What's One More Dead Body?

Saddam Hussein was executed last night. Isn't that wonderful? Now we can all live happily ever after because the Butcher of Baghdad has been sent packin' off to eternity. Everything is going to be fine, just fine and dandy, my dears! The Iraqi people will Come Together (RIGHT NOW, OVER ME!) and learn how to love each other the way they're supposed to. And the world will be a better place for you and me - just you wait and see! There will be laughter in the streets and music in the air. The wine will be flowing, the birdies will be singing and the children will be dancing. Can I get a witness??!! Oh, glorious, wondrous day! I am so happy I could fucking vomit.
Do you feel any safer? Ah! I thought not.
Within hours of the announcement of Saddam's hanging, there was a triple car bombing in Baghdad that killed over thirty people. What??? Well, what the hey! That's not the way the scenario is supposed to play out, is it? Is it??? Oops! Well I guess it's still going to be business as usual, ay, folks? The fact is this: his dead body is just one more of over half a million. If the geniuses in the Bush White House are under any illusion that the killing of Saddam Hussein is going to change things, they will soon be brought back down to earth - very soon. His death is as much of a turning point as his capture was a turning point - or as the killing of his sons was a turning point - just as those sham elections were a turning point. Truth be told: all the Iraqi people did that day was give America the purple finger.
In a statement issued from his ranch in Crawford, Texas this morning, George W. Bush has described this day as "a major milestone" in Iraqi history. If you consider the possibility of the Sunni population exploding in violence and retribution as a major milestone (which is likely to happen) then, well yes, I suppose it is a milestone of sorts. But if you're expecting things in that troubled part of the world to finally calm down, you're dreaming. What I'm trying to say is, Saddam's death changes nothing. In fact, it's going to make matters worse - much worse.
December has turned out to be the deadilest month for US servicemen and women in all of 2006. It's a fairly good bet that by New Years Day, the American death toll will be at or over the three-thousand mark (just as I predicted on this site back on November 26th - Good call, Degan! ). And now the First Fool wants to send even more troops into this holocaust! Question: has this asshole ever learned a damned thing about the history of the nation he professes to govern? My guess is that he's not even aware of the past - which brings to mind the old adage about people ignorant of their own history being doomed to repeat it. In 1968 when Lyndon Johnson increased troop levels in Viet Nam in the wake of the Tet Offensive, the only result was more violence and more killing. No good came from it - none. LBJ needed to justify the deaths of all of the kids killed under his watch by sending in even more kids to be slaughtered. It didn't make a bit of sense then and - since we have a precedent firmly established - it makes even less sense now.
2007 will be the year we come face to face with some very sick and nasty realities: Invading Iraq was the stupidest foreign policy blunder in American history. Poll after poll after embarrassing poll has shown that the majority of the Iraqi people actually feel a sense of nostalgia for the regime of Saddam Hussein. Can you believe that?? No question about it; he was a bad guy - one of the worst - but at least the country enjoyed some level of stability under his rule; at least the average Iraqi could get through the day without the fear of being shot in the street like a dog or blown into a million pieces by a well placed, unsuspected car bomb; at least the people didn't live in constant fear and paranoia. All of that is gone - forever.
Ah! Saddam Hussein! Those were the days, my friend! Yeah, he was one evil son-of-a-bitch - no argument in from me there - but, c'mon! In hindsight he wasn't that bad, was he? I mean, compared with what they've got now? Are you kidding me?? I imagine that, in contrast to the apocalypse that the Bush Mob has engendered, living under Saddam must have been an absolute joy! Remember his eldest son, Uday? Well, umm, sure, the kid had a bit of a mean streak - no doubt about it; sure, he was a blood-thirsty, half-witted little sociopath but - Ha! Ha! Ha! - you know what they say, don'cha? "Boys will be boys"!
Saddam Hussein and his sons would have eventually fallen of their own weight. It might have taken five or ten or maybe even fifteen years - but it would have happened sooner or later. It would have been a logical turn of events in Iraq's history that would have occurred naturally. To even entertain the notion that the citizens of an Arab country would just sit back and let an American-installed puppet government take over their affairs is sheer insanity at best - or abject stupidity - your call.
Once again, the Bush administration has failed to think long term. Killing Saddam is just going to open up another rat's nest of violent discontent. Had it been up to me, the hideous bastard would have been handed over to the Hague to spend the rest of his miserable life in solitary confinement - in a six by seven foot cell - to ponder the atrocities he committed against humanity - the same fate that I expect someday for George W. Bush and Dick Cheney - but that wasn't meant to be, I suppose. The only thing that the killing of Saddam Hussein has accomplished is this: Tonight one more lifeless body lies in Iraq.
Happy New Year, everybody.
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY