Deep in the Bowels of Texas
Generally speaking, putting people in charge of government who do not believe in governance is not a particularly good idea. Just thought I would pass that along.
Few people who bother to pay attention to such things were surprised by the news that, during the worst environmental crisis Texas has seen in many-a-decade, Ted Cruz decided to skip town with his little family and haul ass to Cancun where the temperature currently is in the mid-eighties. He told reporters later on that he was only being a "good father" to appease the sensibilities of his two daughters who wanted to get out of town. His little girls are eight and twelve. What kind or man, do you suppose, throws his children under the bus for reasons of cheap, political expediency? He claims that he was merely chaperoning the girls and their mom overnight and that he planned on getting back into the thick of the action the following day - in spite of the fact that he was photographed at the airport with a rolling suitcase that seemed capable of supplying a week's worth of duds for one man.
In the meantime, the fiery and brilliant New York Congresswoman, Alexandrea Ocasio-Cortez (someone who definitely believes in vigorous governance) moseyed on down to the Lone Star State to help out in any way she could - and in the process managed to raise 3.2 million dollars for the people under duress. Beto O'Rourke, who was defeated by Cruz in the last senatorial election, has been on the move across Texas since the onset of this disaster, making sure people get much-needed water, and personally checking on the welfare of the most vulnerable among his fellow Texans.
The plight of Texas at the moment is as pathetic as we've witnessed in quite a long while. The managers of that place have been warned many times in the last three decades to modernize their energy grid. But of course, the pleas to do so have been ignored. The fact that the warnings that an environmental catastrophe such as this could come crashing down the pike unexpectedly - and at any time - fell on deaf ears and empty minds. Just the other day, former governor Rick Perry - the most monumentally stupid of men - stated that the good people of Texas would rather freeze for a few days than take any advice or accept any help from the government.
Compassionate conservatism. Don'cha just love it???
As if things haven't gotten weird enough down there, the energy companies of Texas are designed with a "supply and demand" kid of deal. This means that the households that have not lost power during this unspeakable ordeal will be forced to make up for the profits that were lost by the grid. Certain middle class families can expect a bill for seventeen-thousand big ones in next month's mail. Ain't that something?
One would think that this latest right wing-fueled disaster would finally turn Texas blue - or at the very least purple - but, seriously, I'm not going to hold my breath. It will probably only take a man-made catastrophe of biblical proportions that will get them to finally wake up and smell the elephant shit. Until then, the rest of us will have to sit helplessly by while the voters of that state continue to send mediocre knuckleheads like Ted Cruz to Washington to represent them. Oy vey!
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Joe McCarthy |
AOC Uses Capitalism to Raise Millions for Texas
AOC and her Democrat friends certainly took time for plenty of those photo opportunities that she has complained about Republicans taking in the past. But the one glaring thing that is noticed in this entire situation, AOC is using a system to raise funds for Texas that she has complained does not work.
Yes, AOC is using a system called capitalism to raise funds for those people in Texas that need assistance. That horrible, greedy, millionaire-laden economic system that only hurts people, rather than helps them. The same system she says does not do enough to help people in need and should be replaced with a government ran system that supplies the things people “need.” If that were the case, the people of Texas would still be waiting.
Capitalism is the system that has allowed millions of people to give money to the people of Texas freely. It allows people to choose what they want to do with their money and how. As MCF Insights puts it, “Capitalism is the best economic system in practice for charitable giving because it is the only one that gives us the freedom to allocate our capital as we see fit.”
In the meantime, can anyone tell us when those green energy wind mills are going to get here?
Texans elected him to office multiple times over the years while he pulled much worse crap than this episode. You get the leadership you vote for. Teans obviously want the kind of leadership Cruz offers. Why? I cannot begin to understand.
but your forgeyyig it was the 1st gop cult leader ronald reagan who taught us "government is the problem," and the gop adopted anarchy as it's platform!
Regulations what right wingers don't tell you about regulations are 1) regulatory agencies hire experts to do the complicated work that legislature are not equipped to do, and2) when a regulation is proposed, everyone has a chance to comment on the proposal, and 3) if a company complies with a regulation they get some legal immunity [a "safe harbor"} on the subject
also, the legislature describes their goals ("paints with a broad brush) and tells the agency experts to fill in the details, following the administrative procedures act.
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Vern plagiarized his comment, but who expects honesty or decency from him? This is how he responded after I asked if he was thankful for AOC's kindness and concern for Texans.
AOC does more for Texas than Cruz or their governor, and the radical Right wants to ridicule her. That's conservatism. "Your conscience means nothing" is their motto.
It was the FAILURE of de-regulated capitalism that contributed to the misery and death in Texas. So what does the Radical Right do? Blame liberals of course, and the Green New Deal that doesn't even exist.
What wretched evil excuses for human beings.
Any decent human being would be grateful and thank her for her efforts, as well as for all the NON-capitalists that have generously donated.
History has shown capitalism and conservatism are both devoid of conscience and human decency. They are only about greed and power.
This is why they cannot even show a speck of gratitude for AOC's help.
Expect no decency from them.
The radical Right will continue their hate and complain they are still the real victims.
Just like Hitler and the Nazis. Same racists. Same authoritarians. Same hate.
Still waiting for those windmills to get here and solve ALL our energy problems.
Any decent person would thank President Trump for Operation Warp Speed and getting the vaccine into the arms of Americans.
More Proof Biden*'s Attacks on Trump's Vaccine Distribution Plan Are Based on Lies.
The Biden administration is still using the same vaccine distribution model developed by Operation Warp Speed under President Trump.
“It’s more or less the plan that we put together frankly that’s happening and maybe there are improvements and that’s really great, some acceleration. But clearly, we didn’t go from no plan to a plan, and from no vaccine to a vaccine,” Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the former head of Operation Warp Speed, told Fox Business last week. He also said he was surprised that the Biden administration is gloating about a vaccine distribution plan that isn’t their own.
Can I vote for a Republican and still be black?
What is the "cultural identity" of a black person?
Asking for a friend who is afraid they might be a "House Negr
But but but there wasn't just one Joe McCarthy. There was a whole House UnAmerican Activities Committee, that got started when Joe McCarthy was probably still in high school (1938) and kept going until 1968. HUAC was the entity that blacklisted Hollywood actors, screenwriters (such as Dalton Trumbo) and directors. Among its illustrious members were a certain California Congressman Richard M. Nixon (1947-48 and for some years thereafter) the (then) infamous Martin Dies of California, and Jon Rankin of Mississippi.McCarthy was certainly noisy than the others and eventually got all the attention, but he was a Johnny-come-lately in the business of hunting witches for fun and publicity.
Yours very crankily,
The New York Crank
Biden* Under Pressure From 18 State AGs to Reinstate ICE's Operation Talon Targeting Sex Offenders
He has to check in with AOC first.
Operation Warp Speed? But the Right HATES socialism.
$10 Billion of public funding makes it socialism.
Pfizer developed their vaccine without OWS, but was aided by German government funding.
More socialism.
Say, "Thank you, socialism. You're saving lives again. Now go help Texas recover from their de-regulated capitalism that failed their energy supply".
Millions of Texans are still without water.
Can I vote for a Republican and still be black?
What is the "cultural identity" of a black person?
Asking for a friend who is afraid they might be a "House Negro".
Thousands died in NY under what Biden* called the gold standard of the way a state should handled covid 19.
A 2007 video clip has surfaced featuring then-U.S. senator and soon-to-be vice presidential running mate Joe Biden* telling late-night talk show host David Letterman he was arrested for trespassing at the U.S. Capitol Building when he was young.
Biden* said he traveled to Washington, D.C. when he was 21 years old during a Saturday when the Senate was in session. He told Letterman that he managed to enter the chamber easily and was arrested as he sat in the vice president’s chair.
The clip surfaces as now-President Biden* has frequently criticized protesters who also entered the Senate chamber during a riot at the Capitol last month.
Biden* Admin Cancels ICE Operation Removing Sex Offenders From US…
The US is now a sanctuary state for sexual predators.
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Stand back and stand by, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance.
Trump's tax records are on the way, courtesy of a Supreme Court order.
Coming up:
1. The New York attorney general's office is looking into how the Trump organization valued its assets.
2. Defamation lawsuits from E. Jean Carroll and Summer Zervos. (TRUMP IS A SEX PREDATOR!)
3. A fraud lawsuit filed by Trump niece Mary Trump.
4. A possible charge of incitement by the DC attorney general for Trump's role in the January 6 riot at the US Capitol.
5. Two investigations into Trump's attempts to pressure Georgia elected officials to overturn the state's election results.
Trump will face "law and order" and he won't like it. LOL!
In the month since President Joe Biden* entered the US presidential palace, gas prices have risen to an extent previously unseen since before the advent of the coronavirus pandemic.
Gas prices are up more than 10 cents a gallon nationwide in the last week alone. Some have pointed out increases in price that are even greater.
Trump In Office 1,99 Per Gallon 👏
Biden* In Office 2,59 Per Gallon 😡
Can't Imagine What's Gonna Be In 3-3/4 Years 😱😱😱
— Sam Ghannoum (@Sam2323_43433) February 21, 2021
AAA’s national average gas price is listed at $2.63 for a gallon of standard gasoline, increasing a full 25 cents per gallon since the day of Biden’s inauguration.
Biden* ended the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, a pipe from Canada that would have allowed the flow of crude oil without a need for polluting trucks and freight trains.
Biden*’s Department of Energy denied a request from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas to temporarily waive some environmental standards during the onset of the winter storm, preventing Texas’ oil infrastructure from producing enough fuel to keep the state’s homes heated and provided with electricity in the historic storm.
