"Have you heard the news?", he said with a grin,
"The president's gone mad."
"The president's gone mad."
"Down town."
Last night."
"Hmm, gee, that's too bad."
Bob Dylan (slightly paraphrased)

The president of the United States is out of his fucking mind.
When Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy for the presidency nearly two years ago, no one with an IQ higher than a box of moldy Milk Duds (myself included) believed that the voters in this broken nation would ever send someone this obviously unhinged to the White House. We had lived through the eight-year trauma of George W. Bush's reign of madness, but there was never any serious doubt that we would survive him. The Donald was something else indeed. Throughout the primaries and campaign of 2016, the very idea of someone this deranged getting within a mile of the Oval Office was enough to send the most stouthearted of us into complete despair. When, in the days leading up to the election, it became clear that Hillary was not gaining an insurmountable lead against him, that despair turned into resigned depression. Early in the morning of November 9 it was all over.
"Always remember that those who hate you only win if you hate them - and then you destroy yourself."
Richard M. Nixon, August 9, 1974

But say what you want about Nixon, he wasn't an idiot. His most ardent detractors are forced to concede that - all of that nasty emotional baggage notwithstanding - he was a fairly astute dude. That's not the case as far as Donald Trump is concerned. Just listen to him when he speaks extemporaneously: He has the vocabulary of a not-terribly-bright high school freshman (apologies in advance to all not-terribly-bright high school freshmen). Here's something you can take to the bank: Crazy and stupid is not a particularly good combination. In fact, it can be lethal.

You think this administration is off to a bad start? Imagine how badly it's going to end. We'll just leave it at that.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
This column by Paul Krugman appeared in this morning's NY Times. It's worth a read. All of his stuff is.
It's getting darker by the hour.
First, anything written by Paul Krugman is always suspect, Mr. Degan. Any idea even remotely approaching a centrist position is immediately discounted by him.
"To Nixon there was no such thing as a 'loyal opposition'; you were either on his side or you were 'the enemy'. He even kept 'an enemies list' which was somehow leaked to the public during the thick of the politically incapacitating Watergate scandal."
Sounds strikingly similar to the over 300 FBI files "mistakenly" held by Craig Livingstone in the Clinton White House of primarily Republican adversaries.
I agree that Trump also sees no loyal opposition and is dangerous in his characterizations of his enemies. I would also say that is true of many of the "loyal opposition" and how they characterize anyone that is not supportive of their progressive agenda. That is simply how divided we have now become as a nation. Civil discourse becomes difficult at best and an exchange of differing ideas is nearly impossible.
You can not have a mad bull stay in the china shop forever,something or someone will have to take the bull out of the shop.
My idea from a few months ago that Trump will be taken out of the White House strapped to a stretcher, screaming his head off might come true after all.!
How many of your prophecy's been fulfilled to date?
Perhaps TP, who equates Trumpism with progressives, (civil discourse anyone?) can enlighten us on what is "suspect" about this from Krugman:
The story so far: A foreign dictator intervened on behalf of a U.S. presidential candidate — and that candidate won. Close associates of the new president were in contact with the dictator’s espionage officials during the campaign, and his national security adviser was forced out over improper calls to that country’s ambassador — but not until the press reported it; the president learned about his actions weeks earlier, but took no action.
Meanwhile, the president seems oddly solicitous of the dictator’s interests, and rumors swirl about his personal financial connections to the country in question. Is there anything to those rumors? Nobody knows, in part because the president refuses to release his tax returns.
Maybe there’s nothing wrong here, and it’s all perfectly innocent. But if it’s not innocent, it’s very bad indeed. So what do Republicans in Congress, who have the power to investigate the situation, believe should be done?
I came here from a link you left along with a lovely comment about the wonderful actress/dancer Vera-Ellen. I should never have clicked on it.
I could care less how you view our President. Quit whining and crying and SHOUTING about how much you hate him. Use your time to support a candidate to run against him in the next election if you're that upset.
This constant whining from the left just pushes voters more to the right (Republican territory). YOU are part of the problem. I and many others left the Democratic Party last year due to this crybaby shift to the far left. Support of Obamacare, open borders, unvetted immigration, no interest in jobs creation, lack of support for law enforcement and our military families, etc. made it clear that the Democrats held nothing but contempt for working Americans. THAT is why Hillary lost. Get over it already!
You're making it way too easy for President Trump to win in 2020!
Duped again?! The Repukelicans are disgraceful. and if their I.Q. were 10 points higher most of 'em would be plants.
Martha Clark, you are spot on, but I wish you hadn't told Tom what he and other unhinged liberals are bringing about.
The last time the Republicans had total control they drove the country into the ditch, what makes you think it will be any different this time. 10 million jobs lost, 10 million houses lost, a global kidnap and torture program, a near total banking collapse and the creation of a surveillance state. Not to mention endless useless wars.
Lets see what monumental screw ups they get us into this time. Liberals are well hinged in comparison.
There are maybe four hundred people ( true communists) on the actual "far left" and I don't see that they have had any influence at all. The lumping of Progressives into this category is a false equivalency.
. I cannot for the life of me see how so many people have amnesia when it comes to total economic collapse, during which McConnell et. Al would not even discuss a jobs bill. I am also mystified by people who feel oppressed by health insurance.
There was never a bill introduced to support military families that Democrats voted against, ever. Republicans also refused to discuss immigration reform as long as Obama was in office.
Oppressed by health insurance, if only that was our biggest problem. Really.
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