Mitch: The Plutocracy's Bitch

Weep no more, my lady
Oh, weep no more today
We will sing a song for my old Kentucky home
For my old Kentucky home far away....
-Stephen Foster
A question to ponder for the ages:
If a tree falls in the forest....
....does it make a sound if Mitch McConnell is not there to deny that a sound was made?
I wonder....

I have spent enough time in Kentucky to know that it is chock full of good, decent, and honorable citizens. Knowing this as I do, another perplexing question forces itself on my consciousness: Why would such wonderful and lovely people consistently send a flaming asshole like Mitch McConnell to represent them in Washington? It just doesn't make any sense!
It sure as hell hasn't been an easy week for poor old Mitch, that's for sure! Not only was he caught red-handed parroting Frank Luntz's talking point memos - almost word for word - he has now been exposed for all time and eternity for what he truly is, and what the history books a century in the future will remember him as being: a whore for the plutocracy. After the events that have transpired this week, if his constituency have not yet awaken to the fact that their senator is a corrupt political hack who is in the back pocket of a cabal of Wall Street bankers and financiers, then they are utterly beyond hope.
Earlier this week in New York, Mitch had a meeting with the pimps he struts his stuff for - the hierarchy of Wall Street and the banking industry. It was at this meeting that he developed a political strategy for defeating regulatory reform legislation that they could approve of. He knew he had one hell of a tightrope act to perform once he got back to Washington. On the one hand he had to do his pimp/master's bidding - and do it right - or the bitch'll get slapped silly (Don't you go pissin' off those johns, Mitch). On the other hand he had to make his constituents believe that he was some kind of prairie populist, man-of-the-people! It blew up in his face. He has now found himself walking in a politically untenable minefield. It sure as hell wasn't a good week to be Mitch McConnell. I almost feel sorry for the hideous little freak.
Mitch has been frantically trying to warn us that the proposed regulatory reform bill will harm the American people! He's telling us that it will virtually guarantee perpetual bank bailouts far into the future! That is a lie and he knows it. In fact the bill is a pathetically watered down piece of legislation that will attempt to end the plunder of America's economy that these bastards have been engaging in for three decades. You see, Mitch doesn't give a damn about his country; he doesn't give a hoot-in-hell about his constituents. All he cares about are the corporate pimps that he is beholden to. Mitch really puts out for these guys, doesn't he? He's their bitch. He's their ho.
The halls of history are littered with the biographies of corrupt politicians: New York mayor Jimmy Walker was as crooked as they come, and yet he had a soft spot for the downtrodden and showed it often. Huey P. Long was another rascal with a heart of gold in some instances at least. Although steeped in corruption, he really did great things for the underprivileged in Louisiana during the twenties and thirties. Legendary Boston Mayor James Michael Curley eventually went to prison, and yet his enduring legacy are not the deeds that sent him there - but the municipal hospitals he built to serve the poor people of that city.
Mitch McConnell is in a class all by himself. If he has any redeeming common denominators with the aforementioned scoundrels, they have yet to manifest themselves. In fact you really have to scrape the bottom of history's barrel in order to find someone as thoroughly corrupt and as mean spirited our boy Mitch (and if you give me a month or two I might be able to come up with a name). In this one respect the "distinguished" gentleman from Kentucky has distinguished himself very handily indeed. It makes you wonder what the hell the voters of that state were thinking when they sent him to Washington in the first place. The people he ran against in the primaries and general election must have been awful human beings - or were they? It sure makes me wonder.
In the last year or so I have made a concerted effort not to be as bombastic in my language as I was when I began this site almost four years ago. When it dawned on me that the children of many of my friends were reading out of curiosity, I felt that I had better start choosing my words a little more carefully. But it is difficult - no, it is impossible - to contain myself when describing a hideous little bastard like Mitch McConnell.
