Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Time 2018

I'll be mercifully brief.
I've never been a huge fan of the salutation, "Merry Christmas". The English have a better way of doing it: They greet each other by saying "Happy Christmas". That works for me quite nicely. Drunks, junkies and the mentally ill are often quite "merry". They are seldom, if ever, "happy".
Happy Christmas everybody!
The fact is that, since I started this site twelve and-a-half years ago, I've never failed to post a message on Christmas Day or Eve. Last year I was in such a bitter funk, I just put together a compilation of all the previous messages. I wasn't in the "Christmas spirit" last year. I'm not in the "Christmas spirit" this year. The reason for my depression is not simply the mess that America finds itself in; much of it has also to do with the fact that I drink more than any human being with a  functioning pulse has any right to do. 

Instead of cursing the darkness, let's all light a candle tonight. Instead of praying for the president's failure, let's pray for his enlightenment.

Wishful thinking, I know, but at least we can give it the old college try, ay?

Sleep well, sweet dreams. I'm about to take a slug of my very last drink (I hope). Here goes....



Tom Degan
Goshen, NY


At 6:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I agree, and find myself in the same place, Tom...

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Clueless It Seems said...

Yup. Drinking is not manly. We're men, right? Merry Christmas.

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Dave Dubya said...

Are you still a believer in Trump? Because at adulthood it's marginal, right?

Happy Christmas!

At 8:05 AM, Blogger Jefferson's Guardian said...

"Instead of cursing the darkness, let's all light a candle tonight. Instead of praying for the president's failure, let's pray for his enlightenment." ~~ Tom Degan

I'm afraid we're beyond that Tom, just as the G.O.P. sentiment of extending its "thoughts and prayers" is supposed to be comforting. Of course, it isn't. It's only an excuse for continued inaction and maintaining the status quo.

This president will never achieve enlightenment unless this president seeks it. It's an individual commitment through a journey, and it cannot be bestowed upon another. It's created over time and revealed from within.

The only other way is through the enlightenment of each individual American ~~ partucularly those who continue to support this president's lunacy and recklessness. Only if each person looks deeply within, and truly desires peace and justice for all -- not just a select few -- will healing and harmony take place.

Then, and only then, this president will be revealed as a total failure and this nation will be able to move forward.

At 6:50 PM, Blogger Jefferson's Guardian said...

Since it's almost obligatory to, at least, act merry and happy during our traditional end-of-year celebrations - that, not coincidentally, coincide with ancient pagan observations of the winter solstice.

Tom, also not coincidentally, this corrupt and inept administration observes four different acting high-ranking officials - not counting the "acting" president who appointed them.

As George, of Seinfeld fame, more than once remarked: "I always wanted to pretend I'm an architect."

I have the feeling Donald Trump always wanted to pretend he was president. He got his wish.

Americans got their wish also, always wanting to pretend they live in a democracy.

At 4:14 AM, Blogger Mozart1220 said...

I always say "Happy Holidays", mostly just to include the dozen days between Sept and feb, but also because it drives conservatives up the wall.


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