The Thrilling Adventures of
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"Just in case you don't know, when you click on Tom Degan links, you are
helping put money in his pockets through internet traffic volume,
helping him sell advertizing on his site, and or his 'work' lol"
-Anonymous posting, New York City Craigslist, 8/8/13
Well, I never!
Is that a lot or not enough? I'm not too sure. I'm almost certain that Charles M. Blow, Paul Krugman and Gail Collins have each produced a far more voluminous output in that same frame of time. But it should be noted that I don't get paid for writing this stuff (or very little anyway). Think of me as the Mother Theresa of political writers.
Here is as sorry a collection as you're ever going to find of drunken ramblings that I have posted recently on assorted websites and blogs way out yonder in cyberspace or in various newspapers. Happy reading, fellow travelers!
1. America in Ruins
One of the reasons - and it's the main reason - that America is in decline is because we long ago lost our thirst for knowledge. The people that run this place do not want the masses educated. They want them indoctrinated. In too many American schools, children are not being taught to think. They're being taught to memorize and recite. And if the half-witted right wing has its way, in ten years every public
school in this country will be offered up to the highest corporate
bidder. Keep voting with the Conservatives. You'll deserve everything that happens to you.
2. Anthony Weiner's Sad Implosion
I have seen more-than-my-share of politicians in complete states of
denial - but the case of Anthony Weiner is beyond the realm of pathos.
That anyone could throw one career away (and sabotage the possibility of
a second one) is too sad for words. Initially my reaction to his mayoral candidacy was, okay, he made a
mistake, but there are indeed second acts in American life. Let him have
another go at it.
It's all over. The man just simply lacks good judgement. We wouldn't
accept this kind of behavior from a fifteen-year-old of below average
intelligence. Why should we accept it in a man who wants to be the mayor
of one of the most important cities in the world?
Legendary mayor Fiorello LaGuardia once said, "I don't often make a mistake but when I do, it's a beaut." Mike Bloomberg, Rudy Giuliani, David Dinkens, Ed Koch, Abe Beame, John Lindsay, Robert Wagner, LaGuardia -
all of these New York mayors were capable at times of bad judgement. None of them
made a career of it. It's time for Anthony Weiner to quietly fold up the tent and go home. He
will still be able to have a very happy life - just not as a public servant. Goodbye and good luck to you, Mr. Weiner. It's been real....sort of.
3. The Uninformed
Are voters in other countries as pathetically ill-informed as we
Americans seem to be on our best days? Every poll conducted says loudly
that they are not. This must be a reflection of the quality of leaders
we keep sending to Washington - particularly in the South.
Maybe the truth will sink in. Recently It has been looking as if the
people of this diseased nation are starting to wake up. Even Mitch
McConnell's tenure as the slime of the senate appears to be in serious
jeopardy. We can only hope.
Keep your fingers crossed and your hands folded.
4. A Long Overdue Reality Check
"The point, however, is that modern conservatism has moved so far to the
right that it no longer has room for even small concessions to reality."
-Paul Krugman, from the New York Times, 12 August 2013
Indeed. Words that should be etched at he foot of Mount Rushmore, Mr.
Paul. This is a party that has lost its mind. These are people who
should not be handling sharp objects. Assisted living would probably be a
tidy solution to what psychologically ails them.
The good news is that the GOP is about to disappear forever. In just a
few short years they will be consigned to the trash heap of history
where they rightfully belong. They might survive for a number of years
in congress, state houses and town and city halls here and there - but
none of them will never again be sent to the executive mansion. George
W. Bush will be the last Republican president. There will never be
another one. Mark my words, campers. Mark my words.
5. Facebook Follies 2013:
a local columnist 'round these here parts named Barry Lewis wrote a
piece bemoaning the triviality of Facebook. While he made a lot of
excellent points, I couldn't help thinking that maybe he's been
cultivating the wrong kind of friends.
When I first got on Facebook a few years
ago, I had to be dragged into it kicking and screaming. I thought it
was pretty trivial, too. Unfortunately, a lot
of people from my past (particularly those I went to high school with)
were trying to get in touch with me — and would only do so through
Facebook. In the ensuing years, I found that the site is an excellent
forum for getting the message out there — in my case, a progressive
political message.
I have since been able to make nearly 4,000
"friends," most of whom are trying — bit by bit — to change America for
(we humbly believe) the better. You won't find cute little videos of
Tabby or Muffy trying to flush the toilet on my Facebook page.
6.. Waiting for the End of the World
On September 11, 2001, when it became obvious that what was happening was an organized
attack, my first thought was the nuclear power plant closest to me (I'll
refrain from even naming it). I thought that if they hit that we'd all be up the proverbial creek without the very real paddle. The idea passed the terrorists by. Thank Heaven for these tiny little blessings, ay?
And now we are told that three-hundred tons of contaminated water from the disabled Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan is leaking into the Pacific Ocean on a daily basis. Sweet.
It's only a matter of time before another major catastrophe occurs, folks. We're fucking bonkers to keep the nuclear power industry going. Can I get a witness?
7. Jebbie in 2016
Jebbie 'n' Dubya |
The rumblings for a Jeb Bush candidacy are getting louder by the day. They want us to believe that he is the "savior" of a party that is beyond saving. There is a part of my mind which tells me that the American people would not be stupid enough to go down this road again. It's the same thought I had in 1999 when Dubya announced that he was running. There is even talk that Jeb's son, George P. Bush, is being groomed to make a run for the White House in 2028 or '32. Can you even fathom the jaw-dropping arrogance of this family? I can't for the life of me. Show me a political party that can't cough up anyone better than Jeb Bush, and I'll show you a political party that is about to disappear.
To paraphrase the great Pete Townsend, I've gotta a feeling 2016's gonna be a weird year. Too weird for words.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Keep you eyes on this young lady:
Rachel Parent is a brilliant, fourteen-year-old activist from Canada
who is getting the word out to people about the potentially toxic
hazards of genetically modified food. This kid's intellect astounds. Here is a link to view Rachel in a recent appearance on a CBC television program. Watch in glee as she takes the condescending conservative host, Kevin O'Leary, to the intellectual cleaners:
From the mouths of babes....Life is good. When
I was her age, I know as a fact that I wasn't even one/tenth as smart as she is. Today, however, I am
happy to be able to say that I am one/tenth as smart as Rachel Parent.
Here is a link to Rachel's Facebook page:
Pop in sometime and give the little gal a "Like". This may very well be the first time you've heard the name of Rachel Parent. It won't be the last, I guarantee it. Cheers!
To sister Susanne for taking the photo at the top of the piece today, and to nephew Pete Dermigny for adding the text for me. Ain't that a scream?
1967 the Walt Disney film company released a film called, "The Happiest
Millionaire". I saw it when it came out. The only thing I can clearly remember about the film is
this segment, a song sung by Dean Jones called "Detroit". Here is a
recording from the soundtrack - with a new and ominous illustration:
Bye bye, America.
UPDATE, OpEdNews.com, 8/21/13, 3:38 AM:
"Japan will dramatically raise its warning about the severity of a
toxic radioactive water leak
at the Fukushima nuclear plant, its nuclear watchdog said on Wednesday, its most
serious action since the plant was destroyed in 2011. The deepening crisis at
the Fukushima plant will be upgraded from a level 1 "anomaly" to a level three
"serious incident" on an international scale for radiological releases, a
spokesman for Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) said. That will mark
the first time Japan has issued a warning on the International Nuclear Event
Scale (INES) since the three reactor meltdowns."
Like I said, "Fucking Bonkers". Don't expect regular updates from the so-called "Liberal" media.