Dissing Black History
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Frederick Douglass |
"Ruby" is a precious stone. "Bridges" are pathways that unite. No child in the history of this country was more aptly named.
I cannot get over the fact that Florida governor Ron DeSantis - a guy who aspires to be the next president of the United States - would spend so much time pandering to the racists and loonies that comprise such a significant portion of the GOP by literally outlawing the teaching in the public schools of that hideously overrated state of the history of African Americans. This is the most racist policy endorsed by an American governor since George Wallace and Lester Maddox back in the weird old days. We don't want to go back to that place. Trust me on this one, folks.
The African American experience is as part of the American DNA as the Declaration of Independence; it is essential to our cultural identity that it be taught in our public grade schools and universities. To abolish it outright, even in the south - ESPECIALLY IN THE SOUTH - would be a crime against the minds of children of all races. Most kids today have a fairly good idea of what Martin Luther King was all about, but he is only one part of a much larger story!
They need to know about Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass and W.E.B. Dubois and Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey and Louis Armstrong and Marian Anderson and Malcolm X and Adam Clayton Powell and James Meredith and Shirley Chisholm and John Lewis and Ralph Abernathy and Dick Gregory and Sidney Portier and Billie Holiday and....
Those are merely a few drops in a very deep bucket.
Is it dissing Black History month to call Kamala Harris a Black? After all she is half Indian and Jamaica.
Video of Biding dissing Black History month...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3xiUpD7Qrc&t=8s
This past Martin Luther King day was a good time to note the transformation of MLK’s legacy.
White conservatives are doing their best to appropriate his message and shape him into their own image. They see themselves as the "real victims" of racism.
White conservatives who say they “don’t see color” think they alone are entitled to define racism, and to dictate how the history and effects of slavery and racism are taught.
Anyone else who does it is a "Marxist" and will be banned and silenced.
They are what they are.
And racism isn’t racism to racists.
There's a reason every white nationalist, Klansman, and neo-Nazi votes for Trump.
If only there was a term for them...
In honor of Black History Month..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs85JWL65yA&t=149s
I don't even need to check a link from Anonymous to know it is probably some racist crap.
To these fascists, govt. is for personal power, punishing people they hate, and profiting from fear mongering. Banning books, demonizing LGBTQ people, and shutting down "uppity" Black educators are dog whistles to bigots, racists, and fascists. It’s the Republican way.
And what kind of asshole would tell a fellow member of Congress who is currently undergoing treatment for CANCER, that he cannot wear a headscarf on the House floor?
Cruelty is the point with these neo-Nazi fascists who call themselves Republicans.
What's the funny part to you?
The hate?
The book banning?
The censorship of African American history?
The Democrat with cancer?
Or all of it?
How "Christian" of you.
Affirmative-action Answer? Black Cops MORE Likely Than White Cops to Shoot Blacks
Perhaps, as gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder (R-Calif.) was accused of having been, they’re the “black face of white supremacy.” What black cops are not, however, is a policing panacea that will bring peace to savage streets and end the law enforcement “war on blacks.” This isn’t just because you can’t end something that isn’t occurring, but also for another reason:
Black and Hispanic officers are actually more likely to shoot black suspects than white cops are, according to studies.
Chinese Spy Balloon Spotted over Montana.
Secretary Blinken should cancel his trip to China. And President Biden must answer why he has not secured U.S. airspace.
A gang of neo-nazis kicks a house member out of a committee assignment for her anti-semitic views. You can't get any more hypocritical than that.
Omar is being punished because Republicans hate her for being a Black Muslim woman. Three shrikes in their racist game.
They want to dishonestly equate criticism of the Israeli government with "antisemitism".
Not the same at all. Any excuse to hate a Black Muslim or anyone else who disagrees with their neo-Nazi white nationalist extremism.
Remember these neo-Nazis are calling every Democrat a commie now. Just like Hitler did, and would if he was here now.
Black and Hispanic officers are actually more likely to shoot black suspects than white cops are, according to studies.
A questionable statistic that racists will glom onto.
If it is true, it reflects the institutionalized abuse of Blacks in law enforcement. There's generally less accountability in abusing Blacks. And everyone knows it.
"Omar is being punished because Republicans hate her for being a Black Muslim woman."
Bull Sh!t.
"They (GOP) want to dishonestly equate criticism of the Israeli government with "antisemitism"
Bull Sh!t
Don't you have a Klan meeting to go to down in White Settlement, Texas?
The "spy balloon" was filled with hot air from mango. It was carrying love letters from kim jung un. Don't they have spy satelites.
Hey Dave, since you are a self proclaimed expert on Christianity, when are you going to tell us how a person becomes a Christian? Or do you live in that part of Michigan that's controlled by ISIS?
rustcoal, PENTAGON: Another Chinese SPY satellite has been positively identified flying near United States! Things are going great rustcoal. Aren’t you glad the grown-ups are back in charge?
Joe Biden this time last year terminated a national security program launched by former President Donald Trump to counter Chinese espionage in the United States.
A year later, in the face of considerable public pressure, Biden ordered the Pentagon to shoot down a Chinese surveillance balloon over Myrtle Beach on Saturday after allowing it to float across the continental United States for days.
🧠 🧼
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