Idiot Nation
"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public"
H.L. Mencken
For the last three-and-a-half decades, the United States of America has held the proverbial loaded pistol, pointed at its own collective, clueless head. Last night it pulled the trigger. According to the "experts" who are desperately attempting to put a smiley face on yesterday's electoral catastrophe, the American people were merely trying to send a message. Of course they were. And that message has been received loud and clear:
FUN FACT: On the morning after Election Day 2016, I had to take two showers before the clock struck 12 Noon.
We're currently at eighty-plus months of consecutive job growth. Expect that trend to end by the late summer/early autumn of 2018, a year after Barack Obama's final fiscal year is concluded. You can also expect the economy to tank before New Year's Day 2019. Expect the right wing SCREAM MACHINE to blame Obama for the fiasco. Expect these stupid fucking Americans to swallow the propaganda whole.
The Democratic Party needs to disappear forever. Early in the primaries, it was obvious that they had within their grasp the most visionary candidate in their nearly two-hundred year history in the form of Bernie Sanders - and these idiotic Democrats blew it. At the time of the convention, every poll had him beating the Donald decisively, while Hillary was barely neck-and-neck with the guy. Bernie might have been the nominee but for the Democratic National Committee's sabotage. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Hillary Clinton should go into permanent hiding. We want to be reminded of them no more. Go away. Go away. Go the fuck away.
I left the Democrats eighteen years ago and never looked back. If the parties of Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt are unable to puke up anything better than Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, this country has had it. Defeating Trump should have been the political equivalent of shooting a school of half-witted fish in a leaky barrel. The Dems need to be wiped from the map.
For the next two years (at least) Donald Trump and the GOP will have complete control of the House and the Senate - not to mention the Supreme Court. If you are unable to understand the ramifications of this nasty fact, then, my only advice to you is: Go back to sleep. You'll understand them soon enough.
I was almost tempted to end this piece by saying that this country can go straight to hell - but that would have been redundant. The American people sent themselves there on Election Day 2016. Get used to living in a nation in ruins.
Stupid fucking Americans.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
I usually knock out pieces much longer than this in less than two hours. It has taken more than twenty-four hours to complete this one. I'm speechless.
For more recent postings on this site, here's a link to the main page:
My video commentary on Facebook
We're currently at eighty-plus months of consecutive job growth. Expect that trend to end by the late summer/early autumn of 2018, a year after Barack Obama's final fiscal year is concluded. You can also expect the economy to tank before New Year's Day 2019. Expect the right wing SCREAM MACHINE to blame Obama for the fiasco. Expect these stupid fucking Americans to swallow the propaganda whole.

I left the Democrats eighteen years ago and never looked back. If the parties of Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt are unable to puke up anything better than Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, this country has had it. Defeating Trump should have been the political equivalent of shooting a school of half-witted fish in a leaky barrel. The Dems need to be wiped from the map.
For the next two years (at least) Donald Trump and the GOP will have complete control of the House and the Senate - not to mention the Supreme Court. If you are unable to understand the ramifications of this nasty fact, then, my only advice to you is: Go back to sleep. You'll understand them soon enough.
I was almost tempted to end this piece by saying that this country can go straight to hell - but that would have been redundant. The American people sent themselves there on Election Day 2016. Get used to living in a nation in ruins.
Stupid fucking Americans.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
I usually knock out pieces much longer than this in less than two hours. It has taken more than twenty-four hours to complete this one. I'm speechless.
For more recent postings on this site, here's a link to the main page:
My video commentary on Facebook
Having a enlighten liberal elite melt down?
As I predicted 8 months ago if HRC didn't win, liberals would blame everybody but themselves.
Told you so.
This pretty much started with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. I'm still proud to have voted to give Jimmy Carter a second term in my first presidential election. I hated Reagan, I hated George W. Bush and now I can hate Trump.
I dearly hope that now all Americans can experience Brownback's Kansas "miracle." They deserve nothing less.
"...the American people were merely trying to send a message."
The American people were doing this months ago during the primaries. The message they sent is that they are ignorant, uncaring of the rule of law, and the following of the constitution. That is why we ended up with a pernicious choice between Trump and Clinton.
The difference is that some of us knew that the country was going to suffer greatly regardless of whom we elected yesterday. Evidently some people think that if we had elected Hillary, we would have been an inclusive, loving, and prosperous America. Talk about suspending all rationality and common sense! Electing a crooked, deceitful, power-hungry woman that rightfully assumes she is above the law will only invite more of her egregious behavior. Instead we elected a boorish, bombastic, ignorant egomaniac to the office.
This is the result of the dumbing down of the American populace. The left and right are to blame, but the left in particular is at fault with the teacher's unions etc. Progressives of both parties have sown what we are now reaping.
The tears you shed for our country now, Mr. Degan, are ones that I have already cried at the conclusion of the primaries, my friend.
You have to accept change. The people of America have spoken and with time you will like your fellow New Yorker President Trump.
You can thank the biggest bullshit artist ever to win the White House with his promises of "Hope And Change" with killing the Democratic Party. Economic Growth under Barry has been anemic for the last 8 years. Obama's signature program ObamaCare collapsed before our very eyes and before King Barry the Bullshitter could ride off into the sunset.
Barry will go down in history as the worst President, replacing Jimmy Carter.
The Socialist Progs will soon be booted from Washington for ever.
Thanks Barry!
This is my first post on this blog, although I have enjoyed your content for a long time Tom. So thank you for your humour (sic, I am British) and insights. I read every blog.
My view on why Trump won has synergies with Brexit - people wanted to send a message to the current establishment and the corporate elite. Whilst I view the election of Trump as disastrous for American democracy, maybe there is a little comfort that the masses seem to be waking from their coma and finally saying that they are not happy with the current status quo.
I do think that the Democrats only have themselves to blame for losing this election - had they fielded a more paletable candidate such as Bernie things would have been different. Hillary epitomised everythng people hated about the corpocracy taking over our lives.
This is my first post on this blog, although I have enjoyed your content for a long time Tom. So thank you for your humour (sic, I am British) and insights. I read every blog.
My view on why Trump won has synergies with Brexit - people wanted to send a message to the current establishment and the corporate elite. Whilst I view the election of Trump as disastrous for American democracy, maybe there is a little comfort that the masses seem to be waking from their coma and finally saying that they are not happy with the current status quo.
I do think that the Democrats only have themselves to blame for losing this election - had they fielded a more paletable candidate such as Bernie things would have been different. Hillary epitomised everythng people hated about the corpocracy taking over our lives.
There is a strong chance that even Trumps most ardent supporters will be feeling regret and fear of what they unleashed. The funny thing is, had Clinton won, her supporters would be in the same situation!
If the rumors about Trumps cabinet come true, he will be surrounding himself with extreme RW Neocons like Bolton who are guaranteed to create havoc here and abroad.
Trumps only asset is that he does not want to antagonize Putin like Hillary was going to do. He can have sleep overs with Putin all he likes, as long as I do not have to see mushroom clouds in the distance.
This is my first post on this blog, although I have enjoyed your content for a long time Tom. So thank you for your humour (sic, I am British) and insights. I read every blog.
My view on why Trump won has synergies with Brexit - people wanted to send a message to the current establishment and the corporate elite. Whilst I view the election of Trump as disastrous for American democracy, maybe there is a little comfort that the masses seem to be waking from their coma and finally saying that they are not happy with the current status quo.
I do think that the Democrats only have themselves to blame for losing this election - had they fielded a more paletable candidate such as Bernie things would have been different. Hillary epitomised everythng people hated about the corpocracy taking over our lives.
I am sure the police forces across America wish Hillary had won.
"Stupid f'ing Americans..."?
Uh, yeah...
The reaction of the mobocracy to Hillary's loss is telling...
There is no place for this in our country.
There were LOTS of folks very upset with the 2008 and 2012 results, but none of this nonsense.
"I hated Reagan, I hated George W. Bush and now I can hate Trump."
Interesting, I've read on this blog that it was Christians, Republicans and Conservatives who were the haters.
"I hated Reagan, I hated George W. Bush and now I can hate Trump."
Interesting, I've read on this blog that it was Christians, Republicans and Conservatives who were the haters.
FLORIDA — 29 EVs — 98 percent reporting
Obama 2012: 4,235,270
Clinton 2016: 4,485,745
Romney 2012: 4,162,081
Trump 2016: 4,605,515
PENNSYLVANIA — 20 EVs — 99 percent reporting
Obama 2012: 2,907,448
Clinton 2016: 2,844,705
Romney 2012: 2,619,583
Trump 2016: 2,912,941
OHIO — 18 EVs – 94 percent reporting
Obama 2012: 2,697,260
Clinton 2016: 2,317,001
Romney 2012: 2,593,779
Trump 2016: 2,771,984
2012 Obama vs 2018 Trump.
NORTH CAROLINA (98 percent reporting): Trump 2,339,603 … Obama 2,178,388
ARIZONA (73 percent reporting): Trump 947,284 … Obama 930,669
Georgia (93 percent reporting): Trump 2,068,623 … Obama 1,761,761
UTAH (78 percent reporting): Trump 360,634 … Obama 229,463
Oh Arch, everybody knows that George W. Bush was the worst president in history. His administration started an unneeded war that killed a million Iraqis and led to the creation of ISIS. Jimmy Carter brokered a peace deal between Egypt and Israel. So obviously you don't know what you're talking about.