Until Biden* can actually deliver anything for the everyday American in terms of coronavirus relief, all he’s done is take money from their pocket during the coronavirus recession by ensuring an increase in gas prices.
Justice is coming after the courts order him to provide a DNA sample.
Meanwhile his tax returns will go to SNDY for investigations into insurance and banking fraud.
The walls are closing in on the Mobster President.
His first crime as president is already moving through the legal system.
US authorities have identified Trump by name and allege his involvement at key steps in the campaign finance scheme. Authorities had previously referred to Trump in court filings as 'Individual 1,' the person who directed [Michael] Cohen to make illegal payments to a porn star.
Man. These comments sections look like dueling banjos. Except JTF only knows how to play the jug.
Who would be against this rule?
“banks should conduct risk assessment of individual customers, rather than make broad-based decisions affecting whole categories or classes of customers, when provisioning access to services, capital, and credit.”
Joe Biden* that's who.
Except I know Biden* is president, and Trump isn't. Since the Duke of Darkness can't defend Biden* he attacks any conservative. Or maybe he doesn't know who is president? Who knows, as I'm still waiting to find out what is the "cultural identity" of a black person. I'm starting to think the Duke doesn't know, yet that's his claim.
48 hours ago, Lauren "Today Is 1776" Boebert flew to Mar-A-Lago for a $5,800-per-plate resort fundraiser.
Today, she voted against $1,400 relief checks for Colorado families.
Oh, and the FBI has her phone records.
Treason isn't treason to the traitor.
Ignorance isn't ignorance to the ignorant.
Racism isn't racism to the racist.
A cult isn't a cult to the cult.
Clucky doesn't seem to understand that the POTUS has nothing to do with gas prices. Those are arbitrarily set by private oil companies.
Clucky doesn't seem to understand that the XL pipeline was carrying Canadian oil that would never be used in the USA.
There are no environmental standards that are relevant to Texas failure to perform proper maintenance on their fuel equipment
There are vaccinations being done by the millions. he's waiting for the Senate to pass the covid relief bill so he can sign it.
And stop with the ICE crap. No one buys your hannity nonsense.
Mofart is not only Rush fan but turns out a Hannity fan as well. Who knew?
Cuomo lied, thousands died.
New York State Assemblyman Ron Kim – who said Gov. Andrew Cuomo threatened to ruin his career for speaking out against his mishandling of the nursing home crisis during the coronavirus pandemic – is now calling for Cuomo to face impeachment.
“Cuomo abused his powers to hide life and death information from the Department of Justice that prevented lawmakers from legislating – like fully repealing corporate immunity for nursing homes. That is an impeachable offense,” Kim wrote on Twitter on Monday.
Still wondering when the Duke of Darkness is going to explain his own claim about the "cultural identity" of a black person? What is that Duke?
AAA’s national average gas price is listed at $2.63 for a gallon of standard gasoline, increasing a full 25 cents per gallon since the day of Biden’s inauguration.
Biden* ended the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, a pipe from Canada that would have allowed the flow of crude oil without a need for polluting trucks and freight trains.
Biden*’s Department of Energy denied a request from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas to temporarily waive some environmental standards during the onset of the winter storm, preventing Texas’ oil infrastructure from producing enough fuel to keep the state’s homes heated and provided with electricity in the historic storm.
Until Biden* can actually deliver anything for the everyday American in terms of coronavirus relief, all he’s done is take money from their pocket during the coronavirus recession by ensuring an increase in gas prices.
> Regulations what right wingers don't tell you about regulations are 1) regulatory agencies hire experts to do the complicated work that legislature are not equipped to do, and2) when a regulation is proposed, everyone has a chance to comment on the proposal, and 3) if a company complies with a regulation they get some legal immunity [a "safe harbor"} on the subject
This isn't just a republican thing.
Legal immunity are the key words. Many government agencies have been captured by industry. This is characterized by a rotation of industry insiders into leadership rolls within government. This enables industry to avoid cost and legal responsibility as they disburse pollution and poisons into the air, food and water we depend on. Recent case in point, Biden's pick for Secretary of Agriculture is Tom Vilsack to return to his Obama Era post after his stint running a dairy industry lobbying group.
Vilsack has been a huge promoter of gmo technology which, in addition to accelerating monopoly control of our food supply, is primarily responsible for the many-fold increases in human exposure to Glyphosate, and a multitude of other hazardous chemicals which is pervasive in so many of the foods we eat.
Bon appetite!
Who would be against this rule?
“banks should conduct risk assessment of individual customers, rather than make broad-based decisions affecting whole categories or classes of customers, when provisioning access to services, capital, and credit.”
Joe Biden* that's who.
" Many government agencies have been captured by industry."
Corporate tentacles have been suffocating our Constitutional regulation of commerce since Reagan gave corporate foxes the keys to the public henhouse.
Now the entire Republican Party and much of the Democratic Party are dancing to the tune of the Big Money Oligarchs.
Mark Twain witnessed only the beginning when he said, "We have the best government that money can buy".
It's pretty much US Govt. Inc. these days.
As George Carlin put it, "You don't have rights. You have owners".
Clucky doesn;t realize that intelligent people watch ALL the news outlets, not just the ones feeding them stuff they want to hear.
But the world is better now that Limbaugh is dead. But since it got past him the first time, I will reiterate...
The POTUS has nothing to do with gas prices. Those are arbitrarily set by private oil companies.
The XL pipeline was carrying Canadian oil that would never be used in the USA. Less than 50 permanent jobs related to it and all it does is leak cheap Canadian oil into our main aquifer.
There are no environmental standards that are relevant to Texas failure to perform proper maintenance on their fuel equipment
There are vaccinations being done by the millions. he's waiting for the Senate to pass the covid relief bill so he can sign it.
Of course, clucky WHINES about a banking "regulation" he obviously wants to use as a weapon against Biden, but to di so has to carefully edit the story...
Typical he never posts sources so we can read the ENTIRE story...which turns out to be a GOOD thing Biden is doing. It keeps banks from discriminating against businesses THEY don;t PERSONALLY approve of, such as Cannabis dispensaries.
It PROTECTS the small businesses Clucky claims to support so much.
Biden* hates Americans. “Biden* is going to be dealing with a minority in Congress if he continues down some of these paths.”
Democrats in Texas and other states where immigration has been a lightning rod issue are growing increasingly uneasy that the White House is walking into a political buzz saw in its zeal to unwind hard-line Trump administration policies.
With the White House and Congress set to release a broad immigration reform bill Thursday, some lawmakers fear the party’s messaging and policy proposals are too much, too soon.
“The way we’re doing it right now is catastrophic and is a recipe for disaster in the middle of a pandemic,” said Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, one of the three Texas Democrats who represents part of the border most affected by spikes in migrant arrests and arrivals.
“Our party should be concerned. If we go off the rails, it’s going to be bad for us,” Gonzalez said. “Biden* is going to be dealing with a minority in Congress if he continues down some of these paths.”
Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar said he's been raising concerns since before Election Day that sudden moves reversing Trump’s approach would result in an increased number of migrants at the border.
“I said, ‘Hey, we don’t want the wall, but when it comes to the other issues, we gotta be careful that we don't give the impression that we have open borders because otherwise the numbers are going to start going up. And surely enough, we’re starting to see numbers go up,” Cuellar said.
Yet Clucky still can't comment on Cruz "crossing the Mexican border looking for a better life" while his constituents suffer the cold and lack of food and water.
Made even worse by the fact that Cruz supports the fossil fuel industry of Texas which caused the problem in the first place, both in contributing to global warming and in failing to prepare for inevitable cold weather.
Mofart, I have commented on Cruz, get woke.
Waiting for those windmills, my Tesla needs to be charged.
"fossil fuel industry of Texas which caused the problem in the first place"
Didn't think so.
Biden* headlines.
A better future for America, LOL.
Biden* AG Nominee Merrick Garland Suggests Antifa Riots NOT “Domestic Terrorism” Because They Happened After Hours
Biden* Regime Returns to Obama’s ‘Kids in Cages’ Policy That President Trump Had Shut Down — WaPo Mocked for Providing Cover
Biden*’s AG Pick Merrick Garland Refuses to Say if Illegally Crossing Border is a Crime
Biden* Regime Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Looking to Hike Corporate Tax Rate By a Third, Says Increase on Individuals ‘Worth Considering’
Biden*’s HHS Pick Advocates Sex Changes For Kids
And all the good liberals like these.
Clucky still trying to deflect from Texas screwing it's citizens, the complete failure of GOP "pure capitalism" policy.
and all the GOP politicians trying to blame it on "green energy' when in fact the WINDMILLS EXCEEDED EXPECTATIONS after the gas valves froze.
Texas trying to evade national regulations just PROVED why they are needed.
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Of course, Clucky has to be very careful to only post the bits that SOUND scary or bad...but then, that's all that Hannity tells him.
ANTIFA is an IDEA not an organized group, and Garland understands that protesting racism is not terrorism.
President Obama didn't separate children from families, and while there were fences SURROUNDING the entire area, no children were "in cages" until after trump installed them as part of his "separate children from parents and lose a thousand of them" policy. Trump didn;t shut down anything.
Garland does not think that "illegal immigration" is a felony, as it never was until trump made racism a "Doctrine"
I still wonder how much time Clucky and those like him think about how other people have sex. Maybe if you minded your OWN business the world would be better off.
Yes,it it high time corporations and the richest individuals once again pay taxes that they owe, and contribute to the society that they benefit from.
Gee, like who didn't see this coming.
A train carrying petroleum collided with an 18-wheeler truck in Texas, officials said on Tuesday.
