Out of the Woodwork and Into the Mainstream
"No one mourns the great crimes committed against us. For us it is conquer or die....To be white is to be a crusader, an explorer and a conqueror. We build. We produce. We go upward."
Richard Spencer
Speech to the annual conference of the National Policy Institute
19 November 2016
A woman on Facebook posted an ominous comment yesterday regarding an acquaintance of hers who is a German exchange student studying in the Los Angeles area. This person received a communication from his parents instructing him to come home immediately. The reason?
"America has fallen."
Well now! Doesn't that just give you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside? The times they certainly are, uh, "changing".
I received a message early this morning from my beloved friend, whom I'll refer to here as "Ms. L", gently urging me to write about this. She lives in Indiana. Although that state has radically shifted to the right in recent years ("Governor Mike Pence"? - I ask you.) she not long ago moved to Indianapolis, an oasis in a desert of craziness. My late mother was born and raised in that state. A lot of my dear cousins, the fabulous Clements Family of South Bend, still call Indiana home. I used to be proud of my connection to the Hoosier state. As the Monkees once sang, "That was then. This is now".
The quaint little gathering, from where the speech above is quoted, did not take place in a Bavarian beer hall, circa 1933, it took place four days ago - at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C. Ain't that a hoot? I knew that the National Policy institute was extreme, but even I was dumbfounded by the words emitting from the mouth of Richard Spencer while addressing this mob of racist dingbats. At one point, this asshole even had the chutzpa to cry out: "Hail Trump! Hail our [white] people! Hail victory!"
Seig heil, mein Trumph!

"The mainstream media....it is not just that they are leftists and cucks. It's not just that many are genuinely stupid. Indeed one wonders if these people are people at all; or instead soulless Golem, animated by some dark power to repeat whatever talking point John Oliver stated the night before."
A few within this hoard of like-minded nincompoops responded with the arm-raised Nazi salute. One wonders what might have been going on in the minds of the geniuses who manage the Reagan Building when they agreed to allow this spectacle to take place on the premises. Or are they happily complicit in all of the "merriment"? Let's face some nasty facts here, kids: der Gipper was not exactly a champion of all things non-white.
"We are not meant to live in shame and weakness and disgrace. We were not meant to beg for moral validation from some of the most despicable creatures to ever populate the planet. We were meant to overcome - overcome all of it - because that is natural and normal for us!"
These are the people who were instrumental in sending Donald Trump to the White House. These are the people who today rejoice over his ascendance to the presidency in less than two months. It would be redundant for me to say that this country can go straight to hell. We sent ourselves there on Election Day 2016.
Welcome to Donald Trump's America. Watch yer step, Jew Boy; Know yer place, Nigger - Ya hear?
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Tom Degan
Goshen, New York
Here is a YouTube link to watch a highlight of the speech quoted above. And, please, I don't want to hear any accusations that I have quoted this jackass out-of-context.
This is going to end very badly.
It Can't Happen Here
by Sinclair Lewis
It's fucking happening here.
Odd isn't it when liberals vote in their best interests it's fine and dandy, but let anyone else do same and the Left labels them Nazis.
On the surface, the message from the University of Michigan's final reading of consumer sentiment for November is that President-elect Donald Trump will fix what ails the nation — fast.
(Dave Dubya's back yard!)
The consumer expectations index of the survey rose by 8.4 points from October to 85.2 — a one-month gain last exceeded in the December 2011 — a testament to households' optimistic view on the outlook for the U.S. economy and their own pocketbooks.
Tom times are not a changing the tide just brought back the same foul stench that this country always reeks from. the sad but always true division between whites and the others
I feel we can not vote ourselves out of this mess Democracy in the Usa is gone maybe forever
No free press
Weak 2 party system
Denial of Truth
Powerfull Executive
Frail Checks and Balances
Uninformed Electorate
Compromised Supreme Court
Help me finish the list
It may never end. Too many failures plus the Election of
So and so
Excellent post, Tom. What terrible times these are.
Love your Breaking News.
I'm too depressed to write more. But thanks for this.
I'm thankful today that I don't have to see Hillary Clinton's face and her Chairman Mao pantsuits anymore.
With time, the snowflakes will get over the 2016 election: the DNC stealing the primary from Bernie and the election of Donald J. Trump.
"Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are
shocked and offended to discover that there are other views."
William F. Buckley
I'm thankful for Wm F. Buckley
What did Buckley think of Donald Trump? “When he looks at a glass,” Buckley wrote in 2000, “he is mesmerized by its reflection. If Donald Trump were shaped a little differently, he would compete for Miss America.”