Trump sez he's gonna repeal ACA, break the deal with Iran, repeal Dodd-Frank and all that other stuff done under black-man Barack Obama. I say Trump is a grifter (just like a large swath of Republican leaders). Maybe this is the "dog that caught the car."
The reaction of the mobocracy to Hillary's loss...none of this nonsense...
Imagine the outcry, and likely violence that was openly suggested, if Trump lost the election but had more popular votes. Really, try to imagine that, if possible.
How selective and sanctimonious of you. You of course must ignore the racist tea party signs, open obstruction and dedication to obstruct the will of the voters, the insult to the Constitutional replacement of a court justice, and Trump's racist birtherism when Obama took office. IOKIYAR.
And unlike this time, Obama won MORE VOTES than his opponent. Your perspective is as narrow as possible.
I am sure the police forces across America wish Hillary had won
WTF!! "LAW AND ORDER" was a primary Trump slogan! Authoritarian cops love him. Man are you out of touch with reality.
Director Comey(R) dropped his frickin' Trump Card days before the election. The FBI is now the "Republican FBI" A police agency loyal to only one party is fascistic to the core.
Now the federal, state and local law enforcement agencies will follow their leader's open love of torture and brutality.
You have it so wrong old buddy.
I have to laugh at how poorly the liberals and liberal pollsters misread this election, or did they?
We have been living in a society of vulgarity for decades. It's no surprise Americans would overlook that vulgarity to elect someone for change.
Trump is a BS artist. He will say, or do anything at any time if he thinks it fits the situation. He now shifts into presidential mode. Just this mourning he said he respected Obama after years of saying Obama wasn't even an American.
Trump will have fights with his Republican majority, because his thinking blamed Republicans for the mess we are in. A Democratic talking point.
The country won't end. The Republicans won't be split. The Republican party won't die. In fact it might be the Democratic party that might die.
With majority in both houses and a Republican president get ready for Trump nation.
America is not the progressive bastion many would hope. The Red Neck nation has spoken. Is this the last gasp of white superiority in American politics? I doubt it.
Hillary goes down as the biggest political loser in the history of American politics. She couldn't even beat a bigot like Trump.
Hey, may be if the DNC had more important issues than who uses the bathroom, they wouldn't have been whipped so big.
8 years ago, Degan gloated about Obama's win, today, he censors discourse.
Bigot, yeah, sure, can anyone spell Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania.
You lost the blue collar worker just like Moore said and now, you leftists can do nothing but play the race card though racial strife became worse under the African or the American but not African American president.
"She couldn't even beat a bigot like Trump."
But Bernie could, that's why he could nto be alllowed to run with his progressive manifesto. Even if all the polls showed he would do much better than Hillary, there is no way the Democracts could sell out their political masters and donors, and let Bernie win.
And so America ends up with Trump.
Blue Collar Upper Midwest Here.
Go The Fuck Away Race-Baiting Tom Degan.
UPPER MIDWEST HERE, you gloated 8 years ago and posted about it. And now censor discourse.
Blue Collar Rust Belt here, baby, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio.
And you can just accuse people of racism. Even Michael Moore said how Trump spoke up for the working man and Moore just said the GOP is now the party of the Working Man. And he said no, Trump's supporters are not racists. Total leftist meltdown with Tom.
Tom Degan, go the fuck away, you gloated 8 years ago, now censoring people's views.
Michael Moore said the GOP is the workingman's party now.
So on point...Ed. Americans can't see the forest for the trees.
Notice Tom has the country going the hell yet his hero is FDR. FDR in 1933 declared the holding of Gold illegal. Now Gold was the LAWFUL MONEY of the day because per the Constitution government can only COIN MONEY. (Not PRINT) That provision was in place to PROTECT the people because LAWFUL MONEY would at least be worth the METAL value of the COIN. But alas, FDR and his cronies didn't like that provision because they couldn't grow government without end upon the backs of the people without an ability to PRINT "money". So the first step was to partially get rid of the LAWFUL MONEY. They did that using an old tactic of socialists: Call people greedy. Sound familiar? So in the act FDR in essence called people "hoarders". People turned in massive amounts of gold to FDR's government and in exchange he gave them PAPER NOTES. (At first redeemable). Of course FDR about 1 year later declared the value of his gold at about 2x the value of the notes he issued--thus screwing them again. Visit the federal reserve website and they'll actually declare that the NOTES you have in your pocket "have NO value" and that its been that way since 1933. Thus, you want to know when the country first started going downhill and f-in over the people, it was FDR. Look at the FINE print on the dollar bill in your pocket and you'll see it says "legal tender", not "lawful money" and that its a NOTE. A note is a promissory instrument. You in essence trade promises to pay...but no one actually pays. A REAL PONZI scheme and a FIAT CURRENCY. In the history of the world NOT ONE Fiat Currency has survived. THANK YOU FOR A REAL F-JOB FDR.
