrats operate, right?
"He choose to ram obamacare through congress and up the arses of the AMERICAN people who DON'T want it."
Besides people under 26 covered by their parent's insurance, people with pre-existing conditions, seniors who've saved money on their prescriptions, and other actual, real people? Or businesses that could be taking advantage of it but aren't, or the 22% of people who think it's been repealed or the 30% of seniors who think it's got "Death Panels", or those that think it covers things it doesn't (illegals, abortion). You know, the type of people who like what's in Obamacare as long as it's not called "Obamacare" (the major sticking point, besides the name, is the Universal Mandate, so….not only are they against what was a Republican idea until Obama liked it, they're for the ACA but against the thing that helps pay for it. This is bizarre, as I've been told that it's Democrats who want free stuff).
"Leslie, still blaming Bush and the GOP for Obama's disastrous economic record?"
Oh, please. Everybody knows it's Carter's fault.
"you do know how the Democrats operate"
So blame the fucking Democrats, they had the votes, not the GOP.
The strangest President in our History
This week, the media solemnly suggested that, with a tropical storm bearing down on the Gulf Coast, the RNC should considering canceling their convention. It would be in poor tasted, they scolded, to continue with political speeches and celebrations while New Orleans was threatened with another devastating storm. Today, as the storm moves north and residents of the Gulf Coast begin to clean up, over 500,000 people are without power and thousands remain in shelters. In other news today, the White House released its own beer recipe.
More of the DNC's war on women.
A former Democratic staffer on Capitol Hill who briefly worked in the Obama administration has been accused of “drugging and sexually assaulting women,” the Washington Post reports.
A former senior congressional aide was indicted this week in D.C. Superior Court on charges that he sexually assaulted two women after drugging them with a sedative that he allegedly put in their drinks.
It has become apparent to anyone with a grip on economic reality that free markets simply cannot produce enough wealth to support the sort of universal entitlement programmes which the populations of democratic countries have been led to expect. The fantasy may be sustained for a while by the relentless production of phoney money to fund benefits and job-creation projects, until the economy is turned into a meaningless internal recycling mechanism in the style of the old Soviet Union.
Or else democratically elected governments can be replaced by puppet austerity regimes which are free to ignore the protests of the populace when they are deprived of their promised entitlements. You can, in other words, decide to debauch the currency which underwrites the market economy, or you can dispense with democracy. Both of these possible solutions are currently being tried in the European Union, whose leaders are reduced to talking sinister gibberish in order to evade the obvious conclusion: the myth of a democratic socialist society funded by capitalism is finished. This is the defining political problem of the early 21st century.
Anonymous Janet Daley said...
"It has become apparent to anyone with a grip on economic reality that free markets simply cannot produce enough wealth to support the sort of universal entitlement programs which the populations of democratic countries have been led to expect"
Well that statement excludes liberals, cause they have not come to grips with any form of reality, economic or other wise!
Many liberals still hold to the myths that 911 was an inside job, and that the reason gas prices were high during President Bush's terms was because he was good buddies with the big oil company's (ignoring the fact that gas prices are higher now under Obama than they were under Bush). So to answer your outstanding question, I would say that the less than 30% of Americans who call themselves liberals do not have a grip.
Yet posted on this very blog are statements holding to the belief that liberals are the only ones fit to rule.
Say did you hear about the Republicans throwing peanuts at a black CNN camera woman?
The CNN camerawoman who was pelted with peanuts by attendees at the Republican National Convention said that the incident was disheartening, and that it should serve as a wake-up call to black people.
"I hate that it happened, but I'm not surprised at all," Patricia Carroll said. "This is Florida, and I'm from the Deep South. You come to places like this, you can count the black people on your hand. They see us doing things they don't think I should do."
On Tuesday, two attendees were removed from the arena after they threw peanuts at Carroll, while saying to her, "This is how we feed the animals."
