Like it or not: THE WAR IS OVER

The war in Iraq is over. For the second time in a generation, a half-witted Texan (Just what is it about Texas) and the dirty old men that comprise his administration have used our children as cannon fodder for the Military Industrial Complex and have forced them into a dangerous, untenable conflict; A quagmire, if you will. The revelations of the latest atrocities - and more are coming to light each day - of stressed-out soldiers gunning down entire families of men, women and little children in cold blood - is the final writing on the wall. Any hope of winning the hearts and minds of the Muslim world in general and the Iraqi people in particular has been utterly, irreparably destroyed.
The only thing to do now is to admit that the entire affair was a dreadful mistake, cut our losses and get the hell out of there while the getting is good, as quickly and as orderly as possible (if order is even an option anymore). The far-right's insane rationalization for this obscenity of a war, from day one, has been thus: "Do you think that the world would be better off if Saddam Hussein were still in power? Good question! Here's my answer:
At the very least, Iraq was semi-functional before March of 2003 when our president made the stupidest foreign policy blunder in American history by invading it. Saddam was a thug, no question about it. His two sons were even worse. But at least the average Iraqi could get through a typical day without fear of being blown to kingdom come or of being shot down in the street like an animal. Am I right? Do I exaggerate? Saddam would have eventually fallen of his own weight - Dictators always do - Time and again history has proven just that. Unfortunately, this administration's knowledge of the history of the world is woefully deficient. It has been said that a people who are ignorant of their own history are doomed to repeat it. The Bush Mob could very well serve as a textbook example of that old adage. Then again one would expect them to be ignorant as to the lessons of Viet Nam. During the swinging sixties, these clowns had "other priorities" ( Dick Cheney's own words) didn't they?
The Bush/Cheney cabal has created a geo-political catastrophe that will take more than a century to remedy - if it's ever remedied at all. This war was never about weapons of mass destruction. It was never about "freedom and democracy". Are you naive enough to believe that an administration that stole two elections and gave us the Patriot Act gives a hoot in hell about freedom?
Come to think of it, name one time in history that our government has even seriously advocated freedom in the Arab world....Are you stumped? Well, you should be because it never happened. The genesis of "Arab extremism" can be traced back to the day in 1953 when the CIA, under the orders of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran and installed a US controlled lap dog (The Shah) who led a brutally repressive regime until he was overthrown by the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. Think about that: Iran has not been democratic since the United States ended democracy there in 1953. What was Ike thinking???
That brings me to the question which is begging to be answered: If our government doesn't give a rat's ass about freedom, why the hell did they invade Iraq?
It was the oil. It was all about the oil. It was all about the fortunes that a handful of White House insiders and a their greedy corporate connections could make off of that oil. Do you think for one minute that these assholes would have even thought about invading Iraq had its main export been galvanized bicycle clamps? There was never, ever a shred of noble purpose behind it. To believe otherwise is to deceive yourselves.
And what has been the result of all of this madness? Over twenty-five hundred American kids and well over one hundred thousand Iraqi citizens are dead. Dead. Ponder THAT for a minute or two.
Eight years ago, the House and the Senate came close to removing a sitting president from office for lying about having an affair with a young female intern. When are they going to wake up and realize that the transgressions of Bill Clinton are a mere pinprick when placed in juxtaposition with the George W. Bush bloodbath?
Pray for peace.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
PS - A special word of thanks to Condoleeza Rice for proving, once and for all, that black women are capable of being just as evil as white men. You go, girl!!
The war in Iraq is over. For the second time in a generation, a half-witted Texan (Just what is it about Texas?)and the dirty old men that comprise his despicable administration have used our children as cannon fodder for the Military Industrial Complex and have forced them into a dangerous, untenable conflict; a quagmire, if you will.
--- To be fair, I have to say they are not native Texans and there are plenty of Texans, who have at least as equivalent sense of justice as yours. Please do not over generalize people in Texas. However, you are mostly right about GW, whose lies make so many innocent lives vanish in the world.
A special word of thanks to Condelliza Rice for proving that black women are capable of being just as evil as white men. Good going, Condi!
--- There’s no difference between men and women regarding how evil a person can be. In fact, history shows there’re women crueler than men when they were in power.
It's easy to see what's wrong with Texas if you were just to go to Dalas and fill a cup from a water faucet! Now drink! Now tell me! If that was your water source and you actually had to pour that shit down your throat or die of thirst, what would your attitude be like!!! Of course all those lovely oil fields, refineries, and other bastions of progress pumping all those wonderful carcinogens, and unknown chemical compounds into the atmosphere, thanks to the wholesale gutting of any meaningful ecological protection can't be an easy cross to bear! It's a wonder that every baby in Texas isn't born with four testicles and an extra arm growing out of the top of it's heads! And that's the GIRLS! God only knows what odd equipment the boys would have! And if that's not enough, They all LOVE George Bush!!!! Talk about brain-fucked!!!!