DD -
Once again, you impose a bizarre standard. You expect a comprehensive essay when I make an observation or two. Half of your reply makes so little sense to me as to defy response. So, I'll simply allow your rebuttal to stand.
"We're raising a generation of emotional hemophiliacs. If legal or political things don’t go your way, if something upsets you, you have a modern version of the vapors. That's not a good thing for us to support." — Jonathan Turley on college campus protests
Les Holmes,
That's not a given at all.
The country just elected a guy who says he's going to ban Muslims, Deport Mexicans, says he's going to tear up treaties with all our allies and let them fend for themselves, talks like a 19th century bigot, will take trickle down to the highest level (a financial strategy that has built our 20 trillion dollar debt) wants to fire all our generals, and on, and on, and on, and on..
It's a leap to think Bernie (farther left than Clinton) could have beaten him. The polls said Bernie could beat him, but the polls also said Clinton would win. Face the fact, this is a Red Neck Nation. It's not the kind of society ready to vote for FDR type social policies. I wish it was.
LBJ was the last social government movement and Republicans have been tearing that apart (like getting rid of the Voting Rights Act) piece by piece. Take a look at Ryan's budget. He wants to kill all the social safety net programs including Social Security. It will probably be the first thing on the Congressional agenda.
I do not believe Trump will serve out his full term, I think he will pull a Palin and quit before 2 years are up. The presidents job is scripted to the minute and is very stressful. After the glory of winning the presidency wears off Trump will be overwhelmed with all the work and responsibility that being President entails.
Pence has said he wants to model his VP job on Chaney and he will get his wish. I think President Trump will be a disappointment to not only Liberals but Conservatives also.
In spite of that I hope he does well for the US and it would be nice to be pleasantly surprised by Trump actually being a good president.
Your observations were so slanted, uninformed and patently absurd, I had to call them out.
Those stupid protesters are doing it wrong. They need to do it the "Right way" and seize a federal building under threat of arms, like "Good Americans", amirite?
"Mobocracy". Is that where the one with most votes loses? That never bothered you has it? How'd that work out with Bush? Remember the Iraq debacle that spawned ISIS, and financial collapse of 2008, or is that too far back?
Not a peep from you when "mobocracy" elected Republicans. Why is that?
We know why.
"You impose a bizarre standard". Projection, old buddy. Projection.
I'm disappointed in your frail grasp of facts and dereliction of reason.
You and your fellows OWN the next Trump debacle, like you own Bush's devastating trail of blood and wasted lives and resources. AKA "Patriotism" on the far Right.
Gloat and pontificate all you want now. Buyers' remorse will show up in about two years, if not sooner.
And deep down you KNOW I'm right, if you are still rational.
Feel free to lecture me in two years when Klan's Man Trump brings us peace, prosperity and White Nationalist Glory.
Hate begets hate, brother. Hate crimes and abuse of minorities are on the rise. I suppose Pussy grabbing will be more popular too.
"Bizarre standard" you say? Not even an example? No error to note? At Least I don't deny the facts. Now more than just old white rubes are angry, and some are vandalizing. That is where they cross the line. But when you preach:
"LOTS of folks very upset with the 2008 and 2012 results, but none of this nonsense."
Just a noble admission of defeat and a pledge to work together, right? Maybe just throw a little Tea Party?
We saw the bones through the nose posters. We heard them promise to do everything to obstruct and hamper the people's government.
No nonsense?
Here are more facts that illustrate your narrow vision.
Your frickin' Orange Fuhrer was openly accusing Obama of being a foreign Muslim usurper! For YEARS!!!
Then he rallies his cult of haters into chanting "LOCK HER UP!!".
After seeing Republicans take power, openly aided by Russia at Trump's invitation, after the partisan FBI director's October Surprise suggesting Hillary was about to be indicted, after the added insult of fewer votes from Americans, after a liar and boasting sex offender, and authoritarian, no-nothing, pussy grabbing, reality TV celebrity wins an election rigged in his favor, and after what your party has done to democracy and America...,
After all that from your party, YOU want to lecture ME on what is bizarre? LOL!
That is rich.
You want to sit in judgment of those evil liberals doing property damage while from the kindergartens to colleges, towns to cities, racists have been emboldened to wreak their hate.
