Half-Wits and Crazy People

The fact that
we live in interesting times is an understatement. The death of the America you and I grew up in - the America our grandkids will never even know - may be a grim and depressing thing to contemplate, but witnessing the demise of this once-great nation sure as hell ain't boring. Truth be told, it has been quite entertaining! Thanks to television and the internet, we can all have a front row seat as we behold the spectacle of the United States of America being completely and utterly destroyed from within. Isn't technology neat?
Welcome to the United States of China.
The bottom line is this: Your country is doomed. And the sad fact that everyone (with the exception of yours truly) is ignoring is that there is no realistic way out of the proverbial hole we have dug ourselves into. Add that to the fact that the plutocracy has purchased the media, all of the Republican party, most of the Democratic party - and the Supreme Court. They now control not only the the message but the electorate as well. The right wing propaganda machine rings the bell and the people salivate like Pavlov's dogs. Take this to the bank: Americans will continue to stupidly vote against their own best interests, and the implosion will only continue to compound itself - year after year.
And do
you want to hear the punch line? I'm okay with it. There is a certain kind of schadenfreude that comes with seeing a people getting exactly what they deserve, and I imagine that I'm going to love every minute of it. It's also a much better thing to come to terms with the shit storm that is just around the corner than to delude oneself into believing that some nameless secular messiah is going to lead us all to the beloved Candy Land of our fantasies. A lot of us (myself included) made that mistake with Barack Obama and our hopes exploded right in our faces. It's almost like anticipating that knock-knock-knocking sound to be Winston Churchill - only to open the door to find Neville Chamberlain standing there - utterly clueless and befuddled. And unless Obama is challenged in the primaries by the ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt, I'm afraid we're stuck with him.
In times such as these I have seriously considered heroin addiction but it's just too damned expensive.
The few pockets of hope on the horizon shouldn't deceive us into thinking that things might change for the better any time soon. Yes, Glenn Beck's ratings are tanking and he's probably months away from being canceled. Incredibly his act has gotten too weird for Rupert Murdoch even. Yes, the people are rising up in Wisconsin against the rape of worker's rights, but the GOP is hell-bent on destroying the Union Movement and I'm betting that they'll probably succeed in the end. Yes, Sarah Palin is self-destructing before our very eyes, but there are a hundred or more other half-witted extremists ready to take her place once she exits the national stage.
Let's not allow these little gifts to distract our attention from the larger picture, okay? The nasty truth of the matter is that Corporate America overthrew our government a long time ago - and I'll prove it to you:
A relative handful of high rollers in the banking and investment industries made billions in the last decade looting the pensions of regular, working class Americans. Why is it that Bernie Madoff is the only one of these hideous bastards to go to prison thus far? The answer is so obvious it boarders on hilarity: He was the only one of the bunch whose victims were exclusively the rich and powerful. They're sending us a none-too-subtle message here:
Yeah, our government got overthrown a long time ago. Stop kidding yourselves. And if the movement that is now growing in Wisconsin decides to take its act on a nationwide tour, watch how fiercely and violently Corporate Power reacts to it. As Lenny Bruce would say, "There's gonna be a lot of dues, Jim." Yeah. A lot of dues and a lot of blood. When Governor Walker of Wisconsin was busted last week in the greatest political prank of the decade, he told a person pretending to be one of the uber right wing Koch Brothers that they had "talked about" sending hired goons into the crowd to stir up some violence. It's only a matter of time before mere words are transformed into deeds.
The plutocrats are determined to eradicate the rights of working people - and if that means the murder of two-thousand or more innocent human beings - tough shit, baby. If you're naive enough to believe that something that atrocious could never happen in this country, think again. If you think I'm talking like a crazy person here, it's obvious that you don't know a blessed thing about the history of the American Labor Movement. Mass murder committed on the orders of "the captains of industry" Is not really a new concept. It has happened before and if the rabble forget their place, it will happen again. Watch your ass, Bubbah.
Just look what's happening at this very moment! After thirty years of economic plunder by the richest one percent, whom are we now being told is responsible for the financial carnage that resulted - the very people who are in fact responsible for it??? Nah! That would be way too easy. Then who's to be held accountable for the hard times? Hold onto your sides: It's the unions. That's right! The teacher's union in particular. The people who are educating your kids are trying to destroy this grand and glorious land of ours! They're Communists! CAN I GET A WITNESS???
But seriously, folks....
"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."
- Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
Justice Brandeis is dead and he's not coming back. Organized criminals rule America. This is the way it's going to be from now on. Get used to living in a country in ruins. On that happy note....
Tom Degan
If you don't re
ad another thing all week long, read Matt Taibbi's latest piece in Rolling Stone Magazine. If you are not in a blind fucking rage after reading it, you can't possibly be human - or a good American - or both. Here's a link:
Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail?
Although I think Taibbi is as good as they get, it's a bad title. "Jail" is where you go when you've had one-too-many on a Saturday night and you accidentally back your car into the plate glass window of the local delicatessen.
Why Isn't Wall Street In a Maximum Security Federal Prison?
Much better.
America the beautiful. It was nice while it lasted.
It has just been announced that Frank Buckles, the last surviving American veteran of World War One has died of natural causes at his home in Charles Town, West Virginia. He was 110 years old. This, my friends, is the end of an era. The "war to end all wars" is no longer a living memory:
Real all about it.
AFTERTHOUGHT, 3/1/11, 5:10AM:
My brother Jeff just posted this on his Facebook page via the nice folks over at MoveOn.Org:

Welcome to the United States of China.
The bottom line is this: Your country is doomed. And the sad fact that everyone (with the exception of yours truly) is ignoring is that there is no realistic way out of the proverbial hole we have dug ourselves into. Add that to the fact that the plutocracy has purchased the media, all of the Republican party, most of the Democratic party - and the Supreme Court. They now control not only the the message but the electorate as well. The right wing propaganda machine rings the bell and the people salivate like Pavlov's dogs. Take this to the bank: Americans will continue to stupidly vote against their own best interests, and the implosion will only continue to compound itself - year after year.
And do

In times such as these I have seriously considered heroin addiction but it's just too damned expensive.
The few pockets of hope on the horizon shouldn't deceive us into thinking that things might change for the better any time soon. Yes, Glenn Beck's ratings are tanking and he's probably months away from being canceled. Incredibly his act has gotten too weird for Rupert Murdoch even. Yes, the people are rising up in Wisconsin against the rape of worker's rights, but the GOP is hell-bent on destroying the Union Movement and I'm betting that they'll probably succeed in the end. Yes, Sarah Palin is self-destructing before our very eyes, but there are a hundred or more other half-witted extremists ready to take her place once she exits the national stage.
Let's not allow these little gifts to distract our attention from the larger picture, okay? The nasty truth of the matter is that Corporate America overthrew our government a long time ago - and I'll prove it to you:
A relative handful of high rollers in the banking and investment industries made billions in the last decade looting the pensions of regular, working class Americans. Why is it that Bernie Madoff is the only one of these hideous bastards to go to prison thus far? The answer is so obvious it boarders on hilarity: He was the only one of the bunch whose victims were exclusively the rich and powerful. They're sending us a none-too-subtle message here:
Yeah, our government got overthrown a long time ago. Stop kidding yourselves. And if the movement that is now growing in Wisconsin decides to take its act on a nationwide tour, watch how fiercely and violently Corporate Power reacts to it. As Lenny Bruce would say, "There's gonna be a lot of dues, Jim." Yeah. A lot of dues and a lot of blood. When Governor Walker of Wisconsin was busted last week in the greatest political prank of the decade, he told a person pretending to be one of the uber right wing Koch Brothers that they had "talked about" sending hired goons into the crowd to stir up some violence. It's only a matter of time before mere words are transformed into deeds.
The plutocrats are determined to eradicate the rights of working people - and if that means the murder of two-thousand or more innocent human beings - tough shit, baby. If you're naive enough to believe that something that atrocious could never happen in this country, think again. If you think I'm talking like a crazy person here, it's obvious that you don't know a blessed thing about the history of the American Labor Movement. Mass murder committed on the orders of "the captains of industry" Is not really a new concept. It has happened before and if the rabble forget their place, it will happen again. Watch your ass, Bubbah.
Just look what's happening at this very moment! After thirty years of economic plunder by the richest one percent, whom are we now being told is responsible for the financial carnage that resulted - the very people who are in fact responsible for it??? Nah! That would be way too easy. Then who's to be held accountable for the hard times? Hold onto your sides: It's the unions. That's right! The teacher's union in particular. The people who are educating your kids are trying to destroy this grand and glorious land of ours! They're Communists! CAN I GET A WITNESS???
But seriously, folks....
"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."
- Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
Justice Brandeis is dead and he's not coming back. Organized criminals rule America. This is the way it's going to be from now on. Get used to living in a country in ruins. On that happy note....
Tom Degan
If you don't re

Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail?
Although I think Taibbi is as good as they get, it's a bad title. "Jail" is where you go when you've had one-too-many on a Saturday night and you accidentally back your car into the plate glass window of the local delicatessen.
Why Isn't Wall Street In a Maximum Security Federal Prison?
Much better.
America the beautiful. It was nice while it lasted.
It has just been announced that Frank Buckles, the last surviving American veteran of World War One has died of natural causes at his home in Charles Town, West Virginia. He was 110 years old. This, my friends, is the end of an era. The "war to end all wars" is no longer a living memory:
Real all about it.
AFTERTHOUGHT, 3/1/11, 5:10AM:
My brother Jeff just posted this on his Facebook page via the nice folks over at MoveOn.Org:
"A public employee, a member of the Tea Party, and a CEO sit at a table with a dozen cookies on a plate. The CEO reaches across, takes eleven of the cookies, looks at the tea partier and says, 'Watch out for that Union guy: He wants a piece of your cookie.'"
Well now! That sums it up fairly neatly, does it not?
Well now! That sums it up fairly neatly, does it not?