Something to Think About

"We [the GOP] will take the House of Representatives back from the evil 'Democrat' party next year."
Note to Michael Steele: It's the evil "Democratic" party, you simmering twit!
Their hope to regain control of the legislative branch is beyond mere wishful thinking, it is delusional. So far removed from the main stream of political discourse has that party moved since 1964, it is in serious danger of falling off the face of the earth. As someone remarked not very long ago, "That's not a political party; that's a cult." In a recent newsletter written by Michael Moore (link below) he presented an action plan called, "Fifteen Things Americans Can Do Right Now". When it was published this morning on AlterNet, I offered a sixteenth thing we can do: "STOP VOTING REPUBLICAN!"
I then posted something I wrote on this site over three years ago. Here it is again with only minor editing:
1. They have cut the throats of the poor and the middle class.
2. They have looted our national treasure.
3. They have abandoned their constituency in favor of a multi-national corporate behemoth and an out-of-control military industrial complex.
4. They have created a global, geo-political catastrophe in the Middle East that will take at least a century to remedy.
5. They have shoveled a generation of American children into an untenable slaughterhouse in Iraq.
6. They have engendered an economic nightmare so immense that generations yet unborn will still be bearing its burden.
7. They have sold our nation's soul to the highest corporate bidder. They have made a mockery of the First Amendment.
8. They have squandered a trillion-plus dollar surplus with a tax cut for a class of people who didn't need it.
9. They have gutted vital social programs that aid the poor and the elderly which have been in place for over seventy years.
10 They have gutted laws meant to protect working men and women.
11. They have plundered the environment.
12. They have depleted our educational system.
13. They have hijacked this nation's political dialogue.
14. They have ruined our international reputation.
17. They have stolen two national elections.
18. They have trampled on our constitution.
20. They have sent our Bill of Rights through the sausage grinder....
They must never - EVER - be allowed to govern our country again.
11. They have plundered the environment.
12. They have depleted our educational system.
13. They have hijacked this nation's political dialogue.
14. They have ruined our international reputation.
16. They have handed our domestic agenda over to religious fanatics.
17. They have stolen two national elections.
18. They have trampled on our constitution.
19. They have denied voting rights to people of color in at least two states in the last nine years.
20. They have sent our Bill of Rights through the sausage grinder....
They must never - EVER - be allowed to govern our country again.
The grand old party is over.
And to think it used to be known as "the party of Lincoln"! Sheriff? Looks like we got one dead elephant here. And why are the Democrats acting so damned complacent? Don't they realize that they're next? The time is coming when we will have a real "party of the people". When that day dawns, the Dems and the GOP will be just an unpleasant memory - like a long ago New Year's morning hangover.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Here is a link to Michael Moore's call to action:
Our friend Kitty Bruce, the beloved daughter of my favorite comedian, the late, great Lenny Bruce, is holding an auction of her father's personal possessions in order to raise money for Lenny's House, a shelter for women with a history of substance abuse issues. The last day of the auction is October 28. Here is a link to her official site where you can view the items up for bid:
You can also make a donation to help support Lenny's House by sending a check to:
The Lenny Bruce Memorial Foundation
PO Box 1089
Pittston, PA 18640-5802
"I am not a comedian and I am not sick. The world is sick and I'm the doctor. I'm a surgeon with a scalpel for false values. I don't have an act. I just talk. I'm just Lenny Bruce."
Lester & Charlie....
That was too funny! Thanks for sharing it.
Tom Degan
That's a great list, Tom, and I would add this to it: they have let our infrastructure deteriorate. They have used Karl Rove tactics to convince people that black is white, wrong is right and lies are truth. They have stacked the Supreme Court with ideologues. They have interfered with our judicial system. They have come close to destroying everything that was good about our country.
To me GOP stands for Greedy Obnoxious Plunderers.
hey Tom! I stole the elephant for my blog and I'm off to see what my favorite dude Michael Moore has to say! Thanks Tom, Oh and I want to be the one to give the rightwing nuts the last kick off the face of the earth LOL!
Thanks again Tom! ;-)))
Let's not forget that:
They dragged a respected veteran through the mud in front of the entire nation.
They also lied about the service of another man - insulting American who did serve in the process thereby losing the respect of many men and women of the "greatest generation" who served with pride and dignity.
Oh - and speaking of veterans...
They somehow managed to let veterans care deterioate into something unrecognizable and quite deplorable with sub-par conditions in the hospitals and questionable practices when it came to treatment.
Please don't let any republican tell me that they "honor" and "support" our troops.