And since your strutting with your self-righteous banner of conservative morality, let your judgment also be directed to the new open season for harassing and terrorizing minorities.
It is gaining in frequency. But you haven't seen that on FOX, or on Trump adviser Bannon's alt-Right extremist Breitbart hate site.
The Trump Effect is the new domestic American Terror threat. It may yet prove more destructive than 9-11.
And you ain't seen nothin' yet. Madness, and plain meanness, will soon emanate from the White House, the residence more Americans voted for someone else to occupy.
But something tells me this also makes "little sense" to you.
May God open your eye to your beam sir.
tom once trumps shit starts hitting the toilet these champions these brave patriots will blame Obama!
the same people who never voted for Bush! or acknowledged his fuck ups!
I really don't believe tom would censure anyone unless it's trumpishly vulgar
but please continue your tripe
Here's to my fellow veterans good luck with your new CIC we are all gonna need it
Liberal Non-Profit Paying Activists to Protest “Trump Agenda”
Washington Community Action Network, a grassroots non-profit organization, is offering activists fifteen dollars an hour to fight against Donald Trump’s “agenda.”
In an ad posted to Craigslist Wednesday, the day after Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the general election, Washington CAN! asked people to apply in order to “fight the Trump agenda.”
The ad was briefly removed by Craigslist for review, before being re-published.
“Our Paid-Training Program is the best around,” it reads. “We will teach you the skills you need to succeed. The combined experience of our management team is over 50 years.
“At Washington CAN! you will work at our Home Office here in Seattle. You will regularly meet with our Organizers, Lobbyists, and Executive Director, and have a real sense of being directly involved in our work.”
Along with wages that start at $15, Washington CAN! offers “benefits in Medical, Dental, Vision, 401(k), Paid Vacation, Paid Sick Days, Holidays, and Leave of Absence.”
The ad concludes, “Students, women, and minorities are urged to apply.”
I know how you feel, Tom.
Thinking yet about France?
Lol on Jimmy Carter's legacy.
The Misery Index is equal to the unemployment rate and inflation rate. Under Jimmy, the Misery Index reached a record high.
Under King Barry, the labor participation rate has been the lowest since guess who? Jimmy Carter!
No doubt, like a good progressive, your rose colored glasses will also allow you to view Obama as a great president.
The misery index is an economic indicator, created by economist Arthur Okun. The index helps determine how the average citizen is doing economically and it is calculated by adding the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate to the annual inflation rate. It is assumed that both a higher rate of unemployment and a worsening of inflation create economic and social costs for a country.
Tom, did you delete or lose my last comment?
In the aftermath of defeat, where goes the Democratic Party?
It is now a municipal party. It has no real power over the federal government or state houses. Its once feared cudgel of race/class/gender invective has become a false wolf call heard one too many times. The Sanders-Warren branch of the party, along with the now discredited Clinton strays, will hover over the party’s carcass. Meanwhile, President Obama will likely ride off into the sunset to a lucrative globe-trotting ex-presidency. His executive orders will systematically be dismantled by Donald Trump, leaving as his legacy a polarizing electoral formula that had a shelf life of just two terms.
Victor Davis Hanson
And to think there were some who predicted the end of the Republican Party after the 2016 election, LOL
Dave your stirring diatribe against these peace loving trumpish trolls has me sharpening my knives and stacking ammunition. I am taking off the gloves so I can feel the blows registering on my fists, these fuckers want war they are gonna get it! the end of civility, conciliation and any of that pandering shit! Obama good riddance he played nice for way too long, where that get him, we bring knives to a gun fight and plastic ones at that this ain't no dinner party
Time to get in the gutter, as Trump would say, fuck the high road, I am going low who the fuck made hillarys commercials if I made them the whole fucking world would have been scared to death of trump, mushroom clouds and gas chambers, go fucking low
and as for trumps wall it's already built it is the wall around republican voters brains and it might be unscalable
Arch, by your Misery Index inspired reckoning, Obama is the best president in 50 years. The Labor Participation Rate reflects retired Baby Boomers (which makes the metric a lot less meaningful in this context).
In any case, congratulations on getting your man Trump into the presidency. It'll be interesting to see if he follows through with his campaign rhetoric. I can afford higher fruit and vegetable prices. Can you? I can afford health insurance without subsidies. Can you? I don't care if the U.S. plays a leading role in world affairs. Do you?
I voted my conscience. But I deffer to the wisdom (or lack there of) of the American voter.
Never forget the American voters chose Hillary. Trump voters are a minority.
And about that Misery Index Average:
Obama – 8.91
Reagan – 12.10
Too bad for the cry baby liberals it's not the popular vote that elects our President, but the Electoral College.
