The question on the minds of every thinking person in the country at the moment is just why the Bush Mob has displayed such jaw-dropping Constitutional arrogance since the day they seized power six years, two months, and one week ago. The impression one gets is that they feel immune from being prosecuted for the hundreds of felonies that have been committed by what is, no doubt, the most corrupt administration since the invention of dirt. The fact that Scooter Libby will never even see a day in prison as a result of his perjury conviction last month is now a foregone conclusion. The First Fool probably has the pardon already written out, sitting in the top drawer of his desk and ready to be issued at the most opportune time (My prediction is late in the evening on Christmas Eve 2008). That being the case, what's the point of even having laws on the books if those very laws may be cynically violated by those at the pinnacle of power through sheer, reckless disregard or via the nifty little technicality of something called, "a signing statement"?
Here's why these disgusting people have ridden roughshod over the laws they were sworn to uphold: It is my belief that George W. Bush is finally going to follow in his father's footsteps. He's going to ( or, at least, he thinks he's going to) issue a blanket pardon in the waning hours of his term of office, "in the spirit of this glorious season" (I tell you, it's going to be Christmas Eve!)
If you'll remember, Poppy Bush pardoned the entire Iran/Contra gang en masse as his reign of error was coming to a close in 1988/89. At the time, the justice department was in the process of finding out just who was responsible for funding the so-called "Contras" in direct violation of the Boland Amendment. These were an armed gang of murderers and rapists (left over from the Somoza regime) who were trying to overthrow the sovereign nation of Nicaragua. Indictments were being handed down by special prosecutor, Lawrence Walsh, including even former Secretary of Defence, Casper Weinberger. Every day, the trail of evidence was leading straight to oval office of Ronald Reagan and the man who had served as his vice-president, George H. W. Bush. Forty-one's eleventh hour pardon of every person involved in this scandal hid from the American people - perhaps for generations - the truth about what really happened. He should have breathed a sigh of relief that Bill Clinton was able to clean his clock at the polls in November of 1992. Had he been re-elected, the facts would have come out and he might very well have been impeached.
January 20, 2001, marked the twelfth anniversary of the end of the Reagan White House. On that day, his papers were scheduled to be made public for study by historians and scholars - but the fix was in. On that day, the fortunate son was sworn in as the forty-third president of the United States. For his first act as president, the hideous little bastard signed an executive order that sealed the Reagan and Bush I papers forever - curiously omitting the Clinton archives at the same time. We fully expect the next administration to correct this situation.
How can we prevent Bush 43 from getting away with what dear old dad got away with almost two decades ago? It's really very simple, folks! It's obvious that the Bush Justice Department has no plans to bring charges against this corrupt and disgusting administration - but that's a good thing, don'cha see? A president cannot issue a pardon against someone if no charges have been filed against them to begin with. We've got to make sure that the only person charged with any crime between now and 20 January 2009 is George W. Bush, himself...That's the beautiful thing about all of this...A president of the United States can pardon anyone he sees fit - but he can't pardon himself! Isn't that wonderful??? As far as Dick Cheney is concerned, the question of when he will be called to account for his crimes against humanity are, at this stage in the game, purely academic. Given the state of his health, the old bastard will more than likely drop dead any day now.
Please, let's not call for any special prosecutors this time 'round. Leave that for the next administration. I leave you with the closing paragraph with which I ended my first posting on The Rant way back on June 2nd of last year:
"PREDICTION: George W. Bush will be remembered in history, primarily, as the first (pray last) former chief executive to go to federal prison. Sound crazy? Stay tuned."
Pray for peace.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY