Branson and Trump |
We have five months and ten days left until this nightmare of an administration is mercifully behind us. What is beyond certainty is that Donald Trump is a sore loser. The truth of the matter is that the man has been a loser most of his miserable life; that is why the disgusting imbecile is so chronically grumpy. His smile is more akin to a sneer than anything else. He once told Virgin CEO Richard Branson that he loves nothing more than getting even with people who have crossed him. Between Election Day 2020 and Inauguration Day 2021, the soon-to-be former president will have two months, two weeks and three days to "get even" with the American people for banishing him from the White House. That will be the time to be on your toes, folks. The damage he will attempt in that period could very well be long lasting. Hang on.
August 12:
I came to consciousness early in the morning to the news that Joe Biden had chosen the woman who is to be his running mate in 2020. It's Kamala Harris, whom I've been rooting for to take the spot for months. Things rarely go my way as far as American politics is concerned so you will please forgive me for savoring this scrumptious moment. No current member of the senate has impressed me more than the gentlewoman from California. I knew from the moment I first heard her speak a little over four years ago that she was going to be a star. I was just looking at a photograph of the 2004 Democratic nominees: two guys named John (Kerry and Edwards). That will probably be the last time that we ever see two white guys as the nominees of the Democratic Party. After 2020, there will be no way of going back to the way things used to be.
This is a jolly good thing. Don't expect diversity from the GOP any time soon. Ain't gonna happen, Bubba.
August 15:
Trump refuses to hand over a dime. He is trying to stop the mail-in/absentee ballots from being delivered on time - if at all - and he said as much. The fact that millions of senior citizens rely on the mail to receive life-saving medications every month of the year means not a thing to this disgusting, homicidal Neanderthal. All that matters to Donald Trump is WINNING - by any and every means necessary, and at every and any cost. And if that cost should include the lives of you or your loved ones? Well, that's what we call "tough shit", amigo! This despicable bastard is your president. I mean - c'mon, folks! This is a guy who admitted on a nationally televised program that he finds his own daughter sexually attractive. We knew this about him before the election of 2016! Were you expecting any better? Seriously.
August 18:
Since [Louis] DeJoy has impeded the delivery of a mass amount of mail he deserves a lot more time in the slammer than a measly six months. He would be lucky to get off with six years. Removing 681 letter sorting machines from various cities across the nation with huge minority populations that hope to vote by mail in November is corrupt on a scale no one has ever witnessed. Removing thousands of outdoor mailing boxes is an unspeakable crime against the citizens of this country. The practice was immediately halted once a loud enough cry was made at almost every level of the political spectrum. Apparently no more boxes will be removed - but the ones stolen from mostly poor and minority communities will not be replaced. The damage has been done - and quite swiftly.
August 20:
Trump knows damned well that the next administration (with the might of the Department of Justice behind it) will easily be able to siphon through the mountain of corruption and illegality behind the most disgusting American administration in the history of greed and mediocrity. 2020 will be the most important election day since 1932. We need to get out the vote and win. Only then will Donald Trump and these corrupt buffoons doing his bidding (and that would include Vladimir Putin) will be held accountable.
August 24:
George W. Bush could easily have beaten Johnson and Buchanan for the title of Worst Ever. Fortunately for him, he was saved from that dubious distinction by the arrival, on January 20, 2017, of Donald John Trump. In the year 2070, the president of the United States - who in all likelihood hasn't even been born yet - will still, on a daily basis, be dealing with the damage that Trump did to this nation so many decades before. The aftershock of the electoral madness of 2016 will be with us for a very long time. The reverberations will outlive most of you reading this; perhaps all of you - perhaps even your young children. Get used to living in a nation in ruins.
August 25:
Last night was something unprecedented. By taking these assholes seriously, one could be forgiven for believing that if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are elected on November 3, the collapse of western civilization is all-but-imminent. Church will be outlawed - as will education for children, heterosexual marriage, the flag, Mom, Pop and apple pie. One nitwit even proclaimed that Joe and Kamala wanted to create a "socialist utopia". Apparently not one person of the scores of people who vetted that speech had the brains to understand that "utopia" is defined as a perfect, harmonious society. These people are oodles of fun to watch; and to think that last night['s debate] was only the first of three!
