
Friday, June 09, 2023

The unmaking of the Former President 2023

I had just started putting together a piece about the candidacy of Chris Christie when the flash came over the wire that Donald Trump had been indicted. Aren't these interesting times to be alive? 

Someone once asked me if I thought that the former president would ever go to jail. Here was my answer:

No. Jail is where you go when you have had one-too-many on a Saturday night and you back your vehicle into the plate glass window of the local pharmacy. Donald Trump needs to go to a high security federal prison for a very long time. There is no doubt in my mind that June 9, 2023 is - by far - the worst day of this person's miserable life.

We don't know yet what the indictments read, but there are seven felonies being charged against the president, one involving the Espionage Act. When these charges are finally read out loud there will be a 10 megaton political explosion that will be heard in every corner of the earth. What is about to happen will make the Nixon and Bush Mobs combined look like a bunch of choir boys out for a Sunday picnic at Regents Park. The proverbial substance is about to hit the fan, folks, and there is no way to avoid this nasty fact. And the most amazing thing to me is the fact that this sociopath and imbecile is the frontrunner to receive the Republican presidential nomination next year. Ain't that a hoot and a half?

Is Trump the only member of his inner circle who is being indicted? What people paying attention want to know is: what the hell did Jared Kushner do to receive two billion dollars from the Saudi Arabian investment fund? It must have been an eye-opening quid pro quo that made the Saudis want to gift such a generous sum to the golden boy of American capitalism. My hypotheses is that Trump's is merely the first of several indictments to come. I'm giddy with anticipation.

Like the initial revelations of the sins of the Nixon White House fifty years ago this summer, what is about to be revealed regarding the crimes of Donald Trump and company will be breathtaking - much like the unraveling of Watergate was in 1973. What will be revealed in the coming weeks will stun the senses of the American people in a way they've never been stunned before. Hang onto your hats, kiddies!

Tom Degan
Goshen, NY


Former John McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt has an excellent YouTube channel called The Warning. This morning he taped a dire warning about what a possible second Trump presidency would mean to the people of the United States:

We ignore his words to our own detriment.


Here is the first paragraph of the Chris Christie piece that I abandoned for this one:

"Chris Christie has announced his candidacy for the presidency. This is good news. While I would never vote for him, I wouldn’t lose a lot of sleep knowing that he was living in the same house once occupied by Franklin Delano Roosevelt."

AFTERTHOUGHT, 6/10/23, 9:47 PM:

DISCLAIMER: I am philosophically opposed to the death penalty.
Seventy years ago this month, on June 19, 1953,, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for espionage. The prosecutor who sent them to their deaths was a notorious homophobe (not to mention closeted homosexual - and future mentor of Donald J. Trump) named Roy Cohn. I’m just sayin’.

American hIstory is literally drenched with juicy little ironies such as these. Have you ever noticed that?

Today would be a good day to quit drinking.


  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    The Biden Department of Justice has indict a former president and President Biden’s chief rival in the upcoming presidential election. This despite the Biden DOJ declining to indict former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her mishandling of classified information and failing to indict President Biden for his mishandling of classified information.

    Two justice systems in the good ole USA.

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Ben Shapiro weighed in on Trump’s indictment today, pointing out how ridiculous and irresponsible Trump’s actions were via the indictment, if proven.

    However, he doesn’t stop there.

    Trump's alleged behavior, if proved as the indictment claims, is NUTS. Irresponsible, mind-boggling, ridiculous. Also, by the Comey logic clearing Hillary, prosecuting Trump is an absurd double standard — and prosecuting the president's chief rival is utterly destructive.

    — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 9, 2023

  3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    "I am philosophically opposed to the death penalty", except when it comes to abortion. Then the ending of human life is ok.

  4. Milestogo5:19 PM

    Please, try to stick with reality here. Very serious stuff going on. More coming down the pike as well. Too bad the reading material has been taken out of the Mar-a-Lago bathroom. I have a feeling a lot of time is being spent there these days. And Tom, if you're serious about quitting drinking, I'll pick up the slack. Been feeling quite celebratory.

  5. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Biden’s Energy Secretary Admitted She Lied Under Oath. Where’s the Accountability?

    My bad, I forgot only Republicans are held accountable.

