Barack Obama has that Bobby Kennedy thing happening. Have you noticed that? He speaks to everyone; or at least that's how it appears to me. Is it an act? Is he just another charismatic bullshit artist like all the rest of them? I'm at a point in my life where I've become so disgusted with American politics and politicians that it wouldn't surprise me in the least. And yet when he talks, people listen. But more than that, they seem hopeful - I'm hopeful! They look at the man and they see an symbol of righteousness and an agent of change. He reaches out across the racial divide and Americans from all backgrounds are responding enthusiastically. Think about it: who was the last person with that kind of cultural and emotional gravitas? Bobby Kennedy!
This is my quest,
to follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far
To fight for the right,
without question or pause
To be willing to march into hell
for a Heavenly cause
And I know If I only be true
to this glorious quest
that my heart will lie
peaceful and calm
when I'm laid to my rest....
The newest point of stupid contention against the senator from Illinois is the fact that he is a smoker. Let me say for the record that I am a smoker and I'm in the process of trying to quit (as is he). My Doctor-in-law, Dr. Nick Pennings of Warwick, NY (married to my sister Carol), has put me on a marvelous little wonder drug called Chantex, which appears to be working - my ever-present cravings for nicotine seem to be decreasing. But the fact that I was a smoker for all of my adult life did not make me any less of a patriot. And it might be noted for the record that no one in his or her right mind ever questioned the patriotism of Franklin Delano Roosevelt - a smoker, just in case it slipped your mind. Trust me on this one, folks: those of us who smoke tobacco love America as much as anyone! The real problem is with the people who merely chew it. They're all just a bunch of gutless, heathen evil doers, out to destroy the peace and security of the free world as we know it. Heed my warning, campers.
Will Barack Obama be the next president of the United States? It's hard to say; but one shouldn't be foolish enough to dismiss his chances outright. We live in desperate and extraordinary times and the American people, if only out of sheer desperation, might very well turn towards an extraordinary candidate. That very fact is enough to put the good senator over the top. We can only hope. Talk about audacity!
Pray for peace.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
For more recent postings on this perfectly un-American, commie-loving, latte swirling site (HAVE YOU NO SHAME???) please go to the following link:
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
There will be a law against this sort of thing someday!
FOR THE RECORD: I'm not kidding