August 31:
During his inaugural address thirty years ago, Donald Trump told the American people that the era of "American carnage" was over. This monumentally stupid man was wrong, of course. The carnage was just beginning. In sixty-four days the polls open up in America for what will be the 58th national election since the first one in 1788. Were I to tell you that 2020 is the most important campaign in our history I would be exaggerating - but only slightly. The only two elections that rank close to November 3 are 1864 - when Lincoln was reelected; and 1932 - when Franklin Roosevelt was chosen by the electorate over the conservative Republican Herbert Hoover. Like 1932 and 1864. The results of the 2020 presidential campaign will depend upon whether or not the United States of America has a future. It's as serious as that.
September 3:
He has repeatedly undermined the health of the public by holding rallies where his half-witted followers are not obliged to wear face masks in order to protect them from the COVID-19 virus. Ten days after he held one in Tulsa, Oklahoma, many people who attended that event began to show symptoms of the illness. Some of them even died - including longtime Republican operative and onetime presidential candidate Herman Cain. He continues to hold these events - as he did two days ago - in front of an audience that included a number of veterans of the second world war, not one of whom was under the age of ninety-three.
September 3:
My uncle, Edward J. Degan, Jr. is buried at a military cemetery in France. He was killed in the Battle of the Bulge late in the evening of December 15, 1944. He was literally cut in half by a nazi tank shell. It is believed that he was the first soldier to fall in that conflict. He was five days shy of his 24th birthday when he died. This December 20 is the centennial of his birth.
September 11:
This is as big and as bad as it's ever gotten before. Trump is actively trying to steal the November election by any and all means possible. The next four months are going to be more violent than at any point since the war between the states over century and a half ago. Donald Trump will be the instigator of that violence. Remember that since George W. Bush stupidly lifted Bill Clinton's ban on assault weapons nearly twenty years ago, a whole lot of not-too-bright Americans have been arming themselves with these dangerous guns. If Trump is defeated on November 3, expect many of these blithering nincompoops to take to the streets.
September 16:
When asked by a local Nevada reporter if he was worried about spreading the coronavirus by holding a rally in such closed quarters, he replied that he was not worried at all due to the fact that he was a safe distance from the audience. In other words, FUCK EVERYBODY ELSE, I'LL BE FINE. This is the man that the American electorate foolishly chose as commander-in-chief four years ago. We are now the laughingstock of the planet earth. It will take at least a generation before we have anything near the respect we had even under the administration of George W. Bush. This is completely embarrassing.
September 28:
In his answer to a question in the White House press room last week as to whether or not he would leave the office of the presidency if Joe Biden were elected by the voters on November the third, Donald Trump responded by saying “We’ll have to see”. Clearly this irresponsible jackass does not understand the Constitution, which says that the winner of the election automatically assumes the office at exactly 12 Noon on inauguration Day. For most of our history, that day fell on March the fourth. Since 1937, it has fallen on the twentieth of January - which is a jolly good thing, too. Can you imagine another one month and twelve additional days of this grotesque fool running the ship of state? No, me neither.
October 1:
On the evening of September 29, 2020, we bore witness to Donald Trump in his truest, most undeniable form. If you need anymore proof what a horrible mistake it was to send this half-witted piece-of-shit to the home that was once occupied by Lincoln and the two Roosevelts, then there is little hope left for you. Good luck trying to live a functional life. Last night, the president of the United States became so unglued during his debate with Joe Biden, that it was truly cringe-worthy in a way that is almost impossible to adequately explain. In the life of this country, there will never be a moment as completely weird as the one we are living through at the moment. There will never again be an era as despairing as the one in which we are living through at this time. As the Moody Blues once sang, "Isn't life strange?"
