Kathy's Meltdown

I know that calumny is a sin and Heaven, please forgive me for what I'm about to say: It fills my heart with joy - pure, unyielding, unrelenting joy - to watch what can only be described as the very public nervous breakdown of everyone's favorite congressional call girl, Katherine Harris. I am ashamed to admit this to you but, truth be told, I'm positively giddy! Her downfall and demise is the gift that keeps giving; A virtual political buffet of tasty tidbits too tempting not to indulge in. Her comically pathetic campaign for the US Senate was doomed from the moment she announced her candidacy. Watching George W. Bush distance himself from her - while everyone else within the GOP is distancing themselves from him - is just too funny for words! At the moment both Harris and Bush are, politically speaking, radio active and neither wants to be seen within a hundred miles of the other. But wait! The story gets better! Are you ready for this?? (Hold on to your sides): In a three way primary, she got over fifty percent of the vote!!
Earth to Florida republicans: Can you people possibly get any stupider??? Just wondering.
Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you, fate! This is going to be one of the greatest political happenings of my lifetime! Watching that nasty little harlot go down in flames - in utter humiliating defeat - will be too good to be true. Does anyone know if she has access to firearms? Her staff (whoever they might be this week) might want to keep their eyes on her. Someone as obviously sick, tormented and delusional as she, poses not only a serious threat to herself, but to everyone around her. Make a note: Guns, sharp objects and ledges! For the love of Mike, PLEASE keep her away from building ledges more than three floors off the ground! At any moment's notice, she's liable to hurl herself out the window, taking someone with her for good measure. Please, folks! You ignore me at your own peril! I've seen it in her eyes. There was a particularly nasty close up of her on the Joe Scarborough program last evening. Take my word for it as an ex-narcotics user: I can spot another junkie a mile away! The glassy-eyed stare she exhibited was of someone who is definitely on the verge of a drug-induced psychotic breakdown. The image coming out of my television screen, like some kind of twisted LSD hallucination, was just a tad too disturbing for adequate description. This is a woman on the brink. Heed my warning, campers.
Will Katherine Harris's total obliteration from the American political landscape be mourned? Not in these quarters, that's for sure! Like the man said, "Ain't never gonna happen". I will never, as long as I live, forget her shameful and disgusting behavior as Jeb Bush's Secretary of State during the campaign of 2000. Who with any sense of justice and fairness could possibly forget it? George W. Bush is only sleeping in the White House because this hideous, painted-up, aging Barbie Doll bitch with a bad dye job almost singlehandedly orchestrated the removal of fifty-seven thousand African Americans from the list of registered voters. That's not speculation, folks. That's a proven, undeniable and documented fact. (In case you didn't know, black people, for some silly reason, tend to vote democratic. How convenient!) Just think about that for a minute: The people who were disenfranchised in order for these corrupt, half-witted bastards to be able to seize power, are the very people who have been hurt the most by their despicable policies. Do you need an aspirin yet?
Her opponent in the general election in November will be the very moderate, Bill Nelson. Sit back in your easy chair and observe how mean and vicious the Harris campaign gets as they try to portray him as some kind of rabid, baby-killing lefty! That's going to be loads of fun to watch! Not to worry, gentle reader, Nelson is a shoo-in. The poor woman is under the impression that she can be elected by appealing solely to the half-witted, far-right, fringe of the republican party. One doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. This is pathos at its most poignant, is it not?
I present to you, this bitter and unavoidable fact: Kathy's going down, baby! And you and I, thanks to the miracle of technology, will have a front row seat for the festivities! I mean, just how cool is that? When one senses the very real ethical cloud which hangs over her head (an omen before the storm, perhaps?) one cannot help but imagine possible prison time in her future. There are just too many smoking guns to contend with. The chickens are coming home to roost with a vengeance too horrible to contemplate. The people are going to demand that justice be paid by Kathy, Jebbie, Georgie and the tsunami of human shit that comprises the Bush White House. The first blow to these people must be landed at the ballot box in November. We have to - and we will - take our country back. Count on it.
Oh, man, I'm lovin' this!
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
ordinarily I would be walking on air that Harris won the GOP primary if it was any state but Florida. With their crazy cockeyed crooked unconstitutional voting system we will be calling her Senator Harris
Hi Tom,
I certainly agree with your sentiments regarding Ms. Harris, but given the despicible manipulation of votes in Florida, I would wait until she has officially self destructed to rejoice. While I agree that she is a total joke, the fact is she did manage to win the Republican primary and God only knows how the voting process will be trampered with to allow her to win. I do not trust Republicans at all and am sure that there will be dirty voting going on.
Hi Tom,
I certainly agree with your sentiments regarding Ms. Harris, but given the despicible manipulation of votes in Florida, I would wait until she has officially self destructed to rejoice. While I agree that she is a total joke, the fact is she did manage to win the Republican primary and God only knows how the voting process will be trampered with to allow her to win. I do not trust Republicans at all and am sure that there will be dirty voting going on.
Even though as a Native American, I do not practice the Catholic faith, let me be the first to offer my sincere sympathies to His Emminence The Pope, on his loss of eyesight!
I'm at a loss as to what horrific mallady could have attacked the good Pontif as to lead to that hat I saw him wearing yesterday! All it needed was a handfull of plastic flowers and a stuffed bird to lead the whole world to think that The Swiss Guard had jacked some poor little old lady for it!
As to Katherin Harris, I too have been known to cavort amongst the mind altering substances! I've done the best, I've done the worst, but I've NEVER done ANYTHING that would cause the likes of that which afflicts Katherin Harris!!!! Sorry, Tom! That is all her! Ain't nothing on this planet, either growing naturally, or brewed up in labware, that could fuck ANYBODY up that bad!
She won with "nearly" half the vote and celebrated with "almost a hundred grassroots volunteers"! Wow! Almost a hundred? What a GRAND MOB!!!! Where DID they put them all! (insert sarcastic laughter here!)
The very fact that the Florida Republicans have chosen to run as their candidate, a bunny-boiling bitch, with that look on her face that tells me she has a hockey mask, a chainsaw, and half an ex-husband in the trunk of her car says all I need to know about The Republican Party!
She flirted with SEAN HANNITTY!!!!! Holy SHIT!!! The fruit of that union would be the poster child for birth controll!
You're tempting the fates, please don't count your chickies before they're hatcheted.
So what is your opinion now that she won the primary?
Dear Nancy,
My opinion is that she will be obliterated at the polls in November. As I mentioned in the piece, I believe that Bill Nelson is, as they say, a shoo-in. There really is a good cahnce - a very good chance - that the democrats will be able to regain control of both houses of congress in November. Keep your fingers crossed and your hands folded.
"tsunami of human shit" has got to be the best metaphor I've ever heard to describe our administration.
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