My Problem With Sirhan

Welcome to The Rant! Your very own electronic cesspool of naughty, left wing propaganda. MADE IN AMERICA!!!
"Since he first ran for the office a decade ago, I have cast my ballot for Andrew Cuomo. The first time was one of the easiest calls I ever made. His opponent in that contest (whose name escapes me) seemed like he was about to explode at any second. I have consistently voted for him three times and, if he is again on the ballot in 2022, I'll vote for him again. Although I've disagreed with some of his policies and decisions, I have always thought him to be a fairly decent governor. Recently, however, my admiration for him has gone up several notches. We here in New York are blessed to have him in Albany."
From The Rant, May 1, 2020
This is a difficult thing for me to say because I have been a vocal supporter of him from the moment he announced his candidacy a number of years ago, and I never hesitated to cast my ballot for the man. My silly way of thinking was that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, right? How naive of me. In this case, the apple fell off of the tree and rolled into another county.
In the Me, Too consciousness of our time, for him to stay in his position is wrong on too many levels to count. Decency dictates that we believe the accusations of the women who describe as "toxic" the work environment of Governor Cuomo's office.
As progressives, we don't need to copy the hypocrisy of our right wing counterparts by ignoring the reality of the situation and mindlessly going on with business as usual. The proof that Donald Trump is a pervert and a rapist is vast and voluminous. Although Cuomo's misconduct is not of Trumpian proportions, they are bad enough to be sure. When we are given clear evidence of predatory sexual behavior on our side of the ideological divide, we need to call it out for what it is and move on from there. We can't afford anything less.
This whole mess has me sick to my stomach. I'm Going back to bed.
Tom Degan, Goshen, NY
Here is another Cuomo from another time. This is Mario Cuomo's address to the Democratic convention, July 16, 1984 - one of the great speeches of all time....
Mario Cuomo's 1984 Convention Speech - YouTube
As good as it gets.