October 7:
Since all of the grownups have either resigned of have been fired from this administration, there seems to be no responsible voices whispering into Trump's ear any longer. The entire joint is drenched with political hacks and right-wing extremists. Since the nineties it has been obvious to anyone paying attention that the man is mentally ill; but in the last three days his insanity has gone crashing into full-tilt-boogie mode. And remember, he has the nuclear codes within an arm's reach of his tubby torso. We are past the time when the 25th Amendment should have been invoked and the responsibilities of the presidency handed over to - and I cannot believe that I am even writing these words - Mike Pence. That is how completely extreme things have gotten.
October 13:
Last night, The Donald had yet another mass campaign rally in the midst of the worst pandemic in over a century, this time in Orlando, Florida. Once again, the event was attended by by many of his half-witted followers, a lot of them not wearing potentially life-saving masks. I am convinced that Trump is attempting to stir-up a spike in this epidemic that will inflict so much death and disease by Election Day that he will be use the mass chaos as an excuse to shut down polls across the country. When this disgusting administration is finally finished, the hideous old freak should be prosecuted for mass murder - among too many other things to count.
October 21:
It's been in the running since May when Junior Trump made a pitch to his demented MAGA-brained followers to join the "Army of Trump". It appears to be what I suspected it of being from Day One: an opportunity for Dad to create his own private S.S. - loyal only to him. This week they are calling on this army of the faithful to make themselves known at polling places throughout the land to serve as "poll watchers" on Election Day. This is going to be interesting.
October 25:
We're not as far away as you might imagine from the worst that can possibly come to the American Experiment. With nine days left until the election of 2020, and with COVID cases skyrocketing across the country (in spite of the pleas from public health officials for people to wear masks and practice social distancing) we find ourselves teetering at the very cliff's-edge of our existence. For those of you who mistakenly find yourselves thinking that the hideous old freak has done as much damage to this republic as is possible for one man to do, and that he cannot possibly do any more, you might want to reassess your position on that point. The disturbing fact is that, in the two months, three weeks and five days left until Inauguration Day, Donald Trump is perfectly capable (and quite willing, I'm sure) of doing a lot more damage to this already thoroughly damaged nation. Does that sound like a stretch? Perhaps it is. I'll tell you what: let's all vote for the silly bastard on November 3 and see what happens.
November 1:
All bets are off if this asshole is reelected. Don't get out the vote as if your life depends upon it. Get out the vote because your life depends upon it. Do you have any friends or loved ones who tonight are lying in cemeteries for no other reason than the fact that Donald Trump was elected four years ago? Then you might have an idea of what I'm talking about. Think about it.
November 13:
FUN FACT: The day is Friday the thirteenth. The year is 2020. What could possibly go wrong?
Joe Biden is now the president-elect. There is no denying it. Kamala Harris will be sworn in on January 20 - not only as the first woman in that office - but as the first person of African descent to hold it. There is no denying that either. It should also be noted that Biden is the first Catholic to be elected to the presidency in sixty years. It's a perfect illustration of how things have changed in the United States. Sixty years ago when Jack Kennedy campaigned for the White House, the biggest issue of that run was his religion. In 2020, the issue of Biden's Catholicism was never even mentioned, not even by the most hateful of religious bigots representing the loony right wing - or, at least, I didn't notice it - and I tend to pay close attention to these things.
November 22:
Fifty-seven years ago today, our democracy came under a lethal assault when a demented little freak pointed a cheap, mail-order rifle at the head of the president of the United States from the sixth floor of a warehouse in Dallas, Texas. Today, democracy finds itself under assault once again, only this time around, the assailant is the president of the United States. Donald Trump is the tenth president to live in the White House since the time of Jack Kennedy. It defies reason to believe that the quality of American politicians (not to mention the American people) could have degraded to this point.
November 27:
Also, this week The Donald pardoned Michael Flynn for his committing perjury when talking to the FBI about his meetings with the Russians four years ago. This is only the first of many pardons in the next month-and-a-half. The problem here is that he can only pardon people for federal crimes - not state crimes. In other words, if Eric or Donald showed up at the Washington Monument with a couple of AK47 and mowed down thirty innocent people, a pardon from Papa would be prompt and certain. If I get busted for DUI here in New York and given a year in the slammer, I'm out of luck. Justice in America is a curious thing, you know?
