Shards from the Ceiling's Broken Glass
Okay, progressives, like it or not, it's going to be Hillary. As the old song once implored, "Let's face the music and dance...."

GOOD NEWS: By that time, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh will be long gone.
It's not as if she's the worst presidential candidate in American history - clearly she's not. I know she wants to leave America a better place than she found it, and that she's concerned about her legacy. As I've hesitantly pointed out a few times previously, maybe she'll surprise all of us cranky Bernie Sanders supporters. Maybe in four years time, we'll be grateful toward President Hillary Clinton. We might even find ourselves by that time working overtime to send her back to the White House for a second term. Hey, ya never know!
Wow! I just re-read that paragraph above. Does it sound like I'm rationalizing just a bit, or is that my imagination?
Wow! I just re-read that paragraph above. Does it sound like I'm rationalizing just a bit, or is that my imagination?
But for the time being anyway, let's give Ms. Clinton the benefit of the doubt; and let's not forget the maniac that Republicans all over this diseased nation have chosen to run against her in this positively strangest of political years. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000. At that moment in time, I was possessed of the crazy notion that the American people would never be silly enough to elect an idiotic frat-boy like George W. Bush to an office as important as the presidency of the United States. As it turns out, I was entirely correct about that notion. He won simply because, as governor of the crucial state of Florida, his brother was able to remove fifty-thousand African Americans from the lists of eligible voters. I guess poor ol' Jeb regrets that little bit of chicanery! Had Dubya lost in 2000, Jeb might very well have been the nominee today. Isn't that funny? Instant Karma's gonna get'cha, Jebbie!
Something to consider: What happened in Florida sixteen years ago could very well happen again this year on a much larger scale. What do you think inspired those "Voter ID Laws" that have been passed in recent years in too-many-states to count? Those are laws that were engineered to combat the non-existent crime of "voter fraud". These blatantly unconstitutional new rules require voters to purchase identification cards that cost as much as thirty-five dollars a pop. Thirty-five bucks is a luxury that poor people cannot afford, Poor people tend to vote Democratic. Do you see a pattern here? I knew you would. I just knew it!
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Dr. Jill |
Green Party candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, is a very intelligent, decent woman. She's also got as much of a chance of being elected president as I have - which is to say, "no chance at all". I speak from experience here. I was the Green Machine's candidate for New York State senate twelve years ago and I got clobbered senseless at the polls that November, barely registering at two percentage points. Believe me, 2016 is not the year to go whining to the ballot box with a "protest vote". The very future of the country is at stake. That is not an exaggeration, folks. The Republican party has become a fascistic, criminal organization. It is no longer run by responsible persons with the interests of the American people at the forefront of their motivations. Those days are LONG gone! Everett Dirkson, Dwight Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater are dead, and they're not coming back.
Perhaps it won't be so bad....perhaps. (Am I rationalizing again?) The very best that can be said is that I'm cautiously optimistic. She is the cross that must be borne by we who lean left; so why not just grin and bear it? At best we can assure ourselves that, at the very least, the White House will not again be chocked full of nuts, thieves and halfwits - as it was between the years 2001 and 2009 - and we might not find ourselves in four or (Heaven forbid) eight years time looking back on the George W. Bush years as an era of relative moderation....
Nostalgic for Dubya. Can you even imagine?
If the Republican candidate is victorious on Election Day, it's all over. This is one road we don't want to go down again, kids. Trust me on this one. The damage this time will be irreparable.
Ain't I clever? I made a twenty dollar bet with someone that I could write an entire piece without once mentioning the name, "Donald Trump"! I'm soooo proud of myself....
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
I had to share this with you: In the piece you just read, when I listed the names of three decent and responsible Republican politicians who served in my lifetime, the first two came to my mind with ease. It took about a minute of serious pondering on my part to come up with the name of the third. Can you believe that?
Perhaps it won't be so bad....perhaps. (Am I rationalizing again?) The very best that can be said is that I'm cautiously optimistic. She is the cross that must be borne by we who lean left; so why not just grin and bear it? At best we can assure ourselves that, at the very least, the White House will not again be chocked full of nuts, thieves and halfwits - as it was between the years 2001 and 2009 - and we might not find ourselves in four or (Heaven forbid) eight years time looking back on the George W. Bush years as an era of relative moderation....
Nostalgic for Dubya. Can you even imagine?