  6. Milestogo2:50 PM

    Can ANY lawyer help out in Florida tomorrow. An indictment is waiting. A real one.

  7. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Alan Dershowitz, author of the book “Get Trump,” said that one of the problems for the former president is that he is having difficulty assembling a legal team, because an extremist organization called Project 65 has threatened to file Bar charges against anyone who dares to represent Trump.

    Dershowitz denounced these actions as a McCarthy-like concerted effort to stop anyone from defending Trump.

  8. Milestogo6:44 PM

    Making up or repeating stupid stuff, doesn't make it true. No matter how many times it's repeated.

  9. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Making up or repeating stupid stuff, doesn't make it true. No matter how many times it's repeated. See Adam Schiff

  10. Milestogo1:24 PM

    I've seen and heard Adam Schiff. I can fully understand why you may not like him. But keep up the nonsense. It just confirms my point. Oh, and Happy Indictment Day! Cheers!

  11. T**** is all DARVO -

    "DARVO (an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender") is a reaction that perpetrators of wrongdoing, such as sexual offenders may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior.[1] Some researchers indicate that it is a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers.

    As the acronym suggests, the common steps involved are:

    The abuser denies the abuse ever took place
    When confronted with evidence, the abuser then attacks the person that was abused (and/or the person's family and/or friends) for attempting to hold the abuser accountable for their actions, and finally
    The abuser claims that they are actually the victim in the situation, thus reversing the positions of victim and offender. It often involves not just playing the victim but also victim blaming."

    From Wikipedia

    The downbeat will go on even if he is convicted and incarcerated.

    Good reflections, Tom. Let's hope some of the other players go down for a long stretch too.

  12. Anonymous6:46 PM

    And Adam Schiff never lied to you about Russian involvement in 2016 election? Believing Schiff is nonsense. And plain stupid. And yet lefties continue to drink the Kool Aid.
    Bottoms up!!!

  13. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Multiple Target stores across the U.S. received bomb threats over the weekend for allegedly “betraying the LGBTQ+ community” by tamping down on some of the Pride Month products sold in its stores due to massive backlash the company has faced.

    The FBI is now investigating the bomb threats that have been made in stores located in Oklahoma, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Louisiana, Ohio, Utah, and Pennsylvania.

    USA Today reported that stores in Ohio, Utah, and Pennsylvania received a threat that stated: “Target is full of cowards who turned their back on the LGBT community and decided to cater to the homophobic right wing redneck bigots who protested and vandalized their store.”

    Tell me again how the Left LBGT,etc is peaceful.

  14. Milestogo7:34 PM

    Anon...Nope, not drinking the cool aid, and you may be swilling that Russian cider. I actually read the impeachment transcripts and also know how Bill Barr diverted from the reality of it. The Republicans let trump off the hook. Twice. You know, reality and facts. You assume people are "lefties" who are cool aid drinkers when you don't have to be a "leftie" to believe in facts and reality. Since you're cool with labels, only cult members believe fact free only what they are told and want to believe. Again, Happy Indictment Day. More to follow.

  15. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Milestogo, your hate is showing.

  16. Milestogo9:05 AM

    Anon…No, I believe in equal Justice under the law. Nobody is above the law. No problem with that, right? What I do hate is the disgrace and harm trump has brought on our country.

  17. Anonymous12:05 PM

    No, I believe in equal Justice under the law. Trump Indicted for Keeping Classified Documents at Mar-a-Lago Instead of Somewhere Secure Like the Trunk of a Corvette.


  18. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I believe in equal Justice under the law, including Hillary Clinton?

    I hate Biden's open border policy and the negative impact and harm it has brought to our county.

    Don't you?

  19. Milestogo12:35 PM

    Anon…I said equal. Reality, not bs. You act like you don’t know the difference. Willfully ignorant or actually ignorant? Whataboutism is trash. For a troll, you’re pretty lightweight.

  20. “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

    ― John Adams, The Portable John Adams

    Anon believes Hillary was guilty and should have been indicted. However much Anon still wants Hillary prosecuted and to relitigate her emails , the DOJ investigation prior to the 2016 election was concluded as follows:

    "The controversy was a major point of discussion and contention during the 2016 presidential election, in which Clinton was the Democratic nominee. In May, the State Department's Office of the Inspector General released a report about the State Department's email practices, including Clinton's. In July, FBI director James Comey announced that the FBI investigation had concluded that Clinton had been "extremely careless" but recommended that no charges be filed because Clinton did not act with criminal intent, the historical standard for pursuing prosecution."