December 2:
Okay, this is no longer even remotely funny. Rudy Giuliani needs to disappear from public life - FOREVER. I was saying as much ten years ago, but things have gotten even more drastic recently. If only he had had the sense to go gently into the good night of relative obscurity when his term as mayor of New York City ended in 2002. His legacy would have today been set in stone. He would have forever been remembered as "America's Mayor" following his (mostly) heroic behavior in the days and weeks following the horrific attacks on the Big Apple on September 11, 2001. That legacy is now ashes on the alter of public opinion. He will forever be remembered as Donald Trump's crazy spokesman. When his obituary is finally published in the not-too-distant future, the photograph at the top of the headline will no-doubt be of him with hair-dye dripping down both sides of his face - not a particularly good way to exit the public stage.
December 10:
The Donald and his silly minions are determined and hell-bent on subverting the democratic process on January 20, 2021. My biggest fear is that - for the first time in the history of this country - there will not be a peaceful transfer of power. If he calls for an army of his armed, MAGA-BRAINED followers to descend upon Washington to defend their leader, you can expect a very ugly and brutal scene on the streets of D.C. The question is: will he? Anything is possible with this deranged fool. I've been paying attention to this guy for nearly forty years. Four years ago I would tell anyone who listened that this was going to end badly. But even I never dreamed that things would quite get this weird. These are interesting times.
December 17:
Bill Barr has achieved the seemingly impossible. He has made me nostalgic for John Mitchell and Ed Meese. He made me forget about John Ashcroft! I never dreamed that such a thing would be even remotely possible. Strange days, indeed. As Donald Trump's "private attorney" these last two years he has done much damage - not only to the Department of Justice - but to the very idea of Justice in America itself. From his interfering in the sentences of some of Trump's chief cronies - with Mike Flynn and Roger Stone being the most notable examples, to his issuing a misleading version of the Mueller Report where he led Congress to believe that Trump had not obstructed justice (he had).
December 27:
The very fact that this "president" is attempting to overthrow the will of the American people is too sickening for discussion. Just when one thinks he has accepted the inevitable, the silly bastard drops a hint that he will be commander-and-chief for the next four years and beyond. He is trying to make "the base" believe that the election was stolen and that all of the mail-in ballots that went to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were fraudulent. The fact of the matter is that the total for Biden would have been even greater than it was had Postmaster General Louis DeJoy (at Trump's orders, no doubt) not junked thousands of post boxes in minority neighborhoods all across the land. This very act alone should send both men to the federal slammer for a very, very long time.
As this horrible year ends I have nothing warm and fuzzy to offer you. Sorry about that, folks. This has been the worst year it has ever been my extreme displeasure to witness - and I'm old enough to remember 1968! Compared to 2020, '68 was lollipops and roses.
So there you have it folks. To quote The Who:
"I've got a feeling '21 is gonna be a good year".
We can only hope.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Thank god 2020 is ending. I thought that it'll never end. Only 20 days until the "orange menace" is gone. Thank god for that!!!!!
Jake Tapper In October “Vaccine Not Weeks Away President A Liar”
Here is @JakeTapper after the October debate falsely accusing President Trump of lying about the vaccine coming in a few weeks pic.twitter.com/elvQNGWbUY
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) December 30, 2020
I've got a feeling '21 is going to be a good year!
Vern gloats about a stopped clock being right twice a day.
It's all he's got.
46* says our darkest days are head of us.
The Eight Worst Media Lies About Trump’s COVID-19 Response
My favorite is Number 2
Trump called the COVID-19 virus “a hoax”
To this day Joe Biden, the left, and the media all claim Trump called COVID-19 a hoax. He said no such thing. While the country was distracted by impeachment, the Trump administration was busy addressing the outbreak, taking various measures to limit the spread of the virus in the United States. Impeachment quickly faded, so they decided to aggressively politicize his response to the outbreak. Joe Biden even called Trump’s travel ban with China an overreaction and accused him of trying to scare the public. “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering,” Biden tweeted.
