The Return of Sickie Dick

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Bring your barf bag, kiddies!
This morning when doing a search for an image of Dick Cheney I could use for this piece, I received the following disclaimer from the nice folks over at Yahoo:
"Results for Dick Cheney may contain adult oriented content."
I wasn't the least bit surprised to learn this. The man is a walking, talking obscenity.
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They're back. He as author, she as ghost writer. I am a very happy man this morning. All of the delightful, unintentional humor that the two of them provide is the gift that keeps giving.
It 's next-to-impossible to believe that Dick Cheney could ever have been seen as an asset to any party but the Nazis. Remember back in the day?
In the Spring of 2000, when it appeared certain that Junior had the nomination locked up, George The Elder knew damned well that his idiotic kid could not possibly win based on any intellectual merit, so he picked Cheney to head a committee whose purpose was to find a suitable person to run with him - someone with "gravitas". That was the word of the hour. After only a few days, Cheney marched into the Bush bunker in Kennebunkport with the name of the perfect man for the job - DICK CHENEY! On March 10, 2007 - on this very site - I conjured-up for posterity's sake the dialogue that must have taken place:
CHENEY: George! I have found your ideal running mate!
BUSH: Great! Who is it, Dick?
CHENEY: You're not gonna believe it - IT'S ME!!!
BUSH: Whooa! What're the odds?
Ah, Dubya! And to think that the half-witted little thug was once the "leader of the free world"! Don'cha just love it?
Dick Cheney is back with his "long awaited memoirs". Awaited by whom they won't say. I won't be reading it. I've read enough about it and heard enough about it (primarily from the Dickster's own mouth) to form my own assessment of the drivel spread generously within. In fact I won't be reading any of the flood of books that have been written, are being written, and will be written by the Bush Mob. It's always an amusing thing to watch these bitter, dirty old men attempt to cleanup their putrid little corners in the Hall of Infamy. Robert McNamara tried it fourteen years ago and it didn't work out too well for him. Cheney will fare no better I suspect. What he is attempting here is the equivalent of putting a smiley face on a decomposing pig:
"Well lookie thar, Martha! Ain't that purdy?"
No, I won't be reading any of those books. I'm waiting for the verdict of qualified historians regarding the Bush years, and I imagine it won't be a positive one. Here's a prediction: A century from now the president of the United States will still - on a daily basis - be dealing with the damage these assholes did to this country so long before. Of course that's assuming that the office of the presidency survives that long. Don't bet the farm on that one.
According to those who have had the stomach to read it, a rough outline of the plot would read this way: Richard Bruce Cheney is an honest-to-goodness American hero. During the years 2001 to 2009, If you agreed with him you were on the side of virtue and apple pie. If you didn't you were on the side of the terrorists. It really is as simplistic as that. There are no shades of gray in Dick Cheney's world.
From an interview this week with NBC's Jamie Gangel:
JAMIE GANGEL: People call it torture. You think it should still be a tool?
JAMIE GANGEL: Secret prisons?
JAMIE GANGEL: Wiretapping?
DICK CHENEY: Well, with the right approval.
JAMIE GANGEL: You say it is one of the things you are proudest of, and you would do it again in a heartbeat.
DICK CHENEY: It was controversial at the time. It was the right thing to do.
"Do it again in a heartbeat"??? Whose heart are they referring to here? His or a normal person's?
I have a feeling that the release of "In My Time", the title of the book, might very well be a preemptive ploy. There's a damned good reason why Dick, George and good ol' Donny Rumsfeld don't dare leave the country these days. According to Colin Powell's former chief-of-staff Larry Wilkerson:
"This is a book written out of fear, fear that one day someone will 'Pinochet' Dick Cheney."
Just in case it slipped your memory, the reference he is making is to Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, who was finally bought to justice for war crimes - years after he lost power. Retirement must not be a very relaxing pastime for Dick Cheney. Wilkerson told Amy Goodman this week that if the former vice-president of the United States is ever bought to trial in the Hague for his crimes against the human race, he would be willing and eager to testify against him. I'd sure as hell hate to be Cheney. The contemptible freak must sleep with a loaded 357 under his pillow. Can't say that I blame the old bugger.
To tell yo

According to Cheney himself, at a meeting one day, he strongly urged Junior Bush to launch an attack against the sovereign nation of Syria. Hmm! Requesting an extra hour on the White House tennis court was one thing; this was a different matter entirely. Iraq wasn't going too well by that point. Another unprovoked incursion might backfire also. Dubya needed a consensus. He asked for a show of hands from a handful of staffers - who just happened to be in the room at that moment - whether or not the VP's idea was a good one. Not a single hand was raised. COWARDS! The president declined. This incident is fascinating for no other reason than the fact that it finally proves that Bush was capable of making the right decision - if only after taking an informal poll - on a matter that should have been a no-brainer. Still, you've got to grab these happy little revelations wherever you find them.
Does he really believe that he will be able to pull a fast one on history? That the ages will view him much in the same way Roosevelt and Churchill are viewed today? Yeah, he probably does. The only thing monumental about this homicidal twit is his arrogance.
I can't wait to watch the rest of Cheney's book tour. Tomorrow he is making an appearance on MSNBC's Morning Joe. Will Lawrence O'Donnell, Al Sharpton and Rachel Maddow be on the panel questioning him? Wouldn't that be a scream? Fate, if you would be so kind....
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

Happy birthday to my communist brother Jeff Degan who was born on August 31, 1964, forty-seven years ago today. Get this: Not only did he marry a lovely French woman; not only does he have two gorgeous and brilliant French daughters; he lives in France and actually likes it there! To make matters worse, he has no plans to bring his little girls to America so they can partake in the economic paradise that is the American Dream - not to mention our splendid educational and health care systems. What can I tell you? The guy is an eternal shame to the good name of the Degan family. Bad Jeffrey!