POST #1,128: Random Observations
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Pissing off the Far Right since June of 2006 |

Welcome to The Rant! Your very own electronic cesspool of naughty, left wing propaganda. MADE IN AMERICA!!!
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Pissing off the Far Right since June of 2006 |
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Mugshot of the former president of the United States |
Donald J. Trump, 8/4/23
Full disclosure: I committed a felony - once.
The year was 1975 and I was seventeen. I had come into possession of eight ounces of marijuana. Back in the days of New York governor Nelson Rockefeller's insanely stupid drug laws, carrying a half pound of weed was a felony. I knew perfectly well that what I was doing was agin' the law but, the way I looked at it, I was hurting no one - not even myself. That was the only time in my life that I committed any type of felony. Given the age I was in 1975, I would not have been tried as an adult had the coppers nabbed me. That being the case, the question is screaming to be posed:
How the heck does a man in his seventies manage to commit seventy-eight felonies in the course of just four years?
Oh yeah, "allegedly". We must not forget the truism that Donald Trump is innocent until proven guilty. For all we know, that audio recording of him threatening the Georgia secretary of state with criminal prosecution if he didn't provide the seventeen-thousand-plus votes needed to secure that stare's election might only be Rich Little doing an impression of the man's voice. If that is the case it would be the only perfect impersonation that Rich Little ever did in his career. I think the guy's incredibly overrated.
The man that we must assume Trump was threatening in the quote at the top of this piece is the man who is in the process of making the case against Trump, Jack Smith. Making so public a threat against a prosecutor is against the law. Trump should placed in custody until his trials are over and he is sent to federal prison - not jail - PRISON.
Jail is where you go when you've had one-too-many on a Saturday night and you accidentally back your car into the plate glass window of the local pharmacy. Donald Trump needs to go to prison for a very - VERY - long time.
Some are arguing that sending a former POTUS up the river would set a terrible precedent. I agree wholeheartedly. The only worse precedent would be to allow him to get away with his crimes against the people of the United States. We need to send a message to the rest of the planet that, in the Untied States of America, no one is above the law. not Donald Trump; not you; not even seventeen-year-old Tom Degan (The statute of limitations long ago ran out; the weed in question long ago went up in smoke. NYAH!)
Tom Degan, Goshen, NY
Confidence Man by Maggie Haberman
The best post-presidency book on Trump yet written. Historians a century from now will be referencing this amazing work. Maggie is as good as they get.
AFTERTHOUGHT, 8/10/23, 12:30 PM:
When I learned that a gun company was marketing an automatic weapon for pre-schoolers, my immediate reaction was that this has to be a joke.
It isn't.
WEE-1’s JR-15 Is the AR-15 for Kids (
Idiot Nation