President Trump responded to these allegations during a rally in South Carolina, calling the Democrats’ politicization of the coronavirus “the new hoax.” The media jumped on this line, claiming that Trump called the virus, not the Democrats’ reactions to it, a hoax. The lie spread like wildfire and Joe Biden even used the lie as a talking point on the stump. There was quite a stir when Politico’s story repeating the false claim that Trump called the virus a hoax was flagged by Facebook fact-checkers as fake news, but other fact-checkers couldn’t deny that the claim was false either.
he also actually asked if we could "inject disinfectant" "nuke Hurricanes" and suggested we take people's guns away and "worry about due process later"
Every time Trump called something a hoax, he was lying.
Climate change, Russian interference, Democrat politicization of the virus, etc.
"Trump administration was busy addressing the outbreak"...Now THERE's a hoax.
Biden was NOT given the early warning and information on the virus in January that was provided to Trump. Trump then downplayed and ignored it. Trump was negligent and incompetent by failing to encourage masks and social distancing.
What did he do? He lied about the virus. He mocked people wearing masks. He urged protests against governors who were following his own CDC's guidelines. He inspired criminal conspiracies to kidnap and kill the governor of Michigan with his "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" tweet. Why? Because she wouldn't praise him enough and questioned his competence.
He held events and rallies that became super spreader events. People got sick and died after attending them. Herman Cain learned the hard way to not trust Trump.
He ignored Dr. Fauci and brought in a a sycophantic radiologist who wanted to do nothing, so most Americans would be infected for herd immunity.
Yes, Trump was behaving exactly as if he considered the virus a hoax.
Fact check that, Vern.
More corruption.
Citizens For Ethics reports Trump just removed the IG investigating Elaine Chao. Chao’s husband, Mitch McConnell, already vetted the replacement.
Even MORE corruption:
A Secret Service agent assigned to Trump was allowed to take a leave to become a White House political aide and became enmeshed in a particularly contentious, controversial incident marking his presidency. Anthony Ornato, who worked as White House deputy chief of staff earlier this year, helped arrange the photo opportunity in June when Trump posed with a Bible across Lafayette Square in Washington as peaceful protesters were attacked by federal officers. The protests had been sparked by the police killing of George Floyd days earlier in Minneapolis.
Ornato also helped arrange Trump’s dangerous political rallies where — often in violation of local laws — maskless supporters were jammed elbow to elbow. The rallies were linked to COVID-19 case spikes and deaths from the disease.
In another instance, Secret Service agents assigned to Trump tried to persuade their colleagues not to wear masks on trips in order to please the president, contradicting recommendations from administration health experts, the Post has previously reported.
More than 130 Secret Service officers who helped protect Trump and Vice President Mike Pence either tested positive for COVID-19 or were forced to quarantine because of contact with infected co-workers.
Some in the Secret Service also came under criticism during Trump’s tenure for appearing to embrace his political agenda.
Deep State for Trump?
Trump rots everything he touches.
New Years prediction.
46* will urge an Operation Warp Speed approach to the conquest of Alzheimer’s disease.
That would be amazing, yes. Cancer, too. ALS, as well.
There was quite a stir when Politico’s story repeating the false claim that Trump called the virus a hoax was flagged by Facebook fact-checkers as fake news, but other fact-checkers couldn’t deny that the claim was false either.
But never mind because "Trump was behaving exactly as if he considered the virus a hoax"..and NBC said he did. Don't dare confuse a liberal with the facts. They will deflect like mad.
Trump turned down testing kits from WHO
A Politico hit piece from early March claimed that the World Health Organization offered the United States COVID-19 testing kits, but Trump refused to accept them. This claim spread quickly, and Joe Biden even claimed “The World Health Organization offered the testing kits that they have available and to give it to us now. We refused them. We did not want to buy them,” during a Democratic primary debate back in March.
It wasn’t true. “No discussions occurred between WHO and CDC about WHO providing COVID-19 tests to the United States,” WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris explained at the time. “This is consistent with experience since the United States does not ordinarily rely on WHO for reagents or diagnostic tests because of sufficient domestic capacity.” According to WHO, its priority was to send testing kits to “countries with the weakest health systems.”
The United States now tests more than any other country.
Crazy deflections and whataboutisms to follow from my Fan Club.
Crazy deflections and what about whataboutisms don't need to follow what you say, JTF. There are plenty contained in all of your... we'll call them "contributions".
Thank you for thoughtful comments throughout the year, which thank heavens has come to an end. January 20 cannot come soon enough. Always an interesting read. We used to live in Warwick, so your brief mentions of local places, etc., are always welcome. Stay safe. Sláinte!
Same to you, Elle!
Have a grand and good new year.
Happy New Year All! Time to get the wind back in our sails.
To 2020 I repeat a DKOS headline, Bye bye. Adios. Arrivederci. Ciao. Tschüss. Sayōnara. Paalam. Zàijiàn. Zōi Gīn. Ta Ta Forever.
46* lies again.
Joe Biden and his team are lying about his presidential transition being obstructed, says OMB Director Russ Vought. Despite Biden’s claims that the White House Office of Management and Budget is putting up “roadblocks” to the transition, Vought says there have been 45 meetings since late November.
“I am writing to correct several false statements that members of the Biden Transition Team (BTT) are continuing to make regarding the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) cooperation with your team,” Vought wrote in a letter obtained by the New York Post. “We have taken more than 45 meetings with your staff to discuss specific issues, operational questions, and more. It is appropriate for OMB to share information about ongoing programs so the BTT can use it to develop its own policies. We have provided all information requested from OMB about ongoing programs.”
Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco Home Vandalized By Antifa…
Via CBS:
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — The San Francisco home of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was the reported target of a vandalism attack overnight on New Year’s Eve that included graffiti and what appeared to be a pig’s head, according to social media posts and TMZ.
The story on the TMZ website included a Twitter post by user Maggie “Midge” Vandenberghe (@FogCityMidge) that featured a photo of a spray-painted garage door that was spray painted with messages as well as what appeared to be a pig’s head and red paint on the home’s driveway.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: @SpeakerPelosi’s house VANDALIZED with red paint, PIGS HEAD & spray-painted message “$2K (crossed out)… CANCEL RENT… WE WANT EVERYTHING”. City called to clean up at 3am & police attempting to stop photos of scene. Media SILENT. pic.twitter.com/LD1jfZIvco
The chickens are coming home to roost...hehehehe.
Just posting the worst media lies about Trump’s COVID-19 Response. Guess the truth hurts.
Here's another on for you to ignore.
In March, New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay claimed in a tweet that during a conference call with governors about the COVID-19 pandemic, President Trump told them they were “on their own” in getting the equipment they needed: “‘Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,’ Mr. Trump told the governors during the conference call, a recording of which was shared with The New York Times.”
She lied. Ms. Gay deliberately misrepresented Trump’s words. Trump actually told governors on the call: “Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves. We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”
The false narrative that Trump had told governors they were on their own, essentially to expect no help from the federal government, spread like wildfire.
More whining from Clucky...
he's REALLY going to have something to talk about once Biden is sworn in as POTUS Jan 20.
Nobody here gloated about vandalism...until you did. That shows us where the real hate is. You would have loved "Kristallnacht". Look it up.
Do you want your $600 relief money?
"Try getting it yourself."
Does that sound any better than "You're on your own"?
American neo-NAZIs planning their coup:
“Be there, will be wild!”The BIG Protest Rally in Washington, D.C., will take place at 11.00 A.M. on January 6th. Locational details to follow. StopTheSteal! - DJT
“I’m thinking it will be literal war on that day,” one popular comment posted last Wednesday read. “Where we’ll storm offices and physically remove and even kill all the D.C. traitors and reclaim the country.”
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