I have never been a violent guy. I've never committed an act of violence against another human being in my entire life - but I have this awful fantasy (and remember, it's only a fantasy) about encountering him in an alleyway on the side of one of Washington's meaner streets, beating the bleeding mortal shit out of him, and then stuffing him into a nearby garbage dumpster to recuperate. I know that it's wrong on my part to entertain such thoughts, and that the Prince of Peace admonishes us to be kind and gentle with one another - but I just can't help myself when it comes to this guy. Since George W. Bush and Dick Cheney rode off into America's permanent sunset last year, there is no one - and I mean NO ONE - in that town that I despise more than Mitch McConnell. If there is a more contemptible snake slithering through the halls of Congress, I'd sure as hell would like to know about it.
How he is able to sleep at night is anyone's guess. Maybe he doesn't. Maybe he has not had a sound night's sleep in decades; who knows? One would hope there is a sprinkling of remorse for his sins against humanity behind that stupid, clueless facade of his. Whenever I see him on television he usually looks a bit uneasy when he is forced to defend what is morally indefensible. In the final analysis it doesn't really matter what (if anything) is going on inside Mitch McConnell's small and incurious mind. What matter most are his deeds.
A final word to my cousins in old Kentucky: Your senator is not working in your best interests. In fact the historical record proves beyond doubt that he is trying to strangle you economically. I'm a New Yorker. I live eight-hundred and sixteen miles from where my grandparents are buried in Hodgenville. It's not my responsibility to start a movement to remove Mitch McConnell from office. It's yours.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

Here is a topic that has earned a moment of silence: It was on April 21, 1910 - one-hundred years ago today - that Samuel Langhorne Clemens (better known to you and me as "Mark Twain") died peacefully at his home in Redding, Connecticut.
For more recent postings on this disgusting, positively subversive blog, please check out the following link:
"The Rant" by Tom Degan
Shameful, left wing propaganda. THERE OUGHTTA BE A FREAKIN' LAW, I TELLS YA!
It amazes me that nothing embarrasses this asshole !! Maybe Kentucky should send a thoroughbred racehorse to Congress instead of what comes out of the horse's ass !!!!!!
"Mitch their Bitch", is not done surprising us yet, this evening he said they are reentering "negotiations" and are basically on board again.
Let me explain what is happening..."Mitch their Bitch" first sucked as hard as he was told, hence the denial of the bill last week, now they turned him around and stuck it in his rear and told him to change his song, which is what he is now doing.
I feel your pain. My state sent Jesse Helms to the senate over and over again; however, half the state sported bumper stickers declaring, "I didn't vote for Jesse Helms." Clearly he won as a result of a miracle, sort of an immaculate election.
Tom this guy has been number two on my list.
Can't wait to read The Rants on number one: John Boehner
Actually it was Huey P Long. Other notable La governors: his brother Earl (who during part of his tenure was in a mental institution), country singer Jimmie Davis (You Are My Sunshine), and Edwin Edwards (now in federal prison - "Vote for the Crook" (not his campaign's), a popular bumper sticker when he ran against former KKK wizard David Duke).
Hi Tom, you certainly are a gifted writer.
Thanks for the comment on my article @
I've bookmarked this page so I can keep up with your articles.
Richard Owl Mirror
Hey Tom,
Great fun as usual, thanks for that. Also thanks for mentioning the 100th year annivesary of the passing of Mr. Clemmons. I don't know if you've ever been given a copy of "Letters From The Earth" (they still don't publicize the existence of such a subversive and revolutionary book, but every red blooded American should read it.
GOP Filibuster Wall Street financial reform...
Tom, Brilliant as usual. I have a friend who is a news reporter in Louisville and he says that McConnell is a nasty, vicious, mean spirited asshole. I get great delight in writing Mitch via his website and while I know that he doesn't personally read that stuff, at least someone on his staff has to check out my vitriol and sarcasm.
Like Yellowstone I am also looking for your take on Bonehead.... and I write to the orange man also.
Thanks, Charles.
Regarding Bonehead, here is a link to something I wrote about him a few months ago:
maybe if we get rid of some of the blatant a-holes the other politicians wont look so good and it would clean up the place a little.
You have to wipe the puke of the mirror before you can polish it.