The collision caused an explosion and fire. Officials labeled the crash and apparent oil spill as a HAZMAT situation, according to the Cameron Police Department, reported Fox News.
Elaborating, Milam County Judge Steve Young told KBTX that the crash occurred before 7 a.m. local time and several agencies are on the scene. Young said that 14 train cars derailed due to the collision but stated that it is not a HAZMAT situation.
The truck driver and train conductor both survived the crash without major injuries, officials told KXXV.
Thanks President Biden*.
Is it against the law to trespass? Are you breaking the law if you trespass?
Is it against the law to enter a house not your own and not having been invited? Are you breaking the law if you enter a house not your own having not been invite to do so?
Is it against our law to enter the USA illegally? Are you breaking our law if you enter the USA illegally?
Is it racist to have trespass laws?
Is it racist to have laws against entering a house not yours and uninvited?
How is it racist to have immigration laws forbidding entering the country illegally?
Do our laws forbid a specific race from crossing our border, while allowing others?
After male and female, list the other genders?
"ANTIFA is an idea."
Sen. Patrick Leahy, a very liberal progressive Democrat, who also happens to be 80 years old, gave a lot away in his remarks on Capitol Hill today in the televised show hearing on the Capitol Riots which was designed to give Democrats another bite at the PR and fundraising apple. He had an Antifa slip and a totalitarian future one.
First, Leahy asked former chief of Capitol police Steven Sund about warnings ahead of January 6th. He read aloud from an intelligence report that “indicated that members of the Proud Boys, white supremacist groups, Antifa and other extremist groups are expected to participate in the January 6th event, and may be inclined to become violent.”
SO “Antifa" made the list? An IDEA made the list? Members of ANTIFA?? How can that be?
Antifa didn't storm the capitol to overturn the election.
Short Quiz:
Q: What to you call Trump and his insurrectionists?
A: Traitors.
Q: What do you call it when natural gas prices in Texas go up 10,000%?
A: Capitalism.
How to spot a racist:
He's the one who's asking, "Is it racist...?"
Racism isn't racist to racists.
Mainstream media and Democratic politicians have a narrative to maintain. They do not want you to know that Antifa was present at the Capitol riots and were involved in sparking the storming of the Capitol Building. Even after ex-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund admitted it to be true, both mainstream media and Democrats and THE Duke of Darkness are busy calling it a debunked fake news story.
Apparently it's a false statement to acknowledge Antifa was present at the Capitol riots even if the former police chief says it's true.
Senator Leahy asked former chief of Capitol police Steven Sund about warnings ahead of January 6th. He read aloud from an intelligence report that “indicated that members of the Proud Boys, white supremacist groups, Antifa and other extremist groups are expected to participate in the January 6th event, and may be inclined to become violent.”
Everything that is not a liberal position must be racist. Just ask the Duke of Darkness, this blogs expert on racism. Only a racist knows what is racist, just ask The Duke.
Merrick Garland Defends DOJ Appointee Who Said Blacks Were Superior To Whites.
Black News Channel is NOT racist. Even though it was co-founded by black conservative "house negro" J.C. Watts.
Is it racist to ask if something is racist, or should we wait for The Duke of Darkness to tell us?
Still wondering when the Duke of Darkness (Dave Dubya) is going to explain his OWN claim about the "cultural identity" of a black person? What is the "cultural identity" of a black person Duke?
Clucky cannot define"Mainstream media" he just uses it to blame when something happens that doesn;t fit his twisted ideas.
As is well known by anyone with an education, "ANTIFA" is not an organization, it is an IDEA meaning ANTI FASCIST", so yes, it is a "false statement" (LIE) to even suggest they were there, and it is a LIE to say that the "former police chief" said that they were.
He did not. In his letter to Speaker Pelosi he said he "had intelligence that suggested that they might show up to counter the MAGA protests"
Not once did he ever say they WERE there.
I guess Clucky is admitting to being PRO fascist.
And to date no RELIABLE news source has reported any "left wing" participants in the capitol riot and insurrection attempt.
And Clucky might want to stop calling others "racist" while defending trump and the KKK that worships him.
Why is Biden* so afraid of Putin?
Russia’s top enemies are slamming Democrat President Joe Biden for appearing to be weak against Russia, specifically when it comes to trying to stop a major pipeline to Europe that Russia is working on.
“Russia’s adversaries in central and Eastern Europe are worried President Biden isn’t willing to fight hard to stop the Russia-Germany gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 — one of Vladimir Putin’s core priorities,” Axios reported. “The completion of Nord Stream 2 would be a huge geopolitical win for Putin and give him substantial new leverage in Europe.”
Still wondering when the Duke of Darkness (Dave Dubya) is going to explain his OWN claim about the "cultural identity" of a black person? What is the "cultural identity" of a black person Duke?
Democrats’ New ‘Diversity’ Czar Accused Biden*, Harris of Waging ‘War’ on Blacks
'I would like people like you to sit down & think about the harm Joe Biden* & men like him have caused, orchestrated, and perpetuated in communities of color...'
Dyjuan Tatro, whom the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee recently hired as the senior adviser on diversity and inclusion, accused President Joe Biden* and Vice President Kamala (IDAHO) Harris of racism over the past two years in since-deleted tweets, the New York Post reported.
Last May Tatro advocated against voting for Biden* because the former Delaware senator had authored and vocally supported for the 1994 Crime Bill. But that would have cost him his black "cultural identity.
Why would anyone want sex offenders to remain in the country? Ask Slo-Joe.
Biden* cancels Trump’s ‘Operation Talon’ Program that Targeted Sex Offenders Living in U.S. Illegally
Biden*’s administration recently cancelled Operation Talon, a Trump administration program aimed at removing convicted sex offenders living in the United States illegally.
Though the program seems to be something everyone should support, it clearly isn’t. Why would anyone want sex offenders to remain in the country?
Why would S Carolina have so many sex crimes by "illegals"?
Why would S Carolina have so many sex crimes?
Why would S Carolina have so many illegals?
And of course..
"The Biden administration had "nothing to do with this decision," according to an ICE official. Homeland Security Investigations, a division of ICE, still investigates sex crimes committed by noncitizens."
So once again Clucky posts half a story, never posts reliable sources,
and refuses to accept that President Joe Biden was elected because the USA rejected trump and everything he stands for.
And claiming that Biden is "soft on Putin" is the ultimate PROJECTION, given Trumps
policy of doing everything Putin ordered, like a good dog.
Why would anyone want trump or his family to remain in the country?
Democrats’ New ‘Diversity’ Czar Accused Biden*, Harris of Waging ‘War’ on Blacks
'I would like people like you to sit down & think about the harm Joe Biden* & men like him have caused, orchestrated, and perpetuated in communities of color...'
Dyjuan Tatro, whom the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee recently hired as the senior adviser on diversity and inclusion, accused President Joe Biden* and Vice President Kamala (IDAHO) Harris of racism over the past two years in since-deleted tweets, the New York Post reported.
Last May Tatro advocated against voting for Biden* because the former Delaware senator had authored and vocally supported for the 1994 Crime Bill. But that would have cost him his black "cultural identity.
Federal judge blocks Biden deportation moratorium INDEFINITELY, thank God!
This is great news from a legal perspective, but Biden has already begun halting as many deportations as he can by using a phony selective enforcement trick. ICE is only allowed to deport illegals who:
Pose a threat to national security
Have crossed the border since Nov. 1
Have committed “aggravated felonies”
That’s it. ALL other illegals found in the country by ICE law enforcement who don’t fall into these categories, which is MOST of them, can’t be deported unless special permission is granted. And you know it won’t be.
Why does Biden* hate Americans?
Maybe Biden* can tell us what black "cultural identity" is.
Yes Clucky, "Snopes' the most respected fact checkers out there. Of course YOU don;t believe them since they always called out the BS from Trump.
But you keep posting half a story without any sources at all...that's reliable and believable. LOL
Come on Clucky, post some more irrelevant nonsense while avoiding the subject of the blog.
Ok, I'll does helping the poorest people in the world, along with eliminating the $750 PER DAY EACH we are spending to keep them imprisoned "hurt Americans"?
And then there is the * on Biden's name,as if you think he's not REALLY the President? LOL
Cultural Identity
Cultural identity is self-identification, a sense of belonging to a group that reaffirms itself. It is the extent to which one is a representative of a given culture behaviorally, communicatively, psychologically and sociologically. It consists of values, meanings, customs and beliefs used to relate to the world. It reflects the common historical experiences and shared cultural codes which give us as one entity a stable, unchanging, continuing frame of reference and meaning.
Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, African Americans, conservative Southern white Americans, and even Arab Americans and Irish Americans have their history and traditions that form their cultural identity.
Bo Snerdly abandoned his cultural identity, became a Right wing authoritarian and the "house negro" employed for decades by a racist named Limbaugh. Their motto is, "Your conscience means nothing", or something like that. Vern knows.
Vern is obsessed with showing us his cultural identity all the time. It reeks of white supremacy and radical Right Christo-fascism.
Biden*’s HHS pick refused to support free elections in Cuba in 1997 after meeting with Fidel Castro.
President Joe Biden*’s nominee for secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, refused in 1997 to call for free elections in Cuba. He made this decision following a meeting with then Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
A decade later, Becerra voted to end the U.S. trade embargo against the communist island nation. It is a continuing and disturbing pattern to some foreign policy analysts and lawmakers who’ve condemned the communist nation’s actions since the Cuban revolution.
Why do democrats love Communist Cuba but hate America?
Why did Nixon go to China? Because the best way to end communism is not by war, but by introducing people to western freedom one step at a time.
The trade embargo with Cuba should have ended in the 60's We are the ONLY country involved and it doesn;t hurt Cuba or Castro a bit.