Back to your safe rooms, snowflakes, you lost.
Back to your safe rooms, snowflakes, you lost.
The authoritarian commands us. Trump Nation will be an authoritarian nation.
Trump inspired thuggery is becoming rampant in schools. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there have been more than 200 incidents of harassment and intimidation since Trump was elected. Many were directed toward African Americans, immigrants, Muslims and the LGBT community.
Emboldened as the thugs become, the majority can be proudly say most of us are not like them.
The popular vote indicates most Americans are not far Right racists, assholes, bigots, and koolade drinkers.
We're still here and we love our country. That's right, our country. Not yours, not Trumps.
The White House has been stolen before, with disastrous consequences, but we're still here.
We will continue to be here, the proud resistance to Dear Fuhrer's one party dictatorship.
The White Rose will bloom. Fascism shall not be appeased.
So it appears Herr Drumpf is pulling back the red meat he threw out to his least desirable. No more wall -- but maybe a fence. No more locking up Hillary Clinton -- Bill and Hillary Clinton are "good people". Possibly no more dumping of The Affordable Care Act -- now he's open to "amending" it. looks like Herr Drumpf has already been told what he can do and what he can't do. ;-)
DD -
Correct, Clinton won 50.275% of the popular vote (about 700,000 votes). Technically a popular vote victory. Statistically rather meaningless - a draw. Propaganda-wise an invaluable talking point to banter around endlessly. If you think we need to dismantle the republic of states for a different system of governance, just say so.
As usual, you go WAY beyond the topic of my post and end up in a la-la land where I wasn't even headed.
You say MY party. How can you say that when I am not registered with any political party - haven't been for 10 years. You act as if I hand-picked (or even voted for) Trump. You know nothing about me. How about you stick to what I say rather than extrapolate what you think you know based on some aggregate model of everyone that isn't progressive you have in your head.
I'm simply calling out the hypocrisy and double-speak. The narrative is that Trump is the violent one when the truth is quite the opposite when the despicable media is factored out. And, no, I don't expect to see violence and all of the progressive "phobias" to emanate from the White House. I will come back in a year hat-in-hand and admit I was wrong if it happens.
Clarification... my % is based on considering just the votes between Trump and Clinton, if the other votes are disregarded...
you go WAY beyond the topic of my post
Yes I did, since the topic of your post was a one sided condemnation of post-election protesters. I went beyond it by pointing out the negative post-election behavior from the Right.
It's fine you are not a registered Republican, or didn't vote for Trump. At least I can proudly say I didn't vote for Trump. But we do know you agree with Trump's climate change hoax BS. It's not a far stretch to think you voted for him.
Your bias was clearly showing by the “none of this nonsense” crap. That's what needed calling out.
The entire Tea Party protests was orchestrated by Republicans and FOX. THAT is when the hate, lies, birtherism and racism came out of the woodwork. Trump himself promoted the racist birtherism. Obama’s election was the cue to all bigots to spew their own version of politically correct of hate.
Trump inspired thuggery is becoming rampant in schools. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there have been more than 200 incidents of harassment and intimidation since Trump was elected. Many were directed toward African Americans, immigrants, Muslims and the LGBT community.
Too much “fair and balanced” for you?
I predicted meanness and madness will emanate from the White House.
What else CAN we expect from a White House with the anti-semitic, white nationalist far Right Bannon guiding Trump with his rancid ideology?
Bannon is a thug, once charged with domestic violence. He is anti-semitic, telling his wife he didn't want his kids in a certain school because there were "too many Jews" in it.
THAT is the modern version of conservative power coming to a country near you.
If I am wrong, and Trump "Makes America Great Again", I'll be the one with hat in hand.
What are the chances?
Harley A. is correct, DD is bizarre. The fact is DD lives in False Equivalence World.
One of the reasons Trump was elected was the hypocrisy of the liberal elite.
A hypocrisy that ignores actions like this:
"Secretary of State John Kerry winged his way Monday from New Zealand to the Middle East on the next leg of what may be his longest trip yet, a journey during which America’s top diplomat will account for roughly 16.5 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
That’s more or less the amount of CO2 – one of the key “greenhouse gases” blamed for
global warming – produced by the average American in a full year, according to World Bank data."
Patrick Goodenough
or claims that anyone not as liberal as they, are hate filled, racist, homophobic, etc. while turning a blind eye to the actual violence handed out by the left.
This is just one of the reasons for the Trump victory. Hopefully the left will not catch on to this reality and will continue to act under the direction of George Soros funded groups like, ensuring more non elitist left wins in the up coming elections.
