Rainin' on Dubya's Parade
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The "Decider" ` |
"We've had enough Bushes."
-Barbara Bush on the Today Show
"Ain't it the truth! Ain't it the truth!"
-Burt Lahr, as the Cowardly Lion
So, the man who is in serious competition with James Buchanan for being remembered as the worst, most insanely incompetent chief-executive in the archives of human stupidity finally has his own library? A place where future historians may romp with joy and scholarly abandon to their little hearts' content? Hmm....
I live less than
forty miles from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum in Hyde Park, NY. I visit there as often as I
can because I really love the place. I always feel a little better about this
doomed country whenever I leave there. It is truly a fitting memorial to a great
American leader, arguably the greatest in history. I might be persuaded to visit the Bush Library someday -
if only out of morbid curiosity you understand. I imagine any place that is
designed for no other purpose than to put a sugar coating on the sick and twisted legacy of George W. Bush
ought to be just oodles of fun to visit! I liken it to putting a smiley face on the carcass a decomposing pig. "Whoa! Lookie thar, Martha, ain't that purdy!"
-Barbara Bush on the Today Show
"Ain't it the truth! Ain't it the truth!"
-Burt Lahr, as the Cowardly Lion
So, the man who is in serious competition with James Buchanan for being remembered as the worst, most insanely incompetent chief-executive in the archives of human stupidity finally has his own library? A place where future historians may romp with joy and scholarly abandon to their little hearts' content? Hmm....
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Revisionism can be a riot of laughter, a cornucopia of mirth and merriment for anyone with a halfway-decent knowledge of history. So it was with the cascade of nonsense flowing in torrents out of the George W. Bush Presidential Center at its opening this week. It was an absolute hoot watching the speakers pay tribute to the disgusting little thug - especially the Democrats! The very spectacle of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama attempting to twist the English language like salt water taffy in order to honor this guy was too much for the senses to even come close to comprehending. About the best the president could come up with was this beauty:
"To know George W. Bush is to like him."
Somebody hand me my chisel.

"George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan....George W. Bush"
It's bad enough that these knuckleheads still insist on putting the likes of Reagan on the same level as Lincoln and FDR - but George W. Bush???
Can grown adults be that completely unhinged from reality that they sincerely believe that posterity is going forgive the worst blunder ever made by the American electorate? Remember the reason people gave for voting for Bush? They would rather have a beer with him than the nerdy policy-wonk, Al Gore - or the colorless boy-scout-wannabe, John Kerry. Truth be told, I would much rather have a beer with George W. Bush. You see, I have this reoccurring fantasy about smashing the half-witted little frat boy upside the head with a bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon ale.

One does not envy the people in charge of developing the exhibits for the Dubya Library. Whoever the poor bastards are I hope they're paid quite handsomely for their efforts. It takes real talent to turn a mountain of chickenshit into a tasty plate of chicken salad.
Yeah, Bush and Cheney rid the Middle East of a naughty "evil-doer" named Saddam Hussein, but they did it by means of some incomprehensible evil-doing. They lied about Saddam's capacity to make war; that he had weapons of mass destruction; that he was somehow complicit in the atrocity committed against this country on September 11, 2001. All lies - and anyone bothering to pay attention knew damned well that these murderous bastards and bitches were lying. The result was a mountain of dead bodies, the number of which may reach a million or more. We'll never know the exact death toll. 'Twas all about an ocean of oil - flowing 'neath the Iraqi soil.....
Does the Iraqi War wing of this place take note of the fact that by illegally invading the (like it or not) sovereign nation of Iraq the Bush Mob created a geo-political nightmare that will haunt the United Nations for decades? I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that they probably neglected to include that nasty little reality in their presentation. Why waste one's time with cold, hard facts when fantasy is so much more palatable to one's deluded sense of reality? Welcome to Bush World. Enjoy your stay - and watch yer step, Buster, ya hear?
And speaking of Iraq, there's a pretty good reason why Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld don't travel abroad anymore. They're war criminals who run the risk of being arrested for their crimes against the human race. Staying put is a dandy idea if you know what I mean.
"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace."
-President Dubya
June 18, 2002
Won't you come home, George Orwell? Won't you come home?
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Knock! Knock! |
At the FDR Library in Hyde Park, there is a building called "The Henry Wallace Welcoming Center", named for Mr. Roosevelt's second vice-president. There is also a large photograph of Mr. Wallace at the entrance. Call it a silly hunch on my part, but I doubt very much that the Bush Library's "welcoming center" bears the name and likeness of Dick Cheney. Who the hell in their right mind would even enter the joint with Cheney's face snearing at them in the doorway? Would you subject your children to something that weird? I ask you!
I can still remember the first time first time I ever laid eyes on George W. Bush. It was in May of 1988, when his father was being seriously challenged in the South Carolina primaries by preacher-from-hell, Pat Robertson. He was being interviewed on NBC News, telling the correspondent that no one was "gonna whup" his daddy. "My goodness", I remember saying out loud, "the boy is dumber than dog shit, isn't he!" If you had told me then and there that in thirteen years this inarticulate jackass would be the president of the United States of America I would have said, "Have another sip". As Fats Waller liked to say back in his time, "One never knows, do one?"
Whoever is president fifty years from now in all likelihood hasn't even been born yet. I don't envy that person. He or she will still - on a daily basis - be dealing with the damage that George W. Bush and company did to this once-great nation so many generations before. Best of luck to them.
Most of us will be dead and gone by that time. Isn't that nice?
During the entire eight, gruesome years that George called the White House "home", I only wrote one letter to him. It is dated March 19, 2007, the fourth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Here it is for the record in its entirety:
Dear President Bush,
Today on MSNBC, they re-broadcast the footage from May 1, 2003 of you on the deck of the aircraft carrier, Abraham Lincoln. I saw the Mission Accomplished banner. I saw you in that silly flight suit. I saw you with that disgusting smirk on your face as you declared, "Major combat operations in Iraq are over."
Question: Sir, with the benefit of 20/20 historical hindsight, do you even have a clue as to how fucking stupid you looked? Just wondering.
Love and peace,
Tom Degan
PS - By the way, when you get a chance, have a look at my blog:
It's a lot of fun!
He did make a sincere effort to alleviate the AIDS crisis in Africa and, by all accounts, the effects were positive. Good for him. That is the only decent thing I can think of to say about President Bush. But in all fairness that fact should be noted.

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Me 'n' Dubya, 10/27/08 ` |
Thanks a heap, George!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Bushwhacked - Life in George W. Bush's America
by Molly Ivins and Lou DuBois
A hysterically funny (and terribly sad) book detailing the fallout from Dubya's reign of error from our beloved Molly - the greatest political humorist that ever walked this troubled earth.
For more recent postings on this disgusting assortment of left-leaning, COMMIE propaganda, please go to the link below:
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
You ought to be ashamed of yourselves for reading such hideous, un-American ramblings.