What Used to Be

Michael Cohen once told a reporter that he would take a bullet for Donald Trump.
You do see where I'm going with this, don't you?
I'm not implying that der Donald would shoot his former "fixer" out in the middle of New York City for all the world to behold, but Cohen must sleep a little uneasy these days knowing about the character of the man he worked for at one time. Given the fact that Vladimir Putin has made quite an investment in the very existence of a Trump administration, and taking into consideration that THE VLAD is not unknown for sending hired assassins out on little "errands" - in other countries even - poor old Michael must be just a bit nervous these mornings when he puts the keys in his ignition.
It's funny to see Rudy Giuliani making the rounds of the talking heads on the tube. Where just two weeks ago he couldn't say enough sparkling things about Trump's one-time lawyer, yesterday he was telling the stooges on Fox Noise that Cohen has been lying all of his life. Naturally none of the geniuses over at Fox called him on the carpet for his many inconsistencies on this point. It really is all kind of funny when you think about it. I feel bad for Rudy. He obviously doesn't understand that his historical reputation as "America's mayor" has been forever tarnished. It's clear to me that the poor man is standing at the threshold of dementia. For this reason alone we should cut the dude some slack. That no one on Team Trump would have the wit to figure this out should come as a surprise to no one. Ultimately Rudy's story will end up more pathetic than villainous.
And if Michael Cohen's day's are stressful at this moment in his life, Donald Trump's life has become unhinged and tumultuous. As bad as Dick Nixon's life had become a-year-and-a-half into his second administration, it never got as weird as things have gotten for this POTUS. Remember, Nixon all Nixon was concerned with was the burglary of his political "enemies" and the break-in of the office od Daniel Ellsberg's shrink out on the West Coast. Trump's situation is far-more potentially fatal. The president - and even some of his kids - could end up doing some serious prison time. Say what you want about Dick Nixon, Julie and Trisha were as good as gold.
Now we learn this week that, according to Cohen, Trump not only knew about the infamous June 2016 meeting inside Trump Tower between Donald Junior and operatives of the Putin government, he approved it in advance. This has been a news week to end all news weeks. We'll leave it at that.
Bob Mueller is going to be doing the asking and Michael Cohen is going to be doing the answering. It was oodles of fun a few weeks ago watching Cohen sending those sneaky little, not-too-subtle signals to his ex-boss via the news media that Trump had better pardon him before this mess exploded. Trump, probably for political reasons, was unable to do that. What Cohen was unable to grasp was the stark fact that the mess had already exploded. It exploded over a year ago when the prez - in front of an audience of millions told Lester Holt of NBC News that he had fired former FBI director Jim Colmey because of the Russian investigation. That Trump could be so heart-achingly stupid is another example of either his complete arrogance or his insanity - or quite possibly both. The jury is still out on that one.
I used to get the distinct impression that Donald Trump was having a lot of fun being Donald Trump. I don't think that that's the case anymore. In fact, it must be a real drag to be Donald Trump these days.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
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Serious Dementia |
And if Michael Cohen's day's are stressful at this moment in his life, Donald Trump's life has become unhinged and tumultuous. As bad as Dick Nixon's life had become a-year-and-a-half into his second administration, it never got as weird as things have gotten for this POTUS. Remember, Nixon all Nixon was concerned with was the burglary of his political "enemies" and the break-in of the office od Daniel Ellsberg's shrink out on the West Coast. Trump's situation is far-more potentially fatal. The president - and even some of his kids - could end up doing some serious prison time. Say what you want about Dick Nixon, Julie and Trisha were as good as gold.
Now we learn this week that, according to Cohen, Trump not only knew about the infamous June 2016 meeting inside Trump Tower between Donald Junior and operatives of the Putin government, he approved it in advance. This has been a news week to end all news weeks. We'll leave it at that.

I used to get the distinct impression that Donald Trump was having a lot of fun being Donald Trump. I don't think that that's the case anymore. In fact, it must be a real drag to be Donald Trump these days.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY