Lethal Nation

From yesterday's cover story in the Middletown, New York Times Herald-Record:
Reported by John Sullivan:
Well now! Isn't it heartening to know that in these hideously desperate economic times, there is still an industry that is recession proof? Thank heavens for these little blessings!
QUESTION: Have you ever had a loved one shot and killed in an act of mindless gun violence?
ANSWER: If you haven't, you will. Count on it. Your elected representatives will see to that.
As Americans arm themselves to the teeth, the law of averages will eventually forbid such an unspeakable tragedy from not touching the lives of almost everyone. It has already happened to my family - twice. Two female cousins of mine - who never even had the joy of meeting one another - (one on my mother's side, the other on my father's) both died as the result of being murdered by men who were stalking them. Don't for a moment reflect on the passive tranquility of your lives and delude yourself into thinking, "It can't happen here". It can. It will. Whether child, parent, sibling, cousin or friend; gun violence will touch your seemingly untouchable lives eventually. Count on it.
I was never a great admirer of the governing style of Bill Clinton. As I mentioned in last week's posting,"....no Democrat since Johnson (Andrew, not Lyndon) was a more bitter disappointment than William Jefferson Clinton." But while Bubbah did get a lot wrong, we must be fair to the poor old bugger by conceding that he did get a lot right. One of the areas in which he was very, VERY right was when his administration initiated a ban on assault rifles. It was George W. Bush who stupidly allowed that ban to expire. You're not surprised. I didn't think you would be.
I don't know the name of the person who designed the first rapid-fire weapon, but whatever his name was (and he had to be a man - women just aren't that cruel) he only had one purpose in mind: to kill as many human beings as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The corrupt Republican (and more than a few Democratic) politicians who are bought and paid for by the National Rifle Association have the blood of innocents on their greedy little hands. The people who manufacture these weapons are making a killing - figuratively and literally. And nowhere has the pungent aroma of their profit been more apparent in recent years than on the southern side of the Mexican/American border. Ninety percent of the guns that are being used in the atrocities committed daily are being purchased - legally - on the northern side of the border.
And now the violence between Mexico's drug cartels is spilling over into the good ol' U.S. of A. Regular Americans are becoming the hapless victims of this mindless narco-insanity. And why not? It is America's mind-fuckingly stupid gun laws that are pouring fuel in the inferno. Maybe that's poetic justice - who knows? But it is nonetheless exasperating in the heat of what can only be described as an international crisis, to hear these foolish American extremists declare that Mexico's problem should not interfere with our Second Amendment rights. Right.
"We got guns. They got guns. All God's chil'en got guns."
The Marx Brothers
From the 1932 film Duck Soup
From a Pulitzer Prize-deserving article by Guy Lawson in the March 19 issue of Rolling Stone:
"'Mexico is on the edge of the abyss' retired U.S. general and former drug czar Barry McCaffery wrote in a strategic assessment at the end of last year. Michael Hayden, the outgoing head of the CIA, said in January that the threat of a narco state in Mexico is one of the gravest dangers to American security, on a par with a nuclear-armed Iran. A recent report by the U.S. Joint Forces Command likens instability in Mexico to the risk of a failed state in Pakistan, warning that a 'rapid and sudden collapse' could occur in the coming years. 'Any descent by Mexico into chaos,' the report concludes, 'would demand an American response based on the serious implications for homeland security alone'"
In other words: probable war with Mexico in the next decade. Aren'cha excited? I know I sure am! The last Mexican/American war was waged by President Polk one-hundred and sixty years ago. We're overdue.
Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country. Start growing your own. That would be one of the most patriotic things a habitual smoker of marijuana could do at this moment. I'm not trying to be funny here. I am dead serious.
The so-called "War on Drugs", which this country has been mindlessly waging for almost four decades, has been a spectacular failure. The legalization of marijuana - at the very least - is long overdue. Such a legislative move would solve a lot (although certainly not all) of our problems along the border. Compared to alcohol and nicotine it is relatively harmless. Is it a "gateway drug"? In some cases it can be. So is Ballantine Ale. So is Brotherhood Wine. Grow up.
As long as most of the victims of the unspeakable violence are brown-skinned Mexicans, count on American politicians (President Obama included, I'm sorry to say) to do absolutely nothing. What has to happen is for a whole lot of white Americans children to be slaughtered in the crossfire. That'll wake the silly bastards up really quick, don'cha think?
Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Sure.
In the meantime the bodies are just going to continue to pile up everywhere. Not just along the border and in the blood-stained streets of American cities, but in the Our Towns of Thorton Wilder's Middle America. Let's not kid ourselves, boys and girls; Columbine and Virginia Tech were merely nasty little sneaks preview of the social holocaust that's right around the corner. Do you think I'm kidding? The sad fact is that America is armed and dangerous. The next decade will see the trillion dollar shithammer hitting the fan and it ain't gonna be pretty.
I used to envy children. Not anymore. Not anymore.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Bowling For Columbine
A film by Michael Moore
AFTERTHOUGHT, April 3, 2009, 4:47 PM:
This morning a lone gunman shot and killed at least thirteen people in Binghampton, NY. Not that I need to rub this in, but we had all better get used to this sort of thing. How timely.
AFTERTHOUGHT, April 4, 2009. 12:01 PM:
Three police officers have just been shot and killed in Pittsburgh, PA. No comment.
AFTERTHOUGHT, April 6, 2009, 10:14 AM:
It was just announced on MSNBC three minutes ago that a man in the state of Washington named James Harrison shot and killed his five children before killing himself. Nice.
AFTERTHOUGHT, July 20, 2012, 12:20 AM:
Three years later and the hits just keep on coming, folks! Some demented freak named James Holmes opens fire on a midnight showing of a new movie. Twelve innocent young people are killed. Bless the NRA.
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"The Rant" by Tom Degan
Vicious, commie propaganda