And why is it that when Cubans come here ILLEGALLY we welcome them with open arms, yet any other BROWN person gets locked in a concentration camp? (Which Biden is ending)
Also interesting that you are so gung-ho about "free elections" in Cuba yet support those who wish to end them here in the USA.
Wonder if Slo-Joe Biden* can take enough Mematine, Rivastigmine, and Galantamine for his first State of the Union Speech? I wonder if he will give a State of the Union Speech.
Biden sacked an April 2018 President Trump executive order titled “Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility.” Trump’s order directed the federal government to reform the welfare system around a set of core principles, including improving economic independence, targeting benefits for people with low incomes, and reducing “wasteful spending by consolidating or eliminating federal programs that are duplicative or ineffective.”
Because as well all know the last thing the Democrats want is:
Low income people becoming economic independent.
An end to wasteful federal spending.
An elimination of duplicate Federal programs.
Ensure low income people get the benefits they need.
Last week 861,000 Americans filed for unemployment.
But now Biden* and the Democrats introduced a Bill giving 11 million (you know it’ll actually be more) illegal immigrants citizenship.
Who are they really fighting for?
Why do the Democrats hate Americans?
Trump's taxes are in the hands of prosecutors.
Clucky continues to make a fool of himself posting irrelevant nonsense (and spinning it to change the actual story) to avoid admitting that trump lost, Biden is President, the Dems have congress, and the USA is once again moving forward.
Post some more nonsense Clucky. Dance for me my puppet!
President Joe Biden* was expected to have given his first State of the Union address by now. “US President Joe Biden* is expected to deliver the annual State of the Union address on 23 February 2021 (date is still to be confirmed),” the Associated Press reported.
It is indisputable that the president can have the SOTU address whenever he or she wants. Or none at all, like Jimmy Carter chose in 1977. Or even submitted in writing, as the same president did in 1981.
But Biden* will soon be running upon the longest period of time in the last three decades for a president to wait to give his first State of the Union Address.
Wonder why? It couldn't be his decreasing cognitive skills, or his increasing dementia? Nah it's not that, it's just a part of his plan to unify America, LOL. Wonder what would happen if Ron Klain forgets to give Slo-Joe his doses of Mematine, Rivastigmine, and Galantamine? Could he get worse?
(P.S. "avoid admitting that trump lost" Trump is not President, I've only said it many times, that good enough for you Mofart, you idiot.)
What is the Democrat Party, which controls the Congress and the White House under the leadership of Biden* doing to:
Help low income people becoming economic independent.
Put an end to wasteful federal spending.
To put an elimination of duplicate Federal programs.
To ensure only low income people get the benefits they need.
Instead Biden* and the Democrats introduced a Bill giving 11 million (you know it’ll actually be more) illegal immigrants citizenship. This after last week when 861,000 Americans filed for unemployment.
Who is Biden* really fighting for?
Why do the Democrats hate Americans?
Clucky doesn;t understand that actually presenting a "state of the union" in person is not required. Until W.Wilson letters to congress were the norm.
Also Biden has a lot on his plate, trying to repair the damage trump did and it's not like Trump allowed for a smooth transition. Biden's people had to start "blind" because trump was too petty and small to allow his staff to help Biden's.
WHat did the GOP do to...?
Help low income people becoming economic independent.
Put an end to wasteful federal spending.
To put an elimination of duplicate Federal programs.
To ensure ANY people get the benefits they need.
And there is no bill giving 11 million illegals citizenship.
And AMericans are still unemployed because trump blew off the virus instead of aggressively dealing with it at the beginning.
If you can lose your job to a poor person with no education that can't speak the language, it's sounds more like YOUR problem.
And stop with the "biden has dementia" crap. That was old the first 12,453 times wwe heard it, and the SECOND day it was worse.
NO ONE even suggested Biden had dementia until trump was seen unable to read from a teleprompter or stay on subject through an entire sentence.
NO ONE called Biden a pedophile until Trump was seen lusting after his own daughter and hanging out with Epstein
NO ONE said Biden had ties to China until trump got caught in Putin's pocket
NO ONE said Biden or his son did anything illegal in Ukraine until trump got caught trying to blackmail the UKraine President.
"PROJECTION" - The only argument trumpies have.
"Also Biden* has a lot on his plate",
LOL my guess is it's his bib that is on his plate. And getting ready for bed by 9:00 p.m., that'll keep you busy.
Psaki claims Trump "ripped UNACCOMPANIED children from the arms of their parents."
What is the Democrat Party, which controls the Congress and the White House under the leadership of Biden* doing to:
Help low income people becoming economic independent.
Put an end to wasteful federal spending.
To put an elimination of duplicate Federal programs.
To ensure only low income people get the benefits they need.
Biden* has dementia, so much so that members of his own party in Congress have asked Biden* to give up his unilateral power to launch nukes. Can you blame them? They know he has dementia. US bombs Syria facilities used by Iran-backed militia; first airstrikes under Biden*. Here we go again, another endless war in the middle east, under the leadership of a President who failed ROTC.
"The only way to spare more pain and more loss, the only way… these millstones no longer mark our national mourning—these milestones, I should say—no… no longer moke…m-m-m-mark our national mourning.” 2/21 Biden*
“The way Trump—the way China will respond is when we gather the rest of the world that in fact [unintelligible] in… in… fr- in in in in open trade and making sure that we’re in a position that the world uh that, that we deal with WHO the right way that, in fact, that’s when things begin to change, that when China’s behavior is going to change.”
8/20 Biden*
Does anyone have a Biden* to English dictionary?
P.S. Trump is not President.
President Biden* Wants To 'Review' Cause Of PS5, Graphics Card Shortages. Millions Suffering, Countless Suicides, A Pandemic, Civil Strife And What Is Biden’s* Biggest Concern? Your Kid Can’t Buy A Playstation 5…
Guess Biden's* plate isn't as full as some idiots believe.
Cool story, bro.
Except the executive order has nothing to do with the Playstation specifically, but, sure. News from clickbait titles. Maybe that's why you act like the world's on fire. You're informed by Daily Stormer articles and sensational headlines only. Throw more shit at the wall there, Champ. It's the only thing that sticks.
A review of supply chain and a review on what all we can do to make more of those chips, videocards and other electronics "in house" here in America? Yeah, of course the Red Hat crowd knee-jerks unfavorably at that.
Watch CPAC live here.
See for your self, not what CNN, MSNBC,etc tell you.
Poor CPAC.
Not only has Donald Trump co-opted the Republican party. But he's also co-opted the concept of what Conservatism is.
"Love to see you explain that statement"
I bet you would. You'd see it and promptly fail to read or comprehend it.
"P.S. Trump is not President, Biden* is."
This reality sparks joy in my life. Your acceptance of Trump's monumental loss in November brings me further joy. Thank you.
I bet you can't explain, hence your typical liberal deflection. Probably because you haven't a clue what Conservatism is.
Peter Doocy asked what happened to Biden*’s promise seven weeks ago, that if the Democrats won the Senate, checks [the $2000 virus relief checks] would be going out the door immediately?
Democrat President Joe Biden* refuses to answer Fox News reporter Peter Doocy’s question about his campaign promise that if Democrats won the Senate then $2,000 stimulus checks would “go out the door immediately.”
It’s been 7 weeks and Biden* has failed to follow through.
For sure, that’s one question that Biden* doesn’t want to answer since he completely blew that promise on multiple fronts. First, because after they were declared the winners, Joe didn’t “immediately” get the checks out. Indeed, they’re still not out, while the Democrats were concentrating on the fruitless effort of trying to impeach President Donald Trump again. But, second, despite the fact that he promised $2000, which many voters in Georgia said affected their voting, he then scaled that back to $1400, saying $600 had gone out in an earlier bill. But he said $2000 after that, so people justifiably believed that he meant an additional $2000. Whoops, just another lie, just another promise broken.
But but, Joe's got a full plate, LMAO.
It's cute how you keep trying.
It's sad how you are again exposed as not haven't a clue what Conservatism is.
Clucky keeps dancing for me. Good puppet that he is. LOL
Democrats have pushed the fiction of the “adults being back in charge” with Joe Biden*.
Biden* Secretary of State Antony Blinken who apparently doesn’t know how to hang the Mexican flag and almost causes an international incident with how he does it.
Blinken was having a virtual meeting with Mexican Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard.
The Zoom meeting showed Blinken sitting at a desk in front of the the American and Mexican flags.
The flag upside down can show distress, protest and/or can be meant as an insult. Obviously not the thing the “adults” should be doing.
It wasn’t missed by the Mexico, whose reporters pointed out the improper display.
It's kind of impressive if you get passed how sad it is.
Identify one innocent person whose life was destroyed by McCarthy.
Is it coincidence CPAC's stage is the same pattern as a rune used by Hitler's SS and American neo-Nazis?
Vintage Neo-Nazi Symbol
"I (and others) have written about the Nazi use of runes as logos before, but if you haven’t paid a lot of attention, one to watch for from the Alt-Right is the Odal rune. In the Reich it was the symbol for the Blood and Soil movement, the Nazi idea of making a world where German people were destined to live on German land. It was a mystical bond between the land and the soul of the people. The movement flourished throughout the SS leadership. The Odal rune was the emblem of the Waffen-SS (the combat arm of the SS) division Prinz Eugen. It was also used by Reichs Bauernschaft and the Hitlerjugend (the Hitler Youth). Today it is used in place of the Swastika."
“In November 2016, the leadership of the American National Socialist Movement announced their intention to replace the Nazi-pattern swastika with the Odal rune on their uniforms and party regalia in an attempt to enter mainstream politics."
They have arrived, and are part of the Party of Trump.