    From Wikipedia

    T**** allegedly acted with criminal intent per the recent DOJ indictment. T**** has repeatedly confirmed that with his own words and actions.

    Pesky facts contradict Anon's claims.

  21. Milestogo2:51 PM

    JustMusing…Yes, thanks. Anon just wishes to spread garbage. The daily grind of the troll.

  22. Milestogo...It's a long haul to the 2024 elections, so expect the garbage to be piled higher and deeper until T**** is a speck in our rearview mirror and then a mote in the eye of history.

    As with all of Anon's shovelings, it will be rebutted, refuted, and Democracy restored for everyone and for the greater good.

    Hang in there; it's going to be a bumpy ride!

  23. Milestogo8:20 PM

    JustMusing...I'll hang in, thanks. You do the same. It will be bumpy for sure. Things will be better once the craziness trump has unleashed gets dialed back. Hopefully his fans will realize he's not there for them in any way, shape or form. It's all about him. Always and forever. Expects total loyalty, and gives none. The tuff guy they envision is a thin skinned whiney brat. He's never in his life not been a grifting con man. That's his core. It goes down hill from there. There are a few trump want to be's and appeasers looking to run now. None appealing in their own right. Expect lots of garbage talk, projection and voting shenanigans from the right. Surely can't win on their ideas.

  24. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Liberals, still defending HRC.

  25. Anonymous12:23 PM

    The Bidens ‘Coerced’ Burisma To Pay $10 Million In Bribes, Says Credible FBI Source

  26. Milestogo12:28 PM

    Anon…Defending? Was she found criminally guilty of something after all the investigations and testifying? Once again, reality please. You can’t help but continue the deflection. I have to ask. Are you Marjory Taylor Green? You sure sound like her.

  27. Milestogo12:33 PM

    Anon…Credible FBI sources? Where do you hear this stuff. Keep deflecting. That’s all you have.

  28. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Jake Tapper Reports the Discredited Pee Pee Dossier Was Authentic...

  29. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Joe Goes Off Script, Announces New Railroad 'All the Way Across the Indian Ocean'

  30. MediaBiasFactCheck: Rumble

    Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Poor Sourcing, False Information, Lack of Transparency
    Bias Rating: FAR-RIGHT
    Factual Reporting: LOW
    Country: Canada
    MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: EXCELLENT
    Media Type: Website/Video
    Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
    MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

    Anon uses discredited sources.

  31. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I hate Biden's open border policy and the negative impact and harm it has brought to our county.

    Don't you?

  32. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Look at the video Baby Brains

    What are JustMusing sources?


  33. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Will the Biden Administration Also Indict Ron DeSantis?

    Sure they will, as they will with anyone who opposes Joe.

  34. Anonymous2:11 PM

    UH OH: Joe Biden’s financial filings reveal missing $5 million dollars!

  35. Anonymous2:30 PM

    JustMusing, Milestogo, how do you like living in a Sanctuary City?

  36. Milestogo2:41 PM

    Anon…That’s a whole bunch of silly. Anything real or credible? I think I called it right about you being Margie. Defiantly Marge like.

  37. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Milestogo, how do you like living in a Sanctuary City?

    Simple question, why do you deflect?

  38. Milestogo6:12 PM

    Anon...Deflect? Too funny coming from a super deflector. You're just a one trick pony. Weak tea Marge.

  39. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Milestogo, how do you like living in a Sanctuary City? Are you afraid to answer a simple question, why do you deflect?

  40. Milestogo7:10 PM

    Anon...Your head is a sanctuary city?

  41. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Milestogo, you bore me. As we see now, answering questions can be hard.

  42. Milestogo10:34 PM

    Anon...Sorry I bore you. You're silly and a very weak troll. You're hero's a zero and your sources are garbage. Other than that, you're just dull. Go back to Ben Shapiro and see what he wants you to think. The more your digits click away, the more convinced I am that you really are Margie Taylor Green. G'night Margie. Sweet dreams.

  43. Anon Begs the Question again. Always Assumptive. Sad trolling.

    Relies on discredited sources, lies, disingenuous comments, "facts" not in evidence (KellyAnneConway alternatives), and, talk about projection; straight out of the QANON cesspool.

    The concept of sanctuary cities goes back to the Bible.

    Anon, Are you refuting the Bible? Blasphemy!

  44. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Speaking of "sad trolling", quess who just showed up? It's

    I hope he can give me the facts surrounding Biden's boarder policy. Maybe he can tell us why it is so great to live in a Sanctuary City.

    I doubt he will as he prefers attacking sources he knows nothing about and make accusations he can not support.

    JustMusing, how do you like living in a Sanctuary City?

  45. Milestogo5:23 PM

    JustMusing...Anons head is a sanctuary city.It's where we live. Plenty of room for others in the emptiness.

  46. Milestogo5:52 PM

    Anon...I'm guessing you don't know how to google. Easy enough to find the White House policy on immigration. It seems you're not happy with people seeking sanctuary. Just for recent seekers or historically? Most likely you're not a Christian or follower of a religion of any type or just not a fan of humanity. Could be one of those seemingly newer christians who have abandoned the teaching of their christ to worship the golden calf.

  47. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I guess liberals don't know how to answer a simple question but instead they deflect...JustMusing, How do you like living in a Sanctuary City?

  48. Milestogo6:26 PM

    Anon demands answers!!! Probably has a very witty little something he wants to say in response. He's dying to use his line. At least I'm sure he's not Margi Taylor Green now.She's much brighter.

  49. Anon forgets or chooses to willfully ignore that America is a sanctuary country:

    The New Colossus

    Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
    Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
    “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
    With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    I love my country and it's tremendous diversity; it's our greatest strength.

  50. Milestogo9:22 PM


  51. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Lies and more lies to cover up their support of Joe Biden and his open border policy.

    I guess liberals don't know how to answer a simple question but instead they deflect...JustMusing, How do you like living in a Sanctuary City?

  52. Milestogo1:34 AM

    Anon says “ answer me! “ He wants answers. He can’t even read a couple of posts up. He obviously has a statement he wants to make about poor souls seeking sanctuary but not getting his chance. Not brave enough to just come out and say it. Silly little troll.

  53. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Milestogo is afraid to answer question. Pretty good at deflecting though.

  54. Milestogo10:32 AM

    I don’t think Anon cares for asylum seeking immigrants. Not much humanity there. I wonder if he even ever wondered why the poor asylum seekers are coming here. He also seems to believe in “open borders.” He must be getting bad information from somewhere.

  55. "There's nothing you can't prove if your outlook is only sufficiently limited".

    Dorothy L. Sayers

    Anon is a one-trick pony and nothing is more boring.

  56. Anonymous7:57 PM

    liberals, still dodging, still deflecting, won't give an honest answer..Like what is "The Big Guys" youngest grand daughter?

  57. Milestogo8:26 PM

    There's a word for doing something over and over and expecting a different result. What is it? Is the Big Guy the James Comer thing? If so, you're a bigger fool than you've proven so far.

  58. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Everybody got their pride flag up?

  59. The White House has a flag up for all Americans celebrating Pride month.

  60. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Got your pride flag up??

  61. Milestogo6:42 PM

    Anon is back for his daily poop flinging. Now it's gays. His list of things that are scary to him is growing. There's liberals, asylum seekers, gays and reality. I wonder how he feels about violators of the espionage act, proven sexual abusers, insurrectionists, nazis, habitual liars, book banning,learning history and children slaughtered with guns in schools?

    Happy Fathers Day to all you dads out there. Happy Pride month, and a Happy Juneteenth tomorrow.

  62. Anonymous6:59 PM

    You must have nothing better to do than hate on other people on the internet, have you put up your Gay Pride yet?

  63. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Just remember Milestogo, "God save the queen", YOUR president has ordered you do so.

  64. Milestogo7:22 PM

    Anon has predictable nonsense. How does he twist what I said into "hate?" He will always say something. No matter how silly. That's his thing.

  65. Anonymous9:09 AM

    And Milestogo will ALWAYS respond to my 'silly" posts.

  66. Milestogo1:28 PM

    Sort of mutual, no?

  67. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Should Biden debate RFK Jr?

  68. Milestogo4:48 PM

    RFK Jr should debate JFK Jr. He'll be showing up one of these days soon. Q says.

  69. Anonymous7:18 PM

    whats your source Milk-toast.

  70. Milestogo7:28 PM

    In 2020 there were over 20 Democratic contenders debating to run against trump. Joe Biden prevailed. trump refused to debate any contenders. A coward. President Biden beat trump in the presidential election. Enough said.

  71. Anonymous10:21 PM

    more what aboutism, as expected.

    Anti-American Scum Commie Kaepernick Admits to Aligning With Marxists: ‘Black Liberation Simply Isn’t Possible Under Capitalism’ [But Will He Return His Millions to Show Support for “Equality”?]

  72. Anonymous10:29 PM

    "over 20 Democratic contenders in 2020.
    provide your source liar, Milk-toast.
    The cowards were those who refused to debate Trump.

  73. Anonymous10:32 PM

    WATCH: Biden Regime HHS Secretary Lies About Force-Masking Kids...

  74. Milestogo9:29 AM

    Didn’t realize you were referring to me as “milk toast.” Didn’t realize you were trying to make a funny.

    References for the 20 something Democratic contenders is what you want? If so, easy enough. You do know how to Google, don’t you? Fairly recent history. Biden went on to be the Democratic nominee. He debated trump. Biden got elected president of the United States. trump was the loser. The rest is history.

    What grade are you in?

  75. Anonymous11:57 AM


  76. Milestogo12:41 PM

    I have to clarify further. What I meant to, and should have said, was that the Democratic Party had a fairly large field of primary contenders and narrowed down and chose Joe Biden. trump refused to debate any Republican in a primary. The Republican Party cow towed and agreed with trump and stuck completely with him. It all worked out well for the Democrats. trump lost. And has been losing since.

    I like how the republicans always underestimate President Biden. It works out well. I hope they stick with that strategy.

  77. Anonymous5:56 PM

    AMERICAN JUSTICE: 69-Year-Old Grandma with Cancer Given More Prison Time for Walking Inside US Capitol than Hunter Biden for Sharing Classified Documents with Foreign Regimes and Multi-Million Dollar Bribery Schemes

  78. Anonymous6:01 PM

    “It’s safer to be the president’s son than his opponent”. will President Joe pardon his son?

  79. Anon, that is pure bullshit....Hunter Biden took a plea deal for failing to pay back taxes and falsifying a gun license application.

    You always exagerate and create false equivalences.

    I see you're still using that swamp called PJMedia as a source - garbage in, garbage out. Cough that hairball out, you'll feel better.

  80. Milestogo7:33 PM

    Anon is really elaborating here. He says things that are completely not true. That's his thing. No embarrassment either. Too bad his huge Hunter story is not working out for him. He was so hoping it would be a big deal. Can't wait to hear what tomorrows outrage distraction story is.

  81. Milestogo8:23 PM

    Anonymous said...
    “It’s safer to be the president’s son than his opponent”. will President Joe pardon his son?

    No, but he will continue to love and support him as a dad would do. Joe's a big man with humanity having been through many family heartbreaks. As far as Hunter goes, it's admirable when someone can admit wrongdoing and repay his debt and rehabilitate himself. Many families struggle with alcohol or drug addiction and will relate and sympathize.

  82. Anonymous8:57 AM


  83. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Jonathan Turley on Hunter Biden Plea Deal: ‘This
    Is Going to Look Like You Ticketed the
    Getaway Driver After a Bank Robbery’

  84. Jonathan, that has-been…..

    Double yawn.

  85. Milestogo1:56 PM

    Anon shows his continual lack of humanity and usual crappy sources. Totally predictable.

  86. Anonymous2:08 PM

    trump just can’t stop telling anyone who will listen just how crimey he is. Too funny.

  87. Alito just confessed to ethics crime in a Wall Street Journal op ed.

  88. Anonymous4:09 PM

    triple yawn

  89. Anonymous4:10 PM

    quoting from Slate, are you serious?

