Books on Bush

If there is anyone reading this with any connection to the First Fool or the White House staff, I have here a suggested reading list of twenty-six excellent books. If you would kindly e-mail it to them, It would be much appreciated. They are all finely written and are not listed in any particular order of chronology or importance:
"Shrub: The Short, Happy Political Life of George W. Bush" by Molly Ivins and Lou DuBois
"Bushwhacked: Life in George W. Bush's America" by Molly Ivins and Lou BuBois (Molly and Lou mention in the intro that had we all read their previous book on Bush, which was written before the 2000 election, they wouldn't have had to write this one!
"The Lies of George W. Bush" by David Corn
"Exception to the Rulers" by Amy and David Goodman
"Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders, And the People Who Fight Back" by Amy and Mark Goodman"
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" by Greg Palast
"Armed Mad House" by Greg Palast
"The Truth (With Jokes)" by Al Franken
"Fortunate Son" by J.H. Hatfield and Sander Hicks
"The Bush Hater's Handbook: A Guide to the Most Appalling Presidency of the Past 100 Years" by Jack Huberman
"Bush on the Couch" by Dr. Justin Frank
"What's the Matter with Kansas"? by Thomas Frank
"House of Bush. House of Saud" by Craig Unger
"Had Enough? A Handbook for Fighting Back" by James Carville
"Frontier Justice" by Scott Ritter
"The Price of Loyalty" by Ron Susskind
"Against All Enemies" by Richard Clarke
"State of Denial" by Bob Woodward
"The Book on Bush: How George W. Bush (Mis)leads America" by Mark Green and Eric Alterman"
"Worse Than Watergate" by John Dean
"Conservatives Without Conscience" by John Dean
"Thieves in High Places: They've Stolen Our Country and It's Time to Take It Back" by Jim Hightower
"The Impeachment of George W.Bush: A Practical Guide for Concerned Citizens" by Elizabeth Holtzman
"Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush" by the Center For Constitutional Rights
"The I Hate George W. Bush Reader: Why Dubya Is Wrong About Absolutely Everything" by Clint Wills
"American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush" by Kevin Phillips
Those are but twenty-six of the literally scores of books that have to date been written about the most dangerously extremist administration in American history. Seek out any or all of them. It's well worth the time and effort.
Happy reading, kids!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Hey there, crimestoppers!
If anyone out there care to add their own favorite books on this subject, please do so! You can't get too much info on these deplorable people, can you?
Tom Degan
Thanks for the list. I've printed it out and am starting with James Carville's "Had Enough?"
Also thanks for your recent tip-off about Sue Kelly's voting record in support of the war. I think I'm going to write her and tell her why I'm not voting republican this time after doing so all my life!
Thanks, Tom.
I was hoping these past six years were just a very bad dream, but now you tell me someone has written books about them?
Yesterday I saw another gift from Bush to the Iraqis. All the depleted uranium lying around will poison the land, air and water for 4 BILLION YEARS!!! As a result,childhood Luekemia is is exploding.
PS Can it contaminate Bush's oil?
I am sure that Bush has not read a single one of these and like the story of the emperor's new clothes none of his flunkies would tell him that the books are not flattering. Of course, his flunkies have probably not read them either. Now if it were a book about a goat, that is probably about the extent of his reading level.
Hi Tom,
Here is a link to a site that gives much info about the iraq war, direct from Iraq.
So far this month, 71 soldiers have now joined their forebears.
The large explosion was an ammunition dump.
The war is over, America lost. Bush and his masters are avoiding the truth.
Was anyone as disbelieving as I, when Bush claimed that he'd read 60 books, so far, this year? He also said his reading tastes are "eck-a lectic". One of my father's comments on hearing this (and the only one that can be repeated in polite society), was: "60 books?!? He hasn't read 60 books in his life."
Mary Emanuelson
60 BOOKS???
Ah, heck! He's never even watched 60 Minutes!
Of this, I have no doubt!
Tom Degan
Hey, don't forget all those "XXXXX for DUMMIES" books. They get a whole section at Barnes and Noble.
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