I’m shocked, shocked, I tell you. Your evidence indicates three possibilities, none of which would be complimentary for Anonymous Lagumski.
Smokey the Troll is a liar, or ignorant, or both.
It’s no wonder Smokey the Troll will ignore your point. His cult indoctrination tells him, "The black guy had TOTAL control of the House and Senate for the first 2 years."
We know good and well Cult Trolls don’t answer questions, so allow me to do so for him:
July 8 - August 25 and September 25 - December 24, 2009 is two years? You do know how the Senate operates, right? For that matter, you do know how the Democrats operate, right?
The answers are: No, no, and no.
Between outright obstruction by Republicans and corpo-dem Blue Dogs’ foot dragging, Obama never had any control, let alone “total control” of the Senate, similarly for the House.
As informed folks know, The Democratic Party contains liberals, moderates and corporatists. So we see the Democratic Party is not so liberal. And there is no “liberal theology” because liberalism by nature is open to questioning its perspectives and conclusions, unlike the comparative lockstep authoritarian unity of the immoderate Republican Party.
We also know trolls don’t read anything provided in our links. So, being the compassionate bleeding heart liberal that I am, allow me to show the relevant information.
Depending upon which metric is used, Democrats had a super majority for roughly six months which includes the seven weeks between Franken’s swearing-in on July 8 to Ted Kennedy’s death on August 25 and the four months and nine days between Paul Kirk’s swearing-in on September 25, 2009 to his replacement by Scott Brown on February 4, 2010.
I know, I know, all the troll will see in those words is, “Obama the America-hating Marxist dictator had total control of our government”. They will not and cannot admit to a mere six month super majority. It steps on their propaganda talking point.
That’s the wonder of cult indoctrination.
And the myth of a prosperous and benevolent deregulated capitalism is finished as well.
you can dispense with democracy is just what the Right is doing.
Their unilateral imposition of tighter restrictions on voter registration, photo ID’s, voter roll purges, Diebold (R) electronic voting machines, reduced hours of access to polls, fewer voting machines for Democratic leaning precincts, and corporate cash as free speech, are not even all of the fronts on the Right’s war on democracy.
There is a strong need to regulate corporatia before it takes complete control of every part of you, me and everybody. We licked the nazis before and we can do it again if we have to.
Phrases that will not be in Obama’s DNC acceptance speech: “You didn’t build that,” “The private sector is doing fine,” “Trayvon Martin could have been my son,” “We are going to win all 57 states,” “I promise to close Gitmo,” “If we pass my stimulus bill, we will keep unemployment under 8%.” “Summer of recovery,” “We need to invest in Green companies like Solyndra,” “Obamacare is NOT a tax,” “I promise to cut the deficit in half by the end on my second term,” “We tried our economic plan and it worked,” and... “Spread the wealth around.”
Dave Duyba is a liar!
Dave Dubya is a liar liberal troll
who thinks anyone who isn't a part of the 30% of Americans who call themsleves liberals, are Nazis.
That is how extreme his liberalism is.
"Say, who's Dave Duyba anywaY?"
Dave Dubya is Amerika's most intellectual prison guard. He is so intellectually superior his academic records should be sealed and a political career started.
If Dave runs for dog catcher he has my vote!
Obama is a "moonwalk" President. He is facing "forward" but moving backward.
Yup, he's got my vote Nov 2nd!
President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices.
As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans.
The startling failure rate among Obama’s private sector clients was discovered during The Daily Caller’s review of previously unpublished court information from the lawsuit that a young Obama helmed as the lead plaintiff’s attorney.
Since the mortgage bubble burst, some of his former clients are calling for a policy reversal.
“If you see some people don’t make enough money to afford the mortgage, why would you give them a loan?” asked Obama client John Buchanan. “There should be some type of regulation against giving people loans they can’t afford.”
Banks “were too eager to lend to many who didn’t qualify,” said Don Byas, another client who saw banks lurch from caution to bubble-inflating recklessness.