CPAC even has their golden idol of Trump to show they are a loyal cult.
He is their god. He can do no wrong and must be served without question.
Yeah Dave, but what about this totally fabricated or out of context drivel that can be regurgitated without thought and presented as equal or worse than right-wing fascism and the right-wing terrorism? Explain that!
Also, did you know random public figure that is perceived to lean left allegedly did this thing that's totes bad and should be distracting from the even worse example the "conservative" golden calf has nakedly done before our own eyes?
Leftist authoritarianism!
Biden* Bumbling in Texas
This is so painful to watch. How can a man who can’t even control his own speech from one second to the next be in command of the world’s most powerful office?
When the official death tally from COVID-19 surpassed 100,000 in 4 months in 2020, the media saw an opportunity. Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson called the milestone an “indictment” of President Trump.
But what will the media say now that the United States officially surpassed 100,000 COVID-19 deaths on Joe Biden*’s watch? From Biden*s inauguration through February 26, a total of 101,919 Americans have died from COVID-19.
This means that roughly 1/5 of all COVID deaths have occurred on Joe Biden*’s watch, even though he repeatedly claimed during the 2020 presidential campaign that he would get the virus under control.
Under Biden*, there has been an average of 2,682 daily deaths from COVID-19. Under Trump, there was an average of 1,204 daily deaths COVID-19—and that includes the early months when deaths in states like New York had skyrocketed because nursing homes were forced to accept COVID-positive patients, causing a massive outbreak amongst the population most vulnerable to the disease.
Nah, they will instead be obsessed with runes.
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Yeah, runes, swastikas, white hoods or MAGA hats, we can expect neo-Nazis to LMAO at covid deaths.
Good news, Vern. You don't have to wear a mask. Rush said it's the "common cold". Yes, he did.
Or as Covid Don, King of the Republican Spreaders said:
“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”
"We’re in great shape though. We have 12 cases — 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.”
“It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
“But that’s a little bit like the flu. It’s a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for."
“Look, right now, I guess we’re at 26 deaths, and if you look at the flu — the flu, for this year — we’re at 8 mil- — we’re looking at 8,000 deaths. And, you know, hundreds of thousands of cases, but we have 8,000 deaths. So you have 8,000 versus 26 deaths, at this time."
Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV) had the perfect response. “The left is desperate to draw attention from their elevation of antisemites in Congress… so they claim a stage design is antisemitic,” he said on Twitter.
“The Left traffics in ‘dog whistles’ so incredibly sensitive that only leftists can hear them, as compared to the supposed targets, who only see a stage,” Menken said.
“I wish that all those who for politics pretend to care about hate, real or imagined, would speak up when Orthodox Jews are generalized and defamed by elected officials,” Yossi Gestetner, co-founder of the Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council (OJPAC). Gestetner has often spoken up against Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D-N.Y.) disgusting targeting of the Jewish community.
“Those who don’t speak up about hate when it does not serve their politics, are frauds that cheapen the cause of fighting bigotry,” Gestetner added.
The United States officially surpassed 100,000 COVID-19 deaths on Joe Biden*’s watch. From Biden*s inauguration through February 26, a total of 101,919 Americans have died from COVID-19. That's 1/5 of the total Americans who have died from Covid 19 in less than 40 days.
And imagined runes are the latest boogie man of the left.
The mainstream media may be ignoring the president's cognitive decline, but it's still there. On Saturday, President Biden* attempted to speak extemporaneously, butchering a long list of names in the process before expressing shock and bewilderment at his own forgetfulness.
"... and Representatives Shir-Shirley Jackson Lee, Al Greene, Sylvia Garcia, Lizzie Penelley, ugh, uh, excuse me, Pannill, and, "UGH, WHAT AM I DOING HERE?" Biden* wondered aloud.
The president had to stop and look at his notes.
"I'm gonna lose track here," Biden* said, after already losing track.
Biden* has forgotten where he was, who we was speaking to, what state he was in, how many grandchildren he has, whether he was standing next to his wife or his sister, and just about everything else you can expect from an elderly man with dementia.
A poll, shows 55 percent think Biden* is likely in the early stages of dementia.
The poll, conducted by Zogby, found 77 percent of Republicans think it is more likely than not that Joe Biden* is in the early stages of dementia. A majority of Independents, 56 percent, feel the same way. A surprising number of Democrats, 32 percent, even think Biden* likely has dementia.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Did you see the Trump supporter in the "Camp Auschwitz" t-shirt?
Funny how Trump supporting Orthodox Jews can't comment on that.
Vern's kind of guy, though.
Hey Vern,
I thought Trump eliminated ISIS? What happened? Oh, he betrayed our Kurd allies to let ISIS run free again. And how many of our guys suffered head injuries because Trump assassinated an Iranian general, nearly provoking open war?
Do you mean those NAZI SS Runes that inspired Trump's CPAC stage? The same runes that American Nazis are using to replace swastikas so they can be more acceptable in public?
Those runes? It appears the same kind of people are drawn to that stuff.
Nazis really loved them. Including your fellow Trump supporter with the "Camp Auschwitz" t-shirt.
Or were you referring to some different runes?
"UGH, WHAT AM I DOING HERE?" Biden* wondered aloud. "I'm gonna lose track here," Biden* said, after already losing track.
ISIS is BACK under Biden*, in less than 40 days of his being in office.
Kids are again being separated from their family and placed in "containers".
"Migrants" are again swarming illegally across our border.
Unemployment numbers on the rise.
Inflation predict to explode.
Gas prices at the pump are rising.
The US is dropping bombs in Syria.
Iran is bombing US bases in Iraq.
The NeoCons now dressed as Democrats have assured us this is going to be a fun war.
And the Muslims are kidnapping girls in Nigeria. Another 317 school girls were abducted in northern Nigeria on Friday. (WONDER WHEN MICHELLE OBAMA WILL GIVE HER HASH TAG FOR THEIR FREEDOM?)
Joe Biden* Repeats False Claim That There Was No Vaccination “Plan” From Trump Administration.
Reality: Almost a million Americans a day were being vaccinated by the Trump admin. including Joe Biden*.
Roughly 1/5 of all COVID deaths have occurred on Joe Biden*’s watch, even though he repeatedly claimed during the 2020 presidential campaign that he would get the virus under control.
So I do feel your pain liberals, waking up every morning realizing that Slo-Joe was the best the democrats had to offer and YOU voted for him. And you've got 4 years to watch his mind turn to oatmeal. Reality sucks doesn't it.
But be very afraid, there might be RUNES out there. That's the real problem facing America.
Are Black Conservatives in reality "house Negros" like Dave has said?
DOW soars 500 points morning after President Trump gives speech at CPAC!
Oh, wow. That's funny. I thought the Dow was having a great day because I finally got around to watching Avengers Endgame this weekend.
Silly me. It's the silly, seditious former President making Mob Man talk at CPAC that made the stock brokers trade trade trade.
Remember the Biden* promise for transparency? Seems Ole Oatmeal for Brains Biden* doesn't. His handlers are scared of letting Slo-Joe in front of a live mic.
Biden’s Press Secretary Jen Psaki says that are still no plans for Biden to hold a press conference after over a month of being in office
The Biden-Harris administration is committed to transparency. They’ve told us so!
There are no citizen petitions or schedules for the president and vice president posted online. The White House comment line is shut down. The White House won't release virtual visitor logs. Biden has yet to hold a news conference of his own.
Amazing we elected a man who admits he doesn't know why he is there, replacing a man who gives a live 3 hour speech without a TelePrompter or notes. Idiot nation.
Did anyone hear the stupid radical Right college girl sing/butcher the National Anthem at CPAC?
She was something. Not everyone can sing the "Star Mangled Banner" in the key of "Q".
Like you watched CPAC live. LMAO
Biden's* immigration policy is a Covid 19 Super Spreader.
DHS Warns of 117,000 Unaccompanied Children at Border in 2021
Migrants Crossing Border and Being Released Into the U.S. Test Positive for COVID
Apart from the children being put in ‘cages’ at the border by the Biden* administration, others are being ‘caught’ and ‘released’ to take buses to wherever their destinations are in America. “Other migrant families who also said they had tested positive were waiting to go to other destinations: North Carolina, Maryland and New Jersey.”
Too bad they are not ALL going to the liberal paradise of MI.
Dave is upset that no one took a knee during the national anthem at CPAC.
Facebook must be censoring liberals cause no one is posting how good a job Biden* is doing.
Biden* is not my "you know, the thing".
Turns out CPAC ‘Nazi’ stage was designed by company whose owner is a Biden* supporter with many liberal employees. (snicker snicker)
The stage was designed by a Maryland-based company that designed stages for President Joe Biden* and whose owner is a Biden* supporter. Design Foundry has worked with Biden* and that the company’s owner is “very liberal” and supports Biden*.
The company responsible for designing the stage, Design Foundry, said the stage was designed to make best use of the conference space — not to propagate Nazi hate. The contract between Design Foundry and the American Conservative Union — the umbrella organization that hosts CPAC — stipulates that Design Foundry alone is responsible for the stage design.
Triggered liberals were more interested in pushing conspiracy theories about the stage rather than getting the truth of the matter. They’d rather believe CPAC is racist because they want to believe it, rather than wait to find out that it was really a liberal company who designed the stage. Just like Russia Russia.
Now do the Trump Golden Idol. Built by Biden supporters, no doubt.
"It's not an idol, it's a sculpture."
So was the golden calf.
Turns out CPAC ‘Nazi’ stage was designed by company whose owner is a Biden* supporter with many liberal employees. (snicker snicker)
The stage was designed by a Maryland-based company that designed stages for President Joe Biden* and whose owner is a Biden* supporter. Design Foundry has worked with Biden* and that the company’s owner is “very liberal” and supports Biden*.
The company responsible for designing the stage, Design Foundry, said the stage was designed to make best use of the conference space — not to propagate Nazi hate. The contract between Design Foundry and the American Conservative Union — the umbrella organization that hosts CPAC — stipulates that Design Foundry alone is responsible for the stage design.
Triggered liberals were more interested in pushing conspiracy theories about the stage rather than getting the truth of the matter. They’d rather believe CPAC is racist because they want to believe it, rather than wait to find out that it was really a liberal company who designed the stage.
Just like Russia Russia.
Stupid is as stupid does. Deflection noted. Trump is not president, Biden* is.
'Migrants' are showing up at border wearing t-shirts saying "BIDEN* please let us in". Says it all.
Bi-Partisan Group Of Senators Introduces Bill* To Strip Biden Of War Powers…
BREAKING: Bipartisan group of senators have introduced a bill to strip Biden of his war powers -The Hill
Guess they have seen enough. I know the majority of Americans have. Anyone want to take the over under on how many days till the 25th Amendment is used and Biden* goes back to his basement?
I take under 100 days.
Remember when Nancy Pelosi called the Capitol riot an “armed insurrection”?
In a hearing today on the Capitol riot, Senator Ron Johnson asked the FBI how many firearms were recovered after the riot took place and here’s what he was told:
Sen. Ron Johnson elicits an admission from FBI official that no firearms were recovered from Capitol on Jan 6, and no one has been charged with any firearm offenses. Odd that so few are curious about this given repeated declarations that what occurred was an "armed insurrection"
Sen Johnson asks FBI official how many firearms were confiscated from suspects arrested at Capitol riot on January 6. 'To my knowledge, none,' official answers.
Zero firearms were recovered on Capitol grounds or in the Capitol.
Talk about cancel culture, congress suspends business tomorrow because of the threat of insurrection part deux. I guess we come a long way since nixon's goons shot four kids dead in O-HI-O
Oatmeal for brains, our President.
BIDEN*: "I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do," followed by White House feed cut.
Anyone want to take the over on how many days till the 25th Amendment is used and Biden* goes back to his basement?
I take under 100 days.
Facebook must be censoring liberals cause no one is posting how good a job Biden* is doing.
Biden* is not my "you know, the thing".
"Cancel culture" is pure projection by the radical Right.
Traitor Trump and his Coup Klux Klan tried to cancel our election.
Do you mean to tell me a mob can be ARMED with knives, clubs, and chemical sprays?
Why, yes, of course. Any fool would know that.
Knowhatahmean, Vern?
A new poll conducted by Harvard University and Harris Insights and Analytics in February found a majority of Americans were unhappy with many of the president's orders.
The poll found 55 percent of Americans disapproved of Biden's order requiring schools to allow biological boys who identify as girls into girls' sports and vice versa. The same percentage disapproved of the president's decision to reduce deportations of those illegally present in the United States who do not pose a national security threat.
When it comes to killing Keystone XL and the associated jobs, 53 percent of Americans disapproved of the president's decision. On the issue of repealing Trump's travel ban on countries like Somalia and Syria, 50 percent of Americans disapproved of Biden's executive order.
A sizeable majority, 64 percent, believed the Jan 6. riot at the U.S. Capitol was "being used by politicians to suppress legitimate political movements." The same percentage believed cancel culture "is a threat to our freedom."
OOPS, there goes that narrative.
Joe Biden is a racist, therefore the whites who voted for him are white supremacist.
While a candidate for president, Biden* infamously suggested to a black podcast host and his listeners that “you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me.” At another time, he said that “poor kids are just as smart as white kids.” most recently, Biden* declared that blacks do not know how to use the internet. There is then the unspoken occasion when Biden dropped the N-word thirteen times while ranting in the U.S. Senate.
Here are the facts:
Joe Biden said the N-word,
The left tells us intent no longer matters when saying the word; dementia-hampered or not, Biden said the word,
Joe Biden has a history of race-sensitive remarks that continue to go unchecked,
Had anyone on the political right 'erred' in this fashion, it would have caused Toobin-esque euphoria among media and leftist circles as they jumped at the chance to ruin a life and career.
A sizeable majority, 64 percent, believed the Jan 6. riot at the U.S. Capitol was "being used by politicians to suppress legitimate political movements." (Trump's Coup was used to suppress democracy.) The same percentage believed cancel culture "is a threat to our freedom." (Trump's attempt to cancel the election is indeed a threat to our freedom.)
Oops. There's the narrative.
Another of Trump's rabid racists has been removed from his job, for being a racist liar.
Senior diplomatic security official removed from Afghanistan role after declaring 'death of America' when Trump lost election
Washington (CNN)The top State Department diplomatic security official in Afghanistan was removed from his role for declaring the "death of America" and making racist comments about Kamala Harris in a post on his Facebook page when President Donald Trump lost November's presidential election, according to four sources familiar with the matter.
"Sad day in American history. A fraudulent election that ushered in a senile idiot and a woman that claims to be black, but she's not," Nick Sabruno wrote in a post reviewed by CNN. "Your (sic) witnessing the death of America as we know it and just standby as all our freedoms are eroded."
Your kind of guy, knowhatahmean, Vern?
Biden* Sets Humiliating Record Just 43 Days Into Office
Hiding Joe Biden* A.K.A "a senile idiot", (LOL boy is that ever true!)
President Joe Biden*, whose administration vowed to bring “transparency” to the White House, has shattered a century-old record for consecutive days without facing reporters alone or holding a solo news conference.
That information was first widely reported by CNN White House report Kevin Liptak, who noted that within the last 100 years, no other American president has gone longer than 33 days after an inauguration without a formal media briefing.
CNN host Jake Tapper tweeted Wednesday, using Liptak as his source, that “an analysis of the past 100 years shows President Biden’s* 15 most recent predecessors all held a formal solo press conference within 33 days of taking office. Biden* has not and it’s day 42.”
Let the deflections and spinning begin.
“Cancel Dr. Seuss, cancel Abe Lincoln, melt down Mr. Potato Head’s private parts and throw them at the Muppets. That is his path to victory the next time around.”
Jimmy (wearer of black face, N word user liberal) Kimmel
Liberals need a Stand Your Ground law … for cancel culture.” “So that when the WOKE MOB comes after you for some ridiculous offense, you’ll stand your ground, stop apologizing. Because I can’t keep up with who’s on the s—list.”
Bill Maher.
Cancel culture is made up by the right.
Dave Dubya
Joe Biden* is a racist, therefore the whites who voted for him are white supremacists, and the blacks who didn't are "House Negros". Just ask Dave.
It must be tough living your whole life where anything that doesn't mesh with your made up world view is dismissed without thought, consideration or reason as deflection and spinning.
Booo hooo. President Biden hasn't done his own press conference in 42 days. Waaaaaah.
Poor bad faith, mindless troll.
Know what the funny thing about Tapper tweeting that? Our President did a town hall, hosted by CNN like a month ago.
Waaaaah, Joe Biden is simultaneously mentally deficient and also a person we need to hear from constantly one on one! Booo hoooo.
Clucky has issues with private businesses making decisions for themselves? Wow.
And seriously if children's toys are all he has to whine about, we must be doing OK.
Here are the facts. Joe Biden didn;t slip and say the "N word".
And no one cares if he's standing in the rose garden with the press every 5 minutes. It's nice to know we have a president who's actually working.
Covid deaths down, vaccinations up. Amazing the results one can get by paying attention.
The Threat From Q-Anon Followers And Militia That Caused Congress To Flee The City Ended Up Being Absolutely Nothing…
Shocking, I know!
Extra sharp chatter flopped bigly in DC. 🤣
Damn, I missed another riot in DC. Maybe I can be there for the next BLM/antifa "mostly peaceful" protest.
"Our President did a town hall, hosted by CNN like a month ago."
Fact check: Biden makes at LEAST four false statistical claims at CNN town hall. Screwed that up too.
Try to stay focused instead of spinning, or even reading a post before deflecting. Some people think they are so cute when if fact they are just Biden* apologists. And poor ones at that.
“an analysis of the past 100 years shows President Biden’s* 15 most recent predecessors all held a formal SOLO PRESS conference within 33 days of taking office. Biden* has not and it’s day 42.”
I am still taking the under 100 days until the 25th is sprung on Oatmeal for Brain's, Hiding Joe Biden*.
sooooo, AOC wasn't almost murdered....again?
The threats by the radical Right and GQP are still being made, just as threats on AOC's life are still made by Republican racists.
The threat of fascism is always on the Radical Right agenda. Trump's Coup Klux Klan is proof.
Cancel culture is made up by the right.
Dave Dubya
Trump and his fascist cult tried to cancel my vote and millions more Americans' votes.
Trump's fascist coup was an attempt to CANCEL THE ELECTION!
"Cancel culture" is projection by the radical Right. They want to cancel our democracy.
Vern's fellow Trumpists with the "Camp Auschwitz" and "6MWE" (Six Million [Jews] Weren't Enough) t-shirts are the real cancel culture, and real enemies of democracy.
Vern will respond with a racist remark.
“Cancel Dr. Seuss, cancel Abe Lincoln, melt down Mr. Potato Head’s private parts and throw them at the Muppets. That is his path to victory the next time around.”
Jimmy Kimmel
Liberals need a Stand Your Ground law … for cancel culture.” “So that when the WOKE MOB comes after you for some ridiculous offense, you’ll stand your ground, stop apologizing. Because I can’t keep up with who’s on the s—list.”
Bill Maher.
"Cancel culture is made up by the right."
