9/11: Twenty Years On
I didn't spend too much time yesterday dwelling on the horror of September 11, 2001. It was such a bleak and depressing day that I try not to think about it at all. The woman I lived with on that day knew my habits better than anyone. She knew that, whenever there was a huge national news story, I would record the unedited coverage on videotape for posterity's sake - such as when Frank Sinatra, George Harrison and Bob Hope passed away. By the end of the day she asked me, "Aren't you going to tape any of this?" ""No", was my answer. "I never want to look at this again".
I still can't look at it twenty years later. I'll merely repeat this piece (slightly re-edited) that I wrote four years ago on the sixteenth anniversary:
It's a bit hard - STIKE THAT - it's impossible - not to let the memory stray back to the man-made catastrophe of 9/11/01. Late in the evening of Sunday, September 9, 2001, I gave my brother-in-law, Bob Borski, a ride to his home in Brooklyn. At around ten o'clock we passed just under the Twin Towers. I hadn't been that far downtown at night in a decade-or-so. I remember thinking how beautiful they looked towering over the night sky of Manhattan. Would George Gershwin's Rhapsody In Blue have sounded any different had those buildings existed in 1924? The 1993 terrorist assault on the World Trade Center was still a fresh memory. I speculated to Bob the damage a privately-owned D-10, it's aisles racked with 55 gallon drums of gasoline could do. It never occurred to me that a commercial airliner, filled with innocent human beings, would do the trick quite handily.
Thirty-six hours later, those buildings were gone forever.
The horror of September 11, 2001 has faded like the smoke that lingered over New York City for so many days afterward. I'm lucky in that I didn't lose any loved ones. My cousin, Patricia Cullen, who was working in one of the towers, barely escaped with her life. For about four hours we thought that she didn't make it. She was finally able to get through to us and let us know that she was safe and sound. The relief was palpable. Of course the families of many others wouldn't be as lucky as ours. My other brother-in-law, Jack Dermigny, lost his cousin Dan McGinley. Michael Stark, the brother of my pal, Joe, was one of the scores of firefighters who went into the towers, never to emerge. September 11, 2001 was that kind of day.

Hindsight is a funny thing, isn't it?
By noon on the day of the attack, all civilian aircraft across the nation were grounded. Late that night, for reasons I cannot remember, I found myself walking a deserted street in front of the commons building of the college I had attended over two decades before. It was there that I happened upon an old girlfriend. Of course, we were discussing the atrocity of that day when, from out of nowhere, the sky of Middletown, New York was jolted by the roar of what I assumed (and hoped) to be a military jet. Although invisible to us, it was obvious that it was flying at a low altitude. After a few minutes, we gave each other a hug in the darkened street and went on our separate ways. It was such a surreal ending of what had been a completely surreal day.
All of these years after the fact, 9/11 is still too depressing to think about - at least for me. The fact that the American people have foolishly turned over their government to incompetents who don't believe in government makes a terrorist attack on the scale of what happened on that day (or much worse) almost inevitable. This is the grave that the inmates of Idiot Nation have dug for themselves.
Have a lovely day!
So there you have it. What happened on September 11, 2001 will be hanging over the nation's collective psyche until the very last person with a living memory of that day steps into eternity. Until then....
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
America The Beautiful
by Ray Charles
If it were up to me, it would be a misdemeanor for anyone but Ray to sing this song. No one ever did it better. No one ever will. God rest his soul.
We must remember the Bush Administration sidelined terrorism advisor Richard Clarke. They were not concerned about al-Qaeda.
We must also remember no action was taken after the famous President's Daily Brief of August 6, 2001 titled, “Bin-Laden Determined To Strike In US”
And never forget Bush demanded Clarke to find a way to blame Iraq for 9-11.
I wonder what would have happened if Clinton had taken out Osama bin Laden the 3 times he was offered to him?
Probably what happened any time he did anything. Hypocritical Republican intransigence, name-calling and deflection.
I mean, hell, look at the dismissive attitude and whataboutism that happened when Osama was killed under the Obama administration.
The change in Republican and "conservative" political discourse post-Reagan is so shameful.
Did Biden support Obama's plan to take out bin Laden?
"look at the dismissive attitude and whataboutism that happened when Osama was killed under the Obama administration."
If you stick your head in the sand on one of the most important days in the history of this country, then why write anything about this country at all? Your pretended care about lessor issues is obviously fake, or at least, not to be listened to. Write a cooking blog.
I wonder what would have happened had the Cheney administration listened to the intel they were given instead of obsessing on avenging Daddy Bush's bruised ego?
I wonder what would have happened had Clinton actually had those chances? That story has been debunked for decades. Bush said he "didn't know and didn't care" where Bin laden was, it was President Obama who got him.
Of course we knew that bin laden being Saudi, the GOP wasn't REALLY after him. Hell, Trump just gave em 5,000 Taliban and nuclear technology.
I wonder what would have happened if Clinton had taken out Osama bin Laden any one of the 3 times he was offered to him?
"Of course we knew that bin laden being Saudi, the GOP wasn't REALLY after him" Fact or your opinion? PROOF PLEASE. We all know opinions are like ass holes, everyone has one and all of them stink.
CIA Agents Reveal How Bill Clinton Stopped Them From Killing bin Laden and Preventing 9/11...Former President Bill Clinton has talked openly about how he could have killed Osama bin Laden—but passed.