It's easy to see what's wrong with Texas if you were just to go to Dalas and fill a cup from a water faucet! Now drink! Now tell me! If that was your water source and you actually had to pour that shit down your throat or die of thirst, what would your attitude be like!!! Of course all those lovely oil fields, refineries, and other bastions of progress pumping all those wonderful carcinogens, and unknown chemical compounds into the atmosphere, thanks to the wholesale gutting of any meaningful ecological protection can't be an easy cross to bear! It's a wonder that every baby in Texas isn't born with four testicles and an extra arm growing out of the top of it's heads! And that's the GIRLS! God only knows what odd equipment the boys would have! And if that's not enough, They all LOVE George Bush!!!! Talk about brain-fucked!!!!
I've been reading your comments on Alternet for a long time and am glad to see you with a Blog of your own.
To Stoney13: Have you ever thought if we over generalize other states in USA (such as all Texans love George Bush.), how can we blame people from other countries think ALL Americans are bad?
I meant it as a joke. I live in North Carolina and I know pretty much how most people think over here! In the small town of 600 registered voters that I live in there are 574 Republicans, 26 Democrats, and 1 Libertarian! (Me!)
I understand that nobody wants to be lumped into the equation with the children of reckless inbreeding, but if your neighbors consist of half the cast of "Deliverance" (Like mine!) That's what happens!
I was in Corpus Christi for a while when I was in the Navy. Nice town. Great climate! Water was totaly undrinkable! I'm not kidding here! Nobody in their right mind would drink what came out of the tap in Corpus Christi! The townspeople thought it was a big joke! When I asked why the water was that way, they said it was because of all the chemicals in the soil from the oil industry.
When I suggested that they do something about it one old guy said "Look here sailor! I know you think our water tastes like shit, but do you know what it tastes like to us?"
I said, "No. What?"
"Bacon and eggs!", he snapped back "We make our living off of those oil refineries!"
"Fair enough!" I told him and put in for transfer the next day!
My point is that if you live in a place that the Repigs run things you have the choice of getting out, or making it better. After all Tullia is a hard thing to deny! I wonder what Sam Houston, and Davey Crocket would say about the way Texas treated those inocent people! Sure you can be proud of where your at! I know I am! Sure it's a fucked up place right now! But I can help make it better by doing what I'm doing here right now! I got 200 people to vote for Kerry in 2004! It might not sound like much, but to me it's special, because I know how red this place is! ButI was born in this little town and I'm not leaving! I'll make my stand here!
So if I offended you, I'm sorry. Feel free to crack on North Carolina all you want!!! What the fuck! Most of it's probably true!!!
I am not offended at all. You have stated the fact you saw when you were in one of the Texas towns although it may not be true to all. You are doing what you think it’s right and it is admirable that you also take actions to reach your intent. My point is that over generalization would not do anybody good. Worse, it may even lead to unnecessary misunderstanding.
Not everybody can read between the lines or get the messages from sarcasm. The purpose of communication is to get your point across to the people you want to communicate with, so why not just clearly state the fact? I am not sue if you have read or heard Steve Colbert’s speech at the White House Correspondents Dinner. I read the script and like it, but meanwhile I also thought about some people might just take the face value. We just cannot assume all the people are of the same level. The people we really want to reach are those who may need clear, straightforward and accurate information, but have not been able to be exposed to. And we expect them to figure out what the real message is behind the sarcasm?
I consider myself an independent- no party affiliation. We do the right things is because it’s a right thing to do, not because it’s a party platform or there will be rewards in either this or after life. We can always start with small steps within our abilities. True, we can not help the whole world, but we can start with helping people around if needed.
Hi Sleeping sorrow,
---- To Stoney13: Ha ha. ----
I agree with most of your statements. Again, I have to emphasize not to over generalize. A person going to church is not by default a nice person (Look at what GWB has done!). By the same token, a person labels him/herself as liberal does not mean he/she is a person fighting for injustice or whatever a liberal stands for. Partisan is meaningless. Actions work better than words.
Hi again Sleeping Sorrow,
I think you meant to address to stoney13. I use ‘to stoney13’ when I intend to address to stoney13 only. To avoid the confusion, I am not going to use it in the future.
Having said this, I am going to defend stoney13. This is after all a blog site for ranting. As long as he does not get violent physically, venting out his anger is actually good for him psychologically.
Dear Anonymous,
Go to the top of the page and click, "create your own blog". It's as easy as pie, as they say. If I can do it, anyone can.
All the best,
Tom Degan
PS - Thanks for the kind words. They mean alot!
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