I don't want to say that McConnell and his ilk are puke, I don't hate half eaten food that has been ejected from the stomach that much.
Funny stuff Tom!
I doubt that Mitch McConnell looks in the mirror. If he did, his self esteem would hit rock bottom. He not only looks stupid, he is stupid.
So what does it say that the rest of the Repubs in Congress follow his lead? Mr. party of NO is taking his party right down the proverbial garden path; I hope that it leads to oblivion.
Just want to finally leave a comment on your blog. I have been reading for a while and just love it. I am writing about politics on my blog tomorrow and am linking to your blog. I'd love it if you'd stop by tomorrow for a read (I don't normally write about politics, but had to vent).
Anyway, thanks for putting your thoughts out here!
I don't know, I think Boehner gives him a run for his money. They are both purposefully and willfully distributing lies and attempting to mislead the American people. They disgust me.
It's all in the chin, Tom. M&M's chin is a window into his soul.
And for details on the plutocrats themselves and how the bastards did it, check out "13 Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover and the Next Financial Meltdown" by Simon Johnson and James Kwak.
(better known to you and I as "Mark Twain")
actually, "better known to you and me"..object of the preposition don'tcha know...:-)
"better known to you and me".
Got'cha! I appreciate any proofreading I can get. Funny - I was unsure which way to phrase it. Remember you're talking to a guy with a tenth grade education!
Correction made. Much obliged!
All the best,
Tom Degan
Here's a thought that occurred to me late last night (Vodka and vegetable juice are just a wonderful inspiration):
Racial profiling does not work and I can prove it to you:
Just consider the following scenario:
You're sitting on a park bench at dusk in New York City's Central Park. On the bench to your left are five African American teenagers. On the bench to your right are five white, middle-aged, overweight and balding Wall Street bankers. Statistics conclusively prove - beyond any doubt - that one group is more likely to rob you of everything you own.
Which group might that be?
'Nuff said?
It is not so amazing that Mitch is an idiot. Washington has nothing but. You cannot listen to Boehner or Pelosi or Reid and come away with any other conclusion. The truly amazing thing is that the idiots in both parties were able to co-opt so many in America to fight their battles. The real fight is not between GOP and Dems or Cons and libs. It is between the public and the government. The goal of politicians is to turn brother against brother in order to hide what they are doing to all of us. They care only for their own wealth and power and they have to depend on the public for one thing only. They need you to continue to believe that sending them back to DC is in your interest. How else do you explain so many of our nations wealthy wanting to land jobs paying so comparatively little? Look at Chuck Schumer. A Harvard Law grad, passed the NY state bar yet has not worked a single day as a lawyer. Clearly a smart man he knew the real power rested in politics. What would make you think he is there for you? DC is chock full of Chucks.
They are both purposefully and willfully distributing lies and attempting to mislead the American people.
To quote George Constanza of Seinfeld fame: "Jerry, just remember, it's not a lie if you believe it."
I know the feeling of "Why do they (the voters) put up with some of these elected officials?" I lived in the district which kept electing Rep. Henry Hyde. He spoke the "words" but it was the meaning of those words that were so different. The same old "double speak".
I was also involved in the local "village" government, which was all Republican. A lot of our aims were similar. But I couldn't swallow all the "double speak". And the voters never knew there was a difference.
And, of course, this district was next to The Speaker of the House Rep. Dennis Hastert. It was not fun for me living in this area, having to listen to this constant "double speak".
You've hook me on your blog.
I know the feeling of "Why do they (the voters) put up with some of these elected officials?" I lived in the district which kept electing Rep. Henry Hyde. He spoke the "words" but it was the meaning of those words that were so different. The same old "double speak".
I was also involved in the local "village" government, which was all Republican. A lot of our aims were similar. But I couldn't swallow all the "double speak". And the voters never knew there was a difference.
And, of course, this district was next to The Speaker of the House Rep. Dennis Hastert. It was not fun for me living in this area, having to listen to this constant "double speak".
You've hook me on your blog.
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PCS said: To quote George Constanza of Seinfeld fame: "Jerry, just remember, it's not a lie if you believe it."
