Skilling Me Softly With His Song

George: If you're ever in a jam, here I am!
Ken: If you're ever in distress: S.O.S!
George: If you ever get so happy you land in jail, I'm your bail!
Both: It's friendship! Friendship!
Such a perfect blendship!
When other friendships have been forgot,
Ours will still be hot!
Beautiful! Unfortunately for Lay, the only song the Bush administration seems to be singing these days is: "Oh, Kenny We Hardly Knew Ye, Hurrah! Hurrah"!
No one, and I mean NO ONE - Not Karl Rove, not Poppy Bush, not the Supreme Court, not even a hideously ill-informed American electorate - is more responsible for George W. Bush's ascendancy into the presidency than Ken "Kenny Boy" Lay. Here's a nasty little tidbit for you to munch on, kiddies: He's expecting a pardon. In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that he's blackmailing the administration at this very moment.
What's to stop him from going public with the minutes from Dick Cheney's infamous Energy Task Force meetings of early 2001? If you'll remember, the Veep was adamant that the details of that little get together be kept classified. In fact, he even went to court to keep it so and then defied a federal judge who ordered him to make it public. Why? Oh, call it a hunch but what they had planned was probably not in the best interest of the American public. As a matter of fact, given the history of these dirty old dingbats, it was more that likely criminal. In the months that followed, Lay and co-defendant, Jeffrey Skilling, were able to take advantage of ENRON's virtual monopoly over California utility companies by creating a phony energy shortage which sent electricity rates in that state into the stratosphere. The result of all of this was the recall of democratic governor, Grey Davis, and the installation of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Hasta la vista, baby!
And you thought that Bill Clinton's 11th hour pardon of fugitive financier, Marc Rich, was outrageous? Just you wait, Henry Higgins, just you wait! In the final hours of this administration (which I predict to be late next summer - Bush and Cheney will be impeached long before January 20, 2009) Dubya's pardons will make Bubba's look frivolous by comparison. I'd love to be in the room the moment Alberto Gonzalez gently tries to explain to him that a president cannot legally pardon himself. Oh boy! The disgusting little bastard is going to go right through the roof!
Ken Lay has this administration over a barrel right now. It's going to be a laugh riot in the next few months watching the machinations of the Bush White House privately trying to do everything humanly possible to keep Lay from cracking and publicly trying to keep their distance from him at the same time. This is just too funny for words!
The conviction of Lay and Skilling is just one more in a series of disasters for this nightmare of an administration. Watch in glee as their house of corruption starts a'crumbling! The chickens are coming home to roost - with a vengeance! This is, no question about it, the beginning of the end of the Bush presidency.The next year and a half is going to be very interesting. Very interesting, indeed.
I'm positively giddy!
Pray for peace.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Believe it or not I've heard that song! It was recorded by the late Kay Kiaser, and His Orchastra who had the late Gene Kruppa as his drummer many years ago. I'm pretty sure they did it on "I Love Lucy" too.
Kenny Boy won't sit quiet in stir for long! I can damn sure agree with that! Old Kenny's got more info under his hat than Bush can stand to have out amongst the populace! It took them four years to get a trial, and now they're going to wait untill September,11 before the sentencing! Oh yea! Want to bet that the hearings won't be done before the November elections? Of course not! Bush don't want to stir up the hornets 'till he gets his firewood cut!
A Democrat-lead Senate, and a glib-tounged stool pigeon like Ken Lay (or Jeffery Skillings, who probably has as much info as Kenny Boy!) It wouldn't surprise me if something bad didn't happen to them in prison, very soon after they go to do their time! What's a body of two to this Administration? Who among them is above such a crime?!
You're right about that. I've said before that we shouldn't be shocked if either one of these guys winds up dead. As you say, what's one more body? And yes, come to think of it, the song was performed on I Love Lucy. Jack Benny and Fred Allen also did it on their Christmas radio broadcast in 1942.
Tom Degan
Ugghh! I agree totally with impeachment, at the LEAST, for all those in the Bu$h White House. I don't even recognize my own country anymore-I'm working to get as far out of the system as I possibly can!
A friend of mine suggested that Dubya should go to the Arctic to investigate the polar bear issue (you know, no such thing as global warming, but polar bears are now cannibalising) without a gun. I thought he should take Cheney and Rove with him.
The first thing I said when Lay and Skilling were convicted is that Bush will probably give them presidential pardons on his last day in office. For some inexplicable reason, Lay's participation in the Energy Task Force didn't even occur to me (I must be slipping). I hope Lay and Skilling don't hold out too long waiting for that bribed pardon. I want one of them to lose faith and sing right away, because, as stoney13 implies, they may not live long. Lay and Skilling should both be smart enough to realize that possibility themselves.
The problem is, to whom do they sing? The Bush/Cheney Justice Department? The Bush/Cheney mainstream media? The Bush/Cheney FBI? The Bush/Cheney CIA? The Bush/Cheney NSA? The Bush/Cheney democratic party? [No, that last one is not a typo.]
Maybe Lay and Skilling have enough millions or billions hidden away offshore to bribe some executive in the mainstream media to air the Energy Task Force minutes, in spite of Bush/Cheney directives to the contrary.
By the way, Tom, it's about time you got your own blog! I've been waiting for you to make this move for a long time. I hope you will be far a more prolific writer than I've been so far (easy for me to say, eh?). I've definitely added your blog to my bookmarks.
Sorry, I meant "blackmailed" pardon.
I think they should only be allowed to carry Cheney's shotgun loaded up with the same bird shot he filled the Texas lawyer with! I mean if it can't pierce the skin of a Texas Republican lawyer, I doubt if it will give the bears much grief!
Oh Yea! We should also replace their aftershave with meat tenderiser! I know that bears are not fussy eaters, and that tough and gamey works great for them, but after all we are talking about Republicans here! That's gotta be some foul tasting shit!
I think they should only be allowed to carry Cheney's shotgun loaded up with the same bird shot he filled the Texas lawyer with! I mean if it can't pierce the skin of a Texas Republican lawyer, I doubt if it will give the bears much grief!
Oh Yea! We should also replace their aftershave with meat tenderiser! I know that bears are not fussy eaters, and that tough and gamey works great for them, but after all we are talking about Republicans here! That's gotta be some foul tasting shit!
I am familiar with that song but have no idea who performed it
Ethel Merman and Bert Lahr were the original performers of the song in RED HOT AND BLUE. The song was written by Cole Porter.
It's sort of offtopic, but it's accurate.
as for the jailing of any of the Bush gang don't bet the farm on it.
Thanks for shining the light, Nancy, with regard to Cole Porter. I've made the correction!
Tom Degan
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