Dave Dubya
How wrong can you be Dave, oh I know, a lot.
1. Biden claims he was vice president during Parkland shooting — TWICE — a year after he left the job.
2. Biden said his helicopter was “forced down” near Osama bin Laden’s lair in Afghanistan.
3. Biden said he was a coal miner.
4. Biden said he was “shot at” in Iraq.
5. Biden said he called Slobodan Milošević a “damm war criminal” to his face.
6. Biden said he participated in sit-ins at segregated restaurants and movie theaters.
7. Biden said he criticized President George W. Bush during lengthy private meetings in the Oval Office
8. Plagiarized a paper at Syracuse law school.
9. Plagiarized campaign speech copied from Neil Kinnock, the leader of Britain’s Labor Party.
10. Plagiarized policy documecnts for 2020 campaign.
11. Biden said he “never made” More Than $400K in a year – But in the two years after Obama, he made $15.6M.
12. “This nominee [Barrett] said she wants to get rid of the Affordable Care Act..."
13. "I will not ban fracking."
And you voted this corrupt liar as your president?
If Dr. Seuss is cancelled why isn't Cuomo's Covid book?
Pretty strong statements made today by V.P. Harris about the sexual assault claims being made against Gov Cuomo. Oh, wait a minute, that hasn't happened, so all women can't be believed?
The Trump/terrorist supporter said, "And you voted this corrupt liar as your president?"
Speaking of terrorist Trump supporters:
The FBI arrested a political appointee of President Donald Trump on charges that he stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 and assaulted an officer with a weapon.
Federico Guillermo Klein was a former State Department official and paid Trump campaign worker.
And Vern VOTED for that corrupt liar and traitor who ordered a coup on 1/6.
Just don't call them fascists. Their feeewings get hurt.
Ruh, roh!
Looks like law and order is coming for Crooked Don.
Trump election fraud investigation in Georgia enters new phase with grand jury set to be seated
Atlanta (CNN)A criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia is set to intensify this week, as a grand jury convenes, offering the local district attorney her first shot at seeking subpoenas for records and interviews.
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis made her investigative intentions clear with a round of letters to Georgia state officials in February, asking them to preserve documents relevant to election interference as she investigated potential state crimes including the solicitation of election fraud, conspiracy, and racketeering.
This is who they are:
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) helped organize and promote the Jan. 6 rally that turned into an insurrection. He was later invited to speak at a white nationalist meeting.
“Wow, what a group,” he said as he took his place behind a podium emblazoned with the letters “AFPAC” — an acronym for America First Political Action Conference, the second annual gathering of the white nationalist movement.
White nationalist figurehead Nick Fuentes, took the stage next, telling the crowd that “white people are done being bullied” and that America needs to protect its “white demographic core.”
The next day, Fuentes and Gosar sat down for coffee, according to a photo Fuentes posted to Twitter.
“Great meeting today with Congressman Gosar,” tweeted Fuentes, a 22-year-old Holocaust denier who once compared Jews killed in Nazi gas chambers to cookies baking in an oven. “America is truly uncancelled.”
Fuentes attended the 2017 “Unite the Right” white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where he stood alongside neo-Nazis.
Afterwards, Fuentes wrote on Facebook that the rally had been “incredible.”
“The rootless transnational elite knows that a tidal wave of white identity is coming,” he wrote. “And they know that once the word gets out, they will not be able to stop us. The fire rises!”
Cuomo Accuser Charlotte Bennett Calls Cuomo “Textbook Abuser”…
BENNETT: "He is a textbook abuser. He lets his temper and his anger rule the office, but he was very sweet to me for a year in the hope that maybe one day, when he came onto me, I would think we were friends or that it was appropriate or that it was okay."
Crickets from defender of women everywhere V.P. Harris
Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell. Someone should sue him for having sex with a Chinese spy.
Which House Democrat Sat On Steps To Protest White Supremacist Threat To Capitol That Never Showed Up… Answer: Congressman Al Green
Cancel culture is real.
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"
Voltaire (Like anything liberal)
Name the good people who have burned, banned and canceled books and speech?
There are criticisms of Biden* from both sides for reopening what Democrats called ‘cages’ under the Trump administration in order to deal with the crisis at the border.
Well Team Biden* has finally figured out how to shut all of their critics down and solve his woes at the border: Biden* officials are considering naming the facilities “reception centers,” according to three people familiar with the discussions, on the logic that the name sounds less harsh.
That's it just change the name. That’s their big idea, to change the name of their ‘concentration camps’ to catch and release ‘reception centers’? Why that will fool everyone!
Look at the wonderful defense of Biden* by his supporters who post here.
"Name the good people who have burned, banned and canceled books and speech?"
I know! I know!
The Spanish Inquisition, Hitler's Nazis, Kim Jong Un, and conservative American Christians.
How many white nationalists, Nazis, racists, bigots, authoritarians, and duped idiots support Trump?
All of them.
Dave Dubya calls Hitler's Nazis, Kim Jong Un, and conservative American Christians good people. This means the cancel movement is filled with people who are not good, as they ban Dr. Seuss books, Mr. Potato Head, and close down Twitter accounts and Facebook pages of those they disagree with. The cancel crowd is afraid of free speech, they are not good people.
Biden*: ‘I’m Like a Poor Relative…They Stay Longer Than They’re Supposed To’
After 40 plus years in the federal gov and feeding at the public trough, Biden* finally gets it right.
Look at the wonderful defense of Biden* by his supporters who post here.
Vern thinks he's "good people" like the Spanish Inquisition, Hitler's Nazis, Kim Jong Un, and conservative American Christians.
Yup. He's "good people", just like the rest of them.
I can still get Dr. Seuss books and potato heads. None of these have been "banned". Say, why have those libs "banned" rotary dial phones, anyway? They must hate America.
Who tried to cancel our election and millions of Americans' votes?
Or just 11,780 in Georgia? Ruh, roh...
Liberals can't handle the truth so they censor it.
Dave Dubya calls Hitler's Nazis, Kim Jong Un, and conservative American Christians good people.
Name one time in human history when the group fighting to ban books and censor speech were the good guys.
"tried to cancel our election and millions of Americans' votes" Refer to the actions of democrats after the 2016 election for examples.
Look at the wonderful defense of Biden* by his supporters who post here.
"Name one time in human history when the group fighting to ban books and censor speech were the good guys."
I named several. All of them were revered as "good guys" saving their country or religion.
Conservative American Christians are just that kind of "good guys" amirite, Vern?
"BURN those Dixie Chicks records!! BURN those Harry Potter books!!!"
"tried to cancel our election and millions of Americans' votes" Refer to the actions of democrats after the 2016 election for examples.
Darned if I can refer to an example of Democrats storming the Capitol and killing and injuring cops, just to overturn an election.
Enemies of democracy. Enemies of truth.
Biden likes dogs. Trump hates dogs. Nuff said.
It’s been 44 days since President Joseph Robinette Biden* Jr. was inaugurated, and he has yet to hold a press briefing. Apparently this is some sort of record, but Biden* needn’t worry because his enablers in the press are scrambling to come up with excuses for him. It’s a “new media strategy in a new media environment” or something. Or, no, wait, ol’ Joe is just too busy with the pandemic! Yeah, that’s the ticket.
If you’ve paid any attention to Biden* at any point in his half-century in public life, though, you know the real reason he can’t be trusted to field a bunch of questions from reporters he hasn’t rehearsed with: He’s a big dummy and he says lots of dumb things when he has to speak extemporaneously. That’s been true for decades, and it’s even worse now that he’s pushing 80 and his brain is turning into TAPIOCA pudding.
Look at the wonderful defense of Biden* by his supporters who post here.(all one of them) Biden likes dogs and ice cream and sniffing the hair of young women and having minority youth run their fingers through his golden leg hair at the pool. Even when they attempt to defend Biden* they have to bring up Trump.
Such a bunch of gaslighting losers.
Biden*: ‘I’m Like a Poor Relative…They Stay Longer Than They’re Supposed To’
After 40 plus years in the federal gov and feeding at the public trough, Biden* finally gets it right.
RUNES!! It's a Nazi plot. Oh wait, a liberal designed the stage, never mind, LMAO!
No riot on 3/4/21 in Washington DC as predicted by the democrats, sooooo, AOC wasn't almost murdered....again.
Poll: Two-Thirds Of Americans Think Corporate Wokeness Has Gone Too Far
Results from a national poll released Friday found 65 percent of Americans think corporate America is “taking political correctness too far.”
The study surveyed 1,098 adults about their thoughts on a range of high-profile actions corporations have taken recently to appease left-wing activists, including Hasbro dropping the “Mr.” from its Mr. Potato Head toy, Disney closing down popular rides at its theme parks that activists claimed were “racist,” and Lucasfilm’s firing of actress Gina Carano. On Thursday, eBay began banning the sales of Dr. Seuss books.
Nearly 80 percent of respondents believe toymaker Hasbro’s changing “Mr. Potato Head” to “Potato Head” is “silly.”
When initially asked, 58 percent of respondents said they opposed Disney’s decision to fire Carano over social media posts. After being shown the actual post that resulted in her termination, however, 72 percent said they didn’t agree with the firing, including a majority of liberals and Democrats and 70 percent of Disney fans.
There goes another liberal narrative.
There goes another radical Right deflection narrative.
Remember the radical Right's faux outrage over Obama in a tan suit? They love to inflate their anger towards minorities and Democrats over any trivial matter.
Corporations take actions to boost their bottom line.
Dr. Seuss books are still available.
Potato heads still come in genders or no gender. They changed nothing, but added one to the Mr and Mrs versions. Deal with it.
It's called "capitalism".