Americans can be called dumb by the liberal elitist but reality is what the Washington Post reported, that in the last eight years, Democrats have lost 10.2 percent of their Senate seats, 19.3 percent of their House seats, 20.3 percent of their legislatures, and 35.7 percent of their governorships. These are the lowest Democratic numbers since 1928.
The liberal elite will claim these loses are due to the Democrat Party not being liberal enough, a claim that is simply sophistry! Based on what the liberal elite tells, America will not be great until we have a socialist economic system, the majority has had it's civil rights diminished, and safe rooms are a civil right, funded by the 48% of Americans who had to pay taxes. This election shows how dumb the liberal elite have become.
I said here, "hurry up November", and was laughed at by the liberal elite. Who's laughing now?
Hurry up Friday, Jan. 20, 2017.
The last time the Republicans had the White House, the Senate and the House was between 2003 and 2007. The time before that...November 1928.
Hmm...this doesn't bode well for Americans.
Yes, JG. WE know how this Republican dictatorship will work out. School bullying has gone up due to the hate from the Trump Effect.
Chuck whines, 48% of Americans who had to pay taxes Not Dear Leader. He's special, even more elite than the "liberal elite". Amirite?
Majormajor Chuck is pretending he's part of the majority again.
MORE Americans voted for a Democratic Senator. MORE Americans voted for a Democratic president.
We have a one party dictatorship voted in by a minority.
Minorminor Chuck would be more accurate. LOL!!
Trump inspired thuggery is becoming rampant in schools.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there have been more than 200 incidents of harassment and intimidation since Trump was elected. Many were directed toward African Americans, immigrants, Muslims and the LGBT community. (These incidents of hate have no doubt gone up since the report)
"Make America Hate Again" is being fulfilled before Trump takes office.
The planet will be poisoned at a faster rate and the Great USA Train Wreck has now accelerated from 70 mph to 100mph.
Good times.
"More American voted for a Democratic Senator".........LOL
"Once again, you impose a bizarre standard. You expect a comprehensive essay when I make an observation or two. Half of your reply makes so little sense to me as to defy response. So, I'll simply allow your rebuttal to stand. "
Lets get the facts straight.
The labor participation rate is a measure of the active portion of an economy's labor force. It refers to the number of people who are either employed or are actively looking for work.
It would not include 12 years olds or retired people. Retired people are not looking for work, they are retired.
Ed, nice try at deflection "in YOUR context" though and fudging the facts like the Obama administration.
In 8 years, the economic growth in AmeriKa has been horrible. It is a major reason why the Democrat Party today has lost all power at the Federal and State level.
Thanks Barry for making the Democrat Party extinct!
As King Barry said 8 years ago, "Elections Have Consequences."
FYI Dave "Sore Loser" Dubya, Trump didn't campaign for the popular vote which is why he didn't go to that shithole of a state California which has been destroyed by you progs.
Lets get the facts straight.
The labor participation rate is a measure of the active portion of an economy's labor force. It refers to the number of people who are either employed or are actively looking for work.
It would not include 12 years olds or retired people. Retired people are not looking for work, they are retired.
Ed, nice try at deflection "in YOUR context" though and fudging the facts like the Obama administration.
In 8 years, the economic growth in AmeriKa has been horrible. It is a major reason why the Democrat Party today has lost all power at the Federal and State level.
Thanks Barry for making the Democrat Party extinct!
As King Barry said 8 years ago, "Elections Have Consequences."
FYI Dave "Sore Loser" Dubya, Trump didn't campaign for the popular vote which is why he didn't go to that shithole of a state California which has been destroyed by the progs.
So, Chuck,
That is your rebuttal? Given up on putting your own words together? Can't handle being in the minority? It must be difficult for both you, and your Dear Leader, losing the popular vote again.
Poor Donald and the Republicans will never be #1 with the voters.
This is likely our nation's final saving grace before the authoritarian regime of the minority assumes its one party dictatorship.
And, DD, to the extent that Trump supporters are doing deplorable and hateful things, shame on them. Of course. But, to try to paint it as a wave of hate and violence that is about to overtake the nation is ridiculous. As much as I think Obama was never very helpful with unrest in the "police vs. black" issue (that is far more complex than anyone makes it out to be), I don't blame it all on him. There are jack-asses who are going to act stupid and ugly when something as meaningless as their team wins a championship, for example. That's ubiquitous in our selfish, idiot culture unfortunately.
To paint Trump as anything more than a smart, opportunistic guy who read the anti-establishment sentiment pretty well and took advantage of it (but is a political question mark), is speculation. What I'd be pissed about is that the DNC chose establishment over the people's choice - hardly "democratic". And, that's what has me scratching my head and wondering about the true nature of many of my Democratic friends. Why so much outrage about a Trump election and very little (that I've heard) about the abominable disaster of democracy that occurred with Hillary squashing the peoples' choice in Bernie Sanders, and by devious and unfair means?