I have one from Christopher Titus that I like: "A lie is a lie... unless your friends and family are in on it. Then it's a "commonly held belief’."
I always enjoy reading you Tom.
You're never lose your sense of humor and you are never patronizing...but though I know it rhymes with Mitch. I have to say I find it a bit offensive. Many of my sisters take pride or enjoy being one from time to time.
And besides who would want to associated with such a creep..even in rhyme.
The people get the government they deserve.
"Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under."
H. L. Mencken
I think Mitch is kind of overdoing the part where he makes the rest of us ashamed, though.
I feel sorry for all Kentuckians - they aren't the only oens getting screwed here though - now that Mitch is in such a powerful position in the house. I also noted that one of your readers suggested you read "Letters from the Earth" by Mark Twain - I have a copy (no it's not for sale) but I do have a link here that has the full version - and if you want a good laugh by one of the best satirist of the ages you should give it a read:
This is the first time I have read you Tom. Yes, I like it! My only problem is you almost make it sound as if Mitchy-poo is an isolated asshole there in congress. He has plenty of help in his mission of selling his overlord
's agenda to a trusting populace. I would like to beat the living shit out of a LOT of them!
Thank you so much for tuning in, Piano Professor! Do drop in again! Here is a link to read some more recent postings:
Degan's hideously nasty, commie blog
Thanks again!
Hi Tom,
I haven't commented on your blog since before the election. As it turns out, seems as if the likes of Mich McConnell and his message of hate did not get past the American people, rather some of us started paying closer attention. Good ol' Mich and a handful of others, John Sununu comes to mind, lost this election because of their behavior and being arrogant enough to think the American people would buy into what they were trying to sell. After all was said and done, some of us took our anger to the polls. I was one of those people, and if they hadn't been so loud and clear about thier message while at the same time in plain view obstructing, taking hostages, and highjacking governance, resulting in total gridlock in Washington, maybe we some of us wouldn't have noticed. I thought they colored waaaaay outside the lines as they attempted to de-legitimatize, malign, vilify, and disply total disrespect a sitting President of the United States of America without a second thought. All they did was prove that the "Good ol' Boys" and thier politics of race-baiting is still alive and well in our country. They are members of a hopefully shrinking group of politicians who think these tactics can still get them what they want. I sincerely hope that they get the message that the reelection of our president carries forward. I hope they understand that voicing and promoting racism, ignorance, and hate will only work against them. I'm so proud of the many Americans who stood in the long long lines in some of the swing states to vote. Those people sent a real loud message. They stubbornly stood in those lines demanding their right to cast their ballots. I think the republican governors across the country who thought they could suppress the vote understand that we will meet the challenges and be prepared for the next run with IDs in hand. I think the GOP has some hard choices to make. They've seen, at least in this particular election, that they couldn't "buy" the highest office in the land for a fool like Mitt Romney who they unsuccessfully tried to present as "the guy who would fix the economy." That, as most of us know, was a joke to begin with, as he is the undisputed king of outsourcing. Like Mitt Romney, most of them are continuing to insert foot-in-mouth in terms of what they believe, which works for those of us who believe in fairness, opportunity, and a more level playing ground for everybody. They are going to have to change and hopefully stop pulling the strings of the blindly religious and monied folks in this country. I don't see that happening any time soon. They just "didn't get" that the White House is not solely reserved for rich white men and won't be for elections to come. They refuse to accept the realism of demographic change and what they need to do to is attempt to regain any shred of credibiity, which as I post this comment, is pulling them down the powerful drain of obscurity. It took me an entire day to just settle in with the relief that President Obama will be at the helm for another four years to hopefully finish what he started. I'm relieved to know that the Affordable Care Act will be fully implemented with no disruption, and that hopefully Paul Ryan's ridiculously extreme "Personhood Amnendment" will stay somewhere asleep in a corner for now. We did manage to get some of the clowns out of the clown car, with the rejection of Alan West, Joe Walsh, Todd Akin, and Richard Mourdock. Too bad Michelle Bachman wasn't in the car...
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