Radical Right "victim" Carano was fired for comparing treatment of conservatives to Jews under Hitler. Vern knows all about their "victim card". He plays it all the time.
The fact is racist white nationalism infects both Nazis and the radical Right. Hitler's brand of victimhood was due to Jews. America's radical Right are "victims" of the racial equality movement and seek to suppress minority voters.
Carano promoted the Big Lie of massive voter fraud that led to Trump's Coup Klux Klan insurrection.
She even re-posted an outright anti-Semitic meme in December 2020, featuring a group of Jewish men playing Monopoly on the backs of a group of naked men, with the caption "All We Have to Do is Stand Up and Their Little Game is Over." This image is a widely-shared meme among neo-Nazis and white supremacists that espouses the anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that a cabal of rich Jews run the world.
This is all just deflection from the radical Right's obstruction of much needed pandemic relief.
They really do hate their fellow Americans. Just don't call them racists or Nazis. They resemble that remark.
Rep. Ilhan Omar said during a CNN appearance on Friday that she is really disappointed that the Democratic Party is “sending money to less people than the Trump administration” did.
Speaking to CNN’s Brianna Keilar, Omar said that “this is not the promise that we made.”
“We obviously are now ultimately sending money to less people than the Trump administration,” Omar said. “This is not the promise that we made… Ultimately it is a failure when we compromise ourselves out of delivering on behalf of the American people and in keeping our propositions.”
And that, you know, is going to be something that we’re going to have to explain, and I don’t know if many of us have a logical explanation on why we are delivering less than what the Republicans were willing to compromise us on delivering on to the American people,” she added.
“We’re not going to be able to blame Republicans for our inability to deliver on the promises that we made.”
LOL< wanna bet?
Republicans ARE the reason checks will not be sent to higher income individuals.
Individuals making up to $75,000 would be eligible for the full $1,400 stimulus check, while those making between $80,000 and $100,000 — or couples making double that – will get no money, despite getting partial checks in previous bills.
Republicans have obstructed this all the way.
Marjorie Greene may have been the genius behind storming the Capitol. In 2019, she publicly called for people to "storm the capitol."
Ruh, roh!
Apart from those few who bravely voted to impeach and remover Trump, are there ANY Republicans who are not traitors or corrupt criminals?
Con-servatism requires neither conscience nor critical thinking.
It requires zero introspection or concern for others to believe everything is just fine, the status quo is the way it's supposed to be, and it provides the best of all possible social and economic systems.
Conservative white Christians are endowed by the Creator to their social/religious superiority and to rule in perpetuity.
It's that simple.
Our troll spelled it out in a slip of honesty when he declared, "Your conscience means nothing". He also abundantly proved and demonstrated for us that critical thinking is just as meaningless to them.
Rep. Ilhan Omar said during a CNN appearance on Friday that she is really disappointed that the Democratic Party is “sending money to less people than the Trump administration” did.
Speaking to CNN’s Brianna Keilar, Omar said that “this is not the promise that we made.”
“We obviously are now ultimately sending money to less people than the Trump administration,” Omar said. “This is not the promise that we made… Ultimately it is a failure when we compromise ourselves out of delivering on behalf of the American people and in keeping our propositions.”
And that, you know, is going to be something that we’re going to have to explain, and I don’t know if many of us have a logical explanation on why we are delivering less than what the Republicans were willing to compromise us on delivering on to the American people,” she added.
“We’re not going to be able to blame Republicans for our inability to deliver on the promises that we made.”
LOL, wanna bet?
Hey, Vern,
Whatcha gonna buy with your Democrat/Biden relief check?
Another robe and hood?
Maybe you should send it to Trump. He's going to need your support for paying off his legal bills, fines, bail and lawsuits.
Knowhatahmean, Vern?
With apologies to Mahatma Gandhi
"If there is an idiot in the Oval Office, it means those who elected him are well represented."
Waiting for response from the newest member of the Blue Anon.
Making the "rich pay their fair share" v.1.01
Top 25% of taxpayers pay 86% of total federal income taxes.
Top 10% of taxpayers pay 70% of total federal income taxes.
Bottom 50% of taxpayers pay only 3.1% of total federal income taxes.
How much more should each group pay?
Let's see if anyone of the Biden* supporters here can form an answer blaming Trump.
Fair share?
Trump cut $1.9 in taxes for corporations and the rich. Now the radical Right refuse to spend a dime in covid relief for the rest of the American people.
I paid more federal taxes than the following list of the country’s largest publicly-held profitable corporations that paid no federal income taxes in 2018 on billions in U.S. income.
All figures, except for tax rate, are in millions.
Company U.S. Income Federal Tax Effective Tax Rate $10,835 –129 –1%
Delta Air Lines $5,073 –187 –4%
Chevron $4,547 –181 –4%
General Motors $4,320 –104 –2%
EOG Resources $4,067 –304 –7%
Occidental Petroleum $3,379 –23 –1%
Honeywell International $2,830 –21 –1%
Deere $2,152 –268 –12%
American Electric Power $1,943 –32 –2%
Principal Financial $1,641 –49 –3%
FirstEnergy $1,495 –16 –1%
Prudential Financial $1,440 –346 –24%
Xcel Energy $1,434 –34 –2%
Devon Energy $1,297 –14 –1%
DTE Energy $1,215 –17 –1%
Halliburton $1,082 –19 –2%
Netflix $856 –22 –3%
Whirlpool $717 –70 –10%
Eli Lilly $598 –54 –9%
IBM $500 –342 –68%
Goodyear Tire & Rubber $440 –15 –3%
Penske Automotive Group $393 –16 –4%
Aramark $315 –48 –15%
AECOM Technology $238 –122 –51%
Tech Data $203 –10 –5%
Performance Food Group $192 –9 –4%
Arrow Electronics $167 –12 –7%
Well, Vern?
Care to respond to just the facts?
No wonder you want to whine about Dr. Suess and potato heads being canceled, even though they are not.
It's all about the FEEEEELINGS of the snowflakes of the radical Right.
Waaah! Not fair! Cancel culture!! Runes!
"Your conscience means nothing". Creed of the Radical Right.
What a conscience looks like:
Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) pushed to add a measure to the covid relief bill that would exempt the first $10,200 of unemployment benefits earned in 2020 from tax bills this season. Those tax bills were expected to range between $1,000 and $2,000 and strike many folks who are still without jobs.
Vern and the radical Right hate that idea, and would rather punish the poor and unemployed. They prefer giving tax cuts to the rich and suppressing minority voter rights.
Kicking the downtrodden and strangling democracy FEEEEEELS so good to the racist radical Right.
Clearly my question was too difficult for some to comprehend. so I'll ask again.
Top 25% of taxpayers pay 86% of total federal income taxes.
Top 10% of taxpayers pay 70% of total federal income taxes.
Bottom 50% of taxpayers pay only 3.1% of total federal income taxes.
How much more should each group pay?"
Waiting for the next Blue Anon cult talking points deflected answer.
While I'm waiting for the answer about taxes, should pay more taxes here's a easy question.
Did Trump make this racist statement?
"We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked"
If not who did?
Dear President Biden*
Have you formulated any criteria or benchmarks that would aid Americans seeking to understand if and when the public health “emergency” presented by Covid-19 has ended?
The answer is simple. Restore the tax rates to what they were when we had a rising middle class.
The real question is why does Vern think billionaires and corporations shouldn't have to pay taxes they can easily afford.
Why should the public subsidize low Walmart wages with our tax dollars for food stamps and assistance, while giving the billionaire owners tax cuts.
Like a radical Right bigots, he'd rather punish the poor (especially poor Blacks) and coddle the rich.
I think Vern should pay a 90% income tax, since he thinks he's a rich Republican, and have it all go to poor Black people.
Fair is fair. Racists need to pay.
Does anyone think Vern will answer why he thinks billionaires and corporations shouldn't have to pay taxes they can easily afford?
Does anyone think Vern will answer why he thinks he should pay more federal income taxes than those corporations?
Woke Cult takes on Bugs Bunny, ignores Gov Cuomo,
‘Space Jam’ Reboot Director Says He’s Shocked At How Politically Incorrect ‘Lola Bunny’ Was In Original Movie, Vows To Make Her More Plain Looking…
56 years ago today racist white cops thought they could beat down equality.
March 7, 1965. 50 peaceful Black civil rights marchers were gassed, clubbed and whipped and sent to the hospital by police in Selma Alabama.
“I gave a little blood on that bridge in Selma. I almost died. Some of my friends and colleagues were murdered. I'm not asking any of you to give any blood. I'm just asking you to go and vote like you've never voted before."
—Rep. John Lewis
America is still infected by those thugs' and their racist children and grandchildren. Some were George Wallace type Dixiecrats. Now they are Trumpists and the base of the Republican Party of Trump.
Vote out the enemies of democracy and equality! The radical Right is rapidly enacting new Jim Crow voter suppression.
More than 100 bills that would restrict voting are moving through state legislatures
56 years ago today racist white cops thought they could beat down equality.
March 7, 1965. 50 peaceful Black civil rights marchers were gassed, clubbed and whipped and sent to the hospital by police in Selma Alabama.
“I gave a little blood on that bridge in Selma. I almost died. Some of my friends and colleagues were murdered. I'm not asking any of you to give any blood. I'm just asking you to go and vote like you've never voted before."
—Rep. John Lewis
America is still infected by those thugs' and their racist children and grandchildren. Some were George Wallace type Dixiecrats. Now they are Trumpists and the base of the Republican Party of Trump.
Vote out the enemies of democracy and equality! The radical Right is rapidly enacting new Jim Crow voter suppression.
More than 100 bills that would restrict voting are moving through state legislatures
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