If I ever meet John Kerry, I intend to thank him just as I would any other veteran. (I make that a practice - thank, hug or kiss a veteran - it's the least we can do!)
Mary you are so right-on!! What those fuckers did to John Kerry was horrendous!!! Its a sad sad thing to look back and wonder how different this country would be right now if Kerry had been our president! I honor that great American!
Stop out-sourcing jobs. That would be a great way to get America back. Yes indeedy. I was reading over to Fermi-Cat aka Cosmic Cat (link on my blog) a few weeks ago and she was talking about her season parking tickets for the Georgia Tech Games. She bought the tickets a year in advance and yet when she went to inquire about them (local college local parking area local person) she ended up calling oversea's and talking to someone who couldn't speak English but acted like they KNEW the exact location of her chosen spot. They relocated her to an OK spot but not the one that she had paid big money for. Because they KNEW it was a better position and were so sorry she lost her original spot.
Why outsource something like that? When it comes to College Football... American's Have GOT TO take job outsourcing personal! Georgia Tech couldn't get a few students under the work study program to handle this like they do at WKU (the college I goto)?
I think there should be a severe penalty for companies that outsource. There should be surcharges and whatever other tariff we can legally come up with. And you can blame the Republican's. You can point fingers and say a political party did this but the reality is the American people have allowed these things to happen.
The American people (myself included) have gotten soft and are allowing big brother to ruin our nation. If uniting as Democrats is what it takes to take the country back then we need to do it.
Something, anything, and everything.
Gee, guys, can't you say just one good thing about the GOP? I mean, after all, they love our country, believe in the right to life, don't want minorities mixing the blood - they're bigoted, so everyone else must be, right?. AND, they are Christians. Above all else, they are Christians.
I could be wrong, but I don't think the "Republican Party" can regain control of anything, because the GOP as we used to know it simply doesn't exist. And they deserve everything they get because no one has had the courage to cry foul.
One nice thing...John McCain. Okay? He's a good guy. I have the utmost respect for him as a veteran. Unfortunately, he is a bit confused about a few things. I still can not believe that he was the one who thought picking Sarah Palin as his running mate was a good idea.
Oh yes - and Olympia Snowe...mustn't forget that poetically named lady from Maine.
There - that's all I can come up with other then the fact that Lincoln was a republican and maybe Gerald Ford who wasn't THAT bad...just seemed too regular a guy to have the job he had thrusted upon him!
It really seems that the Republicans have to play a major amount of "catch-up." The days of the pearls and shirt-dress wearing moms with their Donna Reed haircuts and the briefcase-toting dads in their London Fog coats who came home every night around the same time and sat down to watch Uncle Miltie and Lucy and Desi are gone forever. I think the Republican Party is stuck back there somehow in the Eisenhower Administration.
You know, sometimes you have to wonder if the GOP is really as stupid as they appear to be. How can any one party be so completely ignorant as well as negative. I will bet you that if "No Lips" McConnell, John Boner, Michael Steel or any of the rest had an infected foot, they would rather have it rot off than be taken care of by a Democrat.
Ya know, Tom, given all you said and I certainly agree with you, I am still amazed at the number of people who believe the GOP hogwash and believe it with some sort of vengeance. Still, I can't seem to wrap my mind around people who take a position that does nothing for them but hurt them.
I know a number of people who can't carry on a rational discussion about any topic without personally attacking me. What starts as a half smile ends as a sneer and then the anger erupts and they go ballistic. The more you try to reason, the crazier they get.
The are like some one about to drown and fighting for that last piece of wood to stay afloat. Women and children be damned. Yet they will show a piety that would make a monk blush.
Democracy is predicated on rationality and presumes a loyal opposition. The GOP opposition is anything but loyal and that's not good for America.
I'm waiting to hear a Republican say it's time to take back their party.
Ah, the old liberal trick of making the Republicans out as a cult. Here's the thing liberals, Republicans were 'never going to return' in 1976. Remember? Yeah about that... remember also 1980. Republicans were far worse off then than they are now. Laugh while you can, democrats are beginning to lose already. See NJ and Virginia gubernatorial races.
An Informed Mind
That's funny. I pretty much agree with almost all of the 20 points you mentioned here. And these exact same 20 points could be said about the Clinton administration AND now Obama's as well. And I could back that up with examples on EVERY single one of the points you bring up.
Republicans (alone) aren't the enemy... all of Washington is.