“I don’t care what race you are. … You need to keep financial wisdom [separate] from trying to help your people,” said Byas, an autoworker.
Nonetheless, Obama has pursued the same top-down mortgage lending policies in the White House.
Obama’s lawsuit was one element of a national “anti-redlining” campaign led by Chicago’s progressive groups, who argued that banks unfairly refused to lend money to people living within so-called “redlines” around African-American communities. The campaign was powered by progressives’ moral claim that their expertise could boost home ownership among the United States’ most disadvantaged minority, African-Americans.
Progressive activists’ ambition instead contributed greatly to a housing bubble that burst in 2007, crashed the nation’s economy in 2008, wiped out at least $4 trillion in equity, kept unemployment above 8 percent for four years, and damaged the intended beneficiaries of looser mortgage lending standards.
In the White House, Obama has continued to intensify regulatory pressure on banks to provide more risky loans to African-Americans and Latinos. He has used lawsuits to fund his allies. And taxpayers are now unwittingly contributing to a re-inflation of housing prices.
Meanwhile, the president has blamed the housing bubble on supposed GOP deregulation, even though President George W. Bush expanded the regulation-expanding, anti-redlining policies established by progressives during Bill Clinton’s presidency.
“Governor Romney’s plan would… roll back regulations on big banks,” Obama says of his Republican challenger Mitt Romney in a 2012 TV ad titled “The Choice.”
“But you know what? We tried that top-down approach. It’s what caused the mess in the first place.”
Sometimes if only the issues were a bit clearer. With 23 million under employed unemployed 16 trillion in debt gas prices going up medicare and social security predicted to go bankcrupt new graduates unable to find jobs and forced to live with parents American allies floundering not knowing whether they can trust us us and its enemies going embolden to a dithering undecisive President our defense secrets being sold out to our enemies one could go and on. You would think that the choice is clear. But still so many people still believe the canard that you could blame the previous President for the situation we are in and the currentone unaccountable for anything. Maybe this is the situation of Germany in the thirties. Adolf Hitler could do no wrong. The adoring and weeping masses following him everywhere. Hanging to his every word. I am sure if you could talk to any German at that time he or she would blame the previous government for the ills their country is experiencing at that time. Adolf Hitler with his soaring rhetoric fascinated them blinding them to the road Hitler was leading. Never mind the dictatorial tendencies appointment of cronies the lies the slow but surely taking power by the Nazis. Until it was too late.
the proverbial shit is going to hit the very real fan. I've got an ominous feeling that most Americans won't look too kindly on a coup d'etat. Expect a mass, nationwide freak out if that happens. We can put this place out of business if we want to. Occupy Wall Street is merely a dry run.
Goddess I hope you're right about this, but actually it would be even better if the dog abuser and peewee never got anywhere near the WH!
Pwr 2 the PROGRESSIVE peons!
GUIILLOTINE the cheap labor conservative CORPOFASCISTS!
Anonymous wolfess said...
More foaming at the mouth from the radical, ego maniac, extreme liberal elitists.
Does any one care what they say?
Anonymous said...
Well obviously you care or you wouldn't have bothered responding! Thanks for the attention.
Pwr 2 the PROGRESSIVE peons!
GUIILLOTINE the cheap labor conservative CORPOFASCISTS!
Poor President Obama, if he gets re-elected, look at the mess he's going to inherit.
Douglas Band, former President Bill Clinton’s top aide, plans to vote for Mitt Romney — not for President Barack Obama — in November, according to a report in The New Yorker.
"I am sure if you could talk to any German at that time he or she would blame the previous government for the ills their country is experiencing at that time. Adolf Hitler with his soaring rhetoric fascinated them blinding them to the road Hitler was leading."
FOR THE RECORD: Hitler blamed the Jews.
Yes, Hitler primarily blamed the Jews, along with liberals, socialists, educators and anyone else he accused of being a commie.