If the Republican candidate is victorious on Election Day, it's all over. This is one road we don't want to go down again, kids. Trust me on this one. The damage this time will be irreparable.
Ain't I clever? I made a twenty dollar bet with someone that I could write an entire piece without once mentioning the name, "Donald Trump"! I'm soooo proud of myself....
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
I had to share this with you: In the piece you just read, when I listed the names of three decent and responsible Republican politicians who served in my lifetime, the first two came to my mind with ease. It took about a minute of serious pondering on my part to come up with the name of the third. Can you believe that?
"The Republican party has become a fascistic, criminal organization"
Right, and that's why you're voting for Hillary, LOL? You must be overlooking the criminal acts of the DNC towards Bernie!
"I fear it will be at least two generations before a black person is sent to the by the electorate to the White House again. We can only hope that, the next time around".. that person isn't a community organizer, has created a business, made out a pay roll and paid taxes so they won't believe the only problem with America is there are rich people.
That would be refreshing.
As Venezuelans starve and grocery store shelves stand bare, its government has spent tens of thousands of dollars to bake a massive cake for the birthday of dead dictator Hugo Chavez, according to Venezuelan press.
La Patilla, a popular news website in the country that often writes in opposition to the socialist government, is reporting the more than 200-pound cake is built as an “architectural replica” of Chavez’s mausoleum.
Socialism, the ideology of equality? Nope.
Indeed, it seems the ruling elite was able to get access to obscene quantities of ingredients, which the news website estimates altogether cost more than $65,000 or 650,000 Bolivars (the Venezuelan currency).
La Patilla reports the cake was made from 720 eggs, 44 gallons of milk, 50 pounds of butter, 200 pounds of flour and 200 more pounds of sugar.
All comments going back a month have been inadvertently deleted.
Sorry about this.
Hmm, another proud graduated from Hillary Email Tech?
Not all comments are lost.
Since Trump was mentioned in the post, and we had the rare case of Chuck mentioning his leader, I'll submit his comment and my response that I saved:
Chuck said:
Funny how the Obama team mocked Romney for his claim that Russia was not our friend are now mocking Trump because he said Putin liked him. Maybe if Trump gave Russia a big red re-set button the Hillary crew would change their mind, lol?
I really appreciate Chuck having the courage to finally mention Trump.
Chuck misrepresents again. Romney called Russia our “No. 1 geopolitical foe”.
So Chuck agrees it’s now a good thing to be liked by Putin? Hypocrites are indeed present AND on the presidential ticket.
Here’s the latest great GOP hypocrisy reported by NBC News:
Mike Pence chastised President Obama on Friday for indirectly referring to Donald Trump as a demagogue, saying — perhaps ironically — that "name calling" has no "place in public life.
…Pence's remarks backed up against his own running mate's use of derogative nicknames over the last year on the campaign, including: "Little Michael Bloomberg", "Crooked Hillary" [Clinton], "Corrupt [Tim] Kaine", "Liddle Marco [Rubio]", "Lyin' Ted" [Cruz], "Crazy Bernie" [Sanders], "Goofy" [Elizabeth Warren] and "Low Energy Jeb" [Bush].
Well whadayaknow? As proven again and again. Name calling, IOKIYAR after all, amirite?
Funny how Chuck thinks the “Obama team” is “mocking Trump because he said Putin liked him”.
Is that what Trump said? Is that what Dear Leader Trump said? (Trump is North Korea’s favorite after all. And Russia’s pick.) To help him take power, Trump openly suggested Russia hack our country and his political opponent. Sounds like treason, or at least inciting espionage and criminal conduct.
Donald puts himself above the law and our country:
“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
"Benedict Donald" seems to have an amusingly accurate phonetic ring to it, amirite?
The liar, traitor and hypocrite has said:
"I've always felt fine about Putin. He's a strong leader. He's a powerful leader."
In a Nov. 10 GOP debate, Trump said: “I got to know him very well because we were both on ‘60 Minutes,’ we were stablemates, and we did very well that night.”
And now:
“I never met Putin. I don’t know who Putin is,” Trump said at a Florida news conference.
THAT is why he is mocked.
We know Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s top adviser, has close ties to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine. "It was a weird thing for the people in Ukraine, because they could not imagine how an American strategist agreed to cooperate with Putin’s friend. It was confusing. But Manafort played a decisive role in the victory of Yanukovych," said Ukrainian political expert Oleg Kravchenko.
NATO-defying Comrade Benedict Donald will “Make Russia Great Again”.
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