"Trump is the Ultimate in Whiny Entitled Resentful White Punk Ass Bitches. Awarded the Presidency while receiving less votes. His trouncing by the popular vote is so threatening to white working class (WWC) they have to invent all sorts of lies proclaiming Trump actually won.
But, while Trump will undoubtably betray his rabid bigoted fan base and they will suffer. I will gain no satisfaction as WWC continue to commit suicide and die of preventable diseases.
And when Trump doesn't bring back the union waged steel mill jobs to Harrisburg and Paul Ryan replaces healthcare coverage with coupons I won't gloat.
Even when SSI is funnelled into Wall Street whence it disappears into Trump's Russian bank holdings, I shall not celebrate.
Nor when Trump invades Syria and Iran and conservatives decry anyone against the war is against America all while they refuse to fight (AGAIN) I will not smirk."
"More American voted for a Democratic Senator"...LOL
"the Republicans will never be #1 with the voters." ignores this
"the Washington Post reported, that in the last eight years, Democrats have lost 10.2 percent of their Senate seats, 19.3 percent of their House seats, 20.3 percent of their legislatures, and 35.7 percent of their governorships. These are the lowest Democratic numbers since 1928."
Bizarre and hate filled to say the least.
Chuck is pretending to be in the majority again. LOL!!!
Bizarre rejection of the national vote count.
More Americans voted for a Democratic Senator. More Americans voted for Hillary.
"Facts = Hate". Bizarre indeed.
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It looks really bad for people of the US because the Trump administration is intent on reducing, dismantling and privatizing Obamacare, SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
I believe they will reduce the quality of life for millions of people and push us into a third world status. Trump and his radical fringe people have the potential to make Bush II look like FDR.
One thing is certain, it will not be boring for the next four years.
Good point, "lowest Democratic numbers since 1928"
What happened in 1929? The Republicans made American great, right?
let the dipshit republicans gloat
they failed last time, they will fail again
Obama was kicking their ass, and they're pissed
it's part of the same meme, that put orange foolious,
where he should never be, did these people not
see this man on the campaign trail
fuck them, I am not crossing the aisle
better to die with my own name
instead of being called quisling
this is truly bizzaro world
imagine Obama dealing with Orange Shitgibbon
a man that disparaged him endlessly
with total and outright falsehoods
now he has to hand over the keys
some said trump looked scared
was Obama amused, indifferent, or holy fuck
but does he have to hand them to a drunk driver
there are escape clauses in the constitution
that fucker ain't water tight
I truly pity this country, fucking shame
"Bishop Where are you"
this cat, this Donald trump
retching, vomiting, contorting
the most foulest of hairballs
the cabinet of the orange foolius
imagine the chunks
as they form, and congeal
some may turn into Sarah Palin
the horror, the absolute horror
an Alien facehugger,
on the whole nation
we are in some, real pretty shit
game over, man, game over
I can see, Ashe gurgling, smiling
the Alien, is coming for us all
it didn't burst from our chest
we let him in, through the front door
they mostly come at night, mostly
we thought it was a stand up fight
turns out, it was a Bug Hunt!
Clinton was afraid of bugs
she wouldn't get in the sewer
trump eats bugs, hell all reptiles do
now we got an orange shit stain
on the Constitution
paranoia, wait and see
yep, I'm gonna be as civil
as the right, was to Obama
if we have any chance at all
we will have to fight
like Newt and Ripley
keep these Alien facehuggers
from strangling the whole nation
and we don't have Bishop
crawling to our salvation
they mostly come at night, mostly
I am sure the election was rigged
our joyous experiment in Democracy is over
the new system is a Kakistocracy
almost every pillar in our
system of checks and balances
has been fractured, and hollowed out
our Republic can't handle this division
when good people like Tom are despondent
we will never carry the field,
Tom Degan Kenobi you're our only hope
and all the millions, that think like you
next time I think we're gonna do better
new leaders, new outlook, new pithy slogan
like "Don't take a trump on my lawn"
this shit ain't over and sadly it never is
Fucking Idiot Nation!!!
"the Washington Post reported, that in the last eight years, Democrats have lost 10.2 percent of their Senate seats, 19.3 percent of their House seats, 20.3 percent of their legislatures, and 35.7 percent of their governorships. These are the lowest Democratic numbers since 1928."
"the Washington Post reported, that in the last eight years, Democrats have lost 10.2 percent of their Senate seats, 19.3 percent of their House seats, 20.3 percent of their legislatures, and 35.7 percent of their governorships. These are the lowest Democratic numbers since 1928."
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