It's a familiar pattern.
The DNC makes me want to vomit. We have a convention devoted to aborting babies when the National Debt is $16 Trillion. Future Liabilities are absolutely enormous. Ayn Rand would've loved you guys. Some awesome rational self interest going on in the Democratic Party. Screw babies, screw young people,screw college grads, screw the working class tax payers , I want my piece of the action before the solvency crisis comes and damn the rest of you.
Meanwhile Dave Dubya is calling me a Nazi for whatever reason. He equates small government conservatism with National Socialism. Yes. Ask some Germans or Jews alive at the time how non intrusive the Nazi Government was.
Bronson? Is that really you, Bronson?
Bronson, calm down.
I never called you a Nazi. I never called you anything... so far. But that may change.
Did anyone see Bronson here, before he popped in and made wild psychotic accusations?
No, me neither.
Did anyone else here see me “equate small government conservatism with National Socialism”?
No. Me neither.
This poor guy is very very disturbed. He’s suffering paranoid delusions about me. And he’s hallucinating, seeing a “convention devoted to aborting babies”.
So who’s Bronson anyway? Some paranoid, multiple-personality, perhaps?
He appears to be some reactionary buffoon with delusional ideation of being called a Nazi.
Or perhaps he thinks he’s “Smokey Anonymous” with whom I pretended to have called me a “damned liar” and joked about weekend garb...
Hmm. I just can’t figure it out.
Mental illness is still a mystery.
It's so sad that far too many Americans are afflicted with his terrible disease.
Bronson said...
" We have a convention devoted to aborting babies "
Do you think the dems will require mandatory abortions??
Abortion denial is a restriction on poor women.
how come it is OK for rick Santorom's wife to have a late term abortion while the repubs want to prohibit women from making their own decisions???
Do you think the dems will require mandatory abortions??
Not yet, but right now the require I pay for them.
Anonymous "Not yet, but right now the require I pay for them."
Really? How? Federally? Not in Obamacare. Medicaid? In 32 states, yes, but only in cases of rape, incest or the life of the mother (and, in states like South Dakota, only for the last of those). Some go farther, but on the state's dime rather than the federal one. And the military, in all its wisdom, doesn't cover it for rape.
You have my condolences. It must be awful [potentially] having some of your taxes go to something you disagree with.
Michelle Obama says; No one should ever go broke due to an illness, unless it is Obama’s brother in Kenya.
"the proverbial shit is going to hit the very real fan. I've got an ominous feeling that most Americans won't look too kindly on a coup d'etat. Expect a mass, nationwide freak out if that happens. We can put this place out of business if we want to. Occupy Wall Street is merely a dry run."
sorry, Occupy Wall Street was a fart in the wind.
Speaking of farts in the wind:
The chief meteorologist at News Channel 36 WCNC in Charlotte is questioning the decision to move President Obama’s Thursday campaign speech indoors.
“[I]t’s a simple question.. if you had a #Panthers game, Concert or Soccer match with a 20% chance of storms would you cancel 24hrs prior?” Brad Panovich wrote on Twitter.
“Severe threat is almost zero Thursday night & chance of rain is 20%,” Panovich wrote.
Obama campaign officials have been saying all week that the event at Bank of America stadium in front of more than 70,000 supporters would go forward “rain or shine.”
Has nothing, I mean absolutely nothing to do with the fear of empty seats, right.
It will take at least a full generation to undue the damage done by at least three generations of libprog democrats starting with FDR, continuing with LBJ, "Jimah" Carter and Slick Willie and concluding with Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro or whatever the freak the dude's name is...and that's only naming the Bozos at the top and doesn't include all the airheads that have screwed things up by congressional actions. Housing, energy, education, the failing infrastructure - that they want to take credit for - nearly every government department and bureaucracy, that isn't specifically called for in the Constitution, are not solving problems...THEY ARE THE PROBLEMS!
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