  90. Milestogo5:11 PM

    That Alito! Good thing he had Murdocs paper to cry to about the crime he did while admitting to the crime. Very trump like.

  91. Milestogo5:59 PM

    You think John Roberts will do anything now with his corrupt ethics free right wing judges? He didn't do anything about Clarence Thomas and his bride. Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society spent large on these clowns and want results. The unintended consequences of stripping away woman's rights will come to bite them at the ballot box big time, though. That's one thing they really didn't think out very well.

  92. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Hate-Filled MSNBC Black Supremacist Elie Mystal Calls for the DEATH of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito

  93. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Posted on June 21, 2023 by John Hinderaker in Democrats, Supreme Court
    The Democrats’ Attack on the Supreme Court

    The Supreme Court has suddenly become controversial. “Supreme Court approval rating declines amid controversy,” headlines CNN. “What the Justice Clarence Thomas Scandal says about ethics on the Supreme Court,” opines NPR. “US Supreme Court Alito Ethics Controversy Spotlights Unchecked Power of Justices,” says Bloomberg. The list could go on and on.

    Why is the Court suddenly controversial? Obviously because it is, at the moment, in the hands of relatively conservative justices. Democrats revere the Court when it is ruling their way. When they lose a few cases, they stir up bogus “ethics” controversies. Not because they have any merit, or because any knowledgeable person takes them seriously, but so that they can generate endless headlines in Democratic Party news outlets about the “controversial” Court that supposedly is dogged by ethics charges. This will undermine the Court’s stature in the eyes of the uninformed, and perhaps cause justices to take a more liberal turn in order to turn off the heat.

    It is ironic, of course, that the Democrats are peddling fake ethics attacks on Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices at a time when their President is accused, with a great deal of evidence, of taking multi-million dollar bribes from foreign governments and interests. No ethics problem there!

    The Democrats’ most recent volley is against Justice Samuel Alito. What did he do? Fifteen years ago, he hitched a ride on an airplane to go fishing in Canada. So what, you ask? So nothing. The Wall Street Journal gave Alito space to respond to the attacks levied against him by far-left mouthpiece Pro Publica. Alito’s response is devastating, and fun to read for that reason. I encourage you to follow the link.

    But of course, the Democrats don’t really intend to win any arguments over the Republican justices’ “ethics.” Making the attacks, however absurd they may be, is simply a cover for Democratic Party news outlets to push the theme that the Court is now “controversial” and its justices–only the Republican ones, of course–are somehow shady.

    It is a dirty game, but that is how Democrats do politics.

  94. Milestogo9:30 AM

    Anon is really very upset about a joke. Todays totally really, really serious outrage.

  95. Milestogo9:38 AM

    Did Hinderaker have anything to say about Clarence Thomas?

  96. Anonymous12:37 PM


    For your answer try Google. But many thanks for proving again that it is a dirty game, but that is how Democrats do politics.

  97. Milestogo12:49 PM

    I checked. Hinderaker doesn’t seem to care about Clarence for some reason.

  98. Milestogo1:04 PM

    Anon must be new to the game. Republicans don’t do dirty politics. Pure as the driven snow they are. I don’t blame him for the deflection though. A very bad week for Republicans. All the big investigations went…POOF!!! The Hunter Biden and John Durham stuff, what a disappointment, for them. And trump running where he can to confess his crimes. And the topper…the Jack Smith evidence on trump given to his lawyers for the upcoming trial.

  99. John Hinderaker......contributes to Power Line which is rated by MediaBiasFactCheck as:

    In review, Power Line often vigorously criticizes Democrats and liberals for dishonesty, lack of morals, bad judgment, and disloyalty to the United States. Headlines and articles often contain strongly loaded language that favors the right such as this: THE DEMS’ APOCALYPSE PRIMARY and END OF THE MUELLER AFFAIR. Both of these stories are properly sourced. When it comes to science, Power Line takes a denialist’s view on climate change, with articles such as this: CLIMATE CHANGE ALARMISM IS FOUNDED ON DISHONESTY. This article is sourced to the No Tricks Zone, which is a human-influenced climate science denial website. On the sidebar of the website, Power Line lists their favorite sources, which consists of all right-leaning sources, and several we have rated as questionable such as the American Thinker and Michelle Malkin. In general, all stories favor the right and denigrate the left.