I am forced to concede your point. Every single one of those reasons could be used as an excuse no to vote for a lot of Democrats. Maybe even most Democrats. Here's the crucial difference - NOT ALL DEMOCRATS. There are still more than a few of them who are fighting the good fight. Name me one Republican who is?
And besides, as my little piece made abundantly clear, the Democrats are next.
All the best and thanks for the astute observation!
Tom Degan
1. They have cut the throats of the poor and the middle class.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power.
2. They have looted our national treasure.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power.
3. They have abandoned their constituency in favor of a multi-national corporate behemoth and an out-of-control military industrial complex.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power.
4. They have created a global, geo-political catastrophe in the Middle East that will take at least a century to remedy.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. Those evil Jews and evil Moslems. Don't they know they need to serve the true God, Satan?
5. They have shoveled a generation of American children into an untenable slaughterhouse in Iraq.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. This all started when we put Saddam in power... Oh wait...
6. They have engendered an economic nightmare so immense that generations yet unborn will still be bearing its burden.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. We don't need a free market it must be massaged so that I can decide who does well and who does not. The free market doesn't discriminate; this is wrong.
7. They have sold our nation's soul to the highest corporate bidder. They have made a mockery of the First Amendment.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. Serve me. Businesses are filled with people trying to make a living. Some of them have the audacity of shooting for excellence. We will demonize them and give you some of the booty we steal from them.
8. They have squandered a trillion-plus dollar surplus with a tax cut for a class of people who didn't need it.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. Serve me and I will give you a job while I steel from those who have given jobs to some many others.
9. They have gutted vital social programs that aid the poor and the elderly which have been in place for over seventy years.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. People who pander. I will give you some trinket called universal healthcare if you serve me.
10 They have gutted laws meant to protect working men and women.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. We will gut laws that protect everyone, so that we can promote the few who serve me.
11. They have plundered the environment.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. Serve me and I will let you plunder the environment and punish others.
12. They have depleted our educational system.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. Serve me and I will teach you things that I want you to know. Things that ensure my power for many years to come.
13. They have hijacked this nation's political dialogue.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. That's their job. What's wrong with you? Did you go to public school or something?
14. They have ruined our international reputation.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. Serve me, I will make you a prince among the nations. I will give you dominion of all that you see.
16. They have handed our domestic agenda over to religious fanatics.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. Just ignore that GOD, and worship me. If it feels good, then it must be good, right?
17. They have stolen two national elections.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. Yes. Let's eliminate the electoral college. Popular rock stars should always be president. Competence should not be in the White House.
18. They have trampled on our constitution.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. Yes. Let's do universal healthcare... So what if its not in the constitution?
19. They have denied voting rights to people of color in at least two states in the last nine years.
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. Serve me and I will make sure that military men and women are NOT represented.
20. They have sent our Bill of Rights through the sausage grinder....
Answer Politicians... People who seek power. Whether Democrat or Republican or Progressive or Conservative. If they have their name on a ballot it is because they seek power. Serve me and I will make sure that we can search and seize anyone or anything. Only through me can you protect yourself. We will rid you of these pesky guns.
It's amazing how similar that list is to my list of 20 reasons not to vote for a Democrat.
You make a good point, Brian. Other than reasons number nine and ten, they're all damned good reasons not to vote Democratic ever again.
The difference between the two major parties is this: there are a few - and I mean very, very few - decent Democrats that are still doing what's best for the American people. The Republicans are beyond hope.
I should tell you for the record that I am not a Democrat. I left that stupid, worthless party over a decade ago and never looked back. That being said, they still have a handful of flowers among the weeds - Russ Feingold and Sherrod Brown being two notable exceptions.
The Democratic party needs to be completely overhauled. The Republican party needs to be destroyed. Fortunately they're doing a pretty good job of that all by themselves.
All the best,
Tom Degan
Observation from Northland, New Zealand: Obama's sole and unforgivable crime is being black in the White House.
There is hope for America however; she elected Obama in the face of virtually limitless right wing money dedicated to destroying America to save her.
Consider the blowhard pill-freak Lush Bimbaugh proudly announcing his prayer for the failure of America.....
Another thing: from down here the right looks fat, ugly, abusive, and most in point.....pig ignorant.
Ultimately America won't buy the pathetic cheerleader antics of sluggish, right wing people haters. If I'm wrong and she does, look forward to nuclear disaster for the world.
Ah, yes, but you're forgetting one major point. The big corporate conservatives own the non-Internet media and they're working diligently to take control of that as well. Advertising works and as long as the Republicans have millions of dollars to spend lying about their candidates and their opponents, there will be low-information voters buying it.
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