America's Clown Princes

What constitutional genius came up with the novel idea that the VEEP is a legislator? Is it because of the fact that he is the President of the Senate? The reason he is there (if he's there at all) is to break a fifty/fifty vote. That's his only job. Nowhere in the Constitution is the vice-president defined as a legislator and for very good reason: the vice-president doesn't make laws. Other than the role of tie-breaker his only other constitutional function is to succeed the president should the unthinkable happen. (Unthinkable, indeed. We should all pray for the health and safety of George W. Bush for three reasons: (1.) The dreaded prospect of a President Cheney, (2.) The LAST thing in the world the half-witted right wing of this country needs is a martyr to rally around, and (3.) He is, after all, a human being - I think).
In an opinion piece published late last year in the New York Times, Paul Krugman warned us all to expect "a rolling constitutional crisis" in 2007. Is Krugman a political prophet? Maybe but certainly not in this case. Predicting a constitutional crisis engineered by the hideous little thug currently living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is pretty much a no-brainer. I prophesied as much in December of 2000 - a full month before the village idiot of Crawford, Texas even took the oath of office. (Thankfully, I made that prediction on the Kirk Grantham radio program and a tape of it survives). Indeed, anyone with a modicum of information as to the history of this mediocre and unenlightened man should have seen it coming. Predicting the destruction that Bush and Company would rain down on this once-great country was as easy to foresee as the inevitable explosion after a lit cigarette is thrown into a 55 gallon drum of gasoline. It was the easiest call I ever made - the ultimate Duh!
One of the arguments against the possibility of impeaching both Bush and Cheney has been that "the votes aren't there". As the Monkees once observed, "That was then. This is now". By the end of this summer, I believe, the overwhelming majority of the American people will finally wake up to this nasty and unpleasant fact: sending these people to the White House was the worst electoral mistake the voters of this country ever made. Come mid September, they'll be demanding that this cabal of kooks, criminals and fools be forcibly removed from office and prosecuted for their crimes against humanity. If they are allowed to get away with what they've done to the people, America will never recover from it. If they are allowed to get away with the crimes committed against the men, women and little children of Iraq, our standing within the international community of nations will be damaged irreparably.
Think of all the good will that was sent to this nation following the attacks of September 11, 2001! The following day, a French newspaper ran a headline which proclaimed, "We Are All Americans Now". We were cosseted into the affections of the entire planet - and these stupid bastards squandered it forever.
Why is it that so many people are resigned to the status quo? "There's nothing I can do", they seem to be saying, "We just have to learn to live with it". Anyone who tries to make the argument that "only a criminal can be impeached, not an incompetent" hasn't been paying attention. This is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the most criminal administration in the history of human folly! Folks, the evidence is staring you right in the face - and remedy is right there in black and white! From Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States of America:
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason [Lying to Congress and the American people in order to send the Military off on an illegal, unjustifiable war], Bribery [Hundreds of billions of dollars of 'no bid' contracts going exclusively to campaign supporters], or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors [Far too many to adequately catalogue]".
Could it possibly get any clearer that that?
The argument that the Bush administration has only a year and a half left till its term comes to end and we should merely wait them out is foolish at best. Much damage can be done between June 29, 2007 and January 20, 2009. Every day, the destruction to the American infrastructure is compounded astronomically. As it stands today, it will take generations to recover from this one insane era. We've got to admit that the government of the good ol' USA has been hijacked by what can only be described as an organized criminal enterprise. The damage that they've already done to the United States is so immense it will never be accurately assessed - it is beyond the point of calculation. The administration of George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney has got to be ended - NOW. The future of your children depends on nothing less. Think I'm kidding?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY.
The Impeachemnt of George W. Bush
by Elizabeth Holtzman
with Cynthia L. Cooper