“I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. And so I just didn't do it,” Clinton confessed to an Australian audience just 10 hours before two planes struck the World Trade Center.
But in The Longest War, a new documentary from director Greg Barker (Manhunt) and executive producer Alex Gansa (Homeland), former CIA agents reveal that they had another opportunity to take out Osama bin Laden with little collateral damage.
According to director Greg Barker, “It’s hard to believe now, but back in the late ‘90s, most of the Washington national security establishment—including President Clinton, the State Department, the Department of Defense—simply did not view Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda as a serious threat. The handful of U.S. officials who saw the looming threat clearly—and there were some, mostly mid-level officers at the CIA’s bin Laden unit and the counter-terrorism branch at the FBI—tried in vain to raise alarm bells at the highest levels, but were often ignored and even ridiculed.”
"Write a cooking blog."
No. I don't think I will be providing examples. Not expending the energy in your knee jerk contrarianism.
Suits me just fine.
Of course it does.
I wonder what would happen if Sybil didn't post the same nonsense over and over and over? I wonder what would happen if Greg Barker was credible?
What proof are you lacking? Bin laden WAS Saudi and Bush did say he "didnt; know and didn't care" where he was.
Pick a name and answer the questions YOU have been asked for years.
England suffered a "9-11" every day for 5 years. They didn't wallow in it, they didn't WHINE about it for 20 years. They didn't become a nation of military worshipers, and they didn't become paranoid xenophobes.
They rebuilt and got on with their lives.
If you stick your head in the sand on one of the most important days in the history of this country, then why write anything about this country at all? Your pretended care about lessor issues is obviously fake, or at least, not to be listened to. Write a cooking blog.
Or "commemorate" 9-11 at a boxing match by bitching about Biden and stolen elections.
Now THAT's patriotism.
"I wonder what would have happened had Clinton actually had those chances? That story has been debunked for decades."
CIA Agents Reveal How Bill Clinton Stopped Them From Killing bin Laden and Preventing 9/11...Former President Bill Clinton has talked openly about how he could have killed Osama bin Laden—but passed.
Retraction in the making? Nah, that would require honesty.
Speaking of head in the sand,
A new CNN poll finds that 74% of U.S. adults now say they are “very or somewhat angry” about the way things are going in the U.S. today — that includes 88% of Republicans, 70% of independents and even 67% of Democrats. But wait, there’s more.
Another 69% of U.S. adults now say that things are going “pretty or very badly” in the country these days — that includes 91% of Republicans, 72% of independents and 49% of Democrats.
And by the way, illegal immigration is still a concern for many in this nation. The CNN survey also found that 77% of U.S. adults say that it is important that the federal government “stops the movement of undocumented immigrants into the United States.” And the partisan breakdown: 95% of Republicans, 76% of independents and 52% of Democrats agreed.
Way to go Joe!!
We used to live on Beverly Drive in Warwick. I had NYC firemen on either side of me; at the time, I think there were a dozen maybe living on my street? (Think it was one guy moved his family, liked it, and then others came.) Only one didn't make it home; Michael Fodor, my next-door neighbor. He was from Ladder 21. Each year I watch all the memorial shows; some of them (most?) play footage from the command centers, etc., set up in the WTC lobbies. I always look for a glimpse or mention of Mike. I don't think it will ever not be heartbreaking.
Former President Barack Obama’s Acting CIA Director, Michael Morell, said Joe Biden's actions in Afghanistan have “inspired jihadists” all over the world.
During a CBS News interview, Morell said the Taliban is already back to harboring al-Qaeda.
Morell weighed in following the news that the head of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, issued a video on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
“We think so, which means that the Taliban is harboring Zawahiri today,” Morell said.
"The Taliban is harboring al-Qaeda today.
"And I think that’s a very important point.”
Way to go Joe!
"The Taliban is harboring al-Qaeda today."
What did Trump do about it?
"And I think that’s a very important point.”
Sybil still posting stuff he just makes up. Go figure.
Example of Mozart making stuff up: "I wonder what would have happened had Clinton actually had those chances? That story has been debunked for decades."
CIA Agents Reveal How Bill Clinton Stopped Them From Killing bin Laden and Preventing 9/11...Former President Bill Clinton has talked openly about how he could have killed Osama bin Laden—but passed.
"The Taliban is harboring al-Qaeda today."
What did Trump do about it?
"And I think that’s a very important point.”
He did the same thing Obama did.
I know you know this, but simply typing or cutting and pasting something that's contrary to someone's statement without posting the source where the 'CIA agents reveal..." doesn't actually prove you right or someone else wrong. It's the same as saying 'The Smurfs reveal that President Clinton stopped them from spreading Smurfberries across the United States and preventing the Blizzard of 1993'
But, I guess that's the real objective. I got to hand it to you for your stick-to-itiveness. It's good that you can keep yourself busy during business hours.
Now Sybil can't comprehend simple concepts.
And how about a SOURCE?
"CIA Agents" huh? WHO? WHEN?
Yes, Clinton said he could have killed bin laden, but at the time there was no credible REASON. Why didn't Reagan kill him instead of giving him millions in arms?
LOL, Mozart asking for sources. What could be next, Hunter's Biden's labtop is real?
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