    Anon fails again.

  100. Hey Anon.....

    What's at the middle of this Venn diagram:

    Fear Mongering
    Fake News
    Alternate "Facts"
    White Male Grievance Politics
    Lack of Ethics or Morals
    Lawlessness and Disorder
    Identity Politics
    Never ending Resentment
    Woke Mind Virus Hoax
    Criming on an Industrial Scale
    Complete lack of assuming responsibility for one's action.

    The Party of T**** - and what you see when you look in the mirror.

  101. Anonymous4:40 PM

    But quoting from Slate is ok, LMAO...

    Durham Confirms Under Oath: Crooked Hillary Funded the Trump-Russia Collusion HOAX. Watch the video with your own eyes

    Deflection and more personal attacks to follow, cause it's all you've got.

  102. Milestogo6:18 PM

    Anon...Rumble? Geez. Are you referring to the Jesse Waters and Josh Hawley segment on Fox that they showed? Anywhere legit I can find this info?

  103. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Come on, the link is to a video, guess you can't believe your lying eyes. Provided to you under oath, but that means nothing to lying liberals. Legit like Slate? LMAO

    IRS Whistleblower Confirms FBI Knew Hunter’s Laptop Was Real In 2019. Not some kind of Russian plot.

    Delaware Prosecutors Hid FBI Bribery Document From IRS Investigators...more proof of liberalism criminality.

    Are you admitting to watching Fox? Deflection to follow.

  104. Anonymous7:32 PM

    On Wednesday’s edition of CBS’s “America Decides,” CBS News Senior White House and Political Correspondent Ed O’Keefe said that there is still an issue with President Joe Biden’s grandchild fathered by Hunter Biden “that the Biden family hasn’t recognized and has yet to be settled as well.” But President Biden probably won’t say anything more about the issue “until he’s cornered by a reporter on it at some point, again, if at all.”

    O’Keefe said that President Biden’s approach is “to not say much of anything at all” in public about Hunter Biden, and that the President’s statement that he’s proud of his son is “about all we’re going to get from him until he’s cornered by a reporter on it at some point, again, if at all. The White House understands it’s a personal, a family matter, not only a five-year legal ordeal that may or may not be over. There may be other legal matters that we just don’t know about quite yet. There is an issue also, frankly, with Hunter’s, I guess for lack of a better term, love child, frankly, with a woman in Arkansas that the Biden family hasn’t recognized and has yet to be settled as well. So, that one remains out there as well. And it all speaks to the personal issues that Hunter has faced that the President is especially sensitive to, as any parent would be for their child. So, that’s the way the White House treats this.”

    What a guy, what a family.

  105. Milestogo7:46 PM

    Yes, I watch fox sometimes. I really got a kick out of the Brett Baier trump interview the other night. Another confession…I’m not going to vote for Hunter Biden for president.

  106. Milestogo10:52 PM

    Anon said
    What a guy, what a family.

    I'm not sure why you posted this. The CBS story. What is your point exactly? A family values point?

    If that's it, we could discuss the trump family if you'd like. Any feelings about that? Trump himself with 3 marriages, 2 divorces, so far with 5 kids. His current wife of questionable moral character. You've seen the pictures, right? His sexual assault, recently resolved in court with a big payout. Trump University, his "charity", etc. After that we could do Jr. too. What do you say?

  107. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Milk Toast,

    Be sure to watch Gutfeld tonight if you want some real belly laughs..Does Joe know the name of his youngest grandchild?

    BTW none of what you listed as Trump sins took place while he was an elected official. Can you say that about Joe "The Big Guy" Biden?

  108. Milestogo12:50 PM

    I’m sorry, trump has totally rehabilitated himself since being elected. Too funny. What exactly is this sin of President Biden you speak of? Gutfield follows the realty line. Also a funny joke.

  109. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Explain to us "Russian collusion".

    How many genders are there?

  110. Anonymous3:24 PM

    What's the point in having a @PressSec
    if legal counsel is the spokesperson for the president?

  111. Milestogo3:38 PM

    What’s trumps frame of mind since he’s now seen all of Jack Smith’s evidence against him? He must not be happy with all those that are going to testify against him. The walls are closing in and the clock is ticking.
