Strange Days in D.C.
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This is merely a collection of unrelated thoughts.
1. Accountability Time For Steve Bannon:
Steve Bannon will very soon be finding out (the hard way) that his demented mentor, Donald Trump, no longer has the power of the pardon. That is what the silly bastard must have been assuming when he failed to honor a congressional subpoena this week. Does the guy seriously believe that the pardon that was issued to him by Trump late in his term covered crimes he may commit in the future? The man is in for a rude awakening. One can only imagine if he is aware of the case of Susan McDougal who spent eighteen months in the slammer during the Bill Clinton era. If Bannon is unaware what a serious charge contempt of congress is, he's about to find out.
2. Ultimate Irony:
My brother Jeff posted the following on his Facebook page early the other day:
"Irony: using a device that transmits an inordinate amount of complex information tens of thousands of miles through thin air - via antennas and satellites - to convey to others that you 'don't trust science' "
Genius abounds.
3. My Steve Doocy Problem:
My earliest memory of television is of watching the Danny Thomas program when my family lived in Ridgewood, New Jersey (180 Highland Avenue). I remember that I was sitting on a couch next to my brother Jack. The room was dark with only a small lamp in the corner of the room illuminating our surroundings. We moved from Ridgewood in the autumn of 1960. I'm almost embarrassed to admit to you that my televisual memories go back sixty-one years.
In all of that time, and in all of those years, I can truthfully say - beyond one tenth of a molecule of doubt - that Steve Doocy is the stupidest human being that I have ever seen on a so-called "serious" news program. He is a complete and utter embarrassment. The capper occurred sometime a couple of years ago when some congressional investigators sought information regarding a private meeting that Attorney General Bill Barr had with Donald Trump. Doocy stupidly exclaimed, "Haven't they ever heard of attorney/Client privilege?"
The president of the United States is not the client of the attorney general. The attorney general is not the private lawyer of the president of the United States.
The man has the I.Q. of a half-eaten box of Milk Duds. We're talkin' dumber than dog shit here.
4. Four (eight?) More years:
Trump is hell-bent on seizing the executive mansion in three years. If he receives the GOP nomination in the summer of 2024 (which, given the current ideological state of that disgusting party) he will declare victory on election night three years from now - regardless if he loses. It is my belief that he will declare victory even if he loses the Republican primaries. If he lives long enough to run in 2024 (always a question for a man of his advanced age) the damage that he is capable of doing to democracy in America is immense. Are the voters of the United States capable of going down this sick and detestable road again? I believe they are. The next three years should be really interesting.
I've been using this argument for years. Here is a list of ten noted people who died because of excessive smoking:
Humphrey Bogart
Now give the name of one celebrated person who died from too much grass. You can't do it, can you. Don't worry, neither can I. Not only am I unable to name a single person who died in that matter, I'm not aware of it happening in all recorded human history. Now after decades of the misery they put us through, it's about to be legalized nationwide. We're almost there - be patient.
One night in 1976, I was an eyewitness to a friend of mine being arrested in the parking lot of the local high school for the possession of one joint. Although only a teenager at the time, he ended up doing one year in the county jail for his "offence" against society. That was at the height of New York's idiotic Rockefeller drug laws. So many people of my generation had their lives destroyed for inhaling a substance that is harmful to absolutely no one - not even themselves. That friend of mine died about ten years ago. After doing a year in the can, he was never able to get his life back on track. He eventually succumbed to the rigors of poverty and mental illness. I can't help but wonder if he'd still be alive today had he not been in the wrong place at the wrong time on a long ago summer night so many decades before.
I'm not a pot smoker. I gave up the stuff on my nineteenth birthday - which, coincidentally, was the same day that Elvis Presley passed away. Elvis and I quit drugs at the same moment. The difference being that I did so voluntarily. Thank you. Thank you very much.