"The best defense against usurpatory government is an assertive citizenry." - Buckley
The struggle for freedom, equality and democracy will never end. - Dave Dubya
William F. Buckley (as quoted by Majormajor): "Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views."
We now live in an era where the least desirable and the most deplorable are now given their chance to express their white supremacist viewpoints. Antifeminism, homophobia, antisemitism, ethno-nationalism, anti-multiculturalism, nativism, traditionalism, and the neo-reactionary movement will be in our face for the foreseeable future.
I suppose what majormajor is getting chill-bumps about is that he views his hate and venom as being acceptable within the mainstream now. Obviously it is not, nor will it be.
Also, Mr. Buckley is totally wrong in his assessment. What he clearly is missing is that liberals -- of the true variety, not the majority of Democrats -- are certainly open to hearing alternative viewpoints when they come from a framework of inclusion, acceptance and love for all of humankind. White supremacist viewpoints take an entirely opposite path and cannot be tolerated, much less accepted. If they are, only despotism and the annihilation of innocents follow. History shows this to be the case time and time again.
Unfortunately, most followers of the Alt-Right have no sense of history, so do not see the danger in their rhetoric.
"we now live in an era white supremacist viewpoints. Antifeminism, homophobia, antisemitism, ethno-nationalism, anti-multiculturalism, nativism, traditionalism, and the neo-reactionary movement will be in our face for the foreseeable future. "
That is strictly one liberals point of view, as is the rest of JG's post.
What is not a point of view is the more conservative of the two political parties (GOP)
controls the White House, the House and the Senate, the majority of Governorship's, and the majority of State legislatures. The more liberal party (Democrat) is at it's lowest ebb since the 1920's.
This is not a point of view, it is reality. That liberalism is being rejected as Americans vote in their best interest. Are liberals open to that fact?
Majormajor, you didn't quote me correctly. Is it because you don't know the process of copy-and-paste, or is it because my full discourse is undeniable true?
As far as liberalism being entirely rejected, that is not true. There wasn't any liberalism offered by either major party -- only continued corporatism by the Democratic Party, and an amalgamated version of corporatism and outright white supremacist hate-mongering by the Republican Party. Liberalism never was a part of the final equation.
As I've said recently on one of Tom's previous posts, the last two times a Republican occupied the White House, while concurrently both the House of Representatives and the Senate were firmly in control of the GOP, was during the Bush Administration just immediately before the Great Recession -- and just prior to and during the advent of the Great Depression.
This historical context doesn't bode well for any Americans. When Trump indicated he was going to "Make America Great Again", his devotees failed to realize the spelling was actually "Grate" again. Get ready for the most sorrowful days of our lives.
The more conservative of the two major parties is how in control of the Federal Govt and the majority of the State Governments.
Get ready for the most sorrowful days of our lives.
Majormajor: "FACT: The more conservative of the two major parties is how [sic] in control of the Federal Govt and the majority of the State Governments."
More interesting FACT: The most recent two periods when a Republican occupied the White House, while simultaneously both the House of Representatives and the Senate were firmly in control by the GOP, was during the Bush Administration just immediately before the "Great Recession" (2008) -- and just prior to, and during, the start of the "Great Depression" (1929).
OPINION, though one formulated by historical events (cited above): Let's get prepared for the most devastating and sorrowful days of our existence.
I must have missed your post condemning the 2015 Charleston speech by Malik Zulu Shabazz (NBPP) calling for the killing of white people. Can you point me to where I can find it in the archives?
You really need to come at this from all angles. Dave Dubya is watching...
JG -
Your information about the administrations and economic cycles, while technically correct insofar as your limited analysis goes, is very misleading. And, the projection a "post hoc ergo propter hoc" fallacy.
Things are about to "hit the fan" economically for sure, but it has nothing to do with Donald Trump or any particular POTUS or any particular party so far as I can tell, and everything to do with the Fed and its global monetary experiment of the past 40 years (AKA "the establishment"). 2008 was a tremor.
Harley, the posting of opinions on this post, or any post, by you or me, or anybody else, is mostly opinion and conjecture. This I concede. What I mentioned is not meant to be misleading, nor is it meant to be a full and complete thesis of how and why we've gotten to this point. Please excuse my negligence in footnoting this.
As far as things "hitting the fan", I also recognize it specifically cannot be due to the election of Donald Trump nor anybody in particular, however it must be recognized that it points to another domino being set in place toward an eventual collapse of the economic system and/or what we know as civil order. If you've been reading my commentary on this blog for the last few years, you'd know I'm not a fan of the two-party system and the corporatocracy each has allowed this nation to become.
